759 research outputs found

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    Televisión y Redes Sociales: nuevo paradigma en la promoción de contenidos televisivos

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    Una de las aplicaciones donde la industria televisiva encuentra un fructífero e inesperado punto de confluencia con Internet es en las redes sociales. Posibilitan la promoción de cualquier contenido, generando una vía de comunicación con gran capacidad de retroalimentación. Además se constituye como una herramienta de gran eficacia para establecer audiencias dinámicas interesadas en participar en sus contenidos televisivos. A través de las redes sociales, las cadenas pueden acceder a sus audiencias fuera del medio televisivo y, por tanto, permite superar gran parte de sus debilidades, como la fugacidad de sus mensajes o la imposibilidad de interactuación.One of the applications in which the television industry found a productive and unexpected point of convergence with the Internet is on the social media. Television uses the social networks as an information channel and especially to promote any type of media content, generating a very active channel of communication and with the capacity of obtaining feedback that serves as a window for all sorts of news. Through social networks, television channels can access their audiences outside of the television media and because of this, it allows to exceed a great part of their weaknesses, such as the fleetingness of their messages or impossibility of their interactions

    Tune Up of a Genetic Algorithm to Group Documentary Collections

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    Purpose ”“ The research aims to observe and describe the legal framework and implementation practices of personal databases management in the Social Security Institute (IPS), the most important public social insurance system in Paraguay. Methodology ”“ The research is exploratory, consisting on both substantive and procedural law analysis of health information storage regulations and its compliance. Also, interview to private companies, the public sector and one qualified worker insured by IPS are conducted to better understand collection, storage and maintenance of health records databases. Findings ”“ Research indicates evidence that biometric data storage of insurers does not have adequate regulation for its protection. It also shows evidence that private companies don’t deliver by default medical records to workers, as well as potential access to these records by administrative personal. Evidence also signals that clinics performing medical examinations request more sensitive information than required by law. Research limitations It is identified that a broader private company sample could be of use to better understand workers health record collection. Also, third party auditing IPS IT systems could be of use to further understand information management practices and vulnerabilities. Practical Implications ”“ A series of discretional practices are identified, signaling regulatory standardization urgency for all actors. A comprehensive Protection of Personal Data Act is needed. Originality ”“ No comprehensive research targeting the IPS system and its health personal data management processes is identified. The research is considered an initial contribution to the state of the art on the subject and specially to biometric collection and storage.Purpose ”“ The research aims to observe and describe the legal framework and implementation practices of personal databases management in the Social Security Institute (IPS), the most important public social insurance system in Paraguay. Methodology ”“ The research is exploratory, consisting on both substantive and procedural law analysis of health information storage regulations and its compliance. Also, interview to private companies, the public sector and one qualified worker insured by IPS are conducted to better understand collection, storage and maintenance of health records databases. Findings ”“ Research indicates evidence that biometric data storage of insurers does not have adequate regulation for its protection. It also shows evidence that private companies don’t deliver by default medical records to workers, as well as potential access to these records by administrative personal. Evidence also signals that clinics performing medical examinations request more sensitive information than required by law. Research limitations It is identified that a broader private company sample could be of use to better understand workers health record collection. Also, third party auditing IPS IT systems could be of use to further understand information management practices and vulnerabilities. Practical Implications ”“ A series of discretional practices are identified, signaling regulatory standardization urgency for all actors. A comprehensive Protection of Personal Data Act is needed. Originality ”“ No comprehensive research targeting the IPS system and its health personal data management processes is identified. The research is considered an initial contribution to the state of the art on the subject and specially to biometric collection and storage.Purpose ”“ The research aims to observe and describe the legal framework and implementation practices of personal databases management in the Social Security Institute (IPS), the most important public social insurance system in Paraguay. Methodology ”“ The research is exploratory, consisting on both substantive and procedural law analysis of health information storage regulations and its compliance. Also, interview to private companies, the public sector and one qualified worker insured by IPS are conducted to better understand collection, storage and maintenance of health records databases. Findings ”“ Research indicates evidence that biometric data storage of insurers does not have adequate regulation for its protection. It also shows evidence that private companies don’t deliver by default medical records to workers, as well as potential access to these records by administrative personal. Evidence also signals that clinics performing medical examinations request more sensitive information than required by law. Research limitations It is identified that a broader private company sample could be of use to better understand workers health record collection. Also, third party auditing IPS IT systems could be of use to further understand information management practices and vulnerabilities. Practical Implications ”“ A series of discretional practices are identified, signaling regulatory standardization urgency for all actors. A comprehensive Protection of Personal Data Act is needed. Originality ”“ No comprehensive research targeting the IPS system and its health personal data management processes is identified. The research is considered an initial contribution to the state of the art on the subject and specially to biometric collection and storage.Purpose ”“ The research aims to observe and describe the legal framework and implementation practices of personal databases management in the Social Security Institute (IPS), the most important public social insurance system in Paraguay. Methodology ”“ The research is exploratory, consisting on both substantive and procedural law analysis of health information storage regulations and its compliance. Also, interview to private companies, the public sector and one qualified worker insured by IPS are conducted to better understand collection, storage and maintenance of health records databases. Findings ”“ Research indicates evidence that biometric data storage of insurers does not have adequate regulation for its protection. It also shows evidence that private companies don’t deliver by default medical records to workers, as well as potential access to these records by administrative personal. Evidence also signals that clinics performing medical examinations request more sensitive information than required by law. Research limitations It is identified that a broader private company sample could be of use to better understand workers health record collection. Also, third party auditing IPS IT systems could be of use to further understand information management practices and vulnerabilities. Practical Implications ”“ A series of discretional practices are identified, signaling regulatory standardization urgency for all actors. A comprehensive Protection of Personal Data Act is needed. Originality ”“ No comprehensive research targeting the IPS system and its health personal data management processes is identified. The research is considered an initial contribution to the state of the art on the subject and specially to biometric collection and storage

