19 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Realistic Mathematic Education pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear

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    The purposes of this research are: 1) Generate math learning modules based RME valid criteria; and 2) Generate RME-based math learning modules that meet practical criteria. Type of research used is research of development with 4D models that has been created by S. Thiagrajan (1974) consists of four development stages; define, design, develop, and disseminate. The research is only conducted until the third stage, i.e. developing stage. Defines stage consists of: a) the analysis beginning of the end; b) the analysis of learners; c) the analysis of concept; d) the analysis of task; and e) specification of learning objectives. Designs stage consists of: design of the mathematics module; b) design of instruments and instrument validation assesment learning devices. Develops stage consists of: a) validation module by expert and mathematics teacher; b) testing; c) questionnaire responses of teachers and students; d) interview with student. Result of the research indicates that based on the assessment of experts, this module have been valid with an average of 83,63%. Based on the result questionnaire responses of teachers, questionnaire responses of students, and interviews with students indicates this module have been very practical use on the learning of mathematics on material system of linear equations with an average 85,24% by teachers and 82,40% by student


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    The keyword to achieve quality education is depend on  profesional teacher  in their fields, therefore there should be a concrete step in an effort to lift the image of the teacher  profession as an honorable profession, so that teachers can work as much as possible in building a quality education. Professional responsibility of teachers is not fragmentary, but with entirely, completely, as much as possible from upstream to downstream. All thing are not only teacher responsibility of the students or schools, but will be fully responsible to Allah SWT


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    The purpose of the research is to produce Student Worksheet based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the coordinate system material that meets the valid, practical, and effective criteria. This type of research is the research and development of Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model proposed by Dick and Carry (1998), which consists of five stages of development namely Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation. The subjects in this study were 3 educators and 12 students of class VIII of SMPN 8 Payakumbuh. Data analysis technique was done by analyzing the validity and practicality assessment sheets of the use of CTL-based LKPD. The results showed that the use of CTL-based LKPD developed obtained an average score of 84.66% which included very valid criteria. Furthermore, based on the practicality test showed that the revised CTL-based LKPD received an average score of 86.88% which was included in the very practical criteria. Finally, based on the effectiveness test showed that the CTL-based LKPD that was developed to improve students' problem solving abilities based on the acquisition of the average value of the problem solving ability test which was 86, 25% above the KKM. It was concluded that CTL-based LKPD in mathematics learning on the coordinate system material developed had fulfilled valid, practical, and effective criteria


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    AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: 1) mengetahui kemampuan literasi matematis peserta didik laki-laki; 2) mengetahui kemampuan literasi matematis peserta didik perempuan; 3) mengetahui ada atau tidaknya perbedaan kemampuan literasi matematis antara peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan di Kelas X MIA 7 SMAN 10 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kombinasi (Mixed Methods). Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan penelitian, diperoleh bahwa: 1) kemampuan literasi matematis peserta didik laki-laki menunjukkan kategori cukup yaitu 65,25; 2) kemampuan literasi matematis peserta didik perempuan menunjukkan kategori cukup yaitu 59,14; 3) dilihat dari data nilai kemampuan literasi matematis yang telah dilakukan, menunjukkan peserta didik laki-laki mendapatkan skor kemampuan literasi lebih besar, dibandingkan dengan skor literasi matematis peserta didik perempuan. Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan uji Independent Sampel T-Test diperoleh perbandingan  (11,10>2,03). Artinya  ditolak,  diterima sehingga disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan literasi matematis antara peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan. Kata Kunci: Literasi Matematis, Gende


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    Penelitian metode campuran saat ini sedang berkembang dan menjadi isu dan trend yang menarik dalam bidang pendidikan. Hal ini membuat penulis ingin memberikan referensi dan bimbingan teknis untuk menambah pengetahuan mahasiswa dalam memberikan penelitian metode campuran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian literatur review yang membahas berbagai isu menarik dari jurnal dan buku yang berkaitan dengan tema penelitian tersebut. Artikel ini menguraikan hal-hal terkait pengertian, jenis dan prosedur metode campuran, populasi dan sampel, instrumen, pengumpulan data dan teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan metode campuran. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan kejelasan dan paparan penting mengenai metodologi penelitian bagi mahasiswa yang akan melaksanakan penelitiannya pada bidang pendidikan yang fokus pada penelitian metode campuran. Oleh karena itu, metode penelitian akan memberikan keunggulan baik pendekatan kuantitatif maupun kualitatif untuk mengungkap fenomena penelitian secara mendalam

    The Application of The Polya's Steps Reviewed from Problem-Solving Ability in Two-Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV)

