1,093 research outputs found

    Interactive real-time physics: an intuitive approach to form-finding and structural analysis for design and education

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    Real-time physics simulation has been extensively used in computer games, but its potential has yet to be fully realised in design and education. We present an interactive 3D physics engine with a wide variety of applications. In common with traditional FEM, the use of a local element stiffness matrix is retained. However, unlike typical non-linear FEM routines, elements forces, moments and inertia are appropriately lumped at nodes following the Dynamic Relaxation Method. A semi-implicit time integration scheme updates linear and angular momentum, and subsequently the local coordinate frames of the nodes. The Co-Rotational formulation is used to compute the resultant field of displacements in global coordinates including large deformations. The results obtained compare well against established commercial software. We demonstrate that the method presented allows the making of interactive structural models that can be used in teaching to develop an intuitive understanding of structural behaviour. We also show that the same interactive physics framework allows real-time optimization that can be used for geometric and structural design application

    How heavy can the Fermions in Split Susy be? A study on Gravitino and Extradimensional LSP

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    In recently introduced Split Susy theories, in which the scale of Susy breaking is very high, the requirement that the relic abundance of the Lightest SuperPartner (LSP) provides the Dark Matter of the Universe leads to the prediction of fermionic superpartners around the weak scale. This is no longer obviously the case if the LSP is a hidden sector field, such as a Gravitino or an other hidden sector fermion, so, it is interesting to study this scenario. We consider the case in which the Next-Lightest SuperPartner (NLSP) freezes out with its thermal relic abundance, and then it decays to the LSP. We use the constraints from BBN and CMB, together with the requirement of attaining Gauge Coupling Unification and that the LSP abundance provides the Dark Matter of the Universe, to infer the allowed superpartner spectrum. As very good news for a possible detaction of Split Susy at LHC, we find that if the Gravitino is the LSP, than the only allowed NLSP has to be very purely photino like. In this case, a photino from 700 GeV to 5 TeV is allowed, which is difficult to test at LHC. We also study the case where the LSP is given by a light fermion in the hidden sector which is naturally present in Susy breaking in Extra Dimensions. We find that, in this case, a generic NLSP is allowed to be in the range 1-20 TeV, while a Bino NLSP can be as light as tens of GeV.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figures. v2: modified conclusions for bino NLSP. v3: corrected small mistake in Gauge Coupling Unification, conclusions unchange

    Spin Coulomb drag beyond the random phase approximation

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    We study the spin Coulomb drag in a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas beyond the random phase approximation (RPA). We find that the finite transverse width of the electron gas causes a significant reduction of the spin Coulomb drag. This reduction, however, is largely compensated by the enhancement coming from the inclusion of many-body local field effects beyond the RPA, thereby restoring good agreement with the experimental observations by C. P. Weber \textit{et al.}, Nature, \textbf{437}, 1330 (2005).Comment: 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Harmonics of the AC susceptibility as probes to differentiate the various creep models

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    We measured the temperature dependence of the 1st and the 3rd harmonics of the AC magnetic susceptibility on some type II superconducting samples at different AC field amplitudes, hAC. In order to interpret the measurements, we computed the harmonics of the AC susceptibility as function of the temperature T, by integrating the non-linear diffusion equation for the magnetic field with different creep models, namely the vortex glass-collective creep (single-vortex, small bundle and large bundle) and Kim-Anderson model. We also computed them by using a non-linear phenomenological I-V characteristics, including a power law dependence of the pinning potential on hAC. Our experimental results were compared with the numerically computed ones, by the analysis of the Cole-Cole plots. This method results more sensitive than the separate component analysis, giving the possibility to obtain detailed information about the contribution of the flux dynamic regimes in the magnetic response of the analysed samples.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Physica

    Exchange and correlation effects on the plasmon dispersions and the Coulomb drag in low-density electron bilayers

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    We investigate the effect of exchange and correlation (xc) on the plasmon spectrum and the Coulomb drag between spatially separated low-density two-dimensional electron layers. We adopt a new approach, which employs dynamic xc kernels in the calculation of the bi-layer plasmon spectra and of the plasmon-mediated drag, and static many-body local field factors in the calculation of the particle-hole contribution to the drag. The spectrum of bi-layer plasmons and the drag resistivity are calculated in a broad range of temperatures taking into account both intra- and inter-layer correlation effects. We observe that both plasmon modes are strongly affected by xc corrections. After the inclusion of the complex dynamic xc kernels, a decrease of the electron density induces shifts of the plasmon branches in opposite directions. And this is in stark contrast to the tendency obtained within the RPA that both optical and acoustical plasmons move away from the boundary of the particle-hole continuum with a decrease in the electron density. We find that the introduction of xc corrections results in a significant enhancement of the transresistivity and qualitative changes in its temperature dependence. In particular, the large high-temperature plasmon peak that is present in the random phase approximation is found to disappear when the xc corrections are included. Our numerical results at low temperatures are in good agreement with the results of recent experiments by M. Kellogg {\it et al.}, Solid State Commun. \textbf{123}, 515 (2002).Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Comparative study of screened inter-layer interactions in the Coulomb drag effect in bilayer electron systems

