3 research outputs found


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) / Magang III merupakan pembentukan dan peningkatan kemampuan profesional. Kegiatan ini termasuk lingkup PPL / Magang III diarahakan ke pelatihan pengalaman profesionalisme pembelajaran. Pendidikan seni rupa itu sendiri merupakan studi yang mengarah dalam bidang ketrampilan dan kreativitas manusia dalam hal mengembangkan imajinasi serta output imajinasi tersebut. Dalam kegiatan PPL / Magang III ini dimaksudkan untuk peningkatan ketrampilan, kreativitas serta pemahaman mengenai berbagai aspek seni rupa peserta didik dan dalam rangka memenuhi persyaratan pembentukan tenaga kependidikan yang bertugas memberikan bimbingan serta pengetahuan seni rupa di sekolah yang profesional. Pelaksanaan program PPL dimulai dari tanggal 10 Agustus sampai dengan 12 September 2015. Selama kegiatan, praktikan melaksanakan berbagai kegiatan dan program kerja yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme kerja mahasiswa sebagai pendidik serta membantu ketenagakerjaan di MAN Yogyakarta II dalam bidang Seni Rupa. Pada realisasinya kegiatan berjalan sesuai dengan target yang sudah direncanakan. Program yang diselenggarakan pada kegiatan PPL, disusun untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan dan potensi yang dimiliki siswa. Selain itu, kegiatan PPL / Magang III ini bertujuan untuk melatih praktikan sebelum menghadapi lapangan kerja yang sesungguhnya. Dengan demikian, praktikan memiliki keterampilan dalam menangani berbagai tugas sebagai calon guru pembimbing khususnya dan tenaga kependidikan pada umumnya, mengatur program kerja serta metode pengajaran bidang seni rupa, dan memberikan pengalaman praktik serta materi yang cukup untuk peserta didik bidang seni rupa sehingga menghasilkan input dan output yang trampil, kreatif, serta menghargai seni dengan semestinya

    Desain Prototipe Generator Linier Magnet Permanen Rpm Rendah

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    Indonesia is a maritime country that has a vast sea area. Indonesia sea conditions that has high waves can be one source of renewable energy by utilizing the ocean waves. The movement of ocean waves can be used as a driver of a linear generator for electric energy sources in coastal areas of Indonesia with the huge size and high frequency of ocean waves. This is certainly will be one of the new ways to overcome the lack of fulfillment of the electricity demand in Indonesia. This study is going to discuss the design of a prototype linear generator and analyze the effect of windings to output of the linear generator. This linear generator using a rotor with 5 pairs of ferrite permanent magnet type and 6 slot with the stator frame with amount of 200, 300, 400 and 500 windings. Linear generator able to produce the voltage at ranges as the lowest with 2.1 v in 200 windings and 100 rpm conditions and 8,1 v as the highest voltage at 500 windings and 300 rpm conditions. This generator is able to generate power up to 135.7 mW at 500 windings and 300 rpm. The data obtained from these experiments with lab scale could developed to a larger scale by varying the type of magnet used, number of windings, and speed used to generate larger power

    Association of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor (GnRHR) gene (c.18085 T>G) and litter size in Ettawa crossbreed goat

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    In the present study, the association of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor gene (GnRHR) and litter size were investigated using the PCR-RFLP method as a genetic marker candidate for litter size in 35 individuals from Ettawa crossbreed goats. This research has two steps conducted in the laboratory and in the field. Data on litter size and blood samples were collected from the field. In the laboratory was carried out DNA isolation, amplification, and restriction. Molecular analysis of DNA isolation were precise, the enzyme Msp1 (C*CGG) with a product length of 706 bp was used for amplification and restriction analysis, releaved TT genotype in GnRHR gene fragment. In the exon 3 of chromosome 6, the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) c.18085 T>G was found. Ettawa crossbreed goat in calculations using the hardy-weinberg law, insignificant results are obtained because the value is more than > 0.05 (db; 1) = 0.50. The genotypes and allele frequencies found in the Ettawa Crossbreed Goat GnRHR genes are monomorphic and the GnRHR gene did not associate with litter size. The conclusion is that GnRHR exon 3 gene (SNP) c.18085 T>G did not associate with litter size and can not be used as a genetic marker on Ettawa crossbred goats