6 research outputs found

    Farklı kök kanal dolgu tekniklerinin koronal sızıntılarının karşılaştırılması

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, çeşitli kök kanal dolgutekniklerinin boya penetrasyon yöntemi kullanılarak koronal sızıntılarının karşılaştırılmasıdır Çal›şmam›zda, 70 adet tek köklü alt premolar dişler kullan›ld›. Altm›ş adet diş 15’erli 4 gruba ayr›ld›. Kök kanallar›, lateral kondenzasyon, System-B, Thermafil ve MicroSeal kanal dolgu sistemleri ile dolduruldu. Kanallar doldurulduktan sonra patlar›n sertleşmesi için dişler 37ºC’de %100 nemli ortamda 10 gün süreyle etüvde bekletildi. Ependorf tüplerinin içine Çini mürekkebi konuldu ve örnekler 30 gün süre ile 37ºC’de etüvde bekletildi. 30 günün sonunda dişler düzenekten söküldü ve elmas diskler yard›m›yla uzunlamas›na ikiye ayr›ld›. Elde edilen kesitler x10 büyütmede stereomikroskop alt›nda incelendi ve lineer olarak boya penetrasyon miktar› ölçüldü. Elde edilen ölçümler, tek yönlü varyans analizi ANOVA ve Bonferroni testi ile istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Çal›şmam›zdan elde edilen bulgular sonucunda koronal boya s›z›nt›s› yönünden System-B ile doldurulan kanallarda, Thermafil’e göre daha az boya s›z›nt›s› olduğu gözlenmiştir p0.01

    Multidisciplinary Approach for the Treatment of Horizontal Root-Fractured Maxillary Anterior Teeth

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    Dental trauma can lead to a wide range of injuries of which crown and root fractures are examples. Crown-root fractures often need complex treatment planning. This case report describes the use of MTA in the multidisciplinary management of a patient with a horizontally fractured central incisor and luxation in a different central incisor. A 42-year-old female patient presented within 1 h of receiving direct trauma to her maxillary area. Clinical examination revealed that the right and left maxillary central incisors presented mobility and sensitivity to percussion and palpation but no sensitivity to thermal stimulations. Occlusal displacement with extrusion in the left maxillary central incisor and luxation in the right maxillary central incisor was observed. Radiographic examination revealed horizontal root fracture at the apical third of the left maxillary central incisor. Root fracture in the right maxillary incisor was not observed. Endodontic and aesthetic restorative treatments were completed. MTA showed a good long-term outcome when used in root-fractured and luxated teeth. In addition, composite resin restoration provided satisfactory aesthetic results even after 15 months

    Evaluation of the sealing ability of different root canal sealers: a combined SEM and micro-CT study

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    <div><p>Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of multiple compounds to seal the dental tubules using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro-computed tomogra-phy (micro-CT). Material and Methods: Twenty-four single-root human mandibular premolars were selected and instrumented with nickel-titanium rotary file and the final file size was #40/06. They were then randomly allocated into 2 groups, and all samples were filled with single cone gutta-percha (#40/06) and one of the tested sealers (AH Plus and EndoSequence BC sealers). All specimens were scanned using micro-CT and then three from each group were randomly selected for SEM analysis. Results: According to SEM, both root canal sealers showed sufficient adaptation to dentin along the whole length of the root canal, though the coronal sections presented superior sealing than the apical sections. Micro porosity analyses revealed that the volume of closed pores and the surface of closed pores had the largest values in the coronal sections, followed by the middle and the apical sections for both sealants (p<0.05). However, no significant difference was observed for those two parameters between AH Plus and EndoSequence BC sealers in any of the three sections (p>0.05), whereas they were larger in the apical section when the AH Plus sealer was used. Conclusions: By using the single cone technique, neither EndoSequence or AH Plus pro-vides a porosity-free root canal filling. The EndoSequence BC sealer may have similar sealing abilities regarding the whole root canal as the AH Plus sealer. A better sealing effect could be obtained in the coronal and middle sections of a root canal than the apical part by using the tested sealers.</p></div