56 research outputs found

    Planar N=4 gauge theory and the Inozemtsev long range spin chain

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    We investigate whether the (planar, two complex scalar) dilatation operator of N=4 gauge theory can be, perturbatively and, perhaps, non-perturbatively, described by an integrable long range spin chain with elliptic exchange interaction. Such a chain was introduced some time ago by Inozemtsev. In the limit of sufficiently ``long'' operators a Bethe ansatz exists, which we apply at the perturbative two- and three-loop level. Spectacular agreement is found with spinning string predictions of Frolov and Tseytlin for the two-loop energies of certain large charge operators. However, we then go on to show that the agreement between perturbative gauge theory and semi-classical string theory begins to break down, in a subtle fashion, at the three-loop level. This corroborates a recently found disagreement between three-loop gauge theory and near plane-wave string theory results, and quantitatively explains a previously obtained puzzling deviation between the string proposal and a numerical extrapolation of finite size three-loop anomalous dimensions. At four loops and beyond, we find that the Inozemtsev chain exhibits a generic breakdown of perturbative BMN scaling. However, our proposal is not necessarily limited to perturbation theory, and one would hope that the string theory results can be recovered from the Inozemtsev chain at strong 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 31 pages, no figure; v1: one reference added, minor changes; v2: slightly extended discussion of rapidity, references adde

    Strong coupling from the Hubbard model

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    It was recently observed that the one dimensional half-filled Hubbard model reproduces the known part of the perturbative spectrum of planar N=4 super Yang-Mills in the SU(2) sector. Assuming that this identification is valid beyond perturbation theory, we investigate the behavior of this spectrum as the 't Hooft parameter \lambda becomes large. We show that the full dimension \Delta of the Konishi superpartner is the solution of a sixth order polynomial while \Delta for a bare dimension 5 operator is the solution of a cubic. In both cases the equations can be solved easily as a series expansion for both small and large \lambda and the equations can be inverted to express \lambda as an explicit function of \Delta. We then consider more general operators and show how \Delta depends on \lambda in the strong coupling limit. We are also able to distinguish those states in the Hubbard model which correspond to the gauge invariant operators for all values of \lambda. Finally, we compare our results with known results for strings on AdS_5\times S^5, where we find agreement for a range of R-charges.Comment: 14 pages; v2: 17 pages, 2 figures, appendix and references added; typos fixed, minor changes; v3 fixed figures; v4 more references added, minor correctio

    Aspects of Integrability in N =4 SYM

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    Various recently developed connections between supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in four dimensions and two dimensional integrable systems serve as crucial ingredients in improving our understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence. In this review, we highlight some connections between superconformal four dimensional Yang-Mills theory and various integrable systems. In particular, we focus on the role of Yangian symmetries in studying the gauge theory dual of closed string excitations. We also briefly review how the gauge theory connects to Calogero models and open quantum spin chains through the study of the gauge theory duals of D3 branes and open strings ending on them. This invited review, written for Modern Physics Letters-A, is based on a seminar given at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton.Comment: Invited brief review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A based on a talk at I.A.S, Princeto

    Higher Charges in Dynamical Spin Chains for SYM Theory

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    We construct, to the first two non-trivial orders, the next conserved charge in the su(2|3) sector of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. This represents a test of integrability in a sector where the interactions change the number of sites of the chain. The expression for the charge is completely determined by the algebra and can be written in a diagrammatic form in terms of the interactions already present in the Hamiltonian. It appears likely that this diagrammatic expression remains valid in the full theory and can be generalized to higher loops and higher charges thus helping in establishing complete integrability for these dynamical chains.Comment: 14 pages; V2: Appendix added with diagrammatic expression for H_{3,2

