8 research outputs found

    Sistem Informasi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Pada PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Medan

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    Computers have been very well known and have been used by many people. Even with a computer system, this can complete all the work that has been done manually. The existence of computer assistance work can be completed quickly and structured. The development of information technology, then made Information Systems Acceptance of New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on Visual Basic 6.0 to get information that has been done manually. The ability to process data is very important for Information Systems for New Employees at PT. Information System for Accepting New Employees at PT. Tri Putra Prospindo Based on VisualBasic 6.0 is currently still using a manual system such as filling out formatted Biodata registration, making job applications, for prospective new employees, so that it requires changes that help administration so that it can complete effective and efficient work

    Pengenalan Simulasi Jaringan Local Area Network Menggunakan Aplikasi Cisco Packet Tracer bagi Siswa/i SMK Swasta Mulia Pratama Medan

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    SMK Swasta Mulia Pratama Medan is one of the teacher training high schools in the city of Medan that has the determination to become a superior institution and become a reference in learning innovation. in the implementation of education carried out for the concentration of networks in SMK Swasta Mulia Pratama Medan, specifically studied practice and theory in class and laboratory on a scheduled basis, but it turns out that the lessons delivered in class and laboratory are still felt to be lacking due to limited time and facilities in the laboratory itself, where the LAN network application module taught must be studied in groups alternately and this is a real obstacle for students who queue to learn LAN network tools and modules. The use of network simulation software is very important to facilitate the abstraction of Computer Network subjects. In the study, the impact and effectiveness of network simulators in the teaching and learning process of computer networks will be examined. The network simulator chosen is Cisco Packet Trace

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Lossy Pada Kompresi Citra Steganografi

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    The internet has become a very important part of communication development in the world. Exchange of information over the internet has many advantages compared to other communication media, especially in terms of speed. But information sent via the internet, security cannot be accounted for. Tapping on confidential information, very often occurs in this communication media. Channels used by the internet are generally not safe channels. By using the lossy compression method, compression can only be applied to images that have similarities to themselves (self similiarity) so that the size of the image gets smaller and saves storage space and accelerates the sending of the image using internet media

    Pembelajaran Operasi Hitung Aritmatika Sosial dengan Menerapkan Metode Computer Based Instruction (CBI) di panti Asuhan Talenta Delpita Medan

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada generasi sekarang ini cukup luas dalam tujuan untuk mendukung kinerja manusia yang beraneka ragam. Salah satunya yang sudah menjadi kenyataan dalam perkembangan teknologi seperti komputer. Saat ini computer mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting terutama bidang  pendidikan. Seiring perkembangan jaman maka komputer menjadi satu-satunya pilihan tepat sebagai Media Pembelajaran yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh Panti Asuhan Talenta Delpita Medan dalam membantu penyampaian bermacam Materi Pelajaran kepada anak-anak khususnya Materi Operasi Hitung Aritmetika Sosial. Dengan demikian anak-anak dapat belajar secara mandiri tanpa harus di tuntun oleh Guru Matematika yang bersangkutan namun dapat di pandu oleh seorang pembimbing yang memahami cara pengoperasian computer. Metode ini disebut dengan istilah Computer Based Instruction (CBI) yaitu Sebuah pembelajaran terprogram yang  menggunakan komputer sebagai sarana utama atau alat bantu yang mengkomunikasikan  materi kepada anak-anak sehingga mudah dimengerti serta menambah semangat untuk belajar

    Perancangan Aplikasi Pengamanan Data Text dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Simetri TEA (Tiny Encryption Algorithm)

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    Keamanan data merupakan salah satu aspek terpenting dalam teknologi informasi. Dengan tingkat keamanan yang tinggi, diharapkan informasi yang disajikan dapat terjaga keasliannya. Pada tugas akhir ini dibentuk suatu system yang mengamankan data dan informasi yang tersimpan pada computer dari gangguan para kriptanalis.Tahapan yang penulis lakukan untuk melakukan proses pembentukan sistem tersebut meliputi tahapan analisa permasalahan, algoritma dan flowchart beserta pemodelan struktur program dan desain antar muka aplikasi, sehingga aplikasi yang terbentuk menjadi mudah dipergunakan dan memiliki fungsi yang optimal. Dengan menggunakan Algoritma TEA yang merupakan algortim. Algoritma ini merupakan algoritma penyandian block cipher yang dirancang untuk penggunaan memori yang seminimal mungkin dengan kecepatan proses yang maksimal. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic .Net 2008

    Determination Of Budi Darma University Ordering Patterns Needs With Apriory Algorithm

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    In a university, office stationery is needed to support the teaching and learning process, one of which is paper, markers, ink and so on. In determining the right strategy in terms of purchasing stationery, an effective analysis is needed, to reduce excessive spending. One way that can be done to order stationery is to use data mining techniques. The data mining technique used in this case is to use the Apriori algorithm. The a priori algorithm is one of the classical data mining algorithms. The a priori algorithm is used so that computers can learn association rules, look for patterns of relationships between one or more items in a dataset. This research was conducted by observing several research variables that are often considered by universities in ordering office stationery. (ATK). The results of this study are in the form of interesting patterns of data mining results which are important information to support ordering stationer


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    All these digital products can be downloaded easily. And can be exchanged with services such as e-mail. One way to protect multimedia copyrights is to embed information into the multimedia data (watermarking) as a digital signature of the legal owner of the multimedia product. Thus, the embedded watermark does not damage the protected digital data. So that the person who opens the multimedia product knows about the ownership of the maker. Digital data that will be applied in this research is only data in the form of digital images. Currently there are several watermarking methods that can be applied to digital images, such as: Least Significant Bit Coding, Patchwork (introduced by Bender), Pitas and Kaskalis, Caroni, Cox, Randomly Sequenced Pulse Position Modulated Code (RSPPMC), and others. However, the authors are interested in methods that utilize the characteristics of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)