95 research outputs found

    Percorsi di valutazione in prospettiva pedagogica. Riflessioni in P.I.P.P.I. - Programma di Intervento Per la Prevenzione dell’Istituzionalizzazione

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    Il contributo ha come oggetto il tema della valutazione degli interventi sociali, socio-sanitari e educativi nella negligenza familiare. Il contesto è il progetto P.I.P.P.I. avviato nelle sue prime 3 implementazioni (dal 2011al 2015) in 47 territori italiani dal Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, insieme all’università di Padova. P.I.P.P.I. (Programma di Intervento Per la Prevenzione dell’istituzionalizzazione) è un progetto di ricerca-formazione-intervento che si propone di sperimentare nuove azioni attraverso un approccio intensivo, integrato e comunitario alla presa in carico delle famiglie, adottando un metodo definito della valutazione partecipativa e trasformativa. Il paper presenta i quadri teorici che costruiscono il modello di valutazione utilizzato e i risultati finora registrati. Inoltre, si propone una riflessione critica sulle linee metodologiche e epistemologiche utilizzate, al fine di un ripensamento del modello valutativo, tale che possa essere più propriamente rispondente alle peculiarità e alle esigenze pedagogiche e trasformative che il programma attua

    Challenges for the Evaluation of the P.I.P.P.I. - Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalisation: between Partecipative and Experimental Pathways

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    Evaluation is constantly requested by governments and decision-makers, to prove that social policies and actions undertaken are effective in responding to problems. Also programmes contrasting child neglect are involved in such request to guarantee that children enjoy their childhood and ensure access to quality service. This paper focuses on an Italian evaluation experience of one such programme named the P.I.P.P.I. (Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalisation), the outcome of a collaboration between the University of Padua and the Italian Ministry of Welfare. The paper questions and challenges the experimental designs normally used for these evaluation purposes, highlighting how knowledge of effective treatments is far from the practices delivered. The study proposes an innovative evaluation path in which the participative evaluation, where the professionals build their own knowledge through an evaluation in the field, coexists with the choice of matching as a (quasi) experimental evaluation, responding to the Government\u2019s request for effective investments

    Percorsi di valutazione partecipata nei gruppi dei genitori per il sostegno alla genitorialitĂ 

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    The study focuses on a Research carried out within P.I.P.P.I National Programme, (Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization), launched in 2010 by the Italian Ministry of Welfare in collaboration with University of Padua. In that context, the parents’ group for the parenting support is realized as one of the main interventions. The study aims to evaluate if parents’ group activities allow to change the perceptions of participants’ about their parenting styles. The instruments (Protective Factor Scale – PFS – and parents’interviewing) realized a participative and transformative evaluation path, and they are used also in order to promote parents’ reflections on their changes. The otucomes show a change in parents’ perceptions. In the Conclusions, they are considered the contributions to the study by the parents involved, as main actors of their own evaluation

    Percorsi partecipativi di valutazione in P.I.P.P.I.: possibilitĂ  per una riconfigurazione dei significati di evidenza scientifica

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    Evaluation is constantly requested by governments and decision-makers, to prove that social policies and actions undertaken are effective in responding to problems. Also P.I.P.P.I. Programme is involved in such request to find strategies for guaranteeing that children enjoy their childhood and ensure access to quality service. But, in the past years several reports highlighted the gap between knowledge of effective treatments and practices delivered. Reflecting on P.I.P.P.I. experience through the evaluation models now existing in literature, the article aims to highlight the key points that have made the programme successful. It will be introduced an innovative understanding of knowledge to be investigated by evaluation, not only developed externally from practices, but also built internally, through reflective and dialogical activities. It has been introduced a new understanding of scientific evidence, able to give internal legitimacy to people’s actions, thus understanding the conditions needed to fill the gap between knowledge and practice. It builds a new conception of evidence, no longer understood only as “what works” (external evidence), but also as processes able to produce change in people’s decision making (internal evidence) that happens within reflective and dialogical contexts (communicative evidence)

    La partecipazione delle famiglie e dei bambini nel Programma P.I.P.P.I. Lezioni da una best practice

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    Users’ participation in Child and Family Social Work is widely acknowledged as a central and hard-to-reach issue for successful and effective intervention. The article considers the methodologicalproposal of Participative and Transformative Evaluation (PTE).The PTE is realised inside the second implementation of the Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalization (P.I.P.P.I.), which involved 144 child care and protection cases (198 children) in nine Italian cities. The case selected for this article has been chosen because it reflects a best practice in using the PTE as well as the participation path and is undertaken following the indications of the Critical Best Practice. It allowed an in-depth understanding of the mother’s and professionals’ viewpoints about what built the success in their practice. During the discussion three components are considered: the technical solutions offered by research or science (technical components) become meaningful when participants not only apply them, but act upon them, building, internally, the meanings to be enacted (internal component). In the case study this came about through dialogue between people, and through negotiation and reflection on competence, visions and values (communicative component).La partecipazione dei bambini e delle famiglie al lavoro sociale e educativo è ampiamente riconosciuta come una questione chiave per un intervento efficace ma difficile da realizzare. L’articolo approfondisce la proposta metodologica della valutazione partecipativa e trasformativa (VPT) nel realizzare la partecipazione dei bambini e delle famiglie attraverso uno studio di caso che fa riferimento alla seconda implementazione di P.I.P.P.I. (2013-2014), che ha coinvolto 144 famiglie per 198 bambini in nove città italiane. Il caso presentato in questo articolo è stato scelto perchériflette una best practice nell’uso della VPT e del percorso di partecipazione. Lo studio di caso è stato realizzato seguendo le indicazioni della Critical Best Practice, e ha permesso una comprensione approfondita dei punti di vista della madre e degli operatori sui fattori che hanno contribuito al buon esito nell’intervento. Durante la discussione tali fattori sono ricondotti a tre componenti interconnesse: le soluzioni tecniche offerte dalla ricerca (componenti tecniche) che diventano significative quando i partecipanti non solo le applicano, ma agiscono su di esse, costruendo, internamente, i significati da attuare (componente interna). Nello studio di caso ciò è avvenuto attraverso il dialogo, il confronto e la riflessione tra tutti i partecipanti (componentecomunicativa)

