33 research outputs found

    The study of production and characterization of biodegradable, composite films based on plant proteins

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    Predmet doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti karakterizacija novih biorazgradivih kompozitnih filmova na bazi biljnih proteina. Osnovno istraživanje se bazira na ispitivanju mogućnosti dobijanja kompozitnih filmova na bazi obnovljivih sirovina, vlažnim postupkom ("casting" metoda), karakterizaciji dobijenih filmova i modifikaciji uslova dobijanja radi poboljšanja osobina formiranog filma. Istraživanja se zasnivaju na dobijanju filmova na bazi pogače uljane tikve golice (Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) (pumpkin oil cake – PuOC), njenog proteinskog izolata i njihove kombinacije sa drugim filmogenim polimerima (proteinima i polisaharidima). Istraživanje podrazumeva procenu mogućnosti primene PuOC radi delimične zamene opšte poznatih filmogenih materijala, kao i produkciju filmova od PuOC i od proteinskog izolata PuOC. Za produkciju filmova, od važnosti je ispitivanje procesnih parametara (temperatura, pH, period denaturacije, uslovi sušenja, itd.) i komponenti koje formiraju film (količina polimera sa sposobnošću formiranja filma, količina i vrsta plastifikatora, količina i vrsta agenasa za umrežavanje, itd.). S obzirom na velik broj parametara koji utiču na formiranje filma, kao i na osobine formiranih filmova, ispitano je međusobno delovanja više faktora na mogućnost produkcije i osobine dobijenog filma. Odabir i optimizacija procesnih parametara i modelovanje produkcije filmova izvedeno je implementiranjem nove kompjuterske i analitičke metodologije. Osobine značajne za dalju primenu dobijenih filmova podrazumevaju mehaničke osobine (zateznu jačinu i izduženje pri kidanju), barijerne (propustljivost gasova) i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike (rastvorljivost, količinu rastvorljivih proteina, biološku aktivnost u vidu antioksidantne aktivnosti), a ispitane su u cilju deklarisanja potencijalne aplikacije filma. Dodatno, ispitana je mogućnost produkcije kompozitnih filmova proteinski izolat/hitozan, kao i primena enzimskog umrežavanja (crosslinking) enzimom transglutaminaza (TGaza), radi dobijanja filmova sa unapređenim karakteristikama. Istraživanja su vođena i u smeru karakterizacije strukture nastalih filmova, primenom tehnika elektron skenirajuće mikroskopije, deferencijalne skening kalorimetrije, gasne hromatografije i Furije transformišuće infracrvene spektrofotometrije.The subject of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the possibility of production and characterization of new biodegradable composite films based on plant proteins. The research is based on an examination of the possibility of obtaining composite films based on renewable raw materials, using the casting method, on the characterization of the obtained films and the requirement for the modification to improve the properties of the formed film. The research is aimed to evaluate the possibility of the production the new biodegradable films based on hull-less pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) oil cake (pumpkin oil cake - PuOC), its protein isolates and their combinations with other filmogenous polymers (proteins and polysaccharides). The study involves partial replacement of commonly well-known filmogenous materials with PuOC, and production of films based on the whole PuOC and the protein isolates from PuOC. For film production, it is important to investigate the process parameters (temperature, pH, denaturation period, drying conditions, etc.), film-forming components (the amount of polymer with filmforming ability, the amount and type of plasticizer, the amount and type of cross-linking agents, etc..). As the large number of parameters influence the film formation, as well as the properties of formed films, the interaction of several factors which affect the possibility of the production and properties of the obtained film, was examined. Selection and optimization of process parameters and modeling of film production will be carried out by implementing a new computer and analytical methodology. Characteristics important for further application of the obtained films include mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation at break), barrier (gas permeability) and physical-chemical properties (solubility, the amount of soluble proteins, biological activity in the form of antioxidant activity) and were tested for the purpose of declaring potential application of the produced films. Additionaly, the possibility of production of composite films protein isolate/chitosan, and the application of enzymatic networks (cross-linking) by the enzyme transglutaminase, in order to obtain films with improved properties, was examined. Research was conducted in the direction of the characterization of films formed by applying the techniques of scanning electron microscopy, diferential scanning calorimetry, gas chromatography and Fourier transforming infrared spectrophotometry

    The study of production and characterization of biodegradable, composite films based on plant proteins

