4 research outputs found

    Analyses of permeability and porosity of sedimentary rocks in terms of unconventional geothermal resource explorations in Poland

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    Petrophysical investigations are fundamental to natural resource exploration. In order to recognise the geothermal potential of sedimentary rocks in central Poland, 259 samples were collected from prospective deep-lying geothermal reservoirs. Parameters measured include bulk density, skeletal density, effective porosity, permeability, average pore diameter and specific surface. Results indicate that at great depths (mostly > 3,000 m below surface) sedimentary rocks show low values of porosity (mainly less than 5%) and permeability (only sporadically in excess of 1 md). These values call for a petrothermal use of reservoirs, for which an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) was developed. Reser- voirs suited for the EGS are Carboniferous and Lower Triassic sandstones in the central part of Poland (Mogilno-艁贸d藕 Trough region and a small part of the Kujawy Swell and Fore-Sudetic regions). In addition, Carboniferous limestones in this area are potentially prospective

    Zmienno艣膰 parametr贸w petrofizycznych subfacji dolomitu g艂贸wnego zachodniej strefy p贸艂wyspu Grotowa w 艣wietle bada艅 porozymetrycznych Variability of petrophysical parameters of subfacies in the Main Dolomite strata of the western Grot贸w Peninsula area in the light of porosimetric measurements /

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Za艂膮cznik-wklejka: Tabela 2.Bibliogr. s. 465-467.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W obr臋bie analizowanego obszaru w strefie bariery w臋glanowej utwory dolomitu g艂贸wnego wykszta艂cone w subfacji bandston贸w prezentuj膮 typ ska艂y zbiornikowej o charakterze porowym w klasie bardzo niskiej i niskiej pojemno艣ci dla gazu oraz bardzo niskiej dla ropy. W obr臋bie strefy r贸wni platformowej dolomit g艂贸wny tej subfacji ma charakter ska艂y zbiornikowej typu porowego niskiej i 艣redniej klasy pojemno艣ciowej dla gazu i niskiej dla ropy. Subfacja utwor贸w mu艂ozwi臋z艂ych dolomitu g艂贸wnego w strefie podn贸偶a platformy w臋glanowej reprezentuje typ ska艂y zbiornikowej o niskiej, sporadycznie 艣redniej pojemno艣ci dla gazu i bardzo niskiej oraz niskiej dla ropy, przy porowym lub porowo-szczelinowym wykszta艂ceniu przestrzeni zbiornikowej. Podobne cechy zbiornikowe subfacja ta wykazuje w obr臋bie strefy bariery w臋glanowej: wyniki analiz porozymetrycznych kwalifikuj膮 j膮 do ska艂 zbiornikowych bardzo niskiej i niskiej pojemno艣ci dla gazu oraz bardzo niskiej dla ropy, o charakterze porowym i porowo-szczelinowym. Subfacja utwor贸w ziarnozwi臋z艂ych w obszarze strefy podn贸偶a platformy w臋lanowej charakteryzuje si臋 艣redni膮 i wysok膮 pojemno艣ci膮 zar贸wno w odniesieniu do gazu, jak i ropy, o typie przestrzeni zbiornikowej porowej i szczelinowo-porowej. W strefie bariery w臋glanowej cechy te s膮 bardzo zr贸偶nicowane, od pojemno艣ci niskiej do wysokiej w przypadku gazu, oraz niskiej i bardzo niskiej - ropy, przy porowym i porowo-szczelinowym charakterze przestrzeni zbiornikowej. W obszarze r贸wni platformowej dolomit g艂贸wny reprezentuje g艂贸wnie porowy charakter przestrzeni zbiornikowej, w klasie 艣redniej pojemno艣ci dla gazu i niskiej dla ropy. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: dolomit g艂贸wny, subfacje, porozymetria, parametry petrofizyczne. ABSTRACT: The microfacial analysis, together with detailed sedimentological analysis, enabled the authors to distinguish depositional environments of the Main Dolomite succession in the study area. The Main Dolomite is characterized by diversity in thickness, lithology and facial development of the following zones: foot of the carbonate platform, barrier and platform plain. Three principal sub-facies were distinguished there: grainstones, mudstones and boundstones (the microbial sub-facies). These sub-facies reveal diversified petrophysical paramaters. The analysis is based on results of porosimetric measurements which enable assessment and qualification of this horizon from the point of view of its hydrocarbon reservoir capacity and pore space character. Principles of porous rock qualification in terms of hydrocarbon reservoirs include mainly assessment of : effective and dynamic porosities for oil and gas, bulk and framework densities, and pore space geometry (distribution of predominating pore diameters and specific surface of the pore space). This assessment refers to the pore space in which processes of migration and accumulation of reservoir fluids occur. Statistical analysis of the petrophysical parameters revealed their relationships within the distinguished lithofacial zones, which represent also an important solution. KEYWORDS: Main Dolomite, subfacies, porosimetry, petrophysical parameters

    Analyses of permeability and porosity of sedimentary rocks in terms of unconventional geothermal resource explorations in Poland

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    Petrophysical investigations are fundamental to natural resource exploration. In order to recognise the geothermal potential of sedimentary rocks in central Poland, 259 samples were collected from prospective deep-lying geothermal reservoirs. Parameters measured include bulk density, skeletal density, effective porosity, permeability, average pore diameter and specific surface. Results indicate that at great depths (mostly > 3,000 m below surface) sedimentary rocks show low values of porosity (mainly less than 5%) and permeability (only sporadically in excess of 1 md). These values call for a petrothermal use of reservoirs, for which an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) was developed. Reservoirs suited for the EGS are Carboniferous and Lower Triassic sandstones in the central part of Poland (Mogilno-艁贸d藕 Trough region and a small part of the Kujawy Swell and Fore-Sudetic regions). In addition, Carboniferous limestones in this area are potentially prospective

    Underground CO2 storage - case study of Jastrz膮bka Stara structure, SE Poland

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    Carbon dioxide injection into depleted oil fields is widely used. The injection enhances oil recovery and generates other advantages like: (1) decrease of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere and (2) the possibility for CO2 emission trade. Geological and reservoir parameters of Jastrz膮bka Stara structure are discussed in this paper in the context of possible CO2 sequestration. Reservoir absorptivity and tightness, overburden thickness, storage capacity as well as social and economical aspects are taken into consideration. Based upon these factors, Jastrz膮bka Stara oil deposits may be classified as potential carbon dioxide storage site.Detailed data cannot be published due to Polish Oil and Gas Company (PGNiG SA) confidentiality requirements