12 research outputs found

    Genetic Diversity of Bali Cattle Based on Microsatellite Marker in Indonesian Breeding Centre

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    Genetics characterization in livestock based on microsatellite has been widely implemented including for Bali cattle in three different breeding centres in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine diversity of Bali cattle microsatellites in three breeding centers namely BPTU Bali cattle in Bali, BPT-HMT Serading Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara, and Village Breeding Center in South Sulawesi. The number of animals used in this study was 95 head of cattle consisted of 32 heads from BPTU Bali Province, 32 heads from BPT-HMT Serading Sumbawa, and 31 heads from Village Barru Breeding Center Barru distric. Microsatellite loci used to determine the diversity was the locus SPS115, INRA037, MM12, and ETH185 based on flourescently labeled fragment method. Data analysis of microsatellite in Bali cattle at three different locations was performed by using POPGEN 1.2, Cervus, and POPTREE2 programs. The results showed that microsatellite diversity in Bali cattle detected 32 alleles from three different locations, and there were specific alleles at each location. Average values of observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.418 and 0.604 respectively, while the average value of polymorphism informative content (PIC) was 0.579. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in general suggested that the loci used in the Bali cattle in three populations were in equilibrium, except INRA037 and ETH185. The genetic diversity between populations of Bali cattle was 0.033 (3%), while the inbreeding coefficient index in all populations was 0.296 (29.6 %). Bali cattle phylogeny tree with three populations showed that the populations of Bali cattle in BPTU Bali and VBC Barru had close genetic distance compared to the population of Bali cattle in BPT-HMT Serading Sumbawa. The results of this study provide information that the characteristics of Bali cattle breeding centers in three locations are different, so we need a directed breeding program in each population.Key words: Bali cattle, genetics diversity, microsatellit

    Roles of tree and shrub legume leaves as protein sources for cattle raised by small farmers in Bangkalan Regency

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    Inclusion of tree or shrub legume leaves in the ration of beef cattle improved quality and the main indicators are the increase in crude protein content and digestibility. The present study was done from March to September 2023 involving 30 farmers in Bangkalan regency who raised madura cattle and the information gathered were type and number of feeds offered daily. Tree and shrub legume leaves such as Gliricidia, Moringa, Indigofera, and jackfruit are the most common protein sources used to supplement field grass or straws. Samples of forage were taken and the following rations were formulated to simulate cattle feed: A (grass only); B (60% grass + 40% gliricidia); C (60% grass + 40% moringa); D (60% grass + 40% Indigofera); E (60% grass + 40% jackfruit) leaves. Parameters measured using an in vitro gas production technique showed that supplementation with tree and shrub legume leaves on field grass basal diet improved dry matter digestibility (DMD) and organic matter (OMD) values and this was closely related to improvements of rumen NH3 concentration which also contributed to efficiency of microbial protein synthesis (ESPM) value improvement. It can be concluded that tree and shrub legume leaves have shown important roles in improving the quality of field grass based diet for Madura cattle

    Novel Mutations in The Coding Region of The Third Exon of Myostatin (MSTN) Gene in Madura Cattle

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    Molecular information using gene variants could support livestock selection to improve livestock productivity. This study aimed to identify the variants in part of the MSTN gene (part of the third exon coding region), a gene known for its significant effect on muscle growth. DNA was isolated from 95 Madura cattle blood samples collected in Pamekasan, Madura. PCR was used to amplify to MSTN region in part of the third exon, and one-way sequencing was conducted to obtain the sequence from the amplified product. Six SNPs were identified. Four SNPs were novel mutations, and the other two SNPs were recorded in the Ensembl database (rs466598800 and rs211583837). Among the identified novel mutations, one mutation in c.1301G/T caused a stop codon for the TT genotype cattle. However, no cattle carried the TT genotype. Three other mutations in c.1324, c.1373, and c.1399 were missense mutations that change the amino acids Q311L, A318P, and L335B, respectively. Most of the cattle had heterozygote genotypes for all the identified SNPs. It could also be noted that there were sequence differences in the part of the third exon identified between Madura cattle and Zebu cattle (by Tantia et al., 2006)

    Association of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor (GnRHR) gene (c.18085 T>G) and litter size in Ettawa crossbreed goat

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    In the present study, the association of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor gene (GnRHR) and litter size were investigated using the PCR-RFLP method as a genetic marker candidate for litter size in 35 individuals from Ettawa crossbreed goats. This research has two steps conducted in the laboratory and in the field. Data on litter size and blood samples were collected from the field. In the laboratory was carried out DNA isolation, amplification, and restriction. Molecular analysis of DNA isolation were precise, the enzyme Msp1 (C*CGG) with a product length of 706 bp was used for amplification and restriction analysis, releaved TT genotype in GnRHR gene fragment. In the exon 3 of chromosome 6, the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) c.18085 T>G was found. Ettawa crossbreed goat in calculations using the hardy-weinberg law, insignificant results are obtained because the value is more than > 0.05 (db; 1) = 0.50. The genotypes and allele frequencies found in the Ettawa Crossbreed Goat GnRHR genes are monomorphic and the GnRHR gene did not associate with litter size. The conclusion is that GnRHR exon 3 gene (SNP) c.18085 T>G did not associate with litter size and can not be used as a genetic marker on Ettawa crossbred goats

