8 research outputs found

    Utilización de vídeos de casos clínicos reales como recurso didáctico de apoyo en la docencia de EC II. Curso académico 2020-21

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    [Resumen] Ante la imposibilidad de acudir de manera presencial a la realización de determinadas prácticas clínicas, debido a la vulnerabilidad de sus usuarios frente al COVID-19, la Facultad de Fisioterapia ha decidido que unos determinados bloques de contenidos clínicos se impartan de manera presencial en los laboratorios destinados para tal fin en la propia Facultad. Ante esta situación, surge la idea de utilizar videos de pacientes reales del centro al que no podemos acudir de manera presencia, para ser utilizados como recurso didáctico de apoyo en la impartición de la Estancia Clínica II (4º curso). Tras obtener el consentimiento por parte del centro clínico, se procede a grabar 32 casos clínicos, en videos de 12-15 minutos, con el objetivo de ser utilizados como recurso didáctico de apoyo en la impartición de dicha materia, durante todo el 2º cuatrimestre (febrero-mayo 2021; 14 semanas), para trabajar con los alumnos el proceso de "razonamiento clínico", además de pretender acercarlos a una realidad clínica.[Abstract] Faced with the impossibility of attending in person to carry out certain clinical practices, due to the vulnerability of its users to COVID-19, the Faculty of Physiotherapy has decided that certain blocks of content are taught in person in the designated laboratories for this purpose in the Faculty itself. Faced with this situation, the idea arises of using videos of real patients from the center to which we cannot attend in a present way, to be used as a support didactic resource in the teaching of Clinical Stay II (4th year). After obtaining the consent of the clinical center, 32 clinical cases are recorded, in videos of 12-15 minutes, with the aim of being used as a support didactic resource in the teaching of the Clinical Stay II of the 4th year, during the entire 2nd semester (February-May 2021; 14 weeks), to work with the students on the process of "clinical reasoning", in addition to trying to bring them closer to a clinical reality.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    Mulleres coidadoras en países en vías de desenvolvemento: implicación do estudantado na educación para o desenvolvemento, sensibilización e visibilización na Facultade de Fisioterapia

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    [Resumo] A promoción activa da responsabilidade social universitaria ten un papel prioritario para conseguir un modelo máis sustentable e humano. As actividades propostas polo persoal docente e investigador deben ter un impacto directo e positivo no alumnado, que ademais forme parte da súa formación integral. Neste proxecto proponse implicar ao alumnado do Grao de Fisioterapia nun proxecto de Educación para o Desenvolvemento (EpD) que trata sobre as mulleres coidadoras en países en vías de desenvolvemento. O obxectivo é facer ao estudantado partícipe dunha situación social real de inxustiza e desigualdade e invitalo a reflexionar sobre a interdependencia entre as dimensións económicas, sociais e de saúde para finalmente advertir o seu rol como futuros profesionais en Fisioterapia en tarefas de prevención e promoción da saúde nos diferentes contextos culturais e socioeconómicos. O presente proxecto é a primeira proposta da Facultade de Fisioterapia dun proxecto de EpD no que o alumnado é actor chave. Deste proxecto xorde a reflexión sobre a misión de fomentar a participación social e o desenvolvemento humano do alumnado, supoñendo tamén o inicio doutras actividades relacionadas. O alumnado refire a aprendizaxe da importancia da prevención na saúde en diferentes contextos e o seu papel neste proceso como futuros profesionais[Abstract] The active promotion of university social responsibility has a priority role in achieving a more sustainable and human model. The activities proposed must have a direct and positive impact on students, being part part of their integral training. This project is intended to involve Physical Therapy students in activities related to an education project for development (EpD) about women caregivers in developing countries. The objective is to make them part of a real social situation of injustice and inequality and invite them to reflect on the interdependence between the economic, social and health dimensions. Then, we want them to realize their role as future professionals in Physical Therapy in prevention and health promotion and how strategies may change depending on different cultural and socio-economic contexts. The present project is the first proposal of the Faculty of Physiotherapy for an EpD project in which the students are main actors. This project reflects on the mission of promoting social participation and human development among students. Also, it promoted the beginning of other activities related to social responsability, training and researc

    Physiotherapy in Smith-Magenis syndrome: a case report

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    [Resumen] El síndrome de Smith-Magenis es una alteración del desarrollo psicomotor de origen genético, incluido en el grupo de enfermedades raras. En el caso clínico que se presenta, se realizó una valoración inicial de la coordinación, la marcha y el equilibrio a través del test de desarrollo psicomotor (TEPSI), un circuito diseñado específicamente, la prueba del tablero de clavijas de Purdue y el test Timed up and Go. Al finalizar los 3 meses que duró el tratamiento, basado en actividades de tipo lúdico, se realizó una valoración final con las mismas pruebas, encontrándose importantes diferencias objetivas en los resultados obtenidos, además de una mejoría subjetiva reportada por los padres del paciente. A pesar de que la evidencia sobre el tratamiento de fisioterapia en este síndrome es escasa, atendiendo a los resultados encontrados creemos que dicho tratamiento está totalmente justificado en el abordaje integral de los pacientes que lo padecen.[Abstract] The Smith-Magenis syndrome is a genetic psychomotor development disorder included in the group of rare diseases. In the clinical case presented, we performed an initial assessment of coordination, gait and balance using four different tests. These were psychomotor development test (TEPSI scale), Purdue pegboard, time up and go test, and a circuit designed specifically for this clinical case. At the end of the 3 months of treatment, and based on recreational type activities, a final assessment was made with the same tests. Significant objectives differences in the results as well as subjective improvement reported by the patient's parents were found. Although there is little evidence on physiotherapy treatment for this syndrome, in accordance with the results found, we believe that this treatment is totally justified in the comprehensive approach to patients suffering this disorder

