11 research outputs found

    Thermophoresis or When Small Objects Meet Temperature Gradient: Numerous Applications

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    This mini review discusses the phenomenon of thermophoresis, also known as the thermophoretic effect. Thermophoretic effect arises from the combination of a temperature gradient and particles of very small dimensions, on the order of magnitude of the mean free path of the molecules of the surrounding gas. Despite being a little-known effect, it is critical to many physical and chemical processes and for characterising the properties of nanostructured materials that could be used in industry for sensing applications. A description and definition of otherwise very similar thermophoresis terms is provided, as well as a brief overview of the literature on this topic, with a focus on research in the twenty-first centur

    Selenotriapine – An isostere of the most studied thiosemicarbazone with pronounced pro-apoptotic activity, low toxicity and ability to challenge phenotype reprogramming of 3-D mammary adenocarcinoma tumors

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    Triapine, the most studied α-N-heterocyclic thiosemicarbazone, revealed potent activity against advanced leukemia, but was ineffective against a variety of solid tumors. Moreover, methemoglobinemia, which is a side effect of triapine administration, may limits all clinical application. To enhance anticancer activity and reduce side effects, we applied an isosteric replacement of sulfur to selenium atom was performed by synthesis and characterization of selenium triapine analog, 3-aminopyridine-2-carboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone (selenotriapine). Compared to triapine, selenotriapine revealed superior pro-apoptotic activity with activation of intrinsic apoptotic pathway in both human monocytic leukemia (THP-1) and mammary adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cell lines. For MCF-7 2-D cultures, selenotriapine induced notable increase in mitochondrial superoxide radical generation and dissipation of mitochondrial transmembrane potential. A significant delay in growth of MCF-7 spheroids (3-D culture) was accompanied by phenotypic stem cell reprogramming (Oct-4 expression). Additionally, selenotriapine demonstrated a very low toxicity profile as compared to triapine, confirmed over alleviated extent of methemoglobin formation and higher IC50 value in brine shrimp cytotoxicity assay

    Activity to Breast Cancer Cell Lines of Different Malignancy and Predicted Interaction with Protein Kinase C Isoforms of Royleanones

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    Plants have been used for centuries to treat several illnesses. The Plectranthus genus has a vast variety of species that has allowed the isolation of cytotoxic compounds with notable activities. The abietane diterpenes 6, 7-dehydroroyleanone (DeRoy, 1), 7α-acetoxy-6β-hydroxyroyleanone (Roy, 2), and Parvifloron D (ParvD, 3) were obtained from Plectranthus spp. and showed promising biological activities, such as cytotoxicity. The inhibitory effects of the different natural abietanes (1-3) were compared in MFC7, SkBr3, and SUM159 cell lines, as well as SUM159 grown in cancer stem cell-inducing conditions. Based on the royleanones’ bioactivity, the derivatives RoyBz (4), RoyBzCl (5), RoyPr2 (6), and DihydroxyRoy (7), previously obtained from 2, were selected for further studies. Protein kinases C (PKCs) are involved in several carcinogenic processes. Thus, PKCs are potential targets for cancer therapy. To date, the portfolio of available PKC modulators remains very limited due to the difficulty of designing isozyme-selective PKC modulators. As such, molecular docking was used to evaluate royleanones 1-6 as predicted isozyme-selective PKC binders. Subtle changes in the binding site of each PKC isoform change the predicted interaction profiles of the ligands. Subtle changes in royleanone substitution patterns, such as a double substitution only with non-substituted phenyls, or hydroxybenzoate at position four that flips the binding mode of ParvD (3), can increase the predicted interactions in certain PKC subtype

    Synthesis, In Silico, and In Vitro Evaluation of Anti-Leishmanial Activity of Oxadiazoles and Indolizine Containing Compounds Flagged against Anti-Targets

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    Due to the lack of approved vaccines against human leishmaniasis and the limitations of the current chemotherapy inducing side effects and drug resistance, development of new, effective chemotherapeutic agents is essential. This study describes the synthesis of a series of novel oxadiazoles and indolizine-containing compounds. The compounds were screened in silico using an EIIP/AQVN filter followed by ligand-based virtual screening and molecular docking to parasite arginase. Top hits were further screened versus human arginase and finally against an anti-target battery to tag their possible interactions with proteins essential for the metabolism and clearance of many substances. Eight candidate compounds were selected for further experimental testing. The results show measurable in vitro anti-leishmanial activity for three compounds. One compound with an IC50 value of 2.18 mu M on Leishmania donovani intramacrophage amastigotes is clearly better positioned than the others as an interesting molecular template for further development of new anti-leishmanial agents

    In Silico Discovery of a Substituted 6-Methoxy-quinalidine with Leishmanicidal Activity in Leishmania infantum

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    There is an urgent need for the discovery of new antileishmanial drugs with a new mechanism of action. Type 2 NADH dehydrogenase from Leishmania infantum (LiNDH2) is an enzyme of the parasite’s respiratory system, which catalyzes the electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone without coupled proton pumping. In previous studies of the related NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase crystal structure from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two ubiquinone-binding sites (UQI and UQII) were identified and shown to play an important role in the NDH-2-catalyzed oxidoreduction reaction. Based on the available structural data, we developed a three-dimensional structural model of LiNDH2 using homology detection methods and performed an in silico virtual screening campaign to search for potential inhibitors targeting the LiNDH2 ubiquinone-binding site 1–UQI. Selected compounds displaying favorable properties in the computational screening experiments were assayed for inhibitory activity in the structurally similar recombinant NDH-2 from S. aureus and leishmanicidal activity was determined in the wild-type axenic amastigotes and promastigotes of L. infantum. The identified compound, a substituted 6-methoxy-quinalidine, showed promising nanomolar leishmanicidal activity on wild-type axenic promastigotes and amastigotes of L. infantum and the potential for further development.Acknowledgments: The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge COST Action CM1307 “Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites” and COST Action CM1306–Understanding Movement and Mechanism in Molecular Machines. This work was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Grant no. 173001) and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia through Grant P1-0012. FVS and FMS are recipients of fellowships from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (PD/BD/113985/2015, PD/BD/128213/2016, respectively, within the scope of the PhD program Molecular Biosciences PD/00133/2012). The work was also funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT (IF/01507/2015 to MMP) and the Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000012-Structured program on bioengineered therapies for infectious diseases and tissue regeneration, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). We thank Kaja Bergant for her kind assistance with Figure preparations

    Pro-apoptotic and pro-differentiation induction by 8-quinolinecarboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone and its Co(III) complex in human cancer cell lines

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    8-Quinolinecarboxaldehyde selenosemicarbazone (H8qasesc) and its octahedral Co(iii) complex were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, spectroscopy methods and cyclic voltammetry. The antineoplastic activity of the ligand and the complex has been assessed on an acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1) and AsPC-1 cancer stem cell (CSC) line derived from a patient suffering from pancreatic adenocarcinoma, with cisplatin (CDDP) as a reference compound. Evaluation involved determination of pro-apoptotic activity, changes in cell cycle distribution, the role of caspase activation in the process of cell death, and the ability of the investigated compounds to challenge reprogramming of the CSC phenotype. Compared to CDDP, treatment with H8qasesc induced a higher apoptotic response in both investigated cell lines. Apoptosis triggered by H8qasesc was highly caspase-dependent but did not include activation of either caspase-8 or -9. According to cell cycle changes H8qasesc delayed the transition of cells during DNA replication but in a manner different from that of CDDP. The ligand did not show nuclease activity on pUC19 plasmid, while docking studies disclosed that it does not have intercalating properties. Treatment of THP-1 cells with the Co(iii) complex resulted in a strong toxic response, whereas cell death in the treated AsPC-1 line was not achieved for 24 h. Additionally, the complex concentration-dependently digested plasmid DNA which might be the cause of its cytotoxic activity. Finally, H8qasesc successfully initiated reprogramming of the CSC phenotype in the AsPC-1 cell line

    In silico analysis suggests repurposing of ibuprofen for prevention and treatment of EBOLA virus disease

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    The large 2014/2015 Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa points out the urgent need to develop new preventive and therapeutic approaches that are effective against Ebola viruses and can be rapidly utilized. Recently, a simple theoretical criterion for the virtual screening of molecular libraries for candidate inhibitors of Ebola virus infection was proposed. Using this method the 'drug space' was screened and 267 approved and 382 experimental drugs as candidates for treatment of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) have been selected. Detailed analysis of these drugs revealed the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen as an inexpensive, widely accessible and minimally toxic candidate for prevention and treatment of EVD. Furthermore, the molecular mechanism underlying this possible protective effect of ibuprofen against EVD is suggested in this article