519 research outputs found

    Mechanical and Anatomical Properties in Individual Growth Rings of Plantation-Grown Eastern Cottonwood and Loblolly Pine

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    Growth in genetically improved trees under intensive management is so rapid that rotations may be as short as 20 to 30 years. At that age, the trees contain a high proportion of lower quality juvenile wood. Thus, the properties of juvenile wood need to be characterized to effectively use this resource.This study determined relationships between age and mechanical and anatomical properties, the average properties of juvenile and mature wood, the age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood, and the projected proportions of juvenile and mature wood at various ages in plantation cottonwood and loblolly pine. It also compared projected properties of plantation trees with those published for trees from natural forests.All properties improved markedly with age, up to nearly a tenfold increase in modulus of elasticity of one loblolly pine tree from early juvenile wood to late mature wood. Average mechanical properties of juvenile wood ranged from 47% to 63% of those for mature wood in pine and from 62% to 79% in cottonwood. The age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood varied by species and property, ranging from 13 to 20 years. At age 40, plantation trees sampled were projected to contain approximately 25% juvenile wood. The mechanical properties of the pine were projected to approximate those of trees from natural forests at 30 to 60 years, depending on property, while those for cottonwood will not achieve comparability

    Isolation of Lactoferrin and its Concentration in Sows’ Colostrum and Milk During a 21-Day Lactation

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    Levels of lactoferrin, an Fe-binding protein with bacteriostatic properties, were determined in the colostrum and milk of Yorkshire sows during a 21-d lactation. Lactoferrin levels averaged 1,100 to 1,300 μg/ml near the time of farrowing, then declined sharply during the first week of lactation. Concentration of lactoferrin showed considerable variation among sows, but not among teat positions (anterior to posterior). A method for isolating high purity swine lactoferrin is described

    Space Trumps Time When Talking About Objects

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    The nature of the relationship between the concepts of space and time in the human mind is much debated. Some claim that space is primary and that it structures time (cf. Lakoff & Johnson, 1980) while others (cf. Walsh, 2003) maintain no difference in status between them. Using fully immersive virtual reality (VR), we examined the influence of object distance and time of appearance on choice of demonstratives (this and that) to refer to objects. Critically, demonstratives can be used spatially (this/that red triangle) and temporally (this/that month). Experiment 1 showed a pattern of demonstrative usage in VR that is consistent with results found in real‐world studies. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 manipulated both when and where objects appeared, providing scenarios where participants were free to use demonstratives in either a temporal or spatial sense. Although we find evidence for time of presentation affecting object mention, the experiments found that demonstrative choice was affected only by distance. These results support the view that spatial uses of demonstratives are privileged over temporal uses

    Adopting basic principles of the United Nations Academic Impact initiative (UNAI): Can cultural differences be predicted from value orientations and globalization?

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    © 2017 Nechtelberger, Renner, Nechtelberger, Supeková, Hadjimarkou, Offurum, Ramalingam, Senft and Redfern. The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) Initiative has set forth 10 Basic Principles for higher education. In the present study, a 10 item self-report questionnaire measuring personal endorsement of these principles has been tested by self-report questionnaires with university and post-graduate students from Austria, China, Cyprus, India, Nigeria, and Slovakia (total N = 976, N = 627 female, mean age 24.7 years, s = 5.7). Starting from the assumptions of Moral Foundations Theory (MFT), we expected that personal attitudes toward the UNAI Basic Principles would be predicted by endorsement of various moral foundations as suggested by MFT and by the individual's degree of globalization. Whereas for the Austrian, Cypriot, and Nigerian sub- samples this assumption was largely confirmed, for the Chinese, Indian, and Slovak sub- samples only small amounts of the variance could be explained by regression models. All six sub-samples differed substantially with regard to their overall questionnaire responses: by five discriminant functions 83.6% of participants were classified correctly. We conclude that implementation of UNAI principles should adhere closely to the cultural requirements of the respective society and, where necessary should be accompanied by thorough informational campaigns about UN educational goals

    The dick pic : harassment, curation, and desire

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    The combined rise of digital photography and social media has expanded what might be considered photo worthy. Among the pouting selfies and food stuffs of the day exists the ubiquitous dick pic. The mainstream media generally focuses on dick pics of the unsolicited kind, which, negatively positioned, are commonly associated with heterosexual harassment. Considering the ubiquity of dick pics across apps and platforms, research on the topic nevertheless remains scarce. In this article, we examine the dick pic as an online communicative form, first considering how it manifests the ability to harass and then moving beyond this dominant framing to analysis of contexts where such images are collated, expected, and sought after. Through this analysis of dick pics as figures and actors of harassment, curation, and desire, we demonstrate the simultaneous tenacity and flexibility of their meanings in connection with the dynamics of consent and non-consent, intimacy and distance, and complex circuits of desire. We further address the role of platforms, apps, and app stores, via their community standards and terms of use, in shaping the nature, and presence, of dick pics, and discuss the affective and communicative functions that these affordances serve (or fail to serve). Our analysis of three key modes of engagement with dick pics demonstrates the ambiguity and multiple valences of the phenomenon addressed