8,201 research outputs found

    Entropy-induced Microphase Separation in Hard Diblock Copolymers

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    Whereas entropy can induce phase behavior that is as rich as seen in energetic systems, microphase separation remains a very rare phenomenon in entropic systems. In this paper, we present a density functional approach to study the possibility of entropy-driven microphase separation in diblock copolymers. Our model system consists of copolymers composed of freely-jointed slender hard rods. The two types of monomeric segments have comparable lengths, but a significantly different diameter, the latter difference providing the driving force for the phase separation. At the same time these systems can also exhibit liquid crystalline phases. We treat this system in the appropriate generalization of the Onsager approximation to chain-like particles. Using a linear stability (bifurcation) analysis, we analytically determine the onset of the microseparated and the nematic phases for long chains. We find that for very long chains the microseparated phase always preempts the nematic. In the limit of infinitely long chains, the correlations within the chain become Gaussian and the approach becomes exact. This allows us to define a Gaussian limit in which the theory strongly simplifies and the competition between microphase separation and liquid crystal formation can be studied essentially analytically. Our main results are phase diagrams as a function of the effective diameter difference, the segment composition and the length ratio of the segments. We also determine the amplitude of the positional order as a function of position along the chain at the onset of the microphase separation instability. Finally, we give suggestions as to how this type of entropy-induced microphase separation could be observed experimentally.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Preservation of equilibrium in orthograde and inverted body positions

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    The mechanism for regulation of the vertical pose with retention of equilibrium in the inverted body position was investigated

    Mixed Quantum/Classical Approach for Description of Molecular Collisions in Astrophysical Environments

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    An efficient and accurate mixed quantum/classical theory approach for computational treatment of inelastic scattering is extended to describe collision of an atom with a general asymmetric-top rotor polyatomic molecule. Quantum mechanics, employed to describe transitions between the internal states of the molecule, and classical mechanics, employed for description of scattering of the atom, are used in a self-consistent manner. Such calculations for rotational excitation of HCOOCH3 in collisions with He produce accurate results at scattering energies above 15 cm–1, although resonances near threshold, below 5 cm–1, cannot be reproduced. Importantly, the method remains computationally affordable at high scattering energies (here up to 1000 cm–1), which enables calculations for larger molecules and at higher collision energies than was possible previously with the standard full-quantum approach. Theoretical prediction of inelastic cross sections for a number of complex organic molecules observed in space becomes feasible using this new computational tool

    Weak localization, Aharonov-Bohm oscillations and decoherence in arrays of quantum dots

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    Combining scattering matrix theory with non-linear σ\sigma-model and Keldysh technique we develop a unified theoretical approach enabling one to non-perturbatively study the effect of electron-electron interactions on weak localization and Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in arbitrary arrays of quantum dots. Our model embraces (i) weakly disordered conductors (ii) strongly disordered conductors and (iii) metallic quantum dots. In all these cases at T0T \to 0 the electron decoherence time is found to saturate to a finite value determined by the universal formula which agrees quantitatively with numerous experimental results. Our analysis provides overwhelming evidence in favor of electron-electron interactions as a universal mechanism for zero temperature electron decoherence in disordered conductors.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, invited paper, published in a special issue of Fiz. Nizk. Temp. (Kharkov) dedicated to Prof. Igor Kuli

    Efficiency of thermal relaxation by radiative processes in protoplanetary discs: constraints on hydrodynamic turbulence

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    Hydrodynamic, non-magnetic instabilities can provide turbulent stress in the regions of protoplanetary discs, where the MRI can not develop. The induced motions influence the grain growth, from which formation of planetesimals begins. Thermal relaxation of the gas constrains origins of the identified hydrodynamic sources of turbulence in discs. We estimate the radiative relaxation timescale of temperature perturbations and study the dependence of this timescale on the perturbation wavelength, the location within the disc, the disc mass, and the dust-to-gas mass ratio. We then apply thermal relaxation criteria to localise modes of the convective overstability, the vertical shear instability, and the zombie vortex instability. Our calculations employed the latest tabulated dust and gas mean opacities and we account for the collisional coupling to the emitting species. The relaxation criterion defines the bulk of a typical T Tauri disc as unstable to the development of linear hydrodynamic instabilities. The midplane is unstable to the convective overstability from at most 2\mbox{ au} and up to 40\mbox{ au}, as well as beyond 140\mbox{ au}. The vertical shear instability can develop between 15\mbox{ au} and 180\mbox{ au}. The successive generation of (zombie) vortices from a seeded noise can work within the inner 0{.}8\mbox{ au}. Dynamic disc modelling with the evolution of dust and gas opacities is required to clearly localise the hydrodynamic turbulence, and especially its non-linear phase.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Thermal budget of superconducting digital circuits at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    Superconducting single-flux-quantum (SFQ) circuits have so far been developed and optimized for operation at or above helium temperatures. The SFQ approach, however, should also provide potentially viable and scalable control and read-out circuits for Josephson-junction qubits and other applications with much lower, milli-kelvin, operating temperatures. This paper analyzes the overheating problem which becomes important in this new temperature range. We suggest a thermal model of the SFQ circuits at sub-kelvin temperatures and present experimental results on overheating of electrons and silicon substrate which support this model. The model establishes quantitative limitations on the dissipated power both for "local" electron overheating in resistors and "global" overheating due to ballistic phonon propagation along the substrate. Possible changes in the thermal design of SFQ circuits in view of the overheating problem are also discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to J. Appl. Phy

    A Wire Position Monitor System for the 1.3 GHZ Tesla-Style Cryomodule at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab Accelerator

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    The first cryomodule for the beam test facility at the Fermilab New-Muon-Lab building is currently under RF commissioning. Among other diagnostics systems, the transverse position of the helium gas return pipe with the connected 1.3 GHz SRF accelerating cavities is measured along the ~15 m long module using a stretched-wire position monitoring system. An overview of the wire position monitor system technology is given, along with preliminary results taken at the initial module cool down, and during further testing. As the measurement system offers a high resolution, we also discuss options for use as a vibration detector.Comment: 4 pp. 15th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2011). 25-29 Jul 2011. Chicago, Illinois, US

    Determination of quantum-noise parameters of realistic cavities

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    A procedure is developed which allows one to measure all the parameters occurring in a complete model [A.A. Semenov et al., Phys. Rev. A 74, 033803 (2006); quant-ph/0603043] of realistic leaky cavities with unwanted noise. The method is based on the reflection of properly chosen test pulses by the cavity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Persistent current noise and electron-electron interactions

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    We analyze fluctuations of persistent current (PC) produced by a charged quantum particle moving in a ring and interacting with a dissipative environment formed by diffusive electron gas. We demonstrate that in the presence of interactions such PC fluctuations persist down to zero temperature. In the case of weak interactions and/or sufficiently small values of the ring radius RR PC noise remains coherent and can be tuned by external magnetic flux Φx\Phi_x piercing the ring. In the opposite limit of strong interactions and/or large values of RR fluctuations in the electronic bath strongly suppress quantum coherence of the particle down to T=0T=0 and induce incoherent Φx\Phi_x-independent current noise in the ring which persists even at Φx=0\Phi_x=0 when the average PC is absent.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure