66 research outputs found
Physician personal characteristics influencing long-term treatment of patients with cardiovascular diseases
The main purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of a doctor personality, affecting long-term therapy in patients with cardiovascular diseases. Materials and methods: To determine the type of temperament, the presence and intensity of the syndrome of emotional burnout and capacity for empathy therapists and cardiologists were asked to fill in a number of questionnaires. Each doctor had a group of patients contacting by telephone for a year after the discharge from the hospital. During the telephone contact, the patients were asked about the continuation of their therapy recommended in the hospital, the regularity of therapy, the frequency of absence, and the assessment of a physician by the patients. Results: 35 questionnaires were suitable for interpretation. Through one year after the discharge from the hospital it was able to contact with 147 patients, 18.4% (27) of patients completely stopped the treatment by recommended drugs. Positive assessment of physicians was associated with the continuation of the therapy by recommended drugs and regularity of drug taking (p=0,03). Patients assessed physicians positively more often in cases of low level of emotional state, high level of depersonalization (cynicism) and the reduction of personal accomplishment (feeling of professional inefficiency) in a doctor. Conclusion: Assessment of physicians by patients is reliably and significantly influenced by continuation of long-term therapy and regularity of drug taking
Discrepancy Principle for Solving Periodic Integral Equations of the First Kind
Fully discrete projection method with discrepancy principle is considered for solving periodic integral equations of the first kind with unknown smoothness of solution. For proposed approach it is proved the optimality and effectiveness in the sense of computational resource.Розглянуто повністю дискретний проекційний метод у комбінації з принципом рівноваги для розв’язування періодичних інтегральних рівнянь у апостеріорному випадку. Доведена оптимальність та економічність такого підходу
A class of periodic integral equations with numerical solving by a fully discrete projection method
For a class of integral periodic equations of the first kind the problem of stable approximate solving is considered. The error estimates in the metric of Sobolev spaces for a fully discrete projection method with two discretization parameters are established. For choosing the level of discretization a balancing principle is used
Daily dynamics of cellulase activity in arable soils depending on management practices
The daily dynamics of cellulase activity was studied during 27 days by the cellophane membrane method on soils managed using the conventional high-input farming system (application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides) and the biological conservation farming system (application of organic fertilizers alone) in a microfield experiment. The regular oscillatory dynamics of the cellulase activity were revealed and confirmed by the harmonic (Fourier) analysis. The oscillatory dynamics of the cellulase activity had a self-oscillatory nature and was not directly caused by the disturbing impacts of both the uncontrolled (natural) changes in the temperature and moisture (rainfall) and the controlled ones (the application of different fertilizers). The disturbing impacts affected the oscillation amplitude of the cellulase activity but not the frequency (periods) of the oscillations. The periodic oscillations of the cellulase activity were more significant in the soil under the high-input management compared to the soil under the biological farming syste
Гендерные особенности процессов свободно-радикального окисления липидов при возрастных гормонально-дефицитных состояниях
Aims: Our aim was to assess lipid peroxidation ― antioxidant protection in menopausal women and men in andropause and to compare these processes in different gender and age groups. Materials and methods:74 women and 37 men were examined. This study was a prospective, randomized cohort study. Women were divided into perimenopausal group (n=22, mean age 49.03±3.13), postmenopausal group (n=15, mean age 54.43±4.54) and control (n=37, mean age 34±1.2). Men were divided into a group of andropause (n=20, mean age 50.38±2.63) and control (n=17, mean age 35.21±4.75). Body mass index in the main and control groups was comparable. Questionnaires, clinical examination, assessment of the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system, and the calculation of oxidative stress ratio were conducted to all participants of the study. Results: In women from the reproductive phase transition to its extinction increases content of compounds with conjugated double bonds by 22% (p0.05) in perimenopause and by 27% (p0.05) in postmenopause, increases content of the ketodienes and coupled trienes by 21% (p0.05) in perimenopause relative to the control group and reduced by 27% (p0.05) in postmenopausal women relative to the group of perimenopause. The antioxidant system in women observed the following changes: decrease in the α-tocopherol levels in postmenopausal women by 37% relative to control and by 22% (p0.05) to compare perimenopause; reduction of retinol level by 29% (p0.05) in the perimenopause and by 39% (p0.05) in postmenopause relative to control, increasing of the content of GSSG by 18% (p0.05) in postmenopause to compare control. When comparing groups of men statistically significant differences were not found. When comparing the groups according to gender, we revealed in men the increased content of compounds with conjugated double bonds by 38% (p0.05), the GSSG by 13% (p0.05), reduced content of the ketodienes and coupled trienes by 43% (p0,05), α-tocopherol by 24% (p0.05), SOD activity by 9% (p0.05).Coefficient oxidative stress in perimenopausal women was 2,5, in postmenopausal ― 3,48, in andropause ― 0,97.Conclusions: Expressed lipid peroxidation activity is more physiological in andropause than in menopause. Men in andropause have large functional reserves and adaptive capacity than menopausal women.