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    Coulomb drag experiments in which the inter-layer resistivity is measured are important as they provide information on the Coulomb interactions in bilayer systems. When the layer densities are low correlation effects become significant to account for the quantitative description of experimental results. We investigate systematically various models of effective inter-layer interactions in a bilayer system and compare our results with recent experiments. In the low density regime, the correlation effects are included via the intra- and inter-layer local-field corrections. We employ several theoretical approaches to construct static local-field corrections. Our comparative study demonstrates the importance of including the correlation effects accurately in the calculation of drag resistivity. Recent experiments performed at low layer densities are adequately described by effective inter-layer interactions incorporating static correlations.Comment: Final Version. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin-Polarization transition in the two dimensional electron gas

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    We present a numerical study of magnetic phases of the 2D electron gas near freezing. The calculations are performed by diffusion Monte Carlo in the fixed node approximation. At variance with the 3D case we find no evidence for the stability of a partially polarized phase. With plane wave nodes in the trial function, the polarization transition takes place at Rs=20, whereas the best available estimates locate Wigner crystallization around Rs=35. Using an improved nodal structure, featuring optimized backflow correlations, we confirm the existence of a stability range for the polarized phase, although somewhat shrunk, at densities achievable nowadays in 2 dimensional hole gases in semiconductor heterostructures . The spin susceptibility of the unpolarized phase at the magnetic transition is approximately 30 times the Pauli susceptibility.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring the application domain of adaptive structures

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    Using a previously developed design methodology it was shown that optimal material distribution in combination with strategic integration of the actuation system lead to significant whole-life energy savings when the design is governed by rare but strong loading events. The whole-life energy of the structure is made of an embodied part in the material and an operational part for structural adaptation. Instead of using more material to cope with the effect of loads, the actuation system redirects the internal load-path to homogenise the stresses and change the shape of the structure to keep deflections within limits. This paper presents a systematic exploration of the domain in which adaptive two-dimensional pin-jo inted structures are beneficial in terms of whole-life energy and monetary costs savings. Two case studies are considered: a vertical cantilever truss representative of a multi-storey building supported by an exoskeleton structure and a simply supported truss beam which is part of a roof system. This exploration takes five directions studying the influence of: (1) the structural topology (2) the characteristics of the load probability distribution (3) the ratio of live load over dead load (4) the aspect ratio of the structure (e.g. height-to-depth) (5) the material energy intensity factor. Results from the main five strands are combined with those from the monetary cost analysis to identify an optimal region where adaptive structures are most effective in terms of both energy and monetary savings. It was found that the optimal region is broadly that of stiffness-governed structures. For the cantilever case, the optimal region covers most of the application domain and it is not very sensitive to either live-to-dead-load or height-to-depth ratios thus showing a wide range of applicability, including ordinary loading scenarios and relatively deep structures

    Electron Correlation and Charge Transfer Instability in Bilayered Two Dimensional Electron Gas

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    We prove that the predicted charge transfer state in symmetric bilayers of two dimensional electron gases is always unstable at zero bias voltage, due to interlayer correlation and/or tunneling. This is most easily seen by resorting to a pseudospin formalism and considering coherent states obtained from the charge transfer state through rotations of the pseudospins. Evidently, the charge transfer state is stabilized by a sufficiently strong gate voltage, as found in recent experiments. We show that a simple model, in which the layers are strictly two dimensional, is able to account quantitatively for such experimental findings, when correlation is properly included.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Subm. to Europhys. Let

    Disorder effect on the spin susceptibility of the two-dimensional one-valley electron gas

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    Starting from the quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) prediction for the ground-state energy of a clean two-dimensional one-valley (2D1V) electron gas, we estimate the energy correction due to scattering sources present in actual devices such as AlAs quantum wells and GaAs heterostructures. We find that the effect of uncorrelated disorder, in the lowest (second) order in perturbation theory, is to enhance the spin susceptibility leading to its eventual divergence. In the density region where the Born approximation is able to reproduce the experimental mobility, the prediction for the spin susceptibility yielded by perturbation theory is in very good agreement with the available experimental evidence.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, special issue article for the SCCS2008 conference (Camerino, Italy
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