171 research outputs found

    The significance of pre-iridal monocellular membranes in dogs and those with anterior segment dysgenesis associated glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, and primary glaucoma

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    The Design of Strategy Activation Brand OOPZ Called #ConnectToOOPZ for Gen Z

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    OOPZ merupakan brand streetwear lokal yang berkeinginan untuk meningkatkan peminat market terhadap produk pakaian lokal yang asli, unik dan dapat mengurangi kerangka berpikir "pecinta produk luar negeri" pada masyarakat lokal di Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada perancangan strategi aktivasi brand OOPZ yaitu #ConnectToOOPZ dengan harapan generasi Z bisa lebih aware dengan brand OOPZ sehingga dapat menciptakan kedekatan antara brand dan user. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif melalui wawancara kepada expert user, extreme user dan penelitian kuantitatif melalui pembagian survey bersifat online melalui Google Form sebanyak 54 responden beserta data pendukung yaitu jurnal ilmiah dan buku. Tujuan dari pengambilan penelitian kualitatif adalah untuk mengetahui apakah konsep gaya desain dan desain konten yang dirancang sudah sesuai dengan style streetwear dan menarik untuk para market streetwear. Lalu, tujuan pengambilan data kuantitatif adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan terhadap desain konten yang dirancang apakah sudah sesuai dengan style streetwear atau belum. Hasil dari penelitian menyampaikan bahwa desain yang dirancang mudah menarik dan sesuai dengan style streetwear. Beberapa user melalui sebuah wawancara menyampaikan bahwa konten yang diberikan menambah kecintaan user untuk memfollow up Instagram OOPZ

    A survey on the relationship between attitude and motivation to the achievement of english language among UPSR students in Sekolah Kebangsaan Teluk Ketapang, Kuala Terengganu / Zarina Senon

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    The objective of this research is to survey on the relationship between attitude and motivatio to the achievement of English among UPSR students in Sekolah Kebangsaan Teluk Ketapang, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. The research involved forty students of 120 from five year six classes. Data was obtained by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the students after UPSR examination in the month of September and were collected in daytime. The data was analyzed by using the frequency distribution and correlation study. The results n this research indicates that there were positive attitudes in the students towards the learning of English. They were also more instrumentally motivated in learning the language rather than intergratively motivated. The findings too proven that there was no significant correlation between the attitude and motivation to the achievement of English among UPSR students in this school

    High Gain, Low Noise Cascode LNA Using T-Matching Network for Wireless Applications

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    This paper presents a high gain, low noise Cascoded LNA using T-matching network applicable for wireless applications. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The LNA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump reactive element at the input and the output terminal. The cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 18.5 dB and noise figure (NF) of 1.30 dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -11.5 dB and -12.3 dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier recorded is 1.4 GHz.The input sensitivity is compliant with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    Impacto del método de estudio de grupo de estudio en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística en un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohman – año 2017

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito principal, determinar el impacto del método de grupo de estudio en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística, con la finalidad de contribuir con los avances de los métodos activos en la enseñanza universitaria, la hipótesis plantada es el método de grupo de estudio impacta positivamente en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios, la investigación es un estudio con un enfoque cuantitativo puesto que la investigación siguió un conjunto de pasos consecutivos y ordenados, el tipo de investigación es aplicada, con un diseño de investigación cuasi - experimental de grupos naturales que se tomó como se encontraron constituidos sin modificación alguna: grupo control y grupo experimental, para la prueba de hipótesis se aplicado el SPSS 22 para la parte cuantitativa la prueba t de diferencia de medias asumiendo varianzas iguales para grupos independientes y para la parte cualitativa la chi cuadrado cuyos resultados fueron comprobados al 95% de confiabilidad teniendo un p- valor muy significativo demostrando que el método de grupo de estudio mejora el aprendizaje en la asignatura de estadística y el cambio de actitud positivo hacia la estadística.The main purpose of the research was to determine the impact of the study group method on the level of learning achievement and attitude change in the subject of statistics, in order to contribute to the progress of the active methods in the university teaching, the hypothesis planted is the study group method positively impacts the level of learning achievement and attitude change in the subject of statistics in a group of university students, research is a study with a quantitative approach since the research followed a set of consecutive and orderly steps, the type of research is applied, with a quasi-experimental research design of natural groups that was taken as they were constituted without any modification: control group and experimental group, for the hypothesis test the SPSS 22 was applied for the quantitative part, the t test of difference of means assuming equal variances for independent groups and for the qualitative part the chi square whose results were verified at 95% reliability, having a very significant p-value showing that the study group method improves the learning in the subject of statistics and the change of positive attitude towards statistic