Обоснование. Изучение вопросов, связанных со старением, занимает одно из ведущих мест в современной фундаментальной и клинической медицине. Определенным рубежом в инволюции как женского, так и мужского организма является утрата репродуктивной функции, что приводит к целому ряду патологических изменений со стороны различных органов и систем. Представляется интересным проведение сравнительной оценки течения окислительно-восстановительных процессов у мужчин и женщин при возрастном снижении половых стероидов. Цель исследования: определить особенности течения процессов свободно-радикального окисления липидов в мено- и андропаузе. Методы: клинико-анамнестическое обследование, исследование системы перекисного окисления липидов-антиоксидантной защиты (ПОЛ-АОЗ) и расчет коэффициента окислительного стресса как интегрального показателя активности процессов пероксидации. В исследовании участвовали 74 женщины, из них 22 в периоде перименопаузы, средний возраст 49,03±3,13 года; 15 ― в постменопаузе, средний возраст 54,43±4,54 года. Группу сравнения составили 37 здоровых репродуктивных женщин в возрасте 34±1,2 года. В группу мужчин с возрастным андрогенным дефицитом вошли 20 человек в возрасте 50,38±2,63 года, в группу сравнения ―17 мужчин, средний возраст 35,21±4,75 года. По индексу массы тела основные и контрольные группы были сопоставимыми. Результаты. Установлено, что в пери- и постменопаузе увеличивается содержание в крови субстратов с сопряженными двойными связями. В системе АОЗ отмечается снижение содержания в крови жирорастворимых витаминов в постменопаузе по сравнению с перименопаузой. При сравнении групп мужчин отличий не обнаружено. Сопоставление групп в зависимости от гендерной принадлежности показало, что у мужчин повышено содержание субстратов с сопряженными двойными связями и окисленной формы глутатиона, снижено содержание кетодиенов и сопряженных триенов, α-токоферола и супероксиддисмутазы. Коэффициент окислительного стресса у женщин в перименопаузе составил 2,05, а в постменопаузе ― 3,48. У мужчин при переходе от репродуктивной фазы к угасанию данный показатель равен 0,97, что указывает на баланс между прооксидантным и антиоксидантным звеньями. Заключение. Выраженная активность процессов ПОЛ-АОЗ является более физиологичной при возрастном андрогенном дефиците, чем при эстрогендефицитных состояниях у женщин, обусловливая бо́льшие функциональные резервы и адаптивные возможности при относительно плавном снижении функции секреции андрогенов тестикулами
In this article the variety of borrowings, internationalisms, phraseological units, idioms in the professional-oriented texts is considered. It opens an opportunity to understand the statement of a thought and laconicism of its expression, including the field of jurisprudence. The research objective is demonstration the ways of interpretation and application of legal English language units in practice through characteristic features of English legal terminology. Particular attention is paid to the peculiarities of phraseological units and their translation in oral and written speech
Ban on the hijab at school: Human rights against migration background
Russia has only recently faced the problem of wearing hijabs in educational organizations within the last three years, while in Western Europe the debate on this issue has not subsided for several decades. Due to the fact that the common position has not been worked out, it seems important to examine the compliance of the ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in educational institutions with international instruments enshrining the right to education and freedom of conscience and religion, to analyze the position of the Russian Federation through the example of specific legal measures undertaken to solve the situation within the Stavropol region and the latest document published by the Interreligious Council of Russia (issued on March 26, 2015), as well as to analyze the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights stated in the case "Leyla Sahin against Turkey" (2005). A separate issue on the topic concerns the proportionality of the rules on hijabs in their application to and their effect on local and migrant populations of certain states. © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved
Ban on the hijab at school: Human rights against migration background
Russia has only recently faced the problem of wearing hijabs in educational organizations within the last three years, while in Western Europe the debate on this issue has not subsided for several decades. Due to the fact that the common position has not been worked out, it seems important to examine the compliance of the ban on wearing Islamic headscarves in educational institutions with international instruments enshrining the right to education and freedom of conscience and religion, to analyze the position of the Russian Federation through the example of specific legal measures undertaken to solve the situation within the Stavropol region and the latest document published by the Interreligious Council of Russia (issued on March 26, 2015), as well as to analyze the opinion of the European Court of Human Rights stated in the case "Leyla Sahin against Turkey" (2005). A separate issue on the topic concerns the proportionality of the rules on hijabs in their application to and their effect on local and migrant populations of certain states. © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved
Внедрение услуг Digital Detox и размещения с животными в отели повышенной категории
Modern people can't imagine their life without a mobile phone. Immersion in the virtual world and social networks destroys the boundaries of real life. The program Digital Detox is a voluntary decision of a person to limit his or her stay on the Internet. Many hotels immediately responded to the innovation and began to enter this program in the list of services provided. And some owners have decided to open their accommodation, fully dedicated to the abandonment of gadgets.Современный человек не представляет себе жизни без мобильного телефона. Погружение в виртуальный мир и социальные сети разрушает границы реальной жизни. Программа Digital Detox - добровольное решение человека ограничить свое пребывание в интернете. Многие отели моментально отреагировали на нововведение и стали вводить данную программу в список предоставляемых услуг. А некоторые владельцы решили открыть свои средства размещения, полностью посвященные отказу от гаджетов
Dignity as a traditional value: International legal analysis
Background/Objectives: The term "dignity" is widely used in the texts of the international legal instruments, but international law has not developed its agreed definition. This concept of dignity is reflected in the first international human rights instruments. Methods/Statistical analysis: Analysis of international instruments on human rights shows that in the 20th century, the concept of dignity became the basis of human rights law. This is confirmed by the fact that, firstly, dignity is inherent to all members of the human family. Secondly, all human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. And thirdly, these rights derive from the inherent dignity of the human person. That is why the better understanding of human dignity as a traditional value can boost promotion and fulfillment of human rights. Findings: The article deals with the concept of dignity from the standpoint of philosophy, Western Christianity and Russian Orthodoxy that contributed to the formulation of the concept of dignity, its definition and elements, and international law. Applications/Improvements: The centrality of human dignity in universal human rights texts can be explained by its core nature. It is fundamental and at the same time it seems uncontroversial enough to attract the entirety of the world community notwithstanding the diversity of morals, cultures, ethnicities, and religions that exist within the broad range of nations
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