261 research outputs found

    Domain walls in gapped graphene

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    The electronic properties of a particular class of domain walls in gapped graphene are investigated. We show that they can support mid-gap states which are localized in the vicinity of the domain wall and propagate along its length. With a finite density of domain walls, these states can alter the electronic properties of gapped graphene significantly. If the mid-gap band is partially filled,the domain wall can behave like a one-dimensional metal embedded in a semi-conductor, and could potentially be used as a single-channel quantum wire.Comment: 4 pgs. revte

    Finite size corrections and integrability of N=2 SYM and DLCQ strings on a pp-wave

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    We compute the planar finite size corrections to the spectrum of the dilatation operator acting on two-impurity states of a certain limit of conformal Script N = 2 quiver gauge field theory which is a ZM-orbifold of Script N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. We match the result to the string dual, IIB superstrings propagating on a pp-wave background with a periodically identified null coordinate. Up to two loops, we show that the computation of operator dimensions, using an effective Hamiltonian technique derived from renormalized perturbation theory and a twisted Bethe ansatz which is a simple generalization of the Beisert-Dippel-Staudacher [1] long range spin chain, agree with each other and also agree with a computation of the analogous quantity in the string theory. We compute the spectrum at three loop order using the twisted Bethe ansatz and find a disagreement with the string spectrum very similar to the known one in the near BMN limit of Script N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory. We show that, like in Script N = 4, this disagreement can be resolved by adding a conjectured ``dressing factor'' to the twisted Bethe ansatz. Our results are consistent with integrability of the Script N = 2 theory within the same framework as that of Script N = 4

    Universality and the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking

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    The hypothesis that the magnetic catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking is due to interactions of massless fermions in their lowest Landau level is examined in the context of chirally symmetric models with short ranged interactions. It is argued that, when the magnetic field is sufficiently large, even an infinitesimal attractive interaction in the appropriate channel will break chiral symmetry.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, REVTeX. The final version with minor corrections. To appear in Phys Rev D60 (1999

    Anyons as quon particles

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    The momentum operator representation of nonrelativistic anyons is developed in the Chern - Simons formulation of fractional statistics. The connection between anyons and the q-deformed bosonic algebra is established.Comment: 10 pages,Late

    Investigations of Pairing in Anyon Systems

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    We investigate pairing instabilities in the Fermi-liquid-like state of a single species of anyons. We describe the anyons as Fermions interacting with a Chern-Simons gauge field and consider the weak coupling limit where their statistics approaches that of Fermions. We show that, within the conventional BCS approach, due to induced repulsive Coulomb and current-current interactions, the attractive Aharonov-Bohm interaction is not sufficient to generate a gap in the Fermion spectrum.Comment: (11 pages, 2 Figures not included

    Magnetic field-induced insulating behavior in highly oriented pyrolitic graphite

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    We propose an explanation for the apparent semimetal-insulator transition observed in highly oriented pyrolitic graphite in the presence of magnetic field perpendicular to the layers. We show that the magnetic field opens an excitonic gap in the linear spectrum of the Coulomb interacting quasiparticles, in a close analogy with the phenomenon of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in the relativistic theories of the 2+1-dimensional Dirac fermions. Our strong-coupling appoach allows for a non-perturbative description of the corresponding critical behavior

    Z_N Phases in Hot Gauge Theories

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    We argue that the \zn phases of hot gauge theories cannot be realized as a real system with an Hermitean density matrix.Comment: 7 page

    Fermi point in graphene as a monopole in momentum space

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    We consider the effective field theory of graphene monolayer with the Coulomb interaction between fermions taken into account. The gauge field in momentum space is introduced. The position of the Fermi point coincides with the position of the corresponding monopole. The procedure of extracting such monopoles during lattice simulations is suggested.Comment: Latex, 12 page

    Two-Loop Analysis of Non-abelian Chern-Simons Theory

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    Perturbative renormalization of a non-Abelian Chern-Simons gauge theory is examined. It is demonstrated by explicit calculation that, in the pure Chern-Simons theory, the beta-function for the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term vanishes to three loop order. Both dimensional regularization and regularization by introducing a conventional Yang-Mills component in the action are used. It is shown that dimensional regularization is not gauge invariant at two loops. A variant of this procedure, similar to regularization by dimensional reduction used in supersymmetric field theories is shown to obey the Slavnov-Taylor identity to two loops and gives no renormalization of the Chern-Simons term. Regularization with Yang-Mills term yields a finite integer-valued renormalization of the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term at one loop, and we conjecture no renormalization at higher order. We also examine the renormalization of Chern-Simons theory coupled to matter. We show that in the non-abelian case the Chern-Simons gauge field as well as the matter fields require infinite renormalization at two loops and therefore obtain nontrivial anomalous dimensions. We show that the beta function for the gauge coupling constant is zero to two-loop order, consistent with the topological quantization condition for this constant.Comment: 48 pages, UU/HEP/91/12; file format changed to standard Latex to solve the problem with printin
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