    On the breakdown of perturbative integrability in large N matrix models

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    We study the perturbative integrability of the planar sector of a massive SU(N) matrix quantum mechanical theory with global SO(6) invariance and Yang-Mills-like interaction. This model arises as a consistent truncation of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on a three-sphere to the lowest modes of the scalar fields. In fact, our studies mimic the current investigations concerning the integrability properties of this gauge theory. Like in the field theory we can prove the planar integrability of the SO(6) model at first perturbative order. At higher orders we restrict ourselves to the widely studied SU(2) subsector spanned by two complexified scalar fields of the theory. We show that our toy model satisfies all commonly studied integrability requirements such as degeneracies in the spectrum, existence of conserved charges and factorized scattering up to third perturbative order. These are the same qualitative features as the ones found in super Yang-Mills theory, which were enough to conjecture the all-loop integrability of that theory. For the SO(6) model, however, we show that these properties are not sufficient to predict higher loop integrability. In fact, we explicitly demonstrate the breakdown of perturbative integrability at fourth order.Comment: 27 page

    On the Scattering Phase for AdS_5 x S^5 Strings

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    We propose a phase factor of the worldsheet S-matrix for strings on AdS_5 x S^5 apparently solving Janik's crossing relation.Comment: 9 pages, v2: revised conclusions about agreement with perturbative string theory; minor changes, v3: resolution to above problems indicated, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Open Spin Chains in Super Yang-Mills at Higher Loops: Some Potential Problems with Integrability

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    The super Yang-Mills duals of open strings attached to maximal giant gravitons are studied in perturbation theory. It is shown that non-BPS baryonic excitations of the gauge theory can be studied within the paradigm of open quantum spin chains even beyond the leading order in perturbation theory. The open spin chain describing the two loop mixing of non-BPS giant gravitons charged under an su(2) of the so(6) R symmetry group is explicitly constructed. It is also shown that although the corresponding open spin chain is integrable at the one loop order, there is a potential breakdown of integrability at two and higher loops. The study of integrability is performed using coordinate Bethe ansatz techniques.Comment: 28 pages. References added in revised versio

    New Integrable System of 2dim Fermions from Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We consider classical superstrings propagating on AdS_5 x S^5 space-time. We consistently truncate the superstring equations of motion to the so-called su(1|1) sector. By fixing the uniform gauge we show that physical excitations in this sector are described by two complex fermionic degrees of freedom and we obtain the corresponding Lagrangian. Remarkably, this Lagrangian can be cast in a two-dimensional Lorentz-invariant form. The kinetic part of the Lagrangian induces a non-trivial Poisson structure while the Hamiltonian is just the one of the massive Dirac fermion. We find a change of variables which brings the Poisson structure to the canonical form but makes the Hamiltonian nontrivial. The Hamiltonian is derived as an exact function of two parameters: the total S^5 angular momentum J and string tension \lambda; it is a polynomial in 1/J and in \sqrt{\lambda'} where \lambda'=\frac{\lambda}{J^2} is the effective BMN coupling. We identify the string states dual to the gauge theory operators from the closed su(1|1) sector of N=4 SYM and show that the corresponding near-plane wave energy shift computed from our Hamiltonian perfectly agrees with that recently found in the literature. Finally we show that the Hamiltonian is integrable by explicitly constructing the corresponding Lax representation.Comment: 35 pages;v2:typos corrected, references adde

    Planar N=4 Gauge Theory and the Hubbard Model

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    Recently it was established that a certain integrable long-range spin chain describes the dilatation operator of N=4 gauge theory in the su(2) sector to at least three-loop order, while exhibiting BMN scaling to all orders in perturbation theory. Here we identify this spin chain as an approximation to an integrable short-ranged model of strongly correlated electrons: The Hubbard model.Comment: 35 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos and references fixed, published versio

    On highest-energy state in the su(1|1) sector of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider the highest-energy state in the su(1|1) sector of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory containing operators of the form tr(Z^{L-M} \psi^M) where Z is a complex scalar and \psi is a component of gaugino. We show that this state corresponds to the operator tr(\psi^L) and can be viewed as an analogue of the antiferromagnetic state in the su(2) sector. We find perturbative expansions of the energy of this state in both weak and strong 't Hooft coupling regimes using asymptotic gauge theory Bethe ansatz equations. We also discuss a possible analog of this state in the conjectured string Bethe ansatz equations.Comment: 23 pages, Late
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