16 research outputs found

    Anthropocenema: Cinema in the age of mass extinctions

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    Reassembling documentary: from actuality to virtuality

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    At a period of intense technological change, which has led to an increasing degree of modularity in documentary media, Reassembling Documentary: From Actuality to Virtuality takes up episodic documentaries and non-fiction films broken into distinctly conceptualized parts, in order to examine how the evolution of technologies transform documentary film and media\u27s relationship to the audiovisual archive across different historical periods. More specifically, the dissertation challenges the assumption that documentary film is essentially holistic in its discursive orientation and audiovisual aesthetics, by studying the fragmented works of a highly unique and international group of filmmakers, such as Harun Farocki, Werner Herzog, Péter Forgács, Aleksandr Sokurov, and James Longley in relation to the large number of modular, episodic, and mix-media films belonging to the documentary canon. To map the technological and theoretical transformations suggested in these films especially in the digital era, I propose the deployment of what I call assemblistic reading, a type of textual analysis that moves from the distinct parts of a film to the whole, shifting the attention from the hierarchy between the micro and macro elements to their mutual reconfiguration. The project is organized into four chapters, each of which examines a different form of assembly (with individual parts conceptualized as fragments, lessons, installments, and compilations respectively) in documentary media

    Rebels without regret: Documentary artivism in the digital age

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    This article takes up the implications of the blurring of art and politics in two documentary contexts: Ai Weiwei’s art activism in China, as documented in Alison Klayman’s award-winning film Never Sorry, and the Gezi protests in Turkey, documented and disseminated virally through the Internet. Drawing parallels between the self-proclaimed hooliganism of Ai Weiwei and the Turkish protesters, who co-opted the hooligan label that the government used to incriminate them and turned it into a tool for resistance, the article argues that hooliganism is just another incarnation of unruly documentary artivism, which has become prevalent in an era of digitally mediated, global social justice movements. As an interpretive framework for understanding how documentary hooliganism operates, the article proposes Tony D. Sampson’s theory of virality and its application of Dawkins’s neo-Darwinian memetic thought contagion model to the way ideas and political gestures spread in the twenty-first century. Hooliganism, like viruses or memetic thoughts, has a self-spreading tendency; its anarchic affect is contagious and creates volatile yet powerful social encounters. Therefore, the article claims that the foregrounding of hooliganism, which is itself a phenomenon that describes ‘affective contagious encounters’ among anonymous crowds, in the artivist practices of Ai Weiwei and Turkish protesters point to the potential of unruly forms of documentation to influence and inspire selforganized mobilization

    İmgelerde ve belgesel sinemada anlam

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    İmgelerin kültür üretiminde en yaygın araç haline geldiği günümüzde, imgenin epistemolojisi ve görsel anlam başlı başına bir araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışma imgelerde anlam sorunsalını retorik, semiotik, epistemolojik, ontolojik, psikanalitik ve kültürel boyutlarıyla ekolojik bir çerçevede irdelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Anlamın retorik yönleri olarak görsel haz, bakış, görme pratiklerinin yanı sıra semiotik bileşenleri olan gösterge, temsil ve anlatı gibi birimler incelenmiş, anlamı oluşturan farklı katmanlar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma, özellikle anlamın var olma koşulu olan öznellik ve anlatısallık üzerinde odaklanarak farklı görme pratiklerine göre şekillenen öznellikler açısından anlamın ortaya çıkma koşullarını araştırmıştır. Günümüzde baskın olan postmodern alımlama estetiği içinde kültürel endüstrinin popüler ürünlerinin anlamlarının, bu anlamların üretildiği güvenilir iletişim ortamlarına rağmen göreceli ve değişken olduğu kabul edilir. Anlamın istikrarsızlığının, ifadelerin çoksesliliğinin ve semiosisin sınırsızlığının keşfi temelde anlam ve okuma üzerinde hiçbir kısıtlama olmadığının düşünülmesine yol açar. Ancak tüm bu eleştiri söylemlerinde asıl vurgulanmak istenen metinlerin zenginliği ve anlamın çok katmanlı yapısıdır. "İmgelerde ve Belgesel Sinemada Anlam" pozitivist modernizmin, kuşkuculuğun karakterize ettiği postmodernizmin ve yaklaşan sanal teknolojilerin ışığında görselin değişen ontolojisini mercek altına alarak anlamın ortaya çıktığı ve bastırıldığı koşulları tespit etmeye çalışır. Anahtar sözcükler: görsel retorik, semiotik, anlam, temsil, öznellik, belgesel sinema ABSTRACT In today's world marked with the mass dissemination of images as a means for cultural production, the epistemology and the meaning of the image has become an independent field of study. This body of work aims to raise the problem of meaning in images within an ecological framework that takes into account the semiotic, rhetorical, epistemological, ontological, psychoanalytical aspects. Aside from issues like visual pleasure, the gaze, surveillance and practises of looking as rhetorical dimensions of the visual meaning, the semiotic concerns over the visual meaning regarding signification, representation and narrativity are brought up in order to determine the various factors that play an important role in the production of meaning. The work focuses specifically on subjectivity and narrativity, which are the major constituents of meaning, to investigate the necessary conditions for its appearance through different subject positions created under various practises of looking. Within the prevailing postmodern aesthetics of reception of the current times, it is taken for granted that the meaning of the popular products of cultural industry are unstable and shifting. The discovery of the instability of the meaning, the pluralism of expression and the endlessness of semiosis provides ground for the common conception that there is no limitation on meaning and interpretation. However, what these critical discourses try to stress is the richness of texts and the multi-layered texture of meaning. "Meaning in Images and Documentary Film" studies the changing ontology of the image in the light of positivist modernism, sceptical postmodernism and the approaching new technologies to find out the conditions for the production and repression of meaning in modern society. Keywords: visual rhetorics, semiotics, meaning, representation, subjectivity, documentary fil

    İmgelerde ve belgesel sinemada anlam

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    ÖZETİmgelerin kültür üretiminde en yaygın araç haline geldiği günümüzde, imgenin epistemolojisi ve görsel anlam başlı başına bir araştırma konusu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışma imgelerde anlam sorunsalını retorik, semiotik, epistemolojik, ontolojik, psikanalitik ve kültürel boyutlarıyla ekolojik bir çerçevede irdelemeyi hedeflemