14 research outputs found


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    Since its foundation, industrial production of the Ottoman Empire was shaped in the hands of artisan class until 1800. Within master-apprentice relationships works were conducted. In this perspective market was not formed according to supply and demand. Not everyone could perform the job that one desired. Artisan class performed their work while benefiting from buyingselling monopoly rights that the government gave. Yet, the government had always stayed in the position of interference. Otoman industry in the control of artisan class demonstrated a two sided progress. First is the progress occured in war industry. Building artillary foundries, naval docks and producing war tools and equipments were signs of the industry. Second is the progress occured in textile industry. Cotton and silk weaving, leather industry and dying had been the main areas for living. Otoman Industry's real progress as government and private companies dates back to 1839 when the administrative reforms were taken. Although the Ottoman Empire did not become an industrial society, efforts of both state and private sector should not be disregarded. Many of the industrial facilities were transferred to the term of the Turkish Republic. Inadequacy of capital, qualified labor and raw material had decreased the success levels of state and private sector during the term. Kurulusundan itibaren XVIII. yüzyıla kadar Osmanlı Devleti'nde sanayi üretimi esnaf teskilatlarının elinde sekillenmistir. Usta çırak iliskisi içerisinde merkezi otoritenin kontrolü ile zanaatlar yerine getirilmistir. Bu açıdan serbest girisimde olduğu gibi piyasa, arz ve talebe göre islememis, herkes her istediği mesleği icra edememistir. Esnaf ancak devletin tanıdığı alım-satım tekel haklarından faydalanarak çalısmalarını devam ettirmistir. Devlet her zaman müdahaleci konumda olmustur. Osmanlı sanayi esnaf teskilatlarının kontrolünde iki yönde gelisme göstermistir. Birinci gelisme yönü savas sanayi alanında olmustur. Tophaneler, baruthaneler, tersaneler ve savas araç gereçleri üretimi, bu tip sanayiye örnek teskil etmistir. Sanayinin ikinci gelisme yönü ise tekstil alanında olmustur. Pamuklu ve ipek dokuma sanayi, deri sanayi ve boyacılık baslıca gelisim alanlarını olusturmustur. Osmanlı sanayisinin özel fabrika ve devlet fabrikaları olmak üzere asıl atılım gösterdiği dönem Tanzimat sonrasına rastlamaktadır. Osmanlı Devleti bir sanayi toplumu haline gelmemis olsa bile, gerek devlet gerekse özel tesebbüs aracılığı ile gösterilen çabaların yetersiz olduğu sanılmamalıdır. Kurulan sanayi tesebbüslerinin bir çoğu Cumhuriyet Dönemi'ne devredilmistir. Dönem itibariyle sermaye, kalifiye isgücü ve hammaddenin yetersizliği, devlet ve özel girisim fabrikalarının basarı düzeyini düsürmüstür. Ancak yine de gösterilen çabalar oldukça önemli sanayi kuruluslarını ortaya çıkarmıstır. Günümüz Türkiye'sinin sanayilesmede aldığı mesafeye o dönem çalısmalarının da etkisi büyük olmustu

    The Potential of E-commerce for SMEs in a Globalizing Business Environment

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    AbstractIn an era of globalizing economies many markets become increasingly international and competitive. Technological progress in logistics and distribution enables nearly every business to buy, sell and cooperate on a global scale and even smaller and locally oriented businesses are forced to see themselves in a global context to survive in this new challenging business environment. Although common sense is that the globalization expose SMEs to many challenges the recent literature argues that SMEs can benefit the new environment via e-commerce. In this framework this study presents the issues the SMEs can face in changing business environment and the potential of e-commerce in this new environment. The findings of the study shows that although their size is a disadvantage for SMEs to compete in global platform e-commerce can help them make up however there are several barriers that limit or prevent them from getting into e-commerce which can be handled with public and private support


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    The economic depression originated from The Economic Crisis of 2008, productivity and competitiveness became more crucial mainly for the SME's which are much more fragile than the large firms in times of economic fluctuations. In this framework, main aim of this study is to analysis the competitiveness of Turkish economy within the scope of WEF global competitiveness index for the 2011-2012 period. According to WEF global competitiveness index report, Turkish economy The rank of Turkish economy in the WEF global competitiveness index 2011-2012 is 59. The rank of Turkish economy in the basic requirements is 64, in the efficiency enhancers is 52 and in the innovation and sophistication factors is 58. In these circumstances, it is vital for the Turkish economy improve competitiveness level in order to achieve sustainable long run economic growth


