631 research outputs found

    Mechanical properties of woven natural fiber reinforced composites

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    Epoxy matrix composites reinforced with woven natural fiber were studied. Composites having fiber volume fraction greater than 55% were prepared by hand lay-up technique. For reinforcement, three different natural fibers were used, jute, flax and silk. The tensile and flexural properties were investigated and the influence of the orientation of fibers on the stiffness were analyzed. It was observed that the tensile and flexural strength of silk composites is almost equal to that of flax composite and 1.98 times that of jute composite. Moreover the stiffness of the silk composites isn't influenced by orientation of fibers. Morphological examinations were carried out using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All specimens were coated with a thin layer gold alloy prior to SEM observations. A high voltage of 20 kV was used for making the micrographs. The SEM investigation was used to study the fracture surface of the tensile specimens of the composites samples. The results of this study indicate that using silk fiber as reinforcement could successfully develop a composite material in terms of high strength and stiffness to produce a bio-composites for light applications compared to conventional composites

    Multiaxial Fatigue Crack Propagation of an Edge Crack in a Cylindrical Specimen Undergoing Combined Tension-Torsion Loading

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    A three-dimensional crack propagation simulation of a hollow cylinder undergoing coupled traction and torsion loading conditions is performed by the Dual Boundary Element Method (DBEM). The maximum tension load and torque are equal to 40 kN and 250 Nm respectively. Specimens, made of Al alloys B95AT and D16T, have been experimentally tested with in-phase constant amplitude loads. The Stress Intensity Factors (SIFs) along the front of an initial part through crack, initiated from the external surface of the hollow cylinder, are calculated by the J-integral approach. The crack path is evaluated by using the Minimum Strain Energy Density (MSED) criterion whereas the Parisâ law, calibrated for the material under analysis, is used to calculate crack growth rates. A cross comparison between DBEM and experimental results is presented, showing a good agreement in terms of crack growth rates and paths

    a numerical procedure for evaluating physical parameters of ergonomic assessment for cart pushing pulling tasks

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    Abstract Manual Material Handling (MMH), by pushing or pulling carts, is a common task that characterizes any manufacturing or service operation, and there is always a significant human input to those operations in terms of physical load. The physical load represents the effect of input forces during MMH operations that depend on the interaction between material handling equipment and the working environment. Many times MMH represents a critical issue related to human-machine interaction due to the carts can work in environment with parameters different from those used in designing, subjecting workers to risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this work, developed in collaboration with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), is to develop a new procedure that allows estimating the initial and the maintenance forces necessary to push or pull carts, knowing the characteristics of the cart and the environment in which it works, in order to preventively assess the ergonomic indexes according to ISO 11228-2. The procedure is based on multibody simulations. The cart is modeled by Computer Aided Design (CAD) code and, then, imported in a multibody code where numerical simulations are performed in order to calculate the forces. In the multibody code static and dynamic friction coefficients of bearing of wheels are assigned, together with parameters of contact between wheels and floor. Changing the pivot angle of two floating wheels, several simulations have been carried out. Moreover, considering a cart used at the assembly line of the FCA plant of Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples), experimental tests have been performed in order to validate the procedure by comparing numerical results with the experimental ones

    A robust approach for the determination of Gurson model parameters

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    Among the most promising models introduced in recent years, with which it is possible to obtain very useful results for a better understanding of the physical phenomena involved in the macroscopic mechanism of crack propagation, the one proposed by Gurson and Tvergaard links the propagation of a crack to the nucleation, growth and coalescence of micro-voids, which is likely to connect the micromechanical characteristics of the component under examination to crack initiation and propagation up to a macroscopic scale. It must be pointed out that, even if the statistical character of some of the many physical parameters involved in the said model has been put in evidence, no serious attempt has been made insofar to link the corresponding statistic to the experimental and macroscopic results, as for example crack initiation time, material toughness, residual strength of the cracked component (R-Curve), and so on. In this work, such an analysis was carried out in a twofold way: the former concerned the study of the influence exerted by each of the physical parameters on the material toughness, and the latter concerned the use of the Stochastic Design Improvement (SDI) technique to perform a "robust" numerical calibration of the model evaluating the nominal values of the physical and correction parameters, which fit a particular experimental result even in the presence of their "natural" variability

    Multiple crack propagation in friction stir welded aluminium joints

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    This paper is concerned with the simulation of crack propagation in friction stir welded butt joints, in order to assess the influence of process induced microstructural alterations and residual stresses on the fatigue behaviour of the assembly. The approach employed is based on the coupled use of the finite element method and the dual boundary element method in order to take advantage of the main capabilities of the two methods. The distribution of the process induced residual stresses has been mapped by means of the contour method. Then, the computed residual stresses field has been superimposed, in a dual boundary element environment, to the stress field as a result of a remote fatigue traction load and the crack growth is simulated. A two-parameter crack growth law, based on the evaluation of two thresholds, for the material being analysed, is used for the crack propagation rate assessment. The stress intensity factors are evaluated using the J-integral technique. Computational results have been compared with experimental data, provided from constant amplitude crack propagation tests on welded samples, showing the subdivision of the overall fatigue life in the two periods of crack initiation and crack propagation

