402 research outputs found

    All-optical 3D atomic loops generated with Bessel light fields

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    The propagation invariance of Bessel beams as well as their transversal structure are used to perform a comparative analysis of their effect on cold atoms for four different configurations and combinations thereof. We show that, even at temperatures for which the classical description of the atom center of mass motion is valid, the interchange of momentum, energy and orbital angular momentum between light and atoms yields efficient tools for all-optical trapping, transporting and, in general, manipulating the state of motion of cold atoms.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Chaos and Noise in a Truncated Toda Potential

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    Results are reported from a numerical investigation of orbits in a truncated Toda potential which is perturbed by weak friction and noise. Two significant conclusions are shown to emerge: (1) Despite other nontrivial behaviour, configuration, velocity, and energy space moments associated with these perturbations exhibit a simple scaling in the amplitude of the friction and noise. (2) Even very weak friction and noise can induce an extrinsic diffusion through cantori on a time scale much shorter than that associated with intrinsic diffusion in the unperturbed system.Comment: 10 pages uuencoded PostScript (figures included), (A trivial mathematical error leading to an erroneous conclusion is corrected

    Chaos and Quantum Thermalization

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    We show that a bounded, isolated quantum system of many particles in a specific initial state will approach thermal equilibrium if the energy eigenfunctions which are superposed to form that state obey {\it Berry's conjecture}. Berry's conjecture is expected to hold only if the corresponding classical system is chaotic, and essentially states that the energy eigenfunctions behave as if they were gaussian random variables. We review the existing evidence, and show that previously neglected effects substantially strengthen the case for Berry's conjecture. We study a rarefied hard-sphere gas as an explicit example of a many-body system which is known to be classically chaotic, and show that an energy eigenstate which obeys Berry's conjecture predicts a Maxwell--Boltzmann, Bose--Einstein, or Fermi--Dirac distribution for the momentum of each constituent particle, depending on whether the wave functions are taken to be nonsymmetric, completely symmetric, or completely antisymmetric functions of the positions of the particles. We call this phenomenon {\it eigenstate thermalization}. We show that a generic initial state will approach thermal equilibrium at least as fast as O(ℏ/Δ)t−1O(\hbar/\Delta)t^{-1}, where Δ\Delta is the uncertainty in the total energy of the gas. This result holds for an individual initial state; in contrast to the classical theory, no averaging over an ensemble of initial states is needed. We argue that these results constitute a new foundation for quantum statistical mechanics.Comment: 28 pages in Plain TeX plus 2 uuencoded PS figures (included); minor corrections only, this version will be published in Phys. Rev. E; UCSB-TH-94-1

    Semiclassical Approximations in Phase Space with Coherent States

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    We present a complete derivation of the semiclassical limit of the coherent state propagator in one dimension, starting from path integrals in phase space. We show that the arbitrariness in the path integral representation, which follows from the overcompleteness of the coherent states, results in many different semiclassical limits. We explicitly derive two possible semiclassical formulae for the propagator, we suggest a third one, and we discuss their relationships. We also derive an initial value representation for the semiclassical propagator, based on an initial gaussian wavepacket. It turns out to be related to, but different from, Heller's thawed gaussian approximation. It is very different from the Herman--Kluk formula, which is not a correct semiclassical limit. We point out errors in two derivations of the latter. Finally we show how the semiclassical coherent state propagators lead to WKB-type quantization rules and to approximations for the Husimi distributions of stationary states.Comment: 80 pages, 4 figure

    A new class of semiclassical wave function uniformizations

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    We present a new semiclassical technique which relies on replacing complicated classical manifold structure with simpler manifolds, which are then evaluated by the usual semiclassical rules. Under circumstances where the original manifold structure gives poor or useless results semiclassically the replacement manifolds can yield remarkable accuracy. We give several working examples to illustrate the theory presented here.Comment: 12 pages (incl. 12 figures

    Prediction of the shear strength of reinforced masonry walls using a large experimental database and artificial neural networks

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    This paper analyses the accuracy of a selection of expressions currently available to estimate the in-plane shear strength of reinforced masonry (RM) walls, including those presented in some international masonry codes. For this purpose, predictions of such expressions are compared with a set of xperimental results reported in the literature. The experimental database includes specimens built with ceramic bricks and concrete blocks tested in partially and fully grouted conditions, which typically present a shear failure mode. Based on the experimental data collected and using artificial neural networks (ANN), this paper presents alternative expressions to the different existing methods to predict the in-plane shear strength of RM walls. The wall aspect ratio, the axial pre-compression level on the wall, the compressive strength of masonry, as well as the amount and spacing of vertical and horizontal reinforcement throughout the wall are taken into consideration as the input parameters for the proposed expressions. The results obtained show that ANN-based proposals give good predictions and in general fit the experimental results better than other calculation methods.This work was supported by the Fondo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia de Chile, (Fondecyt de Iniciacion) [grant number 11121161].Aguilar, V.; Sandoval, C.; Adam MartĂ­nez, JM.; GarzĂłn-Roca, J.; Valdebenito, G. (2016). Prediction of the shear strength of reinforced masonry walls using a large experimental database and artificial neural networks. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 12(12):1661-1674. https://doi.org/10.1080/15732479.2016.1157824S16611674121

    Magnetoplasmonic design rules for active magneto-optics

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    Light polarization rotators and non-reciprocal optical isolators are essential building blocks in photonics technology. These macroscopic passive devices are commonly based on magneto-optical Faraday and Kerr polarization rotation. Magnetoplasmonics - the combination of magnetism and plasmonics - is a promising route to bring these devices to the nanoscale. We introduce design rules for highly tunable active magnetoplasmonic elements in which we can tailor the amplitude and sign of the Kerr response over a broad spectral range