    Mejoras obtenidas en el control de los inventarios mediante la implementación del ERP Starsoft en los almacenes de la empresa Carpicentro S. A. C., Lima 2012 - 2016

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    El presente trabajo titulado “MEJORAS OBTENIDAS EN EL CONTROL DE LOS INVENTARIOS MEDIANTE LA IMPLEMENTACION DEL ERP STARSOFT EN LOS ALMACENES DE LA EMPRESA CARPICENTRO S.A.C., LIMA 2012 - 2016” es un trabajo de suficiencia profesional para obtener el título de Contador Público. El crecimiento del mercado y la alta competencia nos exige ser más eficientes en la custodia y optimización de los niveles de existencias. La búsqueda constante nos permitió obtener una solución al problema del deficiente control de los inventarios en la empresa, llegando a la conclusión de implementar un software que brindara una serie de herramientas para obtener una mejora en la gestión de los almacenes e inventarios, definiendo procesos que hasta ese entonces no existían o eran llevados en forma manual. Mediante la implementación del ERP Starsoft, la empresa dispone de un adecuado control de su existencia, así como de información actualizada, oportuna y confiable el cual le permite tomar decisiones en tiempo real. El presente trabajo ha sido desarrollado en 5 capítulos como a continuación se detalla. CAPÍTULO I: Contiene los antecedentes, justificación y se definen los objetivos del trabajo. CAPÍTULO II: Contiene el Marco Teórico en el que se encuentra el fundamento sobre el que nos hemos basado para desarrollar el trabajo de suficiencia profesional. Y se explica la metodología que se aplica para llevar a cabo el trabajo. CAPÍTULO III: Contiene el Desarrollo a los problemas planteados en las herramientas de causas y efectos y su correspondiente solución. CAPÍTULO IV: Contiene los Resultados, donde se realiza el análisis e Interpretación de los resultados obtenidos. CAPÍTULO V: Contiene la discusión del tema CONCLUSIONES: Contiene las conclusiones obtenidas a partir de este trabajo. RECOMENDACIONES: Contiene algunos alcances para futuros trabajos. BIBLIOGRAFIA: Específica la fuente bibliográfica que se utilizó para el desarrollo del presente trabajo, la misma que se extrajo información de las fuentes de libros, ordenados y codificados de acuerdo al reglamento establecido.This work entitled "IMPROVEMENTS OBTAINED IN THE CONTROL OF INVENTORIES THROUGH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ERP STARSOFT IN THE WAREHOUSES OF THE COMPANY CARPICENTRO S.A.C., LIMA 2012 - 2016" is a work of professional sufficiency to obtain the title of Public Accountant. Market growth and high competition require us to be more efficient in the custody and optimization of stock levels The constant search allowed us to obtain a solution to the problem of the poor control of inventories in the company, concluding to implement a Software that will provide a series of tools to obtain an improvement in the management of warehouses and inventories, defining processes that until then did not exist or were carried out manually. Through the implementation of Starsoft ERP, the company has an adequate control of its existence, as well as timely and reliable information that allows you to make decisions in real time. The present work has been developed in five chapters as detailed below. CHAPTER I: It contains the background, justification and defines the objectives of the work. CHAPTER II: It contains the Theoretical Framework in which is found the foundation on which we have based ourselves to develop the work of professional sufficiency. And explains the methodology that is applied to carry out the work. CHAPTER III: It contains the Development to the problems raised in the tools of causes and effects and their corresponding solution. CHAPTER IV: Contains the Results, where the analysis and interpretation of the results are performed. CHAPTER V: Contains discussion of the topic CONCLUSIONS: Contains the conclusions obtained from this work. RECOMMENDATIONS: Contains some scope for future work. BIBLIOGRAPHY: It specifies the bibliographic source that was used for the development of the present work, the same one that extracted information from the sources of books, ordered and codified according to the established regulation

    CIP29 (cytokine induced protein 29 kDa)

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    Review on CIP29 (cytokine induced protein 29 kDa), with data on DNA, on the protein encoded, and where the gene is implicated

    Technology entrepreneurship blueprint / Siti Nurhaslinda Mohd Sani, Raja Farhanah Raja Azaham and Amiera Nadzira Senon

