6 research outputs found

    Sur la première ligne : sondage pour un partage. Les omnipraticiens et la schizophrénie

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    Contexte : Les omnipraticiens (MFs) jouent un rôle prépondérant dans le traitement des patients atteints de schizophrénie. Buts : Découvrir le nombre de patients atteints de schizophrénie qui sont traités par les MFs ; les besoins et attitudes des MFs, leurs connaissances en matière de diagnostic, et le traitement qu’ils prodiguent. Méthodologie : Un sondage postal a été conduit auprès de MFs du Québec choisis de façon aléatoire. Résultats : Un total de 1 003 MFs ont répondu au sondage. Parmi eux, un faible pourcentage a à rencontrer une schizophrénie débutante et les MFs désirent être plus informés sur l’accessibilité aux services des spécialistes. Les résultats objectivés aux questions portant sur les diagnostics et les connaissances sur les traitements sont inconsistants. La majorité des MFs traite les premiers épisodes psychotiques avec des antipsychotiques. Seulement un tiers d’entre eux proposent de maintenir le traitement après un premier épisode psychotique, conformément aux recommandations internationales et au récent guide de pratique canadien qui préconisent au moins de 6 à 12 mois de traitement après la réponse clinique partielle ou complète. Le temps consacré par les MFs masculins à un premier contact s’étale entre 10 et 20 minutes, tandis que 80 % des MFs femmes y consacrent au moins 20 minutes Les effets secondaires des antipsychotiques les plus préoccupants sont les gains de poids avant les signes neurologiques. Conclusion : un certain nombre de données de ce sondage devraient être reprises par les différentes associations professionnelles et gouvernementales, afin de bonifier la place des MFs dans un plan de santé à l’égard de la schizophrénie.Context: General practitioners (GP) play a preponderant role in the treatment of patients suffering of schizophrenia. Objectives: Discovering the number of patients with schizophrenia who are treated by GPs ; the needs and attitudes of GPs, their knowledge concerning diagnosis, and the treatment they provide. Methodology: A postal survey was conducted with Quebec GPs who were randomly chosen. Results: A total of 1 003 GPs have participated in the survey. Among them, a small percentage have to treat an early onset schizophrenia and the GPs have expressed their wish to be more informed on the accessibility of specialized services. Results pertaining to questions on diagnoses and knowledge on treatments are inconsistent. The majority of GPs treat the first psychotic episodes with antipsychotic medication. Only a third of GPs surveyed propose maintaining the treatment after a first psychotic episode, in accordance with international recommendations and the recent Canadian guidelines on practices that recommends at least 6 to 12 months of treatment after a partial or complete clinical response. Time given by male GPs to a first contact varies between 10 and 20 minutes, while 80 % of female GPs spend at least 20 minutes. The adverse effects of antipsychotic medication that raise most concern is weight gain before neurological signs. Conclusion: some of this survey’s data should be considered by various professional and governmental associations, in order to improve the place of GPs in a health plan destined to treat schizophrenia.Contexto: Los médicos familiares (MFs) desempeñan un papel preponderante en el tratamiento de pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia. Objetivos: Descubrir el número de pacientes que sufren de esquizofrenia y que son tratados por los MFs; las necesidades y actitudes de los MFs, sus conocimientos en materia de diagnóstico y el tratamiento que ofrecen. Metodología: Se realizó una encuesta por correo con los MFs de Quebec elegidos de modo aleatorio. Resultados: Un total de 1,003 MFs respondieron a la encuesta. Entre ellos, un porcentaje bajo han encontrado una esquizofrenia inicial y los MFs desean estar más informados sobre la accesibilidad a los servicios de los especialistas. Los resultados asociados a las preguntas sobre los diagnósticos y los conocimientos acerca de los tratamientos son inconsistentes. La mayoría de los MFs tratan los primeros episodios psicóticos con antipsicóticos. Solamente un tercio de ellos propone mantener el tratamiento después de un primer episodio psicótico, conforme a las recomendaciones internacionales y a la reciente guía de práctica canadiense que preconiza al menos de 6 a 12 meses de tratamiento después de la respuesta clínica parcial o completa. El tiempo consagrado por los MFs masculinos en un primer contacto se extiende de 10 a 20 minutos, mientras que el 80% de los MFs femeninas consagran al menos 20 minutos. Los efectos secundarios de los antipsicóticos más preocupantes son el aumento de peso antes que los signos neurológicos. Conclusión: un cierto número de datos de esta encuesta deberían ser retomados por las diferentes asociaciones profesionales y gubernamentales a fin de bonificar el lugar de los MFs en un plan de salud con respecto a la esquizofrenia.Contexto: os clínicos gerais (médicos de família - MFs) representam um papel preponderante no tratamento dos pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia. Objetivos: descobrir o número de pacientes que sofrem de esquizofrenia que são tratados por MFs, as necessidades e atitudes dos MFs, seus conhecimentos em matéria de diagnóstico, e o tratamento que prescrevem. Metodologia: uma sondagem postal foi realizada com MFs do Quebec, escolhidos de maneira aleatória. Resultados: um total de 1.003 MFs responderam à sondagem. Dentre eles, uma pequena porcentagem encontrou uma esquizofrenia inicial e os MFs desejam ser melhor informados sobre a acessibilidade aos serviços de especialistas. Os resultados obtidos com as questões sobre os diagnósticos e os conhecimentos sobre os tratamentos são inconsistentes. A maioria dos MFs trata os primeiros episódios psicóticos com antipsicóticos. Apenas um terço dentre eles propõe manter o tratamento após um primeiro episódio psicótico, conforme as recomendações internacionais e o recente guia de prática canadense, que preconiza pelo menos 6 a 12 meses de tratamento após a resposta clínica parcial ou completa. O tempo dedicado pelos MFs masculinos a um primeiro contato dura entre 10 e 20 minutos, ao passo que 80% das MFs femininas consagram, pelo menos, 20 minutos. O efeito colateral dos antipsicóticos mais inquietante é o aumento de peso antes dos sinais neurológicos. Conclusão: um certo número de dados desta sondagem deverão ser retomados por diferentes associações profissionais e governamentais, a fim de melhorar a importância dos MFs em um plano de saúde com respeito à esquizofrenia

