131 research outputs found

    Changes in Cognitive Functions of Pupils under Conditions of Iodine Deficiency

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    Clinical and physiological examination of 38 children which latent hypothyroidism (the main group) and 176 apparently healthy persons of intact region (the control group) at the age from 8 to 17 years living in endemic region was carried out. To determine the functional state of the thyroid gland in blood serum the content of total triiodothyronine (Т3), total and free thyroxin (Т4, fТ4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) of adenohypophysis were determined as well as urinary iodine level was examined. The cognitive functions were characterized by the indices of attention as the result of correction test and rate of sensomotor reactions which were evaluated using modified Schulte tables. It was detected that in all children with latent hypothyroidism regardless of age work accuracy rate decreased, attention span increased slowly, fatigue developed early and rate of information analysis significantly reduced already within the first 5 minutes in comparison with analogical data in healthy children. When being tested children of the control group made fewer mistakes, the tempo of doing tasks remained higher for 5 minutes. There was a correlation between the indices of correction test, sensomotor reactions and data of thyroid status of pupils

    Broadband reflectionless metasheets: Frequency-selective transmission and perfect absorption

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    Energy of propagating electromagnetic waves can be fully absorbed in a thin lossy layer, but only in a narrow frequency band, as follows from the causality principle. On the other hand, it appears that there are no fundamental limitations on broadband matching of thin absorbing layers. However, known thin absorbers produce significant reflections outside of the resonant absorption band. In this paper we explore possibilities to realize a thin absorbing layer which produces no reflected waves in a very wide frequency range, while the transmission coefficient has a narrow peak of full absorption. Here we show, both theoretically and experimentally, that a wide-band-matched thin resonant absorber, invisible in reflection, can be realized if one and the same resonant mode of the absorbing array unit cells is utilized to create both electric and magnetic responses. We test this concept using chiral particles in each unit cells, arranged in a periodic planar racemic array, utilizing chirality coupling in each unit cell but compensating the field coupling at the macroscopic level. We prove that the concept and the proposed realization approach also can be used to create non-reflecting layers for full control of transmitted fields. Our results can have a broad range of potential applications over the entire electromagnetic spectrum including, for example, perfect ultra-compact wave filters and selective multi-frequency sensors.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Порівняльна характеристика складу аптечок медичних автомобільних в Україні та країнах Євросоюзу

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    Aim. To conduct a comparative analysis of the content of car first aid kits in Ukraine and EU countries to render premedical first aid.Materials and methods. Scientific publication, electronic databases of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the own research, methods of generalization, systematization of the theoretical and practical material and system analysis were used.Results. It has been found that the difference between car first aid kits in Ukraine and EU countries is rather significant. Today, in the EU, car first aid kits are equipped according to the DIN13164 standard designed by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN 13164-1:1968-04. Standard: Firstaidmaterial – Firstaidbox). This standard complies with the requirements of the Convention and takes into account the EU directives on medicines and dressings contained in them. In Ukraine, car first aid kits are equipped in accordance with DSTU 3961-2000.Conclusions. The results of the comparative analysis of car first aid kits in Ukraine and the EU suggest that the content of car first aid kits in Ukraine requires updating and supplementing with medicines possessing antiseptic and wound healing properties, as well as dressings and the latest medicines for premedical first aid.Цель: сравнительный анализ состава автомобильных аптечек в Украине и странах Евросоюза (ЕС) для оказания первой доврачебной помощи.Материалы и методы: научные публикации, электронные базы МЗ Украины и собственные исследования, а также методы обобщения, систематизации теоретического и практического материалов и системного анализа.Результаты исследования. Было установлено, что разница между украинской автомобильной аптечкой и автомобильными аптечками стран ЕС достаточно существенная. Сегодня в странах Евросоюза аптечки комплектуются в соответствии со стандартом DIN13164, который был разработан Немецким институтом стандартизации (DIN 13164-1:1968-04. Standard: Firstaidmaterial – Firstaidbox). Этот норматив соответствует требованиям конвенции и учитывает директивы ЕС по лекарственным средствам и перевязочным материалам. В Украине же автомобильные аптечки комплектуются в соответствии с ДСТУ 3961-2000.Выводы. Результаты проведенного сравнительного анализа автомобильных аптечек в Украине и странах Евросоюза позволяют утверждать, что состав украинских автомобильных аптечек требует обновления и дополнения лекарственными средствами с антисептическими и ранозаживляющими свойствами, а также перевязочными материалами и новейшими средствами для для оказания первой доврачебной помощи.Мета: порівняльний аналіз складу автомобільних аптечок в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу (ЄС) для надання домедичної допомоги при невідкладних станах.Матеріали та методи: наукові публікації, електронні бази МОЗ України та власні дослідження, а також методи узагальнення, систематизації теоретичного і практичного матеріалу та системного аналізу.Результати дослідження. Було встановлено, що різниця між українською автомобільною аптечкою та автомобільними аптечками країн ЄС є досить вагомою. Сьогодні в країнах ЄС автомобільні аптечки комплектуються відповідно до стандарту DIN13164, який був розроблений Німецьким інститутом стандартизації (DIN 13164-1:1968-04. Standard: Firstaidmaterial – Firstaidbox). Цей норматив відповідає вимогам конвенції і враховує директиви ЄС щодо лікарських засобів та перев’язувальних матеріалів, які в них містяться. В Україні ж автомобільні аптечки комплектуються відповідно до ДСТУ 3961-2000.Висновки. Результати проведеного порівняльного аналізу автомобільних аптечок в Україні та країнах ЄС дозволяють стверджувати, що склад українських автомобільних аптечок потребує оновлення та доповнення лікарськими засобами з антисептичними та ранозагоювальними властивостями, а також перев’язувальними матеріалами та новітніми засобами для надання домедичної допомоги особам при невідкладних станах

