7 research outputs found

    La mirada reflexiva, aportaciones epistemológicas al periodismo literario ante el espejismo del metarrelato de la era digital

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    Este ensayo propone reflexionar en torno a los aportes epistemológicos que la etnografía hace al periodismo literario. El objetivo es incorporar a la discusión en torno al periodismo literario la mirada reflexiva. Se argumenta que un periodismo basado en una mirada reflexiva es un ejercicio participativo en el que los sujetos, mediante un ejercicio de intersubjetividad, intentan interpretar, narrar y crear un mundo común. El ejercicio es dialógico y es fruto de una escucha activa y de la asunción de que la periodista no es ni pasiva ni externa a aquello que vive y narra. La propuesta cambia radicalmente las lógicas de la hipersimulación: permite a la comunidad apropiarse del aquí y ahora y abandonar el presente continuo. En el texto se expone que es función del periodismo literario ser una alternativa al metarrelato del capitalismo acelerado de la era digital y de poner en evidencia el espejismo que construye el capitalismo en las plataformas. La mirada reflexiva ofrece el marco epistemológico para hacerlo.This article reflects on the epistemological contributions of ethnography to literary journalism. The objective is to incorporate the reflective gaze into the debate on literary journalism. It is argued that journalism based on a reflective gaze is a participatory exercise in which subjects, through an exercise of intersubjectivity, try to interpret, narrate and create a world in common. The exercise is dialogical. It is the result of active listening and the assumption that journalists are neither passive nor external to what they experience and narrate. The proposal radically changes the logics of hyper-simulation. It allows the community to appropriate the here and now and abandon the present continuous. The article argues that it is the function of literary journalism to be an alternative to the meta-narrative of accelerated capitalism in the digital age, and to highlight the illusion constructed on platforms by capitalism. The reflective gaze provides the epistemological framework to do this

    Sex and Gender Differences in Acute Stroke Care: Metrics, Access to Treatment and Outcome. A Territorial Analysis of the Stroke Code System of Catalonia

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    INTRODUCTION: Previous studies have reported differences in the management and outcome of women stroke patients in comparison with men. We aim to analyze sex and gender differences in the medical assistance, access to treatment and outcome of acute stroke patients in Catalonia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data were obtained from a prospective population-based registry of stroke code activations in Catalonia (CICAT) from January/2016 to December/2019. The registry includes demographic data, stroke severity, stroke subtype, reperfusion therapy, and time workflow. Centralized clinical outcome at 90 days was assessed in patients receiving reperfusion therapy. RESULTS: A total of 23,371 stroke code activations were registered (54% men, 46% women). No differences in prehospital time metrics were observed. Women more frequently had a final diagnosis of stroke mimic, were older and had a previous worse functional situation. Among ischemic stroke patients, women had higher stroke severity and more frequently presented proximal large vessel occlusion. Women received more frequently reperfusion therapy (48.2% vs 43.1%, DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We found some differences by sex in that acute stroke was more frequent in older women and the stroke severity was higher. We found no differences in medical assistance times, access to reperfusion treatment and early complications. Worse clinical outcome at 90 days in women was conditioned by stroke severity and older age, but not by sex itself

    Ells, Noltros : la implantació del trilingüisme a l'ensenyament com a revulsiu d'un conflicte social a Mallorca

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    "Ells, noltros: la implantació del trilingüisme a l'ensenyament com a revulsiu d'un conflicte social a Mallorca" és un reportatge sobre la lluita ciutadana que les polítiques del Partit Popular han desencadenat a les Illes Balears. Quan José Ramón Bauzá va accedir al poder l'any 2011, el nou govern va començar a dictaminar lleis que dividirien l'illa entre els qui estaven a favor i els qui estaven en contra. A poc a poc, l'habitual conformisme illenc va anar deixant pas a la mobilització social i van sorgir una desena de nous col·lectius per defensar ambdues postures. La gota que vessà el got fou el TIL, que introdueix el trilingüisme i rebaixa les hores de català a l'ensenyament."Ellos, noltros: la implantación del trilingüismo en la enseñanza como revulsivo de un conflicto social en Mallorca" es un reportaje sobre la lucha ciudadana que las políticas del Partido Popular han desencadenado en las Islas Baleares. Cuando José Ramón Bauzá accedió al poder en el año 2011, el nuevo gobierno empezó a dictaminar leyes que dividirían la isla, entre defensores y detractores. Poco a poco, el tradicional conformismo isleño fue dejando paso a la movilización social y surgieron una decena de nuevos colectivos que defenderían ambas posturas. La gota que colmó el vaso fue el TIL, que introduce el trilingüismo y rebaja las horas de catalán en la escuela."Ells, noltros: the implementation of trilingualism in education as a wake-up call for a social conflict in Majorca" is a report about the citizen's struggle due to the policy applied by the Popular Party. When José Ramón Bauzá came to power in 2011, the new government began to establish laws that split up society for and against it. Bit by bit, the usual citizen's conformism led to demonstrations and the rise of different associations standing up for one or the other position. The most conflictive point, was the TIL, that introduces trilingualism, favoring English and reducing Catalan in education

    Rituximab in treatment-resistant CIDP with antibodies against paranodal proteins

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    To describe the response to rituximab in patients with treatment-resistant chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) with antibodies against paranodal proteins and correlate the response with autoantibody titers. Patients with CIDP and IgG4 anti-contactin-1 (CNTN1) or anti-neurofascin-155 (NF155) antibodies who were resistant to IV immunoglobulin and corticosteroids were treated with rituximab and followed prospectively. Immunocytochemistry was used to detect anti-CNTN1 and anti-NF155 antibodies and ELISA with human recombinant CNTN1 and NF155 proteins was used to determine antibody titers. Two patients had a marked improvement; another patient improved slightly after 10 years of stable, severe disease; and the fourth patient had an ischemic stroke unrelated to treatment and was lost to follow-up. Autoantibodies decreased in all patients after rituximab treatment. Rituximab treatment is an option for patients with CIDP with IgG4 anti-CNTN1/NF155 antibodies who are resistant to conventional therapies. This study provides Class IV evidence that rituximab is effective for patients with treatment-resistant CIDP with IgG4 anti-CNTN1 or anti-NF155 antibodies