66 research outputs found

    A pilot project at the Paper Money Museum, Porto (Portugal)

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    This paper will outline models and strategies in education and partnerships with neighbouring schools developed by the Paper Money Museum during the past year. The museum is well-known for its inclusive approach to different audiences and is currently trying to develop educational school programmes which involve the building of different relationships with schools and community advocates as well as the development of ongoing research about not only representations and outlooks but also about the outcomes of such projects. The analysis and discussion of data produced by this research and its relation to the building of new education models for this museum constitutes the core theme of this pape

    The object matter of museums: designing otherwise

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    O debate teórico e ético contemporâneo em torno dos museus está profundamente enredado no mundo e é construído a partir de um envolvimento intra-ativo com ele. Como consequência, o museu tende a abordar o emergente e o urgente através de práticas situadas que analisam e respondem coletivamente às circunstâncias do mundo. Ao fazê-lo, o museu contemporâneo procura criar condições para o envolvimento dos visitantes, permitindo que as suas vozes não mediadas sejam ouvidas. Este texto pretende explorar o espaço crítico entre a aparente vitalidade decolonial do museu e a forma como as práticas difrativas podem ser concebidas num contexto pós-crítico e pós-representacional, argumentando que as abordagens baseadas em processos artísticos e de design de fabulação especulativa (como a Cultura do Design) são úteis para pensar e agir nestes espaços de experiência. De forma pragmática, destaca três modos de envolvimento especulativo (moderado) do design com o presente e o futuro para ajudar os museus a libertarem-se da sua cegueira ontológica e a concretizarem o seu potencial crítico e transformador.The contemporary theoretical and ethical debate on museums is deeply entangled in the world and built from an intra-active engagement with it. As a consequence, the museum tends to address the emergent and the urgent through situated practices that collectively analyse and respond to circumstances in the world. In doing so, the contemporary museum seeks to create conditions for visitor engagement by empowering their unmediated voices to be heard. This text aims to explore the critical space between the apparent decolonial vitality of the museum and how diffractive practices may be designed in a postcritical and postrepresentational context, arguing that approaches based on artistic and design processes of speculative fabulation (as Design Culture) are helpful for thinking and acting in these spaces of experience. Pragmatically, it highlights three modes of speculative (moderated) design engagement with the present and the future to help museums to break out of their ontological blindness and fulfil their critical and transformative potential

    Contested heritage and colonialism in Portugal: a state of cognitive dissonance

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    ES: Este artículo explora el concepto de patrimonio controvertido, tomando como punto de partida varios episodios presentados recientemente por los medios de comunicación portugueses en los que el patrimonio actuó como desencadenante del debate público sobre el colonialismo portugués. Para ello, este artículo examina cómo pueden definirse, diferenciarse e interconectarse los conceptos de "patrimonio controvertido", "disonancia patrimonial" y "disonancia cognitiva". Se concluye que el patrimonio controvertido que representa el colonialismo portugués funciona como expresión de un estado de disonancia cognitiva y, simultáneamente, como un proceso de búsqueda de consonancia. En este sentido, es fundamental destacar cómo el estado de disonancia cognitiva está activo en las personas implicadas en los procesos de disputa y no en los objetos en sí. Este artículo sostiene que el patrimonio controvertido no debe entenderse como "problemas" que hay que "resolver", sino como una vía para revelar y tratar la complejidad subyacente: qué se disputa, quién lo hace y por qué lo hace.This article explores the concept of contested heritage, taking as a starting point several episodes recently presented by the Portuguese media in which heritage acted as a trigger for the public debate about Portuguese colonialism. We examine how the concepts of "contested heritage", "heritage dissonance", and "cognitive dissonance" can be defined, differentiated, and interconnected, concluding that contested heritage representing Portuguese colonialism functions as an expression of a cognitive dissonance state and, simultaneously, as a consonance-seeking process. In this regard, it is critical to emphasise how a cognitive dissonance state is active in the people involved in the contestation processes and not in the objects themselves. We argue that contested heritage should not be understood as "problems" to be "solved" but as pathways to reveal and deal with the complexity underneath: what is contested, who contests, and why they do so

    The potential of maritime museums for heritage education = El potencial de los museos marítimos para la educación patrimonial

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    ES: Los museos marítimos permiten integrar diversas perspectivas y enfoques en el estudio de la cultura e historia marítimas. Este trabajo presenta un análisis cualitativo de los programas educativos de tres museos de la región mediterránea: el Museo Marítimo Galata de Génova (Italia), el Museo Marítimo de Barcelona (España) y el Museo Marítimo de Haifa (Israel). Esta investigación evalúa su potencial como agentes para la educación patrimonial y para el aprendizaje sobre historia, cultura y ciencia marítimas. La región mediterránea, con su historia marinera y diversidad cultural y étnica, constituye un lugar ideal para que estos museos actúen como plataformas de aprendizaje sobre la importancia del mar en la civilización y para abordar los retos a los que se enfrenta la región. Con este estudio subrayamos la importancia de promover la educación a través del patrimonio cultural en los museos y su potencial para facilitar la inclusión y el diálogo sobre la diversidad cultural.: Maritime museums provide the right setting for integrating different perspectives and approaches to study maritime culture and history. This study presents a qualitative analysis of the educational programs from three museums in the Mediterranean region: the Galata Maritime Museum in Genova (Italy), the Maritime Museum of Barcelona (Spain), and the Maritime Museum of Haifa (Israel). This research evaluates the potential of these museums as agents of heritage education while providing their visitors with opportunities to learn about several aspects of maritime history, culture, and science. The Mediterranean region, with its seafaring history and cultural and ethnic diversity, serves as an ideal location for such museums to actively act as learning platforms of the importance of the sea in civilisation whilst addressing the regional challenges. With this study, we highlight the significance of promoting education via cultural heritage in museums and the potential of maritime museums to facilitate inclusion and dialogue about cultural diversity

    Introducción a colecciones científicas y patrimonio natural

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Representações e identidade em exposições de museus = Representaciones e identidad en exposiciones de museos = Representations and identity in museum exhibitions

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    Este artigo levanta questões sobre a identidade e de como é culturalmente construída a partir de imagens, artefatos e outros dispositivos do olhar, em exposições de museus. Partindo do princípio que a análise dos espaços expositivos envolve abordar objetos, textos e contexto museológico geral como componentes de uma narrativa única - neste caso acerca do passado e da identidade nacional , propõe-se uma exploração de um núcleo de exposição para pensar como os museus contribuem para os processos e produção de uma identidade nacional.This article raises questions about identity and how it is culturally constructed from images, artifacts and other gaze devices, in museum exhibits. Assuming that the analysis of exhibition spaces involves addressing objects, texts and the general museological context as components of a single narrative - in this case about the past and national identity - an exploration of an exhibition center is offered to consider how museums contribute to the processes and production of a national identity

    Da invenção do museu público : tecnologias e contextos

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    This article discusses some of the questions related with the technologies and contexts that fostered the development of public museums and which are associated with the transformation of previous museological practices

    Espaços quase : ou de como vou repensando as minhas práticas de ensino-investigação

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    This paper introduces some issues that relate to my understanding on the nature of research particularly about training in museology and museum education, thinking, on the other hand, about tools that support our reflexive / work / action processes that produce more nuanced theories, more reflective practices and perhaps less illusory museums. Knowledge is theorized as a quasi-object, challenging the separation between subject and object, between nature and society, between theory and practice. Museology is presented here as a quasi-object of research / training as a space for questioning not delimiter but which increasingly adopts border contours, and is impermanent