836 research outputs found

    Probing the two-scale-factor universality hypothesis by exact rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism

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    We probe the two-scale factor universality hypothesis by evaluating, firstly explicitly and analytically at the one-loop order, the loop quantum corrections to the amplitude ratios for O(NN) λϕ4\lambda\phi^{4} scalar field theories with rotation symmetry-breaking in three distinct and independent methods in which the rotation symmetry-breaking mechanism is treated exactly. We show that the rotation symmetry-breaking amplitude ratios turn out to be identical in the three methods and equal to their respective rotation symmetry-breaking ones, although the amplitudes themselves, in general, depend on the method employed and on the rotation symmetry-breaking parameter. At the end, we show that all these results can be generalized, through an inductive process based on a general theorem emerging from the exact calculation, to any loop level and physically interpreted based on symmetry ideas.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Systematic analysis of pT -distributions in p + p collisions

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    A systematic analysis of transverse momentum distribution of hadrons produced in ultra-relativistic p + p collisions is presented. We investigate the effective temperature and the entropic parameter from the non-extensive thermodynamic theory of strong interaction. We conclude that the existence of a limiting effective temperature and of a limiting entropic parameter is in accordance with experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of temozolomide in animal models of glioma:was clinical efficacy predicted?

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    Background:Malignant glioma is an aggressive tumour commonly associated with a dismal outcome despite optimal surgical and radio-chemotherapy. Since 2005 temozolomide has been established as first-line chemotherapy. We investigate the role of in vivo glioma models in predicting clinical efficacy.Methods:We searched three online databases to systematically identify publications testing temozolomide in animal models of glioma. Median survival and number of animals treated were extracted and quality was assessed using a 12-point scale; random effects meta-analysis was used to estimate efficacy. We analysed the impact of study design and quality and looked for evidence of publication bias.Results:We identified 60 publications using temozolomide in models of glioma, comprising 2443 animals. Temozolomide prolonged survival by a factor of 1.88 (95% CI 1.74-2.03) and reduced tumour volume by 50.4% (41.8-58.9) compared with untreated controls. Study design characteristics accounted for a significant proportion of between-study heterogeneity, and there was evidence of a significant publication bias.Conclusion:These data reflect those from clinical trials in that temozolomide improves survival and reduces tumour volume, even after accounting for publication bias. Experimental in vivo glioma studies of temozolomide differ from those of other glioma therapies in their consistent efficacy and successful translation into clinical medicine

    Decolourisation of Remazol Brilliant Blue R via a novel Bjerkandera sp. strain

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    A novel strain of Bjerkandera sp. (B33/3), with particularly high decolourisation activities upon Poly R-478 and Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) dyes, was isolated. The role of the ligninolytic extracellular enzymes produced by this strain on decolourisation of RBBR was studied in some depth. The basis of decolourisation is an enzyme-mediated process, in which the main enzyme responsible is a recently described peroxidase with capacity for oxidation of manganese, as well as veratryl alcohol and 2,6-dimethoxyphenol in a manganese-independent reaction

    Seleção de bucha vegetal por agricultores familiares.

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    Este trabalho consistiu em dois ensaios de seleção participativa de bucha vegetal. O primeiro ensaio foi implantado na comunidade Cacimba do Baltazar, Petrolina, PE sendo avaliadas quatro variedades locais (VLs) em canteiros de diversidade com seis plantas por VL. O outro ensaio foi conduzido no Campo Experimental de Bebedouro da Embrapa Semiárido com seis VLs em blocos ao acaso com três repetições e seis plantas por parcela. As avaliações foram realizadas por agricultores familiares das comunidades Cacimba do Baltazar, Tanque Novo, Casa Nova, BA e Lagoa do Mari, Sento Sé, BA, usando as ferramentas participativas seleção com espetos de madeira, tempestade de ideias e matriz de classificação. As características definidas pelos agricultores das três comunidades para a seleção foram praticamente as mesmas, ou seja, tamanho do fruto, textura da fibra, produtividade e adequação para artesanato. Os agricultores familiares da Cacimba do Baltazar selecionaram a VL2, seguida pela VL3, VL4 e VL5. No entanto a VL4 recebeu mais votos para tamanho do fruto. Os agricultores familiares da Lagoa do Mari e Tanque Novo selecionaram a VL6, seguida pela VL4, VL7, VL8, VL3 e VL5. As VLs selecionadas serão usadas em programas de melhoramento participativo conforme interesse dos agricultores familiare