    Dinámicas de gentrificación en metrópolis de la cultura: aproximación comparada a las estrategias de Madrid y Buenos Aires

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    Este trabajo explora los cambios que acontecen actualmente en las dinámicas de regeneración urbana de las grandes metrópolis contemporáneas que apuestan por modelos de economía urbana incorporados a la globalización. El peso de la producción cultural y de las industria creativas se acompaña de nuevos personajes y estilos de vida directamente vinculados a la “nueva economía”, innovadora y social, cuyos movimientos representan hoy la piedra de toque de las dinámicas urbanas que afectan a las áreas centrales. Proponemos analizar estas dinámicas a partir de los casos de Madrid y Buenos Aires en función de tres factores detectados: la rehabilitación del patrimonio urbano, las políticas de lugar de la economía del conocimiento, y la transformación comercial de los mercados tradicionales y el comercio de proximidad. Sostenemos que estos tres vectores refuerzan los procesos de renovación urbana desplazando la frontera de la gentrificación a nuevos marcos de actuación y límites territoriales.This paper explores the changes taking place today in urban regeneration dynamics of the big metropolis that are committed to contemporary urban economic models incorporated in globalization. The weight of the cultural and creative industry comes together with new characters and lifestyles directly linked to the innovative and social "new economy", whose movements today represent the touchstone of urban dynamics affecting central areas. We propose to analyze these dynamics from the cases of Madrid and Buenos Aires, in terms of three identified factors: the policies for rehabilitation of urban heritage, the policies for placing knowledge economy, and commercial transformation of traditional markets and local shops. We argue that these three vectors reinforce urban renewal processes moving the border of gentrification towards new frameworks and territorial frontiers.Peer Reviewe