    Effects on venous flow of transcutaneous electrical stimulation, neuromuscular stimulation, and sham stimulation on soleus muscle: a randomized crossover study in healthy subjects

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    [Abstract] Background: Activation of venous flow has been shown with different types of electrical stimulation. The aim of this study is to compare the hemodynamic effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), and sham stimulation on healthy young people. Methods: This randomized crossover study was conducted during June 2018 in the Faculty of Physical Therapy of A Coruña (Spain). Twenty-four university students (50% male) received in a randomized order 5 Hz-TENS, NMES, and sham stimulation on soleus muscle. Flow volume (FV) and peak velocity (PV) from popliteal vein were recorded via Doppler ultrasound, and relative changes from baseline were determined. Discomfort among the 3 stimulations was also compared. Results: The differences among the 3 stimulations were assessed using the ANOVA for repeated measured, the Friedman test and the Kendall tau test, according to the type of measurement to be compared. FV (mL/min) and PV (cm/s) increased significantly after NMES (percentual increase 37.2 ± 62.0%, P = .002; 264.4 ± 152.2%, P < .001, respectively) and TENS (226.2 ± 190.3%, P < .001; 202.7 ± 144.6%, P < .001, respectively). These percentual changes from basal level in hemodynamics were statistically different to those after placebo, which was ineffective enhancing hemodynamics. The improvements in FV were statistically higher with TENS than with NMES (P < .001), but there was no statistical difference in PV (P = .531). Despite NMES was applied at a significantly lower amplitude than TENS (P < .001), NMES protocol was the worst tolerated, though the differences in discomfort were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Both active electrical protocols but not sham stimulation increased hemodynamics in healthy people. TENS obtained higher flow volume increase from baseline than NMES, considered globally at not only in its on-time.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital (España); MTM2014-52876-RXunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Effects of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation via Peroneal Nerve or Soleus Muscle on Venous Flow: A Randomized Cross-Over Study in Healthy Subjects

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    [Abstract] Background: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is used to prevent venous stasis and thromboembolism. However, best electrostimulation parameters have yet to be established. The aim of the study was to compare the hemodynamic effects and the participants’ relative discomfort of 3 TENS sequences at the maximum tolerated intensity stimulus. Methods: Twenty-four healthy university students (50% male) participated in a cross-over, randomized study. Each participant received 2 TENS sequences on peroneal nerve at 1 and 5 Hz, and the third one on soleus muscle at 5 Hz. Popliteal flow volume (FV) and peak velocity (PV) were measured using Doppler ultrasound and the relative change from basal values was recorded. Discomfort questionnaires -visual analogue scale (VAS) and verbal rating scale (VRS)- were also administered to compare sensations among the three applications. Results: All interventions produced significant hemodynamic responses compared to baseline. Both 5 Hz applications obtained higher FV increments than 1 Hz TENS (P < .001). The muscle application resulted in the lowest PV increment (P < .001). TENS at 5 Hz on nerve location was the worst tolerated, with higher values in VRS (P = .056) and VAS (P = .11), although not significant. Conclusion: TENS at 5 Hz on soleus site may be the most appropriate protocol for enhancing venous return.This research was supported by the Psychosocial and Functional Rehabilitation Research Group, based at the Faculty of Physiotherapy, Universidade da Coruña. In addition, this research has been supported by MINECO grant MTM2014-52876-R and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-015 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia ED431G/01), all of them through the ERDF. Funding for this study was provided by the College of Physiotherapists of Galicia (Spain)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Evidence in the management of chronic back pain with the McKenzie method

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    [Resumen] Objetivo: Revisar la evidencia científica publicada sobre el método McKenzie en dolor lumbar. Estrategia de búsqueda: Búsqueda en la base de datos Medline, en la página web del Instituto McKenzie y análisis de la evidencia publicada por May y Donelson (2008). Selección de estudios y datos: Se limita la búsqueda a los últimos 5 años. Se realiza una búsqueda inversa y un filtrado manual centrado en extraer resultados estrechamente relacionados con la temática de búsqueda y en función del nivel de evidencia de los artículos. Síntesis de resultados: Se encuentra evidencia sobre diversos aspectos del método McKenzie: fiabilidad interobservador como método exploratorio, especificidad del fenómeno de centralización y eficacia comparado con otros tratamientos. Conclusiones: El método McKenzie presenta eficacia similar a los ejercicios de estabilización y una tendencia favorable comparándolo con los ejercicios de fortalecimiento. El fenómeno de centralización tiene valor pronostico positivo. Presenta una alta fiabilidad como método de exploración.[Abstract] Objective: To review the scientific evidence published on the McKenzie method for back pain. Research strategy: A search was made in the Medline database, and on the McKenzie Institute website, and the evidence published by May and Donelson (2008) was analyzed. Studies and data selection: The search was limited to the last five years. A reverse search and a manual filtering (as a function of the level of evidence) focused on extracting results closely related to the subject under research were performed. Results summary: Evidence on the different aspects of the McKenzie method has been found: inter-examiner reliability as exploratory method, specificity of the centralization phenomenon, and effectiveness compared to other treatments. Conclusions: The McKenzie method has similar effectiveness as that of stabilization exercises with a favorable tendency in comparison with strengthen-building exercises. The centralization phenomenon has a positive prognostic value. The method present high reliability as an exploratory method