    Impact of baking properties of wheat flour on change the parameters of kneading and rheological characteristics of the dough

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    The most important task facing the baking industry is to ensure the production of high quality products and of diverse range. Carrying out kneading has a great influence on the course of the technological process of preparation of wheat bread and its quality. Kneading the dough is the most important initial stage of the production of wheat bread, which occurs, first, the formation of the dough as a single homogeneous system, and, secondly, giving this system certain rheological properties, ensuring the optimal flow of all technological processe

    Effect of Nb cationic substitution on the microstructure and Raman spectra of SrBi2(Ta,Nb)2O9 thin films

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    Micro-Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction have been used to explore the lattice dynamics of Nb-substituted SrBi2(TaxNb1-x)2O9 (SBTN) thin crystalline films annealed at low temperature, 700oC. The substitution of Nb at Ta-site leads to the decrease in the SBT lattice parameters, as confirmed by x-ray diffraction data entire the concentration range of Nb varying from 0 to 50 wt. %. The relative intensity of the (115), (006) and (200) X-ray diffraction peaks increases with the increase of the Nb content. We observed nonmonotonic shift of the Raman band maximum from 810 cm-1 (for pure SBT) to 830 cm-1 (for SBTN with 20 % of Nb) and then back to 810 cm-1 with increasing Nb content from 40 to 50 wt. %. We assume that these changes are conditioned by the ferrodistortion occurring in ferroic perovskites, namely by the tilting distortion of (Ta,Nb)O6 octahedra at 20-40 wt. % of Nb. The octahedra tilting can change the coordination environment of the A-cite cation, as well as it lowers the SBTN symmetry below the cubic symmetry. The tilted state at 20-40 wt. % of Nb can explain the nonmonotonic changes of the perovskite phase fraction and remanent polarization with increasing Nb content from 0 to 50 wt.%, in particular their initial increase with Nb content increase up to 20 wt. % followed by a decrease at 30 wt. % of Nb, then increase at 40 wt.% and further decrease for 40 - 50 wt.% of Nb. Hence, the substitution by Nb of Ta-site in SBT has a pronounced impact on the O-Ta-O stretching modes by shifting and splitting the mode frequency at (810 - 830) cm-1; however, it does not influence the low frequency Raman modes of SBTN.Landau-Devonshire approach is used to explain the experimentally observed nonmonotonic dependence of the ferroelectric perovskite phase fraction and remanent polarization on Nb content in SBTN films.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Features of high-strength composite material structure creation

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    The basis of technology proposed is use of a sol-gel method for preventing polycrystalline corundum fiber from crystallization during heating to high temperature and for low-temperature synthesis of prescribed phases in a corundum matrix with the aim of improving the operating properties of composite materials based on corundum. As a result of firing a charge based on corundum powder modified with tetraethoxysilane and polycrystalline corundum fiber modified with ethylsilicate-32 at 1360°C materials are created with very good strength properties. The materials exhibit electrical insulation properties and are stable in ionized gas streams at the level of known analogs as a result of creating self-reinforced mullite and β-SiC corundum matrix, reinforced with polycrystalline fiber and rapidly sintered due to presence of silicon oxynitride

    Мониторинг технического состояния электровозов переменного тока по расходу электроэнергии на тягу поездов

