231 research outputs found

    Konflik Tanah Perkebunan di Lndonesia

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    Land-ownership conflicts concerning estate rops are classical problems faced by the government (colonial or national). However, it has indicated an increase in the post-reformation era.According toits typology, thereare 5 aspects involved namely: subject, object, causalfactor, claim effort, and settlementef fort. This article puts forward an argu mentthat the conflicts arise because oflegal, political and psychological aspects. Non-litigation as a settlementef for thas tobe introduced and developed to solve the conflicts. More over, land administration systemhas to be managed by estate-crops corporations properl

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Penguasan Kompetensi Dasar Makna dalam Percakapan Transaksional pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris melalui Metode Diskusi Kelompok di Kelas Viii-a SMP Negeri 39 Medan

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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dengan penerapan menggunakan metode diskusi kelompok dapat menumbuhkan motivsi kelas VIII-ASMP Negeri 39  Medan. Pelaksanaan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini dilakukan melalui dua siklus yang terdiri dari tahap: Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, Tindakan, Observasi,dan Refleksi. Hasil temuan penelitian diperoleh pada siklus 1 terdapat 25% siswa yang telah termotivasi dalam belajar sedangkan 75% siswa masih kurang termotivasi dalam belajar. Dengan demikian secara klasikal siswadinyatakan masih kurang termotivasi dalam belajar. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan pembelajaran pada siklus 2. siswa yang telah termotivasi dalam belajar pada siklus 2 meningkat menjadi 100%. Dengan demikian secara klasikal atau kelas siswadinyatakan telah termotivasi dalam belajar. Dari data diatas dapat disimpulkan Bahwa ada peningkatan motivasi belajar bahasa inggris melalui metode diskusi kelompo

    Sistem Informasi Pemesanan Jambur Rudang Mayang Kabanjahe Berbasis Web

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    Berdasarkan pada perkembangan teknologi maka semua informasi lebih cepat dan efesien untuk di akses melalui sebuah laman website. Informasi yang di sediakan pada website tersebut akan mempermudah konsumen atau pelanggan di dalam melakukan pemesanan jambur. Fasilitas yang akan di sediakan di dalam website tersebut seperti harga boking perlantai, fasilitas jambur dan diskon pada jambur. Jambur Rudang Mayang Kabanjahe yang beralamatkan di Kampung Dalam, Kabanjahe. Jambur Rudang Mayang Kabanjahe memberikan fasilitas yang baik keperluan pesta adat, pernikahan dan acara yang lainnya. Luas Jambur Rudang Mayang dapa tmenampung 100 kendaran roda empat dan 200 kendaran roda dua. Pelanggan mengharapkan dapat mengakses sebuah halaman website untuk mempermudah pelanggan memesan dan melihat fasilitas yang disediakan jambur. Kata kunci : website, jamburrudangmayang, informas

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Membentuk Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Pada Pelanggan Mcdonald's Mt.haryono Malang)

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    This study aimed investigate to know that influence of product quality and service quality on customers satisfaction in shaping customers loyalty of McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang. By using Purposive Sampling techniques, there are 116 total samples who are the consumers of McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang. The data are collected through questionnaire. Descriptive analysis and path analysis are used as data analysis techniques.The result of this research shows that: Product Quality has direct and significant effect on Customers Satisfaction; Service Quality has direct and significant effect on Customers Satisfaction; Customers Satisfaction has direct and significant effect on Costumer's Loyalty; Product Quality has direct and not significant effect on Customer Loyalty; Service Quality has direct and significant effect on Costumer's Loyalty. Thus, McDonald's MT.Haryono Malang should continue to improve their service quality and product quality. So that, it will influence Customers Satisfaction and customers will continue to become loyal

    Penerbitan Izin PT. RAPP di Pulau Padang (Analisis Kebijakan dan Sosiologi Konflik)

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    Data Mining pada Data Quick Access Recorder untuk Peningkatan Keselamatan Penerbangan

