8 research outputs found

    Honey Plants of Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden

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    In this study, melliferous plants that the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) can benefit from among the taxa planted in Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden, are presented. Among the 451 taxa planted in the botanical garden, those with these characteristics were determined by reviewing studies on the subject. Of the 165 taxa (36.58%) included in the honey plant class; 119 contain both nectar and pollen, 25 contain pollen, 13 contain nectar, 4 contain both pollen and insect secretion (IS) or sweet sap (SS), 2 contain pollen, nectar and IS or SS, 1 contain both nectar and SS, 1 contain only IS. In order to prevent the decrease in pollinator and pollinator insects, whose numbers are decreasing due to global climate change, a "Bee and Insect Hotel" was placed in the botanical garden. For this reason, the majority of the plants selected for planting were chosen from taxa with honey plant properties. The main purpose here is both to pollinate the plants in the botanical garden and to show and explain the effects of insect species on pollination through nature education

    Acil Servise Özkıyım Amaçlı Ilaç Alma Şikayetiyle Başvuran Hastalarda Görülen Elektrolit Bozuklukları

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    Intoxication cases are considered one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality among the patients addmitting to emergency departments. Evaluation of blood electrolyte levels is recommended in drug specific treatment guidelines in intoxicaiton cases. In this study the files of patients above 18 years old who were diagnosed drug intoxication in Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine Adult Emergency Department. between 1st January 2005 and 1st February 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Demographic profiles and blood test results of the patients were recorded. There were 323 patients and the median age was 27 (18-72) years. Sixty seven (20.7%) patients were male and 256 (79.2%) were female. While the most admission month was April, the least was February. It has been detected that 77.1% of patients have taken more than the daily recommended dose. As we compare the drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s) were the first with 21.1%; paracetamols were second with 20.5%; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were third with 17.7% and tricyclic antidepressants were fourth with 15.5% ratio. The relations between toxic dose intake of these drugs and blood sodium, potassium, BUN, creatine, AST, ALT, INR, cardiac markers and blood gase analyses were investigated. Only relation between serum sodium levels and intake of toxic dose of NSAID’s have been found statistically significant. As a result of this study we suggest that blood testing in high dose of intoxication cases must be planned specific to the drug.Zehirlenme, acil servislere (AS) baĢvuran hastalar arasında önemli morbidite ve mortalite nedenlerindendir. Zehirlenmeye yönelik ilaç spesifik tedavi yaklaĢım kılavuzlarında kan elektrolit değerlerinin rutin tetkik edilmesi önerilmektedir. Bu çalıĢmada Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Acil Tıp Anabilim Dalı EriĢkin Acil Servisine 1 Ocak 2005 ile 1 ġubat 2013 tarihleri arasında baĢvuran yüksek doz ilaç zehirlenmesi tanısı alan 18 yaĢ ve üzeri hastalar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların demografik özellikleri ve tetkik edilen kan değerleri kaydedildi. ÇalıĢmaya alınan 323 hastanın yaĢ ortalaması 27 (18-72 arası) yıl olarak belirlendi. Hastaların, 67'si erkek (%20.7), 256’sı kadındı (%79.3). En az baĢvuru Ģubat ayında iken en sık baĢvuru nisan ayındaydı. Hastaların % 77,1’inin günlük önerilen dozun üzerinde ilaç aldığı belirlendi. Alınan ilaçların sıralamasında % 21,1 ile nonsteroid anti-inflamatuvar ilaçlar en sık iken onu % 20,5 ile parasetamol, %17,7 ile selektif serotonin geri alım inhibitörü, % 15,5 ile trisiklik antidepresan izlemekteydi. Bu ilaçların toksik dozdaki alımları ile kan Na+, K+, BUN, kreatin, AST, ALT, ĠNR, kardiyak enzimler ve kan gazı değerleri arasındaki iliĢki incelendi. Sonuçta sadece yüksek doz NSAĠĠ alımı ile Na+ değerlerindeki değiĢiklik istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu. Bu çalıĢma ile yüksek dozda ilaç alımı ile oluĢan zehirlenme vakalarında, tetkikler planlanırken tetkiklerin ilaca spesifik düĢünerek sınırlandırılmasını önermekteyiz

    A Bibliometric Study on Postgraduate Theses in Turkey Investigating the Turkish Vocabulary

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    This research aims to analyze and evaluate postgraduate theses on Turkish vocabulary in terms of bibliometric parameters. For this purpose, to create the corpus of the study, the theses in the database of the Council of Higher Education National Thesis Center (YÖKTEZ) were accessed by selecting the “Education and Training” category and the “Turkish Education Department” filtering and using the “vocabulary” keyword. As a result of the scanning, 103 master’s and 18 doctoral theses on vocabulary were reached. In the study, bibliometric analysis was used as a data analysis technique. Theses within the scope of the research were subjected to bibliometric analysis in terms of parameters such as academic level, publication year, university, institute, supervisor, research method, research design, data collection tools, data analysis, content, and purposes. As a result, there has been a significant increase in the number of postgraduate theses on vocabulary in Turkish in recent years, and theses were mostly submitted to Inönü, Gazi, and Marmara Universities, respectively. In addition, most of the theses in the Institute of Education Sciences, MA level and supervised by academics with the title of assistant professor. In addition to this, in postgraduate theses on the vocabulary of Turkish, it is seen that the qualitative research method was used as a research method, descriptive analysis was used as a research design, document analysis was used as a data collection tool, and content analysis was used as a data analysis method mostly. Finally, it is noteworthy that in the identified theses, literary works and the vocabulary of different literary genres are examined from various perspectives. It is thought that the study will contribute to the studies and researchers in the domain of Turkish vocabulary

    The clinical features, treatment and prognosis of neutropenic fever and Coronavirus disease 2019 results of the multicentre teos study

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    Abstract This multicentre (22 centres in Turkey) retrospective cohort study aimed to assess the clinical outcomes of patients with neutropenic fever and SARS-CoV-2 positivity. Study period was 15 March 2020–15 August 2021. A total of 170 cases (58 female, aged 59 ± 15.5 years) that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were included in the study. One-month mortality rate (OMM) was 44.8%. The logistic regression analysis showed the following significant variables for the mentioned dependent variables: (i) achieving PCR negativity: receiving a maximum of 5 days of favipiravir (p = 0.005, OR 5.166, 95% CI 1.639–16.280); (ii) need for ICU: receiving glycopeptide therapy at any time during the COVID-19/FEN episode (p = 0.001, OR 6.566, 95% CI 2.137–20.172), the need for mechanical ventilation (p < 0.001, OR 62.042, 95% CI 9.528–404.011); (iii) need for mechanical ventilation: failure to recover from neutropenia (p < 0.001, OR 17.869, 95% CI 3.592–88.907), receiving tocilizumab therapy (p = 0.028, OR 32.227, 95% CI 1.469–707.053), septic shock (p = 0.001, OR 15.4 96% CI 3.164–75.897), and the need for ICU (p < 0.001, OR 91.818, 95% CI 15.360–548.873), (iv) OMM: [mechanical ventilation (p = 0.001, OR 19.041, 95% CI 3.229–112.286) and septic shock (p = 0.010, OR 5.589,95% CI 1.509–20.700)]. Although it includes a relatively limited number of patients, our findings suggest that COVID-19 and FEN are associated with significant mortality and morbidity

    Evaluation of Patients with COVID-19 Followed Up in Intensive Care Units in the Second Year of the Pandemic: A Multicenter Point Prevalence Study.

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