    Famiglie vulnerabili: un’esperienza di «educativa domiciliare»

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    This article reports the results of a participative research-training-intervention project that involved 12 educators and 18 vulnerable families over an intervention period of 12 months. Some families face great vulnerability due to various factors such as personal and familiar history, poverty, social isolation, etc. In such situations, the ability of parents to take care of their children can be rather limited and leads to situations of child-neglect. In Italy, in order to support vulnerable families, home care interventions are widespread. The research aim was to understand if and how the home care intervention is effective to answer the needs of these families. The use of assessment tools at different times of the intervention (T0, T1, T2) allowed the use of before-after comparison of measures that enabled us to evaluate the results, confirming the effectiveness of the intervention itself. at the same time, research used a variety of methods, using interviews, focus group, case-files analysis. All data collected were analyzed in relation to each other in a reflective process with research participants, considering not only outcomes of interventions, but rather also the procedural aspects and content of the interventions themselves, with the aim to try to identify the key factors fostering the adaptation of these families

    Challenges for the Evaluation of the P.I.P.P.I. - Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalisation: between Partecipative and Experimental Pathways

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    Evaluation is constantly requested by governments and decisionmakers, to prove that social policies and actions undertaken are effective in responding to problems. Also, programmes contrasting child neglect are involved in such request to guarantee that children enjoy their childhood and ensure access to quality service. This paper focuses on an Italian evaluation experience of such a programme, thanks to the collaboration between University of Padua and Italian Ministry of Welfare. It is called P.I.P.P.I. - Programme of Intervention for Prevention of Institutionalisation. The paper questioned and challenged the experimental designs normally used for these evaluation purposes, highlighting how knowledge of effective treatments is far from the practices delivered. The study purposes an innovative evaluation path, intertwining the participative evaluation where the professionals build their own knowledge through an evaluation in the field, with the choice of matching as (quasi) experimental evaluation, responding to the Government’s request of effective investments


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    - Hart A.,Blimcow D., Thomas H., Resilient Therapy. Working with Children and Families, Est Sussex, Routledge, 2007, pp. 216 di Marco Ius;- Ungar M., Counseling in challenging contexts: Working with individuals and families across clinical and community settings, Belmont (CA), Brooks/Cole, 2011, pp. 342 di Marco Ius;- Milani P., Pegoraro E., L'intervista nei contesti socio-educativi: una guida pratica, Roma, Carocci, 2011, pp. 110 di Sara Serbati

    Home-care interventions: which participation? Social workers and parents discuss about an ongoing action-research

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    Home-care interventions are carried out for a fixed amount of weekly hours by the home-care worker within the family, in the perspective of giving support to the parents and contributing to the care plan. This article is based on a research project funded by the Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, which intends to identify and disseminate effective methods for the implementation of home-care interventions. The Municipality of Trento, together with two local social cooperatives and the Lab of Research and Action on Family Education of Padua University, has introduced new instruments and approaches aimed at critically analysing home-care interventions. The article gives voice to parents and social workers’ opinions collected through four focus-groups, which intended to assess how new instruments and strategies introduced in the frame of home-care interventions had led to a greater involvement of parents and children in the definition and evaluation of care plans

    Una comunità di pratiche: esperienze di pratica riflessiva nella formazione continua di P.I.P.P.I. Programma di Intervento Per la Prevenzione dell’Istituzionalizzazione.

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    P.I.P.P.I. (Programma di Intervento per la Prevenzione dell’Istituzionalizzazione), avviato nel 2011 e riconosciuto come Livello Essenziale di Prestazione Sociale (LEPS) dal 2021, accompagna strategie innovative in risposta ai problemi connessi alla negligenza familiare, coinvolgendo ad oggi 465 Ambiti Territoriali e migliaia tra operatori sociali, educativi e socio- sanitari. In ciascun Ambito sono individuati due operatori con il ruolo di coach, figura chiave che accompagna le innovazioni di P.I.P.P.I. nei territori. L’articolo si sofferma sulla formazione continua di tali figure, svolta con incontri periodici (tutoraggi) in presenza attraverso esperienze di pratica riflessiva e di confronto tra pari e con i ricercatori. L’analisi dei momenti riflessivi del primo tutoraggio della undicesima implementazione evidenzia come il processo riflessivo sia centrale per la trasformazione delle prospettive cognitive e dunque il cambiamento dell’agire
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