    Quantum Theory contents insertion in High School curricula

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    A inovação científica e tecnológica do século XX foi esmagadora. Contudo, a nossa experiência docente permite-nos afirmar que as aprendizagens na escola secundária estão longe de acompanhar a evolução que se verifica na sociedade atual. No entanto, já estão a ser incluídos alguns conteúdos de Física Moderna nos currículos oficiais de vários países, parecendo evidenciar uma preocupação em atualizar a preparação dos jovens para o mundo que os rodeia. Neste artigo relatamos um estudo que fizemos acerca dos currículos de Física de alguns países, sobretudo no que diz respeito à Teoria Quântica, a grande invenção do século XX, tentando identificar os conteúdos selecionados e a maneira como estes se integram nas orientações curriculares gerais.In the XXth century, scientific and technological innovation has been overwhelming. Our teaching profession lead us to believe that studies in High Schools do not follow the evolution of ideas that characterizes our modern society. However, some contents of Modern Physics are already included in the official curricula of several countries, which seem to be worried about the improvement of today’s youth training. In this paper we report a study made about Physics’ curricula in several countries, emphasizing Quantum Theory issues, the biggest invention of the XXth century, trying to identify the selected subjects selected and the way they fit into general curricula orientations

    Diagnósticos participativos sobre aspectos socioeconômicos e da agrobiodiversidade em comunidades do Semiárido brasileiro.

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    Este trabalho foi realizado nas comunidades Cacimba do Baltazar (Petrolina, PE), Tanque Novo (Casa Nova, BA) e Lagoa do Mari (Sento Sé, BA) com o objetivo de realizar diagnósticos usando ferramentas participativas para elaboração de Planos de Manejo Comunitário da Agrobiodiversidade. A metodologia consistiu na aplicação de questionários e de ferramentas participativas. Foi diagnosticado que a comunidade Lagoa do Mari tem mais guardiões e variedades locais (VLs), seguida por Tanque Novo e Cacimba do Baltazar e existem VLs extintas e em risco de extinção. O nível de empoderamento precisa ser melhorado nas três comunidades, pois os agricultores não são totalmente autossustentáveis e gestores dos seus recursos genéticos e financeiros. É preciso dar continuidade a essa pesquisa, a fim de aplicar outras ferramentas participativas que auxiliem na identificação de problemas e das possíveis soluções e dos cultivos prioritários para que possam ser elaborados os Planos de Manejo da Agrobiodiversidade

    Guardiões da Comunidade Tanque Novo (Casa Nova-BA).

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    Esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os guardiões de variedades locais da Comunidade Tanque Novo, em Casa Nova?BA. A metodologia consistiu na aplicação de ferramentas participativas e questionários com agricultores familiares. Foi registrada a existência de 21 guardiões de 78 variedades locais, conservadas há pelo menos 10 anos, de abóbora (1), capim (10), feijão (10), leucena (2), mandioca (29), melancia (13), milho (5) e palma forrageira (8). Constatou-se que 79,5% das sementes tiveram como origem os parentes, amigos ou vizinhos e que as principais utilizações são para alimentação da família e de animais

    Larvicidal effect of hydroethanolic extract from the leaves of Acmella oleracea L. R. K. Jansen in Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus.

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    Mosquitoes, such as Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus, are important vectors of diseases, such as dengue fever, chikungunya fever, Zika virus, and filariasis, and these diseases are public health problems. The present study was carried out to evaluate the larvicidal activity of the hydroethanolic extract from leaves of Acmella oleracea leaves against 3rd instar larvae of the Ae. aegypti dengue vector and the Cx. quinquefasciatus filariasis vector. The hydroethanolic extract caused significant mortality in Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus. After 24 h of exposure to the extract, it was possible to establish the LC50 values for the extract: 11.41 ppm for Ae. aegypti and LC50 32.40 ppm for Cx. quinquefasciatus. The hydroethanolic extract from leaves of A. oleracea showed very low ecotoxicity suggesting that it can be used without causing environmental damage. This is the first study that shows the use of hydroethanolic extract from leaves of A. oleracea as an alternative to synthetic larvicides to eliminate larvae of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus in an easy, cheap and safe way
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