    School failure in Spain: a regional analysis

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    En la actualidad, el fracaso escolar constituye uno de los principales problemas del sistema educativo español. Durante los últimos veinte años, se ha producido un importante avance en las tasas de escolarización de los jóvenes hasta los 16 años y se ha conseguido la universalización de la educación de ese grupo de población. Ante esa situación, uno de los retos más importantes de nuestro país es que los estudiantes continúen con los estudios post-secundarios y obtengan el título correspondiente. El trabajo recoge un apartado dedicado a la defi nición del concepto de fracaso escolar y a su medición a través de diferentes indicadores, incluido el abandono temprano educativo. Después de revisar las diferentes acepciones de fracaso escolar, en el siguiente apartado se realiza una comparación con Europa para contextualizar la situación española y comparar el nivel de fracaso escolar de España con distintos países europeos, concluyendo que todavía queda un largo camino por recorrer. Además, aunque el fracaso escolar es un problema generalizado que afecta a todo el sistema educativo español, es cierto que existen diferencias considerables por Comunidades Autónomas en el periodo analizado (2001-2008). La metodología empleada, a través del análisis de correlación, muestra que existen una serie de factores que explican el fenómeno del fracaso escolar, entre otros, el PIB per cápita, la estructura del mercado laboral, los diferentes criterios de titulación entre regiones, la trayectoria educativa de las Comunidades Autónomas, así como el nivel de gasto público educativo. En las conclusiones se plantean algunas recomendaciones dirigidas a las autoridades educativas, tanto a nivel regional como central, para que presten una mayor atención al fenómeno del fracaso escolar a través de medidas que promuevan la reducción del mismo especialmente en la educación infantil y primaria; una mayor fl exibilidad del currículo; y un apoyo más individualizado a los alumnos con mayores problemas de fracaso escolar y a los equipos de dirección de los centros que cuenten con una presencia más acusada de este fenómeno.School failure represents one of the main problems in the school system in Spain nowadays. In the last twenty years, there has been an important advance in enrolment of youngsters (until the age of 16 years old) with the full internationalization of this population. Nowadays, the main challenge of the Spanish school system is that students continue up to post-secondary studies and obtain a certifi cation. According to OECD experts, one of the main weaknesses of the Spanish education system is the insuffi cient population with post-compulsory studies, against the high number of people with primary education level and with tertiary education level in relation to the average of the European countries

    La escolarización de la población inmigrante: una radiografía de la situación en España

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    During the last years, a fast and remarkable increase on the number of immigrants enrolled in Spanish schools has taken place. This fact has produced sociological changes which involve the need of a major integration of these pupils in the classrooms. Some of the factors that influence this integration are: the knowledge of the language, the age in the moment to join the classrooms, the lack of curricular competence, the school backwardness in the country of origin, and, above all, the family environment – the legal situation of the parents, the cultural standard, the educational and socioeconomic level of the parents and the participation of parents in the school. The aim of this paper is to make a balance between the positive and negative aspects of school-attending of immigrant population in Spain.En los últimos años se ha producido un rápido y acusado aumento del número de inmigrantes escolarizados en España. Este hecho ha producido cambios sociológicos, que implican la necesidad de una mayor integración de estos alumnos en las aulas. Algunos de los factores que influyen esa integración son: el conocimiento del idioma, la edad en el momento de incorporarse a las aulas, la falta de competencia curricular o el retraso escolar en el país de origen y, sobre todo, el entorno familiar –la situación jurídica de los padres, el nivel cultural, educativo y socioeconómico de los padres y la participación de los padres en la escuela-. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer un balance de los aspectos positivos y negativos de la escolarización de la población inmigrante en España

    La descentralización de la enseñanza no universitaria en España: análisis de convergencia desde la perspectiva del gasto

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    Este trabajo analiza las consecuencias de la descentralización de la enseñanza no universitaria sobre la convergencia del gasto público en educación en España. Partiendo de una metodología propia de estimación del gasto educativo por alumno en los niveles de educación no universitaria por Comunidades Autónomas para el periodo 2000-2008, aunque se observan grandes diferencias regionales, se detecta una tendencia a la convergencia de dicho gasto desde el momento de la total descentralización. De forma complementaria, se analiza el gasto en conciertos educativos, comprobando que las regiones con mayor PIB per cápita escolarizan a un mayor porcentaje de alumnos en centros privados concertados y que la riqueza de la región condiciona el gasto por alumno en cada tipo de centro