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    Predmet doktorske disertacije je ispitivanje mogućnosti karakterizacija novih biorazgradivih kompozitnih filmova na bazi biljnih proteina. Osnovno istraživanje se bazira na ispitivanju mogućnosti dobijanja kompozitnih filmova na bazi obnovljivih sirovina, vlažnim postupkom ("casting" metoda), karakterizaciji dobijenih filmova i modifikaciji uslova dobijanja radi poboljšanja osobina formiranog filma. Istraživanja se zasnivaju na dobijanju filmova na bazi pogače uljane tikve golice (Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) (pumpkin oil cake – PuOC), njenog proteinskog izolata i njihove kombinacije sa drugim filmogenim polimerima (proteinima i polisaharidima). Istraživanje podrazumeva procenu mogućnosti primene PuOC radi delimične zamene opšte poznatih filmogenih materijala, kao i produkciju filmova od PuOC i od proteinskog izolata PuOC. Za produkciju filmova, od važnosti je ispitivanje procesnih parametara (temperatura, pH, period denaturacije, uslovi sušenja, itd.) i komponenti koje formiraju film (količina polimera sa sposobnošću formiranja filma, količina i vrsta plastifikatora, količina i vrsta agenasa za umrežavanje, itd.). S obzirom na velik broj parametara koji utiču na formiranje filma, kao i na osobine formiranih filmova, ispitano je međusobno delovanja više faktora na mogućnost produkcije i osobine dobijenog filma. Odabir i optimizacija procesnih parametara i modelovanje produkcije filmova izvedeno je implementiranjem nove kompjuterske i analitičke metodologije. Osobine značajne za dalju primenu dobijenih filmova podrazumevaju mehaničke osobine (zateznu jačinu i izduženje pri kidanju), barijerne (propustljivost gasova) i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike (rastvorljivost, količinu rastvorljivih proteina, biološku aktivnost u vidu antioksidantne aktivnosti), a ispitane su u cilju deklarisanja potencijalne aplikacije filma. Dodatno, ispitana je mogućnost produkcije kompozitnih filmova proteinski izolat/hitozan, kao i primena enzimskog umrežavanja (crosslinking) enzimom transglutaminaza (TGaza), radi dobijanja filmova sa unapređenim karakteristikama. Istraživanja su vođena i u smeru karakterizacije strukture nastalih filmova, primenom tehnika elektron skenirajuće mikroskopije, deferencijalne skening kalorimetrije, gasne hromatografije i Furije transformišuće infracrvene spektrofotometrije.The subject of the doctoral dissertation is to examine the possibility of production and characterization of new biodegradable composite films based on plant proteins. The research is based on an examination of the possibility of obtaining composite films based on renewable raw materials, using the casting method, on the characterization of the obtained films and the requirement for the modification to improve the properties of the formed film. The research is aimed to evaluate the possibility of the production the new biodegradable films based on hull-less pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. c. v. Olinka) oil cake (pumpkin oil cake - PuOC), its protein isolates and their combinations with other filmogenous polymers (proteins and polysaccharides). The study involves partial replacement of commonly well-known filmogenous materials with PuOC, and production of films based on the whole PuOC and the protein isolates from PuOC. For film production, it is important to investigate the process parameters (temperature, pH, denaturation period, drying conditions, etc.), film-forming components (the amount of polymer with filmforming ability, the amount and type of plasticizer, the amount and type of cross-linking agents, etc..). As the large number of parameters influence the film formation, as well as the properties of formed films, the interaction of several factors which affect the possibility of the production and properties of the obtained film, was examined. Selection and optimization of process parameters and modeling of film production will be carried out by implementing a new computer and analytical methodology. Characteristics important for further application of the obtained films include mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation at break), barrier (gas permeability) and physical-chemical properties (solubility, the amount of soluble proteins, biological activity in the form of antioxidant activity) and were tested for the purpose of declaring potential application of the produced films. Additionaly, the possibility of production of composite films protein isolate/chitosan, and the application of enzymatic networks (cross-linking) by the enzyme transglutaminase, in order to obtain films with improved properties, was examined. Research was conducted in the direction of the characterization of films formed by applying the techniques of scanning electron microscopy, diferential scanning calorimetry, gas chromatography and Fourier transforming infrared spectrophotometry

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starch-gelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starch-gelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin

    Influence of synthesis on composite/laminated starchgelatine based biopolymer film properties