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    Currently, the methods of monitoring the technical condition of locomotives using data of on-board microprocessor-based control systems are widely used. This monitoring of Russia has become an operating technology of the locomotive maintenance and repair system.The main problem of monitoring is the limited set of sensors in locomotive circuits. Increased number of sensors leads to a decrease in reliability and to an increase in the cost of a locomotive and of its life cycle, while allowing to achieve better quality of diagnostic information.Besides, it is advisable to have integrated indicators of the technical condition of a locomotive. The article presents a computer software product for analysing the technical condition of a locomotive based on dynamic data on consumption of traction active power and generation of reactive power. The software was developed by using algorithmic language Visual BASIC for Applications, embedded in MS Excel, using probabilistic and statistical methods of analysis.The method for diagnosing the technical condition of a locomotive within the monitoring system is based on a comparison of dynamics of consumption of active and generation of reactive power by two sections of the same locomotive according to the principle of functional benchmarking. For monitoring the technical condition of locomotives, the term «pre-failure» is suggested, which is defined as the operable condition of a locomotive while there are internal hidden defects or damage. Pre-failure manifests itself in power consumption. To analyse the technical condition of AC electric locomotives in terms of electricity consumption, the initial data must have a high degree of unimodality, which is determined by uniformity of operating conditions.The resulting data obtained following the analysis of the technical condition of a locomotive based on the dynamic data on consumption of tractive active energy and generation of reactive power can be used to determine a defect that causes a change in consumption of electricity at the moment when the locomotive enters technical maintenance and repair depot. *Information about the authors: Semenov, Alexander P. – Ph.D. (Eng), General Director of JSC Research Institute of Technology, Control and Diagnostics of Railway Transport, Omsk, Russia, [email protected]. Semchenko, Victor V. – Ph.D. (Eng), General Director of JSC Railroad Centre of Technology Implementation of Krasnoyarsk Railway, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, [email protected]. Khromov, Igor Yu. – Business Analyst of LLC2050-Integrator, Moscow, Russia, [email protected]. Article received 13.05.2020, accepted 23.10.2020. For the original Russian text of the article please see p. 62. Внастоящее время широко развиваются методы диагностирования технического состояния локомотивов по данным бортовых микропроцессорных систем управления. В России в настоящее время такой мониторинг является действующей технологией системы технического обслуживания и ремонта локомотивов.Основной проблемой реализации мониторинга является ограниченность набора датчиков в цепях локомотива. Увеличение количества датчиков ведёт кснижению надёжности и увеличению стоимости локомотива и его жизненного цикла, но повышает качество диагностической информации.При этом целесообразно иметь интеграционные показатели технического состояния локомотива. В статье представлен программный продукт для ЭВМ по анализу технического состояния локомотива, по динамическим данным орасходе активной игенерации реактивной электроэнергии на тягу поездов. Программное обеспечение разработано на алгоритмическом языке Visual BASIC for Applications, встроенного в MS Excel, с использованием вероятностно-статистических методов анализа.Основа метода для диагностирования технического состояния локомотивов в системе их мониторинга – сравнение динамики расхода активной игенерации реактивной энергий двух секций одного локомотива по принципу функционального бенчмаркинга. При мониторинге технического состояния локомотивов предлагается использовать понятие «предотказ», определяемый как работоспособное состояние локомотива при наличии внутренних скрытых дефектов или повреждений. Предотказ проявляется врасходе электроэнергии. Для анализа технического состояния электровозов переменного тока по расходу электроэнергии исходные данные должны обладать высокой степенью унимодальности, что определяется однотипностью условий эксплуатации.Полученные врезультате анализа технического состояния локомотива, по динамическим данным о расходе активной и генерации реактивной электроэнергии на тягу поездов, итоговые данные можно использовать для определения дефекта, вызывающего изменение расхода электроэнергии, при заходе локомотива на техническое обслуживание и ремонт

    Oxidation resistance of nano-reinforced PC-refractories modified with phenol formaldehyde resin. Part 4. Thermodynamic evaluation of phase formation within Mg–O–C–Al, Mg–O–C–Ni and МgO‒Al₂O₃‒NiO‒SiO₂ systems using SiC + Al + Ni (NiO) complex antioxidant

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    Results are given for the synthesis and co-existence of phases formed from components of complex organic- inorganic antioxidant formed during modification of phenol-formaldehyde resin (PFR) and graphite with silica alkoxide and inorganic or organic nickel precursors. Thermodynamic analysis is given for the Mg–Al–C and Mg–O–Ni–C systems. It is shown that the periclase and carbon can coexist with aluminum and nickel, and also that oxidized antioxidants Al₂O₃ and NiO can interact respectively with the periclase and with the synthesized SiC formed during modification of PFR with silica. In considering the NiO‒MgO‒Al₂O₃‒SiO₂ system it is established that during service noble spinel will be synthesized from the complex antioxidant components, facilitating an increase in PC-refractory durability in service