1,628 research outputs found

    The dynamics of cargo driven by molecular motors in the context of asymmetric simple exclusion processes

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    We consider the dynamics of cargo driven by a collection of interacting molecular motors in the context of an asymmetric simple exclusion processes (ASEP). The model is formulated to account for i) excluded volume interactions, ii) the observed asymmetry of the stochastic movement of individual motors and iii) interactions between motors and cargo. Items (i) and (ii) form the basis of ASEP models and have already been considered in the literature to study the behavior of motor density profile [Parmeggiani 03]. Item (iii) is new. It is introduced here as an attempt to describe explicitly the dependence of cargo movement on the dynamics of motors. The steady-state solutions of the model indicate that the system undergoes a phase transition of condensation type as the motor density varies. We study the consequences of this transition to the properties of cargo velocity.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Delving Too Greedily: Analyzing Prejudice Against Tolkien\u27s Dwarves as Historical Bias

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    Tolkien\u27s writings are imbued with the perspectives of their narrators and within them, the narrators\u27 biases. This is most evident in the bias against the dwarves, particularly in the third age. Dismissing testimonials from neutral sources and dwarves alike, scholars have continuously inaccurately treated the anti-dwarf bias as a criticism of the Dwarves’ relationship with nature. The criticisms levelled by scholars have led to the dwarves being dismissed as particularly environmentally destructive, a direct contradiction to how the dwarves interact with natural spaces and how they construct their own. Consequently, a more nuanced reading of the dwarves lends itself to the dismantling of the negative prejudices and stereotypes levied against the Dwarves and offers them a more just treatment in their own history

    Development of an integrated heat pipe-thermal storage system for a solar receiver

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    The Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Solar Dynamic Power System (SDPS) is one of the candidates for Space Station prime power application. In the low Earth orbit of the Space Station approximately 34 minutes of the 94-minute orbital period is spent in eclipse with no solar energy input to the power system. For this period the SDPS will use thermal energy storage (TES) material to provide a constant power output. An integrated heat-pipe thermal storage receiver system is being developed as part of the ORC-SDPS solar receiver. This system incorporates potassium heat pipe elements to absorb and transfer the solar energy within the receiver cavity. The heat pipes contain the TES canisters within the potassium vapor space with the toluene heater tube used as the condenser region of the heat pipe. During the insolation period of the Earth orbit, solar energy is delivered to the heat pipe in the ORC-SDPS receiver cavity. The heat pipe transforms the non-uniform solar flux incident in the heat pipe surface within the receiver cavity to an essentially uniform flux at the potassium vapor condensation interface in the heat pipe. During solar insolation, part of the thermal energy is delivered to the heater tube and the balance is stored in the TES units. During the eclipse period of the orbit, the balance stored in the TES units is transferred by the potassium vapor to the toluene heater tube

    Endothelial dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: effect of antioxidants

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    Individuals with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus have increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, caused in part by vascular complications. Endothelial dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular diabetic disease. This abnormal function of the vasculature precedes cardiovascular disease and is associated with impaired endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation. The main etiology of the increased mortality and morbidity of type 2 diabetic patients is atherosclerosis. Increased production of free radicals is associated with the pathophysiology of diabetes, resulting in oxidative damage to lipids and proteins. Reduction of oxidative stress in diabetic patients may delay the onset of atherogenesis and the appearance of micro- and macrovascular complications. Alpha-lipoic acid (LA) is a multifunctional antioxidant that has been shown to have beneficial effects on polyneuropathy and on markers of oxidative stress in various tissues. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of LA on endothelial function in diabetic and hyperlipidemic animal models. Carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, endothelial function, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) and urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) were assessed in non-diabetic controls (Wistar rats), untreated diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats and, atherogenic diet (AD)-fed GK rats (fed with atherogenic diet only, treated with alpha-lipoic acid and treated with vehicle, for 3 months). AD resulted in a 3-fold increase in both total and non-HDL serum cholesterol levels and in a 2-fold increase triglyceride levels while endothelial function was significantly reduce MDA and 8-OHdG levels were higher in the GK and GK hyperlipidemic groups and were completely reversed by the antioxidant. Hyperlipidemic GK diabetic rats showed significantly reduced endothelial function that was partially improved with LA. Furthermore, lipoic acid significantly reduced serum cholesterol levels, without lowering HDL cholesterol. Alpha-lipoic acid supplementation represents an achievable adjunct therapy to improve endothelial function and reduce oxidative stress, factors that are implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in diabetes

    Relative impacts of morphological alteration to shorelines and eutrophication on littoral macroinvertebrates in Mediterranean lakes

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    Development of effective methods for assessing the ecological status of lakes based on littoral benthic fauna has been hampered by the lack of quantitative data on the relative impacts of key pressures on the benthic community. We used variance partitioning at 126 sites belonging to 14 natural Mediterranean lakes to analyze the pure and shared effects of eutrophication, morphological alterations, microhabitat type, lake morphometry and geographic position on the littoral macroinvertebrate community. The spatial arrangement of the sampling sites was responsible for 9.1% of the total variance in littoral benthic community composition, lake morphometry accounted for 4.3% of variation, and microhabitat type accounted for 3.9%. Communities appeared to be affected primarily by morphological alterations to lake shorelines, and their impact was 2.5 times as important as that of eutrophication. The structure of littoral benthic communities was governed by processes acting at several spatial scales from region to lake scale. Thus, several pressures and the various spatial scales at which these act should be taken into account when implementing methods of assessing lake ecological condition based on littoral benthic invertebrates. Region-specific methods for subalpine and volcanic lakes might enhance the validity of assessment of results of morphological alterations and improve management of those water resources

