702 research outputs found

    Triple connected eternal domination in graphs

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    The concept of Triple connected domination number was introduced by G. Mahadevan et. al., in [10]. The concept of eternal domination in graphs was introduced by W. Goddard., et. al., in [3]. The dominating set S0(⊆ V (G)) of the graph G is said to be an eternal dominating set, if for any sequence v1, v2, v3, . . . vk of vertices, there exists a sequence of vertices u1, u2, u3, . . . uk with ui ∈ Si−1 and ui equal to or adjacent to vi, such that each set Si = Si−1−{ui}∪{vi} is dominating set in G. The minimum cardinality taken over the eternal dominating sets in G is called the eternal domination number of G and it is denoted by γ∞(G). In this paper we introduce another new concept Triple connected eternal domination in graph. The eternal dominating set S0(⊆ V (G)) of the graph G is said to be a triple connected eternal dominating set, if each dominating set Si is triple connected. The minimum cardinality taken over the triple connected eternal dominating sets in G is called the triple connected eternal domination number of G and it is denoted by γtc,∞(G). We investigate this number for some standard graphs and obtain many results with other graph theoretical parameters.The research work was supported by DSA (Departmental special assistance) Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed to be university, Gandhigram under University Grants Commission- New Delhi.Publisher's Versio

    Efficient utilization of xylanase and lipase producing thermophilic marine actinomycetes (Streptomyces albus and Streptomyces hygroscopicus) in the production of ecofriendly alternative energy from waste

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    The marine actinomycetes strain MAC 6 and MAC 14 were used in the production of xylanase and lipase enzyme using wheat bran as an inducer with oats, soy meal and ground nut oil cake. Two strains showed higher xylanase and lipase activity at pH 10.0 and 50°C among 30 actinomycetes screened from sediments of Tiruchendhur coastal areas of Tamil Nadu. The enzymes were produced by solid state fermentation by using 70% of moisture content. More biogas production was observed in oil cake and straw waste with the pretreatment of xylanase and lipase producing strains within short hydraulic retention time.Key words: Biogas, groundnut oilcake, lipase, marine actinomycete, rice straw, solid state fermentation, thermophilic, wheat bran, xylanase

    Ecofriendly application of cellulase and xylanase producing marine Streptomyces clavuligerus as enhancer in biogas production from waste

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    The marine actinomycete strain MAC 9 was used for the production of cellulase and xylanase from wheat bran with inducers oats and soy meal as substrate. Out of 30 actinomycetes screened from sediments of Tiruchendhur coastal areas of Tamil Nadu, India only 8 strains showed both cellulase and xylanase activity. The marine actinomycete exhibited highest enzyme activity at alkaline pH 8-9 with temperature ranging from 40-55°C. The enzymes were used in pretreatment of rice and wheat straw waste for biogas  production. More biogas production was observed in the agricultural waste with the pretreatment of  cellulase, xylanase and the combination of enzymes.Key words: Biogas, cellulase, energy, marine actinomycete, solid state fermentation, thermophilic, wheat bran, xylanase

    Comparison of measured and Monte Carlo-calculated electron depth dose distributions in aluminium

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    Depth dose profiles in aluminium have been measured using the cellulose triacetate dosimeter against different electron energies (4, 4.5 and 5 MeV) at a recently upgraded 15 kW industrial electron beam accelerator facility. The study also includes comparison of these profiles against Monte Carlo calculations. The measured and simulated depth dose profiles are similar in shape. For all electron energies, at initial depths, the measured doses are higher than the simulated ones. The simulated and measured normalized surface dose values are 0.58 and 0.66, respectively, independent of electron energy. The difference in the surface dose between Monte Carlo and experiment could be attributed to possible presence of low energy electrons in the measurements whereas the Monte Carlo calculations are based on monoenergetic electrons. Between the region of dose maximum and the tail portion of the depth dose curve, the measured dose is smaller than the simulated values (about 17% to 40% at 5 MeV). Using the depth dose profiles, electron beam parameters such as depth at which maximum dose occurs, dmax, practical range, Rp and half-value depth, R50 have been determined. Using the measured parameters Rp and R50, the incident kinetic energy of the electron beam has been determined. The estimated electron energies while using Rp are 4.02, 4.41 and 4.75 MeV. When using R50, the corresponding values are 3.83, 4.21 and 4.64 MeV. The measured RP/R50 ratios are slightly larger than the Monte Carlo-calculated values, which suggest that the electron beam may not be monoenergetic

    Bioreduction of silver nanoparticles from aerial parts of Euphorbia hirta L. (EH-ET) and its potent anticancer activities against neuroblastoma cell lines