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    3R Sdn. Bhd offers food quality monitoring and waste management system products, which is called as Hunger Vibes. It provides an IoT-based system to monitor food quality and improve the waste management system. This product is implemented as a real-time monitoring system to cater to their everyday meals by using an app that will notify them whenever there's a surplus of food. The real-time monitor system will notify the student where the food is located and is it the food will rot or still can be eaten. Our customers are identifying as a food handler, charity distributors, cafeteria or restaurant owner who wants to take advantage of using our product to give social benefits or distribute food to those who have difficulty purchasing enough to avoid hunger with affordable price and high quality of the product. We also targeting customers from all over Malaysia, including Singapore, Filipina, and Thailand because we have an online platform to sell our product that covers those places. Nowadays, Malaysian have wasted food in one way or the other, but real food losses and waste matter is bigger than just consumer food waste. Food waste is simply food intended for consumption that is discarded along the food supply chain and cannot be used. It causes demand from our target market is rising over the year. While there is currently two business like us in Malaysia, but we only business has a special attribute and technology that used IoT-based. 3R Sdn Bhd's marketing strategy is to emphasize the quality and price of our products and services. We offer an affordable price because our customers are mostly to give benefits to society. Thus, we develop a marketing strategy that gives privilege to our customers. The management of 3R Sdn Bhd consists of 3 management members that handled by Siti Nurhaslinda, Raja Farhanah, and Amiera Nadzira. Our team has extensive experience in finance, business, sales, and accounting. Each member of our team has different types of tasks and plays an important role in making this business run well and achieves our target. We already have a product commitment plan to aggressively build our brand through newspapers, ads, and signboards

    Planificación del Sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información (SGSI) de la empresa International Protection

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    No aplicaA partir del Modelo de la Seguridad y Privacidad de la Información (MSPI), publicado por el Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en Colombia y que imparte lineamientos en materia de implementación y adopción de buenas prácticas con referencia en estándares internacionales, el presente proyecto desarrolla las fases de diagnóstico y planificación del Sistema de gestión de seguridad de la información (SGSI) en la empresa International Protection. El Modelo de la Seguridad y Privacidad de la Información (MSPI), inicialmente diseñado y publicado para las entidades públicas y que también permite el alcance a terceros que deseen implementar el modelo, orienta la gestión e implementación adecuada del ciclo de vida de la seguridad de la información a través de 5 fases (Diagnóstico, Planeación, Implementación, Evaluación, Mejora Continua). El presente proyecto abarca las fases de diagnóstico y de planeación, de acuerdo con los modelos metodológicos propuestos. Inicialmente se realiza el diagnóstico con el reconocimiento actual de la empresa, identificación del nivel de madurez y levantamiento de la información, previo a la fase de planificación que cuenta con 4 momentos (contexto, liderazgo, planeación y soporte) con la mira de acordar acciones para la seguridad y privacidad de la información.Based on the Information Security and Privacy Model (MSPI), published by the Ministries of Information and Communications Technologies in Colombia and which provides guidelines on the implementation and adoption of good practices with reference to international standards, this project develops the diagnostic and planning phases of the Information Security Management System (SGSI) in the company International Protection. The Information Security and Privacy Model (MSPI), initially designed and published for public entities and which also allows the reach to third parties who wish to implement the model, guides the management and proper implementation of the information security lifecycle through 5 phases (Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, Evaluation, Continuous Improvement). This project covers the diagnostic and planning phases, according to the proposed methodological models. Initially, the diagnosis is carried out with the current recognition of the company, identification of the level of maturity and collection of information, prior to the planning phase that has 4 moments (context, leadership, planning and support) with the purpose of defining the actions to be implemented at the level of security and privacy of the informatio

    Aplikasi dosis mikorhiza dan zat pengatur tumbuh indole butiric acid terhadap hasil tanaman jeruk siam (Citrus nobilis var microcarva L.)

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    This study aims to determine the effects of mycorrhizal and indole butyric acid (IBA) growth regulators and their interactions on siam citrus products. This study uses a randomized block design (RBD) with two factors arranged factorially. The first factor to be tried was the mycorrhizal dose which consisted of 3 levels, namely 0, 50, and 100 g/plant, while the second factor tried was the concentration of the substance indole butiric acid (IBA) growth regulator consisting of 4 levels, namely 0, 50, 100, and 150 ppm/plant. Thus there are 12 combination treatments, each of which is repeated 3 times so that 36 citrus trees are needed. The results showed that the interaction between mycorrhizal dose and the concentration of IBA had no significant effect on all observed variables. Treatment of mycorrhizal doses and dosage of IBA had a very significant effect on the weight of harvested fruit per tree. The highest yield of fruit per tree was obtained in 100 g / plant mycorrhiza treatment, which was 13.53 kg, an increase of 57.88% compared to the lowest yield in mycorrhiza treatment, which was 8.57 kg. The highest yield of fruit per tree was obtained at IBA concentration of 100 ppm / plant, which was 15.03 kg, an increase of 78.08% compared to the lowest yield on IBA concentration without 8.44 kg