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Sig) Pada Platform Google Untuk Penanggulangan Kebakaran Di Jakarta Selatan

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    Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk pengembangan sistem informasi geografis pada platform googlemengenai letak posisi daerah rawan kebakaran di wilayah Jakarta Selatan beserta titik-titik pendukungpenanggulangan dan juga sebagai alat analisis untuk pengembangan dan penambahan komponen pendukungdalam penanganan dan penanggulangan bencana kebakaran. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian inimenggunakan metodologi waterfall model yang terdiri berbagai tahapan seperti: requirements, analysis,design, coding, testing dan maintenance. Kesimpulan yang yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian ini antara lainadalah pemanfaatan aplikasi dari sistem informasi geografis (SIG) khususnya yang berbasis web berguna untukSUDIN pemadam kebakaran sebagai alat bantu untuk menanggulangi bahaya kebakaran khususnya di JakartaSelatan. Pemanfaatan SIG ini juga memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi masyarakat mengenai persebarantitik rawan kebakaran dan titik penanggulangan terdekat sehingga masyarakat harus tetap wasapada terhadappotensi kebakaran yang dapat terjadi setiap saat

    Spoil Type Influences Soil Genesis and Forest Development on an Appalachian Surface Coal Mine Ten Years After Placement

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    Surface mining for coal (or other mineral resources) is a major driver of land-use change around the world and especially in the Appalachian region of the United States. Intentional and well-informed reclamation of surface-mined land is critical for the restoration of healthy ecosystems on these disturbed sites. In Appalachia, the pre-mining land cover is predominately mixed hardwood forest, with rich species diversity. In recent years, Appalachian mine reforestation has become an issue of concern, prompting the development of the Forestry Reclamation Approach, a series of mine reforestation recommendations. One of these recommendations is to use the best available soil substitute; however, the characteristics of the “best” soil substitute have been an issue. This study was initiated to compare the suitability of several types of mine spoil common in the Appalachian region: brown sandstone (Brown), gray sandstone (Gray), mixed spoils (Mixed), and shale (Shale). Experimental plots were established in 2007 with each spoil type replicated three times. These plots were planted with a mix of native hardwood species. Ten years after plot construction and planting, tree growth and canopy cover were highest in Brown, followed by Shale, Mixed, and Gray. Soil conditions (particularly pH) in Brown and Shale were more favorable for native tree growth than Mixed or Gray, largely explaining these differences in tree growth and canopy cover. However, soil chemistry did not clearly explain differences in tree growth between Brown and Shale. These differences were more likely related to differences in near-surface soil temperature, which is related to soil color and available shade

    Systematic review and stratified meta-analysis of the efficacy of RhoA and Rho kinase inhibitors in animal models of ischaemic stroke

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    There is currently only one clinically approved drug, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), for the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke. The RhoA pathway, including RhoA and its downstream effector Rho kinase (ROCK), has been identified as a possible therapeutic target. Our aim was to assess the impact of study design characteristics and study quality on reported measures of efficacy and to assess for the presence and impact of publication bias. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on publications describing the efficacy of RhoA and ROCK inhibitors in animal models of focal cerebral ischaemia where outcome was assessed as a change in lesion size or neurobehavioural score, or both. We identified 25 published papers which met our inclusion criteria. RhoA and ROCK inhibitors reduced lesion size by 37.3% in models of focal cerebral ischaemia (95% CI, 28.6% to 46.0%, 41 comparisons), and reduced neurobehavioural data by 40.5% (33.4% to 47.7%, 30 comparisons). Overall study quality was low (median=4, interquartile range 3-5) and measures to reduce bias were seldom reported. Publication bias was prevalent and associated with a substantial overstatement of efficacy for lesion size. RhoA and ROCK inhibitors appear to be effective in animal models of stroke. However the low quality score, publication bias and limited number of studies are areas which need attention prior to conducting clinical trials

    Localization of a Virtual Wall by Means of Active Echolocation by Untrained Sighted Persons

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    The active sensing and perception of the environment by auditory means is typically known as echolocation and it can be acquired by humans, who can profit from it in the absence of vision. We investigated the ability of twentyone untrained sighted participants to use echolocation with self-generated oral clicks for aligning themselves within the horizontal plane towards a virtual wall, emulated with an acoustic virtual reality system, at distances between 1 and 32 m, in the absence of background noise and reverberation. Participants were able to detect the virtual wall on 61% of the trials, although with large di↵erences across individuals and distances. The use of louder and shorter clicks led to an increased performance, whereas the use of clicks with lower frequency content allowed for the use of interaural time di↵erences to improve the accuracy of reflection localization at very long distances. The distance of 2 m was the most difficult to detect and localize, whereas the furthest distances of 16 and 32 m were the easiest ones. Thus, echolocation may be used e↵ectively to identify large distant environmental landmarks such as buildings