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    Euphorbia hirta L. (Family: Euphorbiaceae) is a versatile medicinal plant and enriched with novel bioactive molecules and possess broad-spectrum pharmacological actions. Present work is aiming to synthesis and characterize of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by bioreduction method an using ethanolic extract of aerial parts of Euphorbia hirta L. (EH-ET). The synthesized AgNPs observed by a color change of source solution (as AgNPs) and further confirmed by the UV-Visible spectroscopic technique. The AgNPs synthesized were characterized by Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Zeta potential analysis. The synthesized AgNPs are polydispersed and some places it’s agglomerated. The particle size EH-ET silver nanoparticles were analyzed using Beckman coulter particle size analyzer (DelsaTM Nano common). The average size of the particles size noted in 2.9-206.3 nm. Anticancer activity of EH-ET Silver nanoparticles was tested against neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) and breast cancer cells (SH-SY5Y) and cytotoxicity were tested in vero cells by MTT assay. The preliminary confirmation of the synthesized AgNPs by the present method was made by the appearance of reddish brown color and the visible absorption peak at 429.5 nm. SEM image revealed that AgNPs synthesized were spherical in shape and silver nanoparticles were in the size range of 2.9 to 206.3 nm. FT-IR spectra showed the peaks corresponding to functional groups C=O, -C=C and -OH, which actively participated in bio-reduction and subsequent stabilization reactions in the synthesis of AgNPs. The obtained nanoparticles showed promising anticancer activity against neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Yc) and breast cancer cells (MCF-7) with IC50 values of 29.85 and 335 µg/mL, respectively. Whereas, the nanoparticles did not show any activity against vero cell lines. The synthesized silver nanoparticles using an ethanolic extract of Euphorbia hirta L. would be helpful for the preparation of potent cytotoxicity agents to destroy cancer cells

    Effectiveness of Peak flow Self Management Plan on Quality of Life for Asthma Patients in Selected Community Coimbatore

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    The present study was intended to assess the Effectiveness of Peakflow Self Management plan on Quality of life for Asthma Patients in a Selected Community at Coimbatore. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the quality of life and general well being among control and experimental group of asthma patients before and after intervention of peak flow self- management plan. 2. To assess the effectiveness of peak flow self management plan upon quality of life and general well being for asthma patients by comparing the mean scores of control and experimental group of asthma patients. 3. To determine the level of acceptability among experimental group of asthma patients regarding peak flow self management plan. 4. To find out the correlation between quality of life and its domains among control and experimental group of asthma patients before and after intervention of peak flow selfmanagement plan. 5. To find the association between AQLQ scores and selected demographic variables in control and experimental group of asthma patients before and after intervention of peak flow self- management plan. 6. To find the association between AQLQ scores and selected clinical variables in control and experimental group of asthma patients before and after intervention of peak flow self- management plan. METHODS: The conceptual frame work of the current research was based on Bandura’s self efficacy theory. The sample size of the study was 200 asthma patients in a community at Coimbatore. A quasi experimental study with time series design was used. The samples were selected through purposive sampling technique and selected samples were assigned to control and experimental group (100,100). The subjects in the experimental group received peak flow self management plan. A pre test and post test assessment at the time of interview, 2 months, 4 months and 6 months were done for the asthma patients in control and experimental groups which was compared before and after the intervention to test the effectiveness of the nursing intervention (peak flow self management plan). The instruments used for the study consisted of proforma to assess demographic and clinical variable proforma, standardized Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire to assess symptoms, activity limitation, emotional function and environmental stimuli ultimately assessing the quality of life as well as well being Index to assess the well being of asthma patients in control and experimental group and satisfaction scale to assess level of acceptability of asthma patients and observation schedules of peak flow diary and peak flow graph for experimental group. Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (chi square, paired, independent t-test, repeated measures of ANOVA and Karl pearson’s correlation) were used to summarize the data and to test the research hypothesis. MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: With regard to demographic variables, majority of the asthma patients were males (54%, 72%), married (57%,66%), from rural back ground (69,74), from joint family (84%,79%) in control group and experimental group respectively. Among clinical variables, majority of the asthma patients had industry around home (81%, 77%), used LPG Gas for cooking (71%,82%), had family history of first degree relative with asthma (67%,72%), had no habit of smoking (61%, 48%), with moderate asthma (49%,64%), had consultation with physician one month back (58%,51%), had no presence of co-morbid illness (46%,57%) and had not used peak flow metre (77%, 94%). • In pre-test, the mean AQLQ scores of control group and experimental group were almost same (95.90, 96.6/224) with t’value 0.88 showed that there is no significant difference at (P>0.05), however in post test I, II,III, with the interval of 2 months, there was marked increase in AQLQ score only in experimental group (127.73, 144.14, 161.17) and it was statistically significant at (P<0.001). There was also significant difference between control and experimental group. • With regard to general well-being index scores also, during pretest, the experimental group had M=29.32/100 that gradually increased to 49.4, 61.2, 80.8 during post test I, II, III respectively and it was statistically significant at (P<0.01). • On comparison of AQLQ score of pre-test, post-test 1, post-test II and post-test III, repeated measures of ANOVA showed significant difference between the two groups. The experimental group had an improvement in AQLQ score and well being that was statistically significant (P<0.001). • During pretest, no demographic variables had association with quality of life (P>0.05) in both groups, and among clinical variables asthma severity, habit of smoking and whether or not they had industries around their homes at that time in control group were statistically strongly significantly associated with quality of life (P<0.01). And in experimental group, only the severity of asthma was statistically significantly associated with their quality of life (P<0.05). • During post test II also, no demographic variables had association with quality of life (P>0.05), except with age that had statistically strongly significant association with the quality of life with age of both the control and experimental groups and occupation status was statistically significant only in control group. Among the clinical variables, the asthma patients’ habit of smoking and asthma severity had statistically very highly significant associations with their quality of life and medications had a statistically significant association with their quality of life in control group (P<0.01). And in experimental group, the asthma patients’ time of last consultancy with a physician, whether or not they had industries around their homes, what kind of cooking fuel they used had statistically highly significant associations with their quality of life, and the presence of co-morbid illnesses had a statistically significant association with their quality of life (P<0.01). • With regard to homogeneity, except gender all other demographic variables such as age, education, occupation, marital status, monthly income, residence and type of family were not statistically significantly differed (P>0.05). The two groups (control and experimental) were homogeneous groups and they were comparable groups in respect of their demographic characteristics. In this study, with regard to Quality of Life among asthma patients was poor before intervention on peak flow self management plan in control (M=95.90/224) and experimental group (M=96.6/224) that showed no significant difference at (P>0.05). However during post test I, II, III after intervention, the AQLQ scores determining the quality of life of asthma patients were higher in experimental group (M=127.7, M=144.1, M=161.1) than the control group (M=98.3, M=100.7, M=103.09) that was statistically significant (P <0.001). This attributes to the effectiveness of peak flow self management plan in improving the quality of life for asthma patients. With respect to the well being of asthma patients, the well being was poor before intervention on peak flow self management plan in control (M=30.36/100) and experimental group (M=29.3/100) that showed no significant difference at (P>0.05). However during post test I, II, III after intervention, the well being scores determining the well being of asthma patients were higher in experimental group (M=49.48, M=61.28, M=80.80) than the control group (M=35.52, M=40.96, M=45.20) which was statistically significant (P <0.001). This attributes to the effectiveness of peak flow self management plan in improving the well being of asthma patients. There was no significant correlation between quality of life (AQLQ) and its domains during pretest and post test I and was significantly correlated among the domains in post test II and III in control group. Same way there was no significant correlation between quality of life (AQLQ) and its domains during pretest, post test I (except activity with emotional), post-test II, as well as post-test III among the domains in in experimental group. Thus the findings of the present study attributed to the effectiveness of peak flow self management plan in improving the quality of life and well being of asthma patients. This stresses the importance of peak flow self management for better asthma control that can be included in asthma care and strategy. CONCLUSION: Peak flow self management is an effective method for monitoring the lung status and record symptoms for moderate to severe asthma who require daily asthma medications. It helps to detect an attack and begin treatment early thereby prevent asthma episode and severity as well as the physical and emotional effects such as breathing difficulty or panic state. The findings of the present study has generated knowledge in the field of nursing practice in asthma care and treatment. The study findings are also supported by the studies conducted in India and abroad. Thus self managing asthma correctly allow asthma patients to avoid serious attack and avoid a severe asthma emergency enabling them to lead an active, healthy and improved quality of life

    Investigation of passive flow control techniques to enhance the stall characteristics of a microlight aircraft

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    This report investigates the enhancement of aerodynamic stall characteristics of a Skyranger microlight aircraft by the use of passive flow control techniques, namely vortex generators and turbulators. Each flow control device is designed and scaled to application conditions. Force balance measurements and surface oil flow visualisation are carried out on a half-model of the microlight to further investigate the nature of the flow on the aircraft with and without the flow control devices. The results indicate a clear advantage to the use of turbulators compared with vortex generators. Turbulators increased the maximum lift coefficient by 2.8%, delayed the onset of stall by increasing the critical angle by 17.6% and reduced the drag penalty at both lower (pre-stall) and higher angles of attack by 8% compared to vortex generators. With vortex generators applied, the results indicated a delayed stall with an increase in the critical angle by 2% and a reduced drag penalty at higher angles of attack

    Synthesis and anti-oxidant activity of novel 6,7,8,9 tetra hydro- 5H-5-(2'-hydroxy phenyl)-2-(4'-substituted benzylidine)- 3-(4-nitrophenyl amino) thiazolo quinazoline derivatives

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    In the present study, a series of novel thiazolo quinazoline derivatives weresynthesized by condensation of different aromatic aldehydes with 4-nitro aniline. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by means of IR, 1H-NMR, mass spectroscopy and elemental analyses. These compounds were screened for anti-oxidant activity by DPPH radical assay, nitric oxide scavenging activity and Hydrogen Peroxide scavenging activity. Among the synthesized compounds 5d, 5c and 5b was found to be the most potent anti-oxidant activity


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    The title compound, C19H16N2O4, is of inter­est as a precursor to biologically active substituted quinolines and related compounds. The dihedral angle between the naphthalene ring system and the benzene ring is 81.9 (1)°. The crystal structure is stabilized by N—H⋯O inter­molecular hydrogen bonds, linking the mol­ecules into pairs around a center of symmetry. The crystal structure is further stabilized by inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link the mol­ecules into chains running along a axis. An intra­molecular C—H⋯O short contact is also present
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