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    The ability of students in this school is low in understanding the questions given by the teacher. As a result they find it difficult to know the steps on how to solve the problem. Efforts that can be done are implementing Polya's steps.Quasi-experimental research was conducted in this study with the Randomized Control Group Only Design. Students of class VIII at this school are used as population. The experimental class is class VIIIA and the control class is class VIIIB. Final test data in the form of essays obtained were analyzed by t test. The result is the average problem solving ability with the application of Polya's steps, 78.23 and the control class, 72.38, with achievement in the experimental class 81% and in the control class, 48%. After being analyzed, t_count = 2.33 and t_table = 1.68 with a confidence level of 95% so that t_count > t_table (2.33 > 1.68), meaning that the proposed hypothesis is accepted and the ability of students in solving problems using Polya steps is higher rather than without applying these steps


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi profesionalitas dosen dan fasilitas belajar terhadap indeks prestasi kumulatif mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Matematika FTK UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. Jenis penelitian adalah kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif asosiatif, variabel independentnya adalah kompetensi profesionalitas dosen (x1) dan fasilitas belajar (x2) serta variabel dependentnya indeks prestasi kumulatif (y) mahasiswa. Instrumen yang pakai angket kompetensi profesionalitas dosen dan fasilitas belajar serta lembar hasil studi mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data angket ditemukan bahwa rata-rata  kompetensi profesionalitas dosen sebesar 71,48, dan fasilitas belajar  rata-rata 49,01. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif Mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Matematika mempunyai rata-rata 3,25. Hasil uji hipotesis menyimpulkan bahwa Kompetensi Profesionalitas Dosen berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap indeks prestasi kumulatif mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Matematika FTK UIN Imam Bonjol Padang dengan koefisien korelasi kuat sebesar 0,717. Fasilitas Belajar berkontribusi positif dan signifikan terhadap indeks prestasi kumulatif dengan koefisien korelasi rendah sebesar 0,320. Kompetensi profesionalitas dosen dan fasilitas belajar secara bersama-sama berkontribusi  positif dan signifikan terhadap indeks prestasi kumulatif mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Matematika FTK UIN Imam Bonjol Padang dengan koefisien korelasi  kuat sebesar 0,740. Berdasarkan uji hipotesis disimpulkan bahwa kompetensi profesionalitas dosen dan fasilitas belajar berpengaruh pada indeks prestasi kumulatif mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris Matematika FTK UIN Imam Bonjol Padang.AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of professional competence of lecturers and learning facilities on student cumulative achievement index of the Mathematics Tadris Study Program, FTK, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. This research is quantitative with an associative descriptive method, the independent variable is the professional competence of lecturers () and learning facilities () and the dependent variable is the student cumulative achievement index (y). The research instrument is a questionnaire of professional competence of lecturers and learning facilities and student study results sheets. It was found that the average professional competence of lecturers was 71.48, and learning facilities were 49.01. The Student's Grade Point Average in the Mathematics Tadris Study Program has an average of 3.25. Hypothesis result of test concluded that the Lecturer Professional Competence contributed positively and significantly to the cumulative achievement index of the students of the Mathematics Tadris Study Program, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang with a strong correlation coefficient of 0.717. Learning facilities contribute positively and significantly to cumulative achievement index with a low correlation coefficient of 0.320. Professional competence of lecturers and learning facilities jointly contributed positively and significantly to student cumulative achievement index of Mathematics Tadris Study Program of UIN Imam Bonjol Padang with a strong correlation coefficient of 0.740. Based on the hypothesis test, it was concluded that the professional competence of lecturers and learning facilities had an effect on student cumulative achievement index of Mathematics Tadris Study Program, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang

    The Effectiveness of in-service Teacher Training Program at Faculty of Islamic Education and Teacher Training IAIN Imam Bonjol Padang

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    The purpose of this research is to reveal: 1. The influence of in-service Teacher Training Program (PLPG) towards the teacher competency as participant of PLPG; 2. The correlation between gender (X1) towards the teachers’ competency as participant of PLPG; .3. The correlation between Age (X2)  towards the teachers’ competency as participant of PLPG; 4. The correlation between years of service towards the teachers’ competency as participant of PLPG; 5. The correlation between the number of  training followed (X4) towards  teachers’ competency as participant of PLPG; and 6. This research used quantitative method. The population of this research is 1.300 teachers of PLPG in 2013. By using Yamane formulation, there are 220 teachers taken as the sample. The data  was analyzed by using t test  and correlation analysis. The findings of the study suggested that: 1. There is a positive influence of PLPG implementation towards teachers’ competency as PLPG participant; 2. There is no significant correlation between gender (X1) and teachers’ competency as PLPG participant; 3. There is a significant correlation between Age (X2) towards teachers’ competency of PLPG; 4. There is no significant correlation between the Years of Service (X3) towards teachers’ competency as the participant of PLPG; 5. There is a significant correlation between the number of Diklat followed  (X4) towards teachers’ competency as the participant of PLPG; and 6. There is a significant correlation between the effectiveness of PLPG (X5) towards teachers’ competency as the participant of PLPG. Keywords: PLPG, LPTK, teacher certificationCopyright © 2015 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserve