19 research outputs found

    Game species fodder conditions in Eastern Siberia and Amur region

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    Hunting farms can serve as a source of primary data on the state of natural resources. Taking into account the increasing anthropogenic impact on the environment, it is necessary to constantly monitor the situation with food for ungulates and predators in order to be able to take timely measures to improve the quality of habitat for wild fauna. Populations of wild large animals live in the host landscapes of so reduced that animals population become extremely vulnerable and unstable, signs of crisis can be seen in the data on the number of animals. Lack of natural food is a serious deterrent, especially in difficult times of the year, such as winter and spring. An analysis of the situation with food for a particular species will allow hunting farms to properly plan their feeding and other activities throughout the year in order to maintain a population of certain species on their territory and minimize the migration of species outside the protected areas. The aim of our work was to create a baseline for tracking data on the characteristics of wildlife animals. The research results allow hunting farms to use the data of animal feeding preferences during different seasons of the year for better organization of their biotechnical measures and improvement of feeding conditions for such species as red deer (Cervus elaphus), elk (Cervus canadensis), roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and bear(Ursus arctos)


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    The aim of this study was to estimate possibilities of CT and radiography in the diagnosis postperfusional pulmonary edema (PPE). Postperfusional pulmonary edema is the complication of normothermic isolated lung chemoperfusion (ILCP). In our clinic 74 patients with isolated lung metastases underwent 101 ILCP Postperfusional pulmonary edema was diagnosed in 31 (30,7%). In 9 (29%) cases PPE was manifested in the form of interstitial pulmonary edema, in 19 (61,3%) cases in form of mixed pulmonary edema and in 3 (9,7%) cases in form alveolar pulmonary edema. The study determined correlation between clinical and radiological manifestations of PPE and PPE diagnostic algorithm was developed.Статья посвящена возможностям рентгенографии и компьютерной томографии (КТ) в диагностике постперфузионного отека легкого (ППОЛ), развивающегося в послеоперационном периоде после изолированной химиоперфузии легкого (ИХПЛ) противоопухолевым препаратом с метастазэктомией. Анализ построен на исследовании данных комплексного клинико-лучевого обследования 74 пациентов, которым была выполнена 101 ИХПЛ с метастазэктомией. В 70 (69,3%) случаях в послеоперационном периоде отсутствовали клинические и рентгенологические проявления ППОЛ. Особенностью течения послеоперационного периода после проведения ИХПЛ являлось возникновение в 31 (30,7%) случае ППОЛ, характеризовавшегося различными рентгенологическими изменениями и клиническими проявлениями. Проведена систематизация рентгенологических проявлений ППОЛ, согласно которой в 9 (29%) случаях выявлен интерстициальный, в 19 (61,3%) случаях - смешанный и в 3 (9,7%) - альвеолярный постперфузионный отек легкого. В результате исследования определен алгоритм диагностики ППОЛ, а также определена связь между клиническими и рентгенологическими проявлениями ППОЛ


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    Comparative study of antitumor activity of cisplatin and dioxadet in chemoperfusion treatment was carried out on ascitic ovarian cancer model in 172 Vistar female rats. Ovarian cancer was inoculated intraperitoneally at a volume of 0.5 ml per rat with concentration of tumor cells 2×107 / ml. The drugs were administered once in 48 hours after inoculation of ovarian cancer in maximum tolerated doses (MTD). Normothermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (IPEC) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (HIPEC) were performed with cisplatin or dioxadet at doses that were 5−20 times higher than those for their standard intraperitoneal administration. Antitumor effects of the drugs were estimated in increase of median survival time (MST). In case of IPEC and HIPEC cisplatin increased the MST by 317  % and 183  % (р<0.05) respectively, when dioxadet increased the MST by 244  % and 444  % (р<0.05) respectively compared to the control group of animals that didn’t receive any treatment. HIPEC with dioxadet is the most effective regimen in experimental treatment of advanced ovarian cancer


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    Deficit of donor organs is the limiting factor in organ transplantation. One way of solving this problem is the use of donors with sudden irreversible circulatory arrest. Obtaining organs from this category of donors is pos- sible only through the use of normothermic extracorporal perfusion in situ (NECP) with oxygenation and leu- cocyte depletion. The article presents the implementation of NECP in 11 uncontrolled non heart beating donor (uNHBD) kidneys (age of 43,1 ± 2,98 years) and the results of transplantation in 22 recipients of such transplants in comparison with the results of the 20 recipients of kidney transplants from 20 donors to the death of the brain (age 45,65 ± 1,8 years). Despite the initially high rate of delayed function and more significant number of hemo- dialysis in uNHBD group (group of investigation), serum creatinine at 21st day was the same level as in BDD group (comparison group): 0,198 ± 0,002 mmol/L and 0,151 ± 0,002 mmol/L (p > 0,05). The use of NECP with oxygenation and leucocyte depletion is an effective practice for recovery kidney from donors with a sudden ir- reversible circulatory arrest with warm ischemic time one hour and more before the operation explantation. Дефицит донорских органов является ограничивающим фактором в развитии трансплантологии. Один из способов решения данной проблемы – использование доноров с внезапной необратимой остановкой кро- вообращения. Получение донорских органов от данной категории доноров возможно только за счет при- менения экстракорпоральной нормотермической аппаратной перфузии in situ (ЭНАП). В статье приво- дятся данные применения ЭНАП у 11 асистолических доноров почек (ср. возраст 43,1 ± 2,98 года) и ре- зультаты пересадок 22 реципиентов таких трансплантатов в сравнении с результатами пересадок у 20 ре- ципиентов почек от 20 доноров со смертью мозга (ср. возраст 45,65 ± 1,8). Несмотря на изначально вы- сокий процент отсроченной функции и большее количество сеансов гемодиализа, уровень сывороточ- ного креатинина в сравниваемых группах уже к 21-м суткам: 0,198 ± 0,002 ммоль/л, а в группе сравне- ния – 0,151 ± 0,002 ммоль/л (р > 0,05). Применение нормотермической экстракорпоральной аппаратной перфузии в теле донора (in situ) является единственным способом восстановления и сохранения жизне- способности органов у доноров с внезапной необратимой остановкой кровообращения (неконтролируе- мых асистолических доноров) до начала операции эксплантации. Использование нормотермии, оксиге- нации крови и удаления из нее лейкоцитов при проведении перфузии in situ позволяет добиться восста- новления жизнеспособности почек у доноров со временем первичной тепловой ишемии до 60 мин и бо- лее. Непосредственные и ранние послеоперационные результаты трансплантаций почек, полученных с помощью разработанного метода, не уступают таковым, полученным при пересадке трансплантатов от доноров со смертью мозга.


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    Currently, the methods of delivering high local doses of chemotherapy to locally-advanced tumors of the extremities, while avoiding systemic toxicity, are actively investigated. Isolated regional limb chemoperfusion is one of these methods. From 2004 to 2014, a total of 70 patients underwent isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for locally-advanced soft tissue sarcoma and transit metastases of extremity melanoma. Complications of ILP, causes of their occurrence and preventive measures were analyzed.В настоящее время активно изучаются методы локального воздействия на местно-диссеминированные опухоли конечностей, позволяющие избежать калечащей операции и сохранить высокое качество жизни больного. Одной из таких методик является изолированная регионарная химиоперфузия конечностей. Мы изучили данные по 70 больным, которым в отделении общей онко логии НИИ онкологии им. Н.Н. Петрова в период с 2004 по 2014  выполнена изолированная химиоперфузия по поводу местно распространенных сарком мягких тканей, а также транзитных метастазов меланомы конечностей. Представлен анализ возможных осложнений ИРП, причины их возникновения и возможные пути профилактики


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    Comparative study of antitumor activity of cisplatin and dioxadet in chemoperfusion treatment was carried out on ascitic ovarian cancer model in 172 Vistar female rats. Ovarian cancer was inoculated intraperitoneally at a volume of 0.5 ml per rat with concentration of tumor cells 2×107 / ml. The drugs were administered once in 48 hours after inoculation of ovarian cancer in maximum tolerated doses (MTD). Normothermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (IPEC) and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (HIPEC) were performed with cisplatin or dioxadet at doses that were 5−20 times higher than those for their standard intraperitoneal administration. Antitumor effects of the drugs were estimated in increase of median survival time (MST). In case of IPEC and HIPEC cisplatin increased the MST by 317  % and 183  % (р<0.05) respectively, when dioxadet increased the MST by 244  % and 444  % (р<0.05) respectively compared to the control group of animals that didn’t receive any treatment. HIPEC with dioxadet is the most effective regimen in experimental treatment of advanced ovarian cancer


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    The authors analyzed the positioning error for branchytherapy needle inserted with original robotic system «Oncorobot» (Central Research Institute of Robotic And Technical Cybernetics, St. Petersburg) compared with traditional methods of insertion and other technical systems. The gelatin phantom of prostate gland was used for experiments. Needle insertion robotic program was written according to coordinates of dosimetric plan of microsourse localization. A coordinate of the needle tip location was measured after each injection of the needle into phantom and the mean-square error was calculated. It was shown that needle tip positioning error wasn’t more than 0,5 mm at insertion speeds from 3,0 to 30,00 mm/sec. Positioning error enlarged with increase of insertion speed. Needle positioning accuracy of insertion was significantly higher in case of developed robotic system, than in manual brachytherapy. The accuracy indices of the system were correlated with other described robotic systems

    Ascitic ovarian cancer is an adequate preclinical model of carcinomatosis to study intraperitoneal chemoperfusion treatment

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    To study the mechanisms underlying the effects of intraperitoneal chemoperfusion and to develop the optimal chemoperfusion regimen, an animal model of peritoneal carcinomatosis closely resembles a human model of peritoneal carcinomatosis is required. In our study, the model of peritoneal carcinomatosis in rats with ascitic ovarian cancer was used. material and methods. There were three groups of rats with ascitic ovarian cancer: 1 – the control group (n=15) having no treatment; 2 – rats receiving normothermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with cisplatin, 40 mg/kg (n=12); 3 – rats receiving hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion with cisplatin, 20 mg/kg (n=14). All animals were euthanized with subsequent autopsy. results. Ascitic ovarian cancer developed in 100 % of the animals injected with the tumor cells. The median overall survival of rats in the control group was 9.5 days. At autopsy, all rats had ascites, and rats surviving 15‒17 days after the tumor cell injection had white tumor nodes measuring 1–3 mm in the greater omentum, intestinal mesentery, parietal and visceral peritoneum. The nodes were histologically verified as metastases of low-differentiated ovarian tumor. In 2 and 5 rats from groups 2 and 3 respectively, metastases in paratracheal lymph nodes and tumor hydrothorax were detected with no evidence of peritoneal carcinomatosis. The median survival of rats in groups 2 and 3 was significantly higher than that in the control group, being 37.5 and 25.5 months, respectively (р=0,256). conclusion. This in vivo study proved that localization of ascitic ovarian tumor, development of the tumor in all animals injected with tumor cells, fast ascites progression and peritoneal carcinomatosis make this ascitic ovarian cancer an adequate preclinical model of peritoneal carcinomatosis to study intraperitoneal chemoperfusion. Further studies are needed to understand the reasons and mechanisms of the tumor hydrothorax development in rats after intraperitoneal chemoperfusion

    Development of the medical apparatus for Doppler-controlled treatment of hemorrhoids using laser coagulation

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    In the article authors present the concept of the surgical manipulator delivering laser radiation to the target area. For the implementation of Doppler-controlled treatment of hemorrhoids by laser coagulation, an important circumstance is the necessity to realize by means of the dopplerograph the possibility of controlling the efficiency of coagulation of the pathological vessel immediately after the impact, which will create the prerequisites for the formation of a program cycle with the inclusion of control elements by feedback. In this regard, the structure of the laser medical apparatus is developed, which allows determining the location, size and flow of arterial and venous vessels, performing laser coagulation of pathologically damaged sites under constant Doppler control. The developed adaptive power management system includes several functional units for the processing of the data from ultrasound scanner and the Doppler. Medical apparatus for minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoids based on the laser coagulator and ultrasound Doppler will allow performing surgeries in automated and half-automated modes. The suggested medical apparatus helps to determine pathological vessels, choose the required radiation mode and provides vessel obliteration. Successful realization of constructive combination of real-time diagnostics and surgical manipulation with a laser can result in a unique minimally invasive solution to treat hemorrhoids that currently doesn’t have analogues