    National Institute of Mental Health Depression of Alzheimer Disease : assessment and diagnostic validity studies using depression scales developed for older adults

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    The Lancet published a large multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial of noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant (NSSA) and selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) for depression in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) suggesting that these compounds have no clinical benefit [Banerjee et al 2011]. We felt that it might be premature to suggest that the use of all antidepressant treatments is ineffective [Sepehry et al 2012]. In response, we ran a meta-analysis examining the evidence for the use of SSRIs for treatment of depression co-occurring with AD [Sepehry et al 2012, see Appendix N]. This study suggested that treatment effects are potentially assessment dependent, and provided the motivation for the current examination of depression diagnostic criteria and assessment/screening scales for AD. A literature search showed that Provisional Diagnostic Criteria for depression of AD (PDC-dAD) was proposed to diagnose depression in AD. Their validity has not been established, yet they have been used in epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Likewise, no study examined short and easy to use screening measures with comparable collateral version’s validity and utility for use with the PDC-dAD. Hence, I set these as my goals : to examine the validity-evidence of the PDC-dAD followed by simultaneous examination of the reliability (internal consistency), utility, and validity (content, construct, and concurrent) of screening measures already validated for use with older adults, for use with the PDC-dAD. Thus, the literature around depression in older adults and in AD was reviewed to improve understanding of the importance of investigating depression and its diagnostic/assessment approaches. Briefly, the result of the validity studies showed that, first, the PDC-dAD are the best that exist to date for diagnosing depression in AD; however it needs optimization. Second, screening measures developed for depression in older adults, including the collateral version, are psychometrically acceptable (valid and reliable) allowing for adequate screening of mild to mildly-moderate AD for dAD; however, the collateral version was the most valid given its psychometric properties, particularly, positive predictive value, specificity, and clinical accuracy for use with the PDC. Hence, recommendations are made for the use of the screening scales with the PDC and for future research.Medicine, Faculty ofGraduat

    Computerized assessment of cognition in schizophrenia: promises and pitfalls of CANTAB.

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    OBJECTIVE: Over the last decade, the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB), which comprises visuo-spatial tasks, has been utilized in cognitive studies of schizophrenia. A clear approach concerning the usage of CANTAB for the appraisal of neurocognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia is currently lacking. METHOD: In this paper, we have first reviewed the overall applications of CANTAB and then evaluated methodological strengths and weaknesses of CANTAB as a neurocognitive battery for schizophrenia. We carried out a systematic search and assessment of studies where CANTAB was utilized to measure cognitive function in schizophrenia. We have also attempted to quantify the available data and perform a meta-analysis, but this approach turned out to be still premature. RESULTS: CANTAB has enabled researchers to highlight significant deficits affecting broad cognitive domains in schizophrenia, such as working memory, decision-making, attention, executive functions and visual memory. So far, the most consistent deficit observed with CANTAB testing has been attentional set-shifting, suggestive of fronto-striatal dysfunctions. In addition, preliminary evidence points towards the potential use of CANTAB to identify cognitive predictors of psychosocial functioning, to describe the relationships between symptoms and cognition, and to measure the impact of pharmacological agents on cognitive functioning. CONCLUSION: CANTAB has been used successfully to highlight the range of visuo-spatial cognitive deficits in schizophrenia, producing similar results to those obtained with some traditional neuropsychological tests. Further studies validating the use of CANTAB following the standard set by Measurement And Treatment Research to Improve Cognition in Schizophrenia (MATRICS) are warranted

    Supplemental Material, Suppl_table_1 - Effects of Long- and Intermediate-Acting Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers in Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 18 Prospective, Randomized, Actively Controlled Trials

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    <p>Supplemental Material, Suppl_table_1 for Effects of Long- and Intermediate-Acting Dihydropyridine Calcium Channel Blockers in Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 18 Prospective, Randomized, Actively Controlled Trials by Sandip Chaugai, Lhamo Yangchen Sherpa, Amir Ali Sepehry, Scott Reza Jafarian Kerman, and Hisatomi Arima in Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics</p