10 research outputs found

    Overview of the current situation relating to chemical engineering degree courses

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    In 2020, the Conference of Chemical Engineering Directors and Deans (CODDIQ) proposed the creation of an observatory to monitor chemical engineering degrees in Spain. This representative radiography of Chemical Engineering studies offers an initial point to observe the future changes when Royal Decree 822/2021 and proposed challenges in the last Ministerial Conference on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) will be implanted. The survey data from CODDIQ partners allow us to know important data such as (i) the 24 international quality accreditations at Spanish universities, (ii) the high demand and the required marks, an average of 7.25, for the Chemical Engineering Bachelor’s degree, (iii) 9560 undergraduate students in this degree in Spain and their gender profile which is around 43% of women, similar than women lectures, (iv) the difficulty of this Bachelor’s degree through some indicators like duration of studies (5.25 years), graduation rate (41%) and drop-out rate (26%), (v) the employability after obtaining the Bachelor's degree is very high (>70%). In addition, Chemical engineering undergraduate and graduate students indicate their expectations are covered. In this paper, some consequences of the pandemic on students' performance (lower than before COVID-19) are analyzed, despite lectures tried to innovate in their classes and the university provided adequate tools for online teaching

    Un método para la simulación de columnas de adsorción

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    Entre los procesos de separación en continuo para productos de alto valor añadido, se abre camino en los últimos años la utilización del “lecho móvil simulado” (Simulated Moving Bed). Para el diseño y configuración de estos sistemas es muy útil disponer de métodos de simulaciónde columnas de cromatografía que permitan obtener resultados precisos con un mínimo tiempo de cálculo. Los modelos matemáticos utilizados más frecuentemente para este tipo de simulaciones tienen en cuenta diversos factores de no idealidad del sistema. En el presente trabajo sepresenta un método eficiente de simulación del comportamiento de una columna de adsorción, siguiendo el modelo con transporte de materia, y se compara con un método de colocación de polinomios, y también con algunos resultados teóricos conocidos

    An Unequivocal Synthesis of 2-Aryl Substituted 3-Amino-2,4,5,7-tetrahydro-6H-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin-6-ones

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    The reaction between pyridones (1) and substituted hydrazines 4 can afford two different regioisomeric pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridin - 6-ones 2 and 3 depending on the initial substitution of the methoxy group and the direction of the cyclization. In the case of phenylhydrazine 4 (R3 = Ph), we have clearly shown that the treatment of pyridones 1a-d with 4 (R3 = Ph) in MeOH at temperatures below 1408C yields, independently of the nature and position of the substituents present in the pyridone ring, the open intermediates 7a-d. When the reaction is carried at 1408C under microwave irradiation, the corresponding 2-aryl substituted pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines 3a-d are always formed. We have experimentally determined, using DSC techniques, the activation energies of the two steps involved in the formation of 3: a) substitution of the methoxy group present in pyridones 1 with phenylhydrazine 4 (R3 = Ph) to afford intermediates 7 and b) cyclization of intermediates 7 to yield pyrazolopyridines 3. The results obtained, 15 and 42 kcal·mol 1 respectively, are in agreement with the experimental findings

    Industria farmacéutica 4.0

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    La implantación de las tecnologías de la industria 4.0 va a producir grandes cambios en la industria química y farmacéutica. Disponer de un modelo claro de lo qué es la industria 4.0 es clave para determinar cómo se està implantando y qué perspectivas de futuro se esperan para mejorar la competitividad global de las industrias químicas españolas. La “Herramienta de diagnóstico para Industria 4.0” –modelo Mi4.0-, presentada recientemente por Enginyers de Catalunya, va a ser un instrumento extraordinariamente útil de análisis y benchmarking.The introduction of 4.0 industry technologies will produce great changes in the chemicals and pharmaceutical industry. Having a clear model of what industry 4.0 is key to determining how it is being implemented and what future prospects are expected to improving the global competitiveness of Spanish chemicals industries. The "Diagnostic Tool for Industry 4.0" -modelo Mi4.0-, recently presented by Enginyers de Catalunya, is going to be an extraordinarily useful analysis and benchmarking tool

    Impact of low stocking densities shrimp farm effluents in water quality of a tropical coastal wetland

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    The effects of shrimp aquaculture on the water quality of the Jiquilisco Bay (El Salvador) was evaluated for small-scale shrimp farming with low stocking densities (≤ 12 shrimps/m2). Two sites were selected for study: one in a concentrated shrimp farming area and the other few kilometers away without shrimp farms influence. Water samples were collected at nine different locations for spatial assessment and were taken on three occasions for temporal assessment. Parameters related to nutrient waste from shrimp farms included: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids, nitrate, nitrite, dissolved phosphorus and ammonia, temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen. Effluents from shrimp farms did not exceed the limits established by regulatory norms for nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, BOD, pH and phosphorus. Significant differences for the concentrations of total suspended solids (TSS) and BOD were observed. They were higher in the channel with shrimp farms influence and always in the raining season, probably due to the drag of the rivers more than the shrimp production. It seems that at these stocking densities the carrying capacity of Jiquilisco bay was not exceeded