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    In economic terms, due to globalization, economic crisis have gone global too. The first global crisis that affected the whole world is the 1929 Great Depression. The world had many crises before 1929 yet their effects have been limited. The extent of the volume of the world economy has come brings global crises of today to have major impact together. Acceleration of globalization since 1990 has led to an increase in number of economic crises. The crises came up to the world agenda as much as the wars in the last two decades. 1994 Mexico, 1998 Russia, 1994, November 2000 and February 2001 Turkey, 2002 Argentina crises were not global but has had negative effects on the world economy. Besides, 1997 Asia and finally the global financial crisis started in the United States in the second half of 2007 had large impacts on the world economy. The late two decades will be noted in the world history as years of crises

    Structural effect of enterprises open-closed innovation models tendencies in product output process: a study on the enterprises located in the IMES industrial estate - Turkey example

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    In this study, how effective the open closed innovation models, one of the important parameters of the innovation economy, in the innovation management of the enterprises located in imes industrial estate is presented. The open innovation approach is enabling that the intercorporate ideas and innovations profit by the external ideas and innovations, it provides interactive relations among another enterprises about innovation. In this research, the tendency of enterprises to the open innovation approach is introduced by departing from imes industrial estate

    Returns Of Investment Tools In Recession Periods For Turkey

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    The Global Financial Crisis has first affected USA economy, then rapidly spread over the Europe. Although it has started in USA its effects on financial system have been more severe in EU. Being one of the best trade partner of EU, Turkish economy has been also largely affected by the crisis. Nevertheless Turkish financial system was stable in crisis period, investment instruments were shaken. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the global financial crisis in 2008 how was affected to economy and investment instruments in Turkey. To this end, we first explored the performance of rates of return investment instruments. At the same time, we also investigated the financial indicators such as ISE-100 index, interest rate, exchange rate such as dollar and euro and gold parity from 2003 till 2010. We discussed the causes and effects of 2008 economic recession and other influential crisis of Turkey. We explained the data by annual periods and showed the distributions of financial instruments by graphics. In addition we evaluated the relations between rates of return and crisis period in Turkey. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility 7th International Strategic Managemen

    Financial Development-Economic Growth Nexus: The Case of Eastern European Countries

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    Whether financial development is conducive to economic growth is one of the fundamental problems that has been investigated by economists for decades. While majority of the studies find a positive effect of financial development on economic growth there are also some analyses which suggest that financial development has a negative impact on economic growth. In this study, we investigate the effect of financial development on economic growth in 12 Eastern European countries over the period 1990-2011 by taking into account the possible endogeneity between these variables and by using three different financial development indicators. We also consider the impact of governance and enterprise restructuring together with the effects of the Enlargement of the European Union in 2004 and 2008 global economic crisis in our empirical analysis. Our results suggest that while none of the financial development indicators has an effect on economic growth by itself the interaction term between domestic credit to private sector and governance and enterprise restructuring negatively affects economic growth

    Europeanization of Labour Markets in New Member and Candidate States

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    Due to enlargement of the European Union, Europeanization term began to cover new pursuits. Compared to the existing members, the states accessed the Union in the fifth enlargement period and the current candidate states are characterised by distinct patterns of integration and Europeanization. In this respect the Europeanization of new member and candidate states is a rather recent but a fast-growing research area since 2004 and research in this area has developed primarily in the context of Union's eastern enlargement

    The Potential of E-commerce for SMEs in a Globalizing Business Environment

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    In an era of globalizing economies many markets become increasingly international and competitive. Technological progress in logistics and distribution enables nearly every business to buy, sell and cooperate on a global scale and even smaller and locally oriented businesses are forced to see themselves in a global context to survive in this new challenging business environment. Although common sense is that the globalization expose SMEs to many challenges the recent literature argues that SMEs can benefit the new environment via e-commerce. In this framework this study presents the issues the SMEs can face in changing business environment and the potential of e-commerce in this new environment. The findings of the study shows that although their size is a disadvantage for SMEs to compete in global platform e-commerce can help them make up however there are several barriers that limit or prevent them from getting into e-commerce which can be handled with public and private support. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Structure of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Turkey and Global Competitiveness Strategies

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    The effect of globalization on small and medium enterprises has received much more attention than the other enterprise types in international circles because the SMEs make significant contributions to the economy of both developing and developed countries. Financing obstacles in small firms are reported to have almost twice the effect as obstacles in large firms. In this regards one of the most viable strategies to achieve national development goals in both developing and developed nations is to promote SMEs. In this framework this study present the current state of SMEs in Turkey and investigate the global competitiveness strategies for them. The results of the study show that SMEs form 99,9% of the industry in Turkey however only 55% of the SMEs are operating in value added sectors. They need dedicated financial support programmes and policy initiatives for increasing their levels of global competitiveness. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd