397 research outputs found

    Use of soil thaw/freeze depth data to verify hydrological modelling at poor gauged basins in permafrost regions = Verwendung von Tau- und Gefrierdaten des Bodens zur Überprüfung eines hydrologischen Modells in schlecht beobachteten Permafrostgebieten

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    The distributed process-based runoff formation model Hydrograph was applied and tested against soil thaw/freeze depth and runoff data in different permafrost landscapes of the Kolyma Water-Balance station (KWBS). The parameterization describing different permafrost conditions was elaborated. Soil thaw/freeze depths were simulated for three sites comprising rocky talus, mountainous tundra and larch forest landscapes. The runoff model was applied and calibrated for the Kontaktovy Creek watershed (21.2 km2), which is covered by these respective land cover types. Runoff simulations were carried out for three poorly-gauged river basins (areas ranging from 1820 to 9560 km2) using the same soil and vegetation parameters of the calibrated model. The results have shown that the Hydrograph model can be reliably applied in the conditions of data limitation considering permafrost-related hydrological processes

    Two ideals connected with strong right upper porosity at a point

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    Let SPSP be the set of upper strongly porous at 00 subsets of R+\mathbb R^{+} and let I^(SP)\hat I(SP) be the intersection of maximal ideals ISPI \subseteq SP. Some characteristic properties of sets EI^(SP)E\in\hat I(SP) are obtained. It is shown that the ideal generated by the so-called completely strongly porous at 00 subsets of R+\mathbb R^{+} is a proper subideal of I^(SP).\hat I(SP).Comment: 18 page

    Evaluating extreme flood characteristics of small mountainous basins of the Black Sea coastal area, Northern Caucasus

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    The probability of heavy rains and river floods is expected to increase with time in the Northern Caucasus region. Densely populated areas in the valleys of small mountainous watersheds already frequently suffer from catastrophic peak floods caused by intense rains at higher elevations. This study aimed at assessing the flood characteristics of several small basins in the piedmont area of the Caucasus Mountains adjacent to the Black Sea coast including ungauged Cemes River in the Novorossiysk city. The Deterministic-Stochastic Modelling System which consists of hydrological model Hydrograph and stochastic weather generator was applied to evaluate extreme rainfall and runoff characteristics of 1% exceedance probability. Rainfall intensity is shown to play more significant role than its depth in formation of extreme flows within the studied region

    Strawberry resistance to the major fungal phytopathogens: R-genes and their DNA markers

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    The garden strawberry Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier (1785) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Rosaceae family; it is cultivated all around the world. It accounts for more than half of the global volume of berries production. In Russia, more than 160 tons of garden strawberries are grown annually, but according to Russian scientists, this crop has a much higher productivity potential. Various pathogens, including bacterial, viral and fungal infections, negatively affect the productivity of strawberry. Anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum Corda.), crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum Lebert & Cohn), red core disease (Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae Hickman), fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sр. fragariae Winks & Williams ) and strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis [Sphaerotheca macularis] (Wallr.) U. Braun & S. Takam) are among the most important fungal diseases of strawberry. This review discusses the current data about the known genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with resistance to listed plant pathogens. The review also offers information about molecular markers of different types: SDRF, AFLP, SSR, SCAR, SNP, associated with these genes/QTLs and used in the molecular screening of strawberry collections for practical purposes

    Artificial Neural Networks and Their Current Level of Development

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    Neural networks, as one of the leading modern areas of information technology development, are reviewed in this work. The general concept of the neural network, the main types of them, as well their current level of development are presented.В роботі розглянуто нейронні мережі як один з провідних сучасних напрямків розвитку інформаційних технологій. Представлено загальну концепцію нейронної мережі, основні різновиди таких мереж та їх сучасний рівень розвитку

    Tuberous sclerosis with kidneys angiomyolipomas: a family case

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    Tuberous sclerosis is one of the forms of monogenic hereditary pathology related to neurocutaneous diseases (phacomatoses). Diagnostic difficulties are associated with pronounced clinical polymorphism and age-dependent onset of symptoms. The article presents current data on the prevalence and clinical manifestations of tuberous sclerosis. A clinical case of tuberous sclerosis is given in several generations of the same family

    Molecular screening of the VIR strawberry varieties collection for the presence of a marker for the anthracnose black rot resistance gene <i>Rca2</i>

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    Background. Anthracnose black rot caused by the phytopathogenic fungus Colletotrichum acutatum Simmonds became an extremely harmful disease of strawberries in Southern Russia. The disease is widespread throughout the world, and relatively recently it appeared in Russia. Yield losses due to the disease reach up to 80%; besides, the pathogen causes significant plant losses in mother plantations. The most reliable protection against the pathogen is the cultivation of resistant varieties. In strawberries, resistance is controlled by different genes, including Rca2. To identify this gene, molecular markers STS_Rca2_240 and STS-Rca2_417 have been developed. The purpose of this study was to use the markers for screening the VIR collection of strawberry varieties at the VIR Maikop Experiment Station (Maikop ES VIR). Material and methods. The present work studied 135 varieties of Fragaria × ananassa (Duchesne ex Weston) Duchesne ex Rozier, 83 domestic and 52 foreign ones. The domestic varieties included 17 created at the Maikop ES. Plants were evaluated for anthracnose field resistance in the Republic of Adygea from 2018 to 2021. Molecular screening was performed using STS_Rca2_240 and STS-Rca2_417, the molecular markers closely linked to the Rca2 gene. Microsatellite primers EMFv020 were used to control the PCR. The cultivar ‘Sudarushka’, in which the presence of STS_Rca2_240 marker was described in the literature, served as a positive control. Results and discussion. The marker Rca2_240 was detected in 22 cultivars from 135 studied. Among domestic varieties, the frequency of the marker was 18.1%, while among the foreign varieties it was slightly lower and amounted to 13.0%. Among the 17 varieties created at the Maykop SE, the marker was found in three: ‘Majkopskaya rannyaya’, ‘Peryt’, and ‘Shapsugskaya’. The association of the diagnostic fragment with resistance was 73.0%. The marker efficiency was not very high due to the significant number of resistant varieties which do not generate the diagnostic fragments. The resistance in such varieties can be provided by other genes, for example, FaRCa1. The STS-Rca2_417 marker was not effective during screening. Conclusion. Twenty-two varieties with the STS_Rca2_240 marker were identified in the VIR collection, maintained at the Maykop ES VIR, 16 of which were resistant to C. acutatum. These varieties represent a valuable breeding material. The STS-Rca2_240 marker can be used as an important diagnostic trait for the certification of varieties

    Antioxidant defense system: regulation of metabolic processes, genetic determinants, methods of determination

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    An increase in peroxidation activity is considered as a nonspecific process characteristic of the pathogenesis of various diseases accompanied by antioxidant deficiency. As bioregulators that can increase defense, antioxidants are important links in a multi-stage system of regulation and coordination of various body functions. The structure and function of enzymes involved in the regulation of oxidative stress can be significantly affected by genetic polymorphism. To date, the role of genes encoding the activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system in the pathogenesis of many diseases remains unexplored, which is of great interest to researchers from various fields. The article presents a review and analysis of data from modern scientific literature on the role of antioxidant defense components in the regulation of metabolic processes, their genetic determinant, and summarizes data on modern methods for the determination of some antioxidants. When writing the review, the database of the scientific electronic library eLibrary was used, the keywords are oxidative stress, free radical oxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, antioxidant response element, research methods; filters – publication years 2012–2022, publications with full text, publications available for viewing; English-language database of medical and biological publications, created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), keywords – lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection, antioxidants, antioxidant enzymes, enzyme genes, oxidative stress, metabolism, methods


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    Summary. Background osteodeficiency states at chronic pancreatitis is caused by disorders of digestion that appears malabsorbtion and  maldigestion syndromes and in violation of assimilation of mineral and organic matter. A key point in the development osteodeficiency in chronic pancreatitis is certainly a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3. Osteodeficiency in CP components can be as osteomalacia (vitamin deficiencies due to vitamin D3), and osteoporosis (violation of calcium-phosphorus, protein metabolism, secondary, and because primary osteoporosis - age, postmenopausal). In order to assess the status of bone mineral density examination of patients underwent lumbar spine using two-photon X-ray densitometer. Found that in 75% of patients with chronic pancreatitis observed violations of bone mineralisation.Past studies substantiate the feasibility of sharing calcium-vitamin and mineral preparations and bisphosphonate ryzendronic acid in the proposed scheme concomitant treatment of osteoporosis in patients with chronic pancreatitis. The expediency of using drugs Vitrum Kaltsium 600 + D400 and Ryzendros in treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis with concomitant osteodeficiency, leading to substantial significant improvement in bone mineral - growth of bone mineral density.Актуальность проблемы развития остеодефицитних состояний при хроническом панкреатите обусловлена расстройствами процессов пищеварения, синдромами мальдигестии и мальабсорбции с нарушением усвоения минеральных и органических веществ. Ключевым моментом в развитии остеодефицита при хроническом панкреатите, безусловно, является дефицит кальция и витамина D3. Остеодефицит при ХП может иметь компоненты как остеомаляции (вследствие гиповитаминоза витамина D3), так и остеопороза (нарушения кальциево-фосфорного, белкового обменов вторично, а также вследствие первичного остеопороза - возрастного, постменопаузального). С целью оценки состояния минеральной плотности костной ткани больным проводили обследование поясничного отдела позвоночника с помощью двофотонного рентгеновского денситометра. Установлено, что у 75% обследованных больных хроническим панкреатитом наблюдаются нарушения минерализации костной ткани. Проведенные исследования обосновывают целесообразность совместного использования кальцийсодержащего витаминно-минерального препарата и бисфосфоната - ризендроновой кислоты по предложенной схеме в лечении сопутствующего остеопороза у больных хроническим панкреатитом.  Доказана целесообразность использования препаратов Витрум Кальциум 600 + D400 и Ризендрос в комплексном лечении больных хроническим панкреатитом с сопутствующим остеодефициту, что привело к существенному достоверному улучшению состояния минерализации кости - приросту минеральной плотности костной ткани.Резюме. Актуальність проблеми розвитку остеодефіцитних станів при хронічному панкреатиті зумовлена розладами процесів травлення, що виявляється синдромами мальдигестії та мальабсорбції з порушенням засвоєння мінеральних і органічних речовин. Ключовим моментом у розвитку остеодефіциту при хронічному панкреатиті, безумовно, є дефіцит кальцію та вітаміну D3. Остеодефіцит при ХП  може мати компоненти як остеомаляції (внаслідок гіповітамінозу вітаміну D3), так і остеопорозу (порушення кальцієво-фосфорного, білкового обмінів вторинно, а також внаслідок первинного остеопорозу – вікового, постменопаузального). З метою оцінки стану мінеральної щільності кісткової тканини хворим проводили обстеження поперекового відділу хребта за допомогою двофотонного рентгенівського денситометра. Встановлено, що у 75 % обстежених хворих на  хронічний панкреатит спостерігаються порушення мінералізації кісткової тканини.Проведені дослідження обґрунтовують доцільність спільного використання кальцієвмісного вітамінно-мінерального препарату та бісфосфонату ризендронової кислоти за запропонованою схемою у лікуванні супутнього остеопорозу у хворих на хронічний панкреатит. Доведено доцільність використання препаратів Вітрум Кальціум 600+D400 та Ризендрос в комплексному лікуванні хворих на хронічний панкреатит із супутнім остеодефіцитом, що призвело до суттєвого достовірного покращення стану мінералізації кістки - приросту мінеральної щільності кісткової тканини