    Effect of breeds on semen characteristics of aged bulls in the Indonesian National Artificial Insemination Center

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    Madura and Bali cattle are two of Indonesian indigenous breeds. One possible method to increase their productivity is through artificial insemination (AI) using frozen semen. This study conducted at the Singosari National Artificial Insemination Center, East Java, Indonesia, to evaluate the semen characteristics of different bull breeds ranging in age from 7 to 10 years and to provide useful recommendations regarding the efficacy of older cattle. A total of 2016 ejaculation data recorded from Indonesian indigenous cattle (Madura and Bali bulls) and Bos taurus bulls (Simmental) were used in this study to analyze semen volume, sperm motility, and sperm concentration. Results revealed differences in semen volume, sperm motility, and sperm concentration among bull breeds (p < 0.05). Simmental bulls have the highest semen volume (p < 0.05) compared with Bali and Madura bulls. Base on sperm motility, Bali bulls showed the highest average value (p < 0.05) compared with Simmental and Madura bulls. Sperm concentration was the highest (p < 0.05) among Bali bulls compared with Simmental and Madura bulls. Another important finding was that the average semen volume, sperm motility, and sperm concentration of older bulls fulfilled the standard criteria established for frozen semen processing. Therefore, it would be possible to improve the performance of these breeds through artificial insemination using frozen semen of Madura and Bali bulls, which can be more widely distributed to farmers to increase their herd productivity. This study also indicates that Indonesian indigenous bulls have superior semen characteristics than Simmental bulls

    Carcass And Wholesalecut Production Of Brahman Cross (BX) Heifer

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    This research aims to determine the quantitative characteristics of Brahman cross heifer cattle's carcass and wholesale cut at different age levels. The number of heifer cattle taken as samples was 104 heifer. The research method used is a case study with the selection of locations by purpose sampling. Direct observation is used to obtain information on age, slaughter weight, carcass weight, wholesale cut weight, and parts thereof (primary, secondary, and manufacturing cut). The data obtained were then analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). If there was a significant difference, it is followed by a further test of the Least Significant Difference (LSD). The results showed that the age levels in slaughter had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the slaughter weight, fresh carcass weight and wilted carcass weight, but had no effect on the percentage of carcass and wholesale cut. The older the age of cattle and the longer the cattle are raised, the higher their body weight will affect the slaughter weight produced, and the higher the slaughter weight, the higher the carcass weight made. Average slaughter weight at different age by Permanent Incisor (PI): PI0 (<18 months), PI2 (18-24 months) and PI4 (24- 36 months). While the average percentage of heifer carcass at different age levels was relatively the same (52,71% : 53,04% : 53.10%). The weight and rate of wholesale cut and its parts are also somewhat the same. The research results show that the slaughter age affects the slaughter weight and carcass weight but not dressing percentage and wholesale cut weight. Brahman cross heifer cattle at PI4 produced optimal carcass weight and wholesale cut

    Karakteristik Morfometrik Sapi Madura Betina Tipe Sonok

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    ABSTRAKSapi madura merupakan sumber daya genetik rumpun asli lokal Indonesia. Pengukuran morfometrik dan fenotip kualitatif bermanfaat untuk menentukan asal usul dan hubungan filogenetik antara species bangsa dan tipe ternak. Profil morfometrik dapat memperkirakan karakteristik fenotipik atau ciri khas sapi sonok diantara sub populasi sebagai pusat pembiakan  dan menggali potensi sapi sonok sesuai kelompok bibit  sesuai standart bibit sapi Madura. Penelitian selama 3 bulan dengan lokasi  kecamatan Pasean, Batumarmar, dan Waru  Kabupaten Pamekasan. Materi 162 ekor sapi madura tipe sonok peserta kontes. Metode penelitian adalah metode survei, penentuan lokasi berdasarkan purposive sampling, teknik pengambilan data secara purposive sampling.  Data morfologi kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU), fenotipe kualitatif secara diskriptif.  Hasil penelitian menunjukan karakteristik kualitatif telah sesuai dengan SNI No.7651-2 (2013) dan SNI No.7651-2:2020. Hasil pendekatan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) sapi Madura tipe sonok dilokasi Waru, Pasean, dan Batumarmar menjadi kelompok tersendiri. Penciri spesifik sapi madura tipe sonok adalah arah tanduk keatas mengarah kedalam, mata sipit, punuk besar, bergelambir dengan lipatan-lipatan dan diantara kedua kaki depan terdapat jaringan otot yang menonjol.Kata Kunci: sapi madura, morfometrik, sonokMorphometric characteristics of Sonok Type Madura CowsABSTRACTMadura cattle are the genetic resources of Indonesia native cattle breeds. Morphometric and qualitative phenotype measurements are important in determining the origin and phylogenic relationships between species, breed, and type of cattle. Morphometric profiles can be used to estimate phenotypical charecteristic or special features of Sonok cattle among the sub population as the breeding center and explore the potential of Sonok cattle as standard for Madura cattle breed.  This research was conducted for 3 months at Pasean, Batumarmar, and Waru sub districts of Pamekasan District. The materials used for this research were 162 Sonok type Madura cattle which are enrolled for cattle contest. The methods used were survey by purposive sampling both on location and data selection. Quantitative morphology data was analysed by main coponent analysis and qualitative phenotypedata was analysed descriptively. The results of this research indicate that the qualitative characteristics of Sonok type Madura cattle is as required by SNI No.7651-2 (2013) and SNI No.7651-2:2020. Main component analysis results show that Sonok type Madura cattle located at Waru, Pasean, and Batumarmar are specific group of cattle. The specific characteristics of sonok type Madura cattle are the inner-towards horns, slit-eye, big hump, and flaky skin in between the forelegs with protruding muscle fibers.Keywords: madura cattle, morphometrics, sonok