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    Keberadaan angin vertikal dan kekasaran permukaan landasan merupakanan parameter yang perlu diperhatikan terutama saat fase pendekatan (approach) hinggamendarat (landing)dan saat lepas landas (take-off) di bandar udara, karenakedua parameterdi atasmempengaruhi keselamatanpesawat udarasaat fase tersebut. Sementara itu,sampai saat ini belum ada peralatan yang dapat dipergunakan untuk melihat kecenderungan adanya angin vertikal maupun rendahnya koefisen gesek landasan. Makalah ini memaparkan teknik pengolahan data Quick Access Recorderuntuk mengestimasi parameter tersebut, kecepatan angin arah vertikal pada fase pendekatan sampai fase landingdan koefisien friksi runwaypada fase landing. Oleh karena kedua parameter di atas tidak direkam pada Quick Access Recorder maka diperlukan cara lain untuk mendapatkan parameter tersebut yaitu dengan teknik identifikasi sistem. Proses validasi dalam rangka meningkatkan keyakinan terhadap parameter yang diperoleh juga akan dilakukan. Teknik pengolahan data yang dipaparkan melibatkan dinamika gerak pesawat udara dan estimator. Bila semua airline memberikan data penerbangannya, tendensi keadanya angin vertikal dan penurunan koefisien friksi landasan akan segera didapatkan sehingga baik airline maupun bandar udara dapat melakukan antisipasi untuk keselamatan penerbangan. [The Data Mining on Quick Access Recorder for Flight Safety Improvement] Vertical wind and runway surface roughness are the most concerned parameters when the aircraft initiating the procedures of approach-to-landing and take-off at an airport, due to they will affect the safety of the aircraft in those phases. In the meantime, there is no equipment that can be used to assess the chance of vertical wind emergence as well as the decline of runway surface friction. This paper describes Quick Access Recoder data processing technique for estimating those parameters, the speed of vertical wind in the approach-to-landing phase and runway friction coefficient in the landing phase. Due to those parameters does not recorded in Quick Access Recorder then system identification technique is utilized in order to obtain both of parameters. Validation process is sequenced to increase the confidence level. The described data processing technique involving the aircrafts motion dynamics and the estimator. In case all the airline provide their flight data, the tendency of vertical wind and the difference of runway friction can be calculated promptly so that the airline and the airport can take anticipation action for maintaining the safety level of the flight

    Development of an Aerial Fire Identification System Based on Visual Artificial Intelligence

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    To reduce losses due to fire, it is necessary to extinguish and rescue immediately. However, in the dense area fire trucks were unable to reach the fire site due to narrow road access. In this case, drones that can fly by themselves to the point of fire then release fire-fighting bombs automatically can help fire disaster management. This means it needs a system where it can identify whether there is a fire. This study explores the idea of identifying fire using computer vision approach by making 8 identification models with each dataset of day, night, day, and night, thermal, day filter, night filter, day and night filter, and thermal filter, which had been tested by a set of data that corresponded to each dataset. YOLOv4 algorithm and Google Colaboratory were used, where each model took 8-10 hours to be trained. Results show that the day and night model was the most robust by having the highest average F1-score, 0.37. And will be performing the best on thermal data test with the value of F1-score is 0.6. This can be a representation for exploring new ideas on further study of how to obtain the most suitable dataset and data test

    Sistem Informasi Pemesanan dan Penjualan Barang pada Pintera Kreativ Berbasis Web

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    The purpose of this study was to design a web-based and android-based information system at Pintera Kreativ to help increase sales in order to conduct online ordering and to provide product information at Pintera Kreativ through samrtphone or through website pages. The method of research was carried out with two methods namely, method data analysis and information system design. The method of data analysis is carried out in finding the information needed with research and literature studies. Meotde information system design is used in the assessment of problems in data analysis, this method is a database design, making menu structure, making database specifications and making screen displays. The results of the study show that designing an Android-based sales and ordering information system can facilitate Pintera Kreativ in marketing products. and consumers in ordering products by utilizing internet media so that they can work more effectively and efficiently, so that product marketing can develop. The conclusion that can be taken is that the internet is a media in product marketing widely

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang dan Jasa pada Studio Photo Topaz Hexagon Medan Berbasis Web

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    Sales information system in Hexagon Medan Topaz Photo Studio is web-based to process the sales system that occurs, process multiple reports, provide up-to-date information about the photo studio and product products provided. With the information system on the sale of goods and services in the topaz hexagon field photo studio, it is expected to simplify and speed up the processing of data and information in the Topaz Hexagon Photo Studio in Medan. And can produce data and information on the results of sales activities that occur and produce accountability reports more quickly and practically. The system built is easy to learn by users (users) and the programming language used is PHP and MySQL to create a databas
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