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    Biopolymer films have an increasing share in the packaging material sector due to a number of advantages: availability, cheapness, easy processing, degradability, etc. On the other hand, numerous methods have been developed to optimize their unfavorable properties (weaker mechanical characteristics, hydrophilicity, etc.). This paper examines the influence of the synthesis method on starch-gelatin films properties. The starch-gelatin film was synthesized in a ratio 1:1 as a composite film (C). The second sample was obtained by gelatin film lamination on starch film (L). Plain starch film was used as a control (0). Mechanical, structural and physico-chemical properties of importance for the application of packaging materials were tested on the obtained samples. All the obtained biopolymer films were transparent and easy to handle. FTIR spectroscopy identified all characteristic groups and bonds formed in composite and laminated films. The results showed a significant contribution of gelatin in the developed biopolymer films compared to the control sample. Gelatin incorporated as a film component or as a separate layer improved mechanical properties and water solubility. Slight differences were observed between composite and laminated films because the effect of the method of added gelatin is minimal compared to the sample without the addition of gelatin

    Application of life cycle assessment in the packaging sector for the environmental assessment of polymer and biopolymer based materials: A review

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    Among many important requirements for packaging materials, environmental friendliness is a property that has become necessary for any material that needs to be competitive in the market. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is an analytical instrument that provides a framework for analyzing the impact of products and services on the environment, i.e. provides an understanding and the possibility of comparing different products. LCA studies the use of resources and the consequent emissions of pollutants on the environment during the entire life of a product from raw materials exploitation, through production, use and treatment at the end of the life cycle - recycling and final disposal. This paper will provide an overview of the LCA results of various commercial polymer packaging materials, as well as the results of LCAs of biopolymer materials. Although LCA faces the problem of data heterogeneity, since some studies focused on individual segments of the analysis, while some related to all aspects of the process, as well with the problem of interpreting heterogeneous results, because the output parameters were arbitrarily selected by the researcher, still it could be concluded that the available LCA studies and environmental assessments support further development of biobased polymers. When comparing biopolymer materials with commercial synthetic polymers, they have advantages - lower consumption of fossil fuels and lower emission rate of greenhouse gases from the whole life cycle

    Improvement of Water Vapor Barrier Properties of Chitosan-Collagen Laminated Casings using Beeswax

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    Collagen casings are commercially used in sausage production. In this paper, collagen film that is used for sausage casings was laminated with chitosan film to produce barrier casing film. Chitosan coating was prepared by dissolving chitosan powder in 1% acetic acid. After dissolving chitosan, caraway essential oil, wetting agent Tween 20 and different amounts of beeswax, from 0 to 25 g were added to the solution. The solution was coated on collagen film surface in three layers, using a sponge brush to make laminated films. Films were air dried at temperature t = 23 °C ± 2 °C. Uncoated collagen film was used as reference. Film thickness, water vapor barrier properties and FTIR spectra were determined. With growing amount of beeswax added to the chitosan layer, film thickness grew from 112 µm for laminated film with 5 g of beeswax to 225 µm for film with 25 g of beeswax, compared to 83 µm for collagen film. Water vapor barrier properties improved with growing amount of beeswax in chitosan layer, ranging from 130.71 g/m224h for laminated film with added 5 g of beeswax to 66.96 g/m224h for the film with 25 g of beeswax, compared to 290.64 g/m224h for collagen film. Addition of beeswax showed great potential in lowering water vapor permeability of laminated collagen-chitosan film. FTIR spectra could be used to determine quantitative law dependency between added amount of beeswax and spectra absorption values,as well as to prove compactness of chitosan-beeswax layer

    The influence of essential oils on the properties of biopolymer films based on wild flax (Camelina sativa L.)

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    The aim of this work was the activation of biopolymer material based on wild flax cake (Camelina Sativa) with eucalyptus and rosemary essential oils added in different concentrations (0.5%, 1% and 2%). The wild flax cake, left over after the cold pressing of the oil, was used to obtain biopolymer films. To obtain active packaging, essential oils were added to this biopolymer material and the influence of the addition of essential oils on the physico-chemical, mechanical, barrier and biological properties of biopolymer films based on wild flax cake was examined. The obtained results showed the most significant influence on water vapor permeability. The control sample had a water vapor permeability value of 5.43 g/m 2 h, while in the sample with 2% added eucalyptus essential oil, this value was 3.14 g/m 2 h. Antioxidant activity was also confirmed in the control sample without added essential oils (60.10%), but with the addition of 2% eucalyptus essential oil, this value increased to 78.54%. Eucalyptus essential oil proved to be more effective than rosemary oil on the investigated properties of the films. The addition of essential oils to biopolymer films broadens the spectrum of functional properties, including the improvement of mechanical, barrier and biological properties