    Associations between Lactoferrin (LTF) gene polymorphism exon 4 and milk compositions in Senduro goat

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    This research aimed to analyze the polymorphism of Lactoferrin (LTF) gene exon 4 associated with milk compositions in Senduro goats. A total of 42 DNA samples and milk compositions from Senduro goats were used in this study. The DNA sequence was amplified using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with a pair of primers. Genotyping was carried out using DNA sequencing and analyzed using FinchTV 1.4.0 and MEGA 6.0. In this research, the results showed that there were three genotypes (CC, CT, and TT) and two alleles (C and T). The frequencies of CC, CT, and TT genotypes were 0.381; 0.452; and 0.167, respectively. Furthermore, the frequencies of C and T alleles were 0.607 and 0.393, respectively. The genotype polymorphism did not affect on milk compositions. In conclusion, there was no association between polymorphism of LTF gene exon 4 and milk compositions in Senduro goats

    Penguatan Sistem Biosecurity Pasca Penyebaran Penyakit Mulut Dan Kuku (Pmk) Pada Peternakan Sapi Pedaging Di Pesantren Al Fatih Kabupaten Pamekasan

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    Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan di Pesantren Al Fatih di Desa Klampar Kecamatan Proppo, Kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan usaha peternakan sapi pedaging, dan untuk meningkatkan peran dan fungsi pondok pesantren sebagai pendidikan non formal guna mendukung ketahanan pangan serta penguatan penerapan biosecurity dalam upaya pencegahan PMK. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini melalui observasi lokasi, diskusi dan wawancara, Participatory Rural, Participatory Technology Development, Educative, Forum Group Discussion (FGD). Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa peserta sangat antusias saat pelaksanaan. Edukasi yang diberikan pada peserta memberikan peningkatan pengetahuan tentang biosecurity yang signifikan, dari nilai pre-test 68.86 point, sedangkan nilai post-test 78.16 point, sehingga terjadi peningkatan 14%.  Pengetahuan yang diaedukasikan meliputi; biosecurity PMK, sanitasi kandang, biosecurity keluar masuk wilayah farm/peternakan dan isolasi sapi yang sakit. Kesimpulan dalam kaegiatan ini adalah, peserta mampu memahami tentang materi peningkatan kualitas ternak melalui biosafety dan biosecurity PMK dan menerapkan teknologi tepat guna tentang formulasi pakan, dan sanitasi kandang untuk pencegahan dan reinfeksi PMK

    Reproductive Performance of Kacang Goats in Closed Population Areas of Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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    The objective of this study was to determine the reproductive performance of Kacang goats in a closed population area of Oro-Oro Farm located in Sawohan Village, Buduran Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency. We used 146 Kacang goat with a range of parity from 1 to > 7. Data analysis was carried out using the ANOVA test, Least Significant Difference (LSD) test, coefficient of variation test and descriptive test to measure litter size, pre-weaning mortality, kidding interval (KI), days open (DO) and Kacang goat reproduction index. The results showed that the highest litter size was 1.69 ± 0.63 at parity 6, the lowest pre-weaning mortality at parity > 7 was 11.76%, the shortest kidding interval and days open was at parity 4 for 7.35 ± 1.22 and 2.35 ± 1.22 months, respectively. The best Kacang goat reproduction index was 2.22 at parity 6 with coefficient of variation of 38.06%, 41.08% and 13.36% for litter size (LS), days open (DO), kidding interval (KI). Conclusively, there was a diverse reproductive performance of Kacang goats in the closed population area of Oro-Oro Farm located in Sawohan Village, Buduran Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency based on parity 1 to > 7, in which the higher the parity, the higher the reproductive performance. However, parity 5 onwards saw a declining reproductive performance due to weakened livestock conditions