    3D strip model for continuous roll-forming process simulation

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    Abstract The paper addresses the complexities for a reliable numerical simulation of the roll forming process. During the process, the material is progressively bent accumulating plastic deformation at each forming step. Strain hardening limits the material formability and may causes flaws of the final shape. A simplified method for the FEM modeling of the process has been developed introducing a narrow-strip 3D model. This approach leads better performance than the classical modeling method, in terms of results reliability and low computational time. In order to verify the proposed model, an experimental campaign of testing, for a specific roll forming production process, was carried out. On the quasi-static regime, the post necking behavior of the sheet metal was characterized. The Vickers hardness and the plastic strain of uniaxial tests were empirically correlated. By the hardness correlation, the plastic strain accumulated at different stages of the process was evaluated and compared with the numerical results. Further possible improvements of the method are highlighted

    Numerical FEM Evaluation for the Structural Behaviour of a Hybrid (bonded/bolted) Single-lap Composite Joint

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    Abstract The structural behaviour of a single-lap hybrid (bonded/bolted) composite joint subjected to a tensile external load was evaluated by means of the Finite Element Method (FEM). In particular, the distribution of stresses acting in its adhesive layer was compared with that relative to the case of a simply adhesive bonded joint. Furthermore, the load transferred by the bolt was determined at different characteristics of the adhesive and of the applied external tensile load, corresponding to both single and double bolt configuration. The obtained values were in turn compared with experimental data found in literature, so validating the produced numerical simulations

    Mechanical behavior of chemically-treated hemp fibers reinforced composites subjected to moisture absorption

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    Natural Fibers Reinforced Composites (NFRC) are finding much interest as substitutes for glass- or carbon-reinforced composites thanks to their lightness, easy handling, processing and recyclability. However, their polarity makes them incompatible with hydrophobic thermoplastic matrices, leading to extended moisture adsorption which causes the debonding between fibers and matrix, affecting, thus, the mechanical properties of NFRCs. In the present work, NFRCs were manufactured using hemp fibers previously chemically treated with NaOH alkali solutions or (3-Glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxysilane (GPTMS) solutions of various concentrations. To assess the effectiveness of the used chemical treatments in hindering the moisture adsorption and the entailed mechanical failure of the NFRCs, untreated and treated hemp fibers based composites were subjected to moisture adsorption test and then to tensile testing as a function of the chemical treatment, temperature and concentration of reagents. The results show that the treatments with 5 wt% of both NaOH and GPTMS are the most effective, reducing composites' water uptake from 7.74% to 6.46% and 5.58% respectively at room temperature, and from 9.67% to 8.19% and 8.13% respectively at 50 °C. Moreover, the comparison between the mechanical testing results carried out before and after the moisture adsorption test, shows that the water uptake induces mainly a stiffness decrease (about 50% when alkali treatments were used and about 60% using silane treatment), while not significantly affect the loading capability of the composites regardless of chemical treatment. However, the specimen obtained using 5 wt% GPTMS is more effective in the prevent the failure of the composite induced by water uptake

    Coupled FEM-DBEM Simulation of 3D Crack Growth under Fatigue Load Spectrum

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    Abstract Numerical predictions of fatigue crack growth under load spectrum are obtained by coupled FEM-DBEM approach. An initial part-through corner crack, in a pre-notched specimen undergoing a traction fatigue load, propagates becoming through the thickness. A two parameter crack growth law ("Unified Approach") is calibrated by in house made constant amplitude experimental tests and the crack growth retardation after an overload application is reproduced. The residual stresses responsible for such retardation are calculated by a sequence of elastic-plastic static FEM analysis; such stresses are then applied to the crack faces for the propagation simulation in a DBEM environment. A satisfactory agreement between numerical and experimental crack growth rates are displayed, for both part-through crack and through the thickness crack. This approach provide general modeling capabilities, with allowance for general crack front shape and fully automatic propagation

    Numerical investigation on the influence of tightening in bolted joints

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    In a bolted joint, the preload level resulting from the tightening torque represents a very important parameter governing the stresses distributions involving the joint under the real loading conditions. This paper deals with the development of a Finite Element (FE) model for the investigation of the effects of some selected preload levels on the stress-strain states affecting both bolt and plate in a single lap joint. The aim of this FE model is to support the design phase of strain gauges instrumented bolt to evaluate experimentally the rate of tensile load applied to the joint that the bolt absorbs with different preloads. The test article consists of two steel plates, a steel bolt and an aluminum nut. The results herein presented showed firstly that, without bolt preload, the tensile load applied to the joint is completely transferred to the bolt and that the load transferred to the bolt almost linearly decreases as the preload increases. Moreover, at a selected preload level, the transversal and longitudinal stresses (with respect to the load direction) increase as the tensile load increases, while the stress along the plate thickness direction decreases, reaching negative values. On the other hand, at a selected tensile load level, the transversal and longitudinal stresses as well as the stress along the thickness direction decrease as the preload level increases. Predicting the mechanical behaviour of the only bolted joint, if the same bolt model will be used to simulate the mechanical behaviour in a hybrid single-lap joint, possible imperfections of the model will have to certainly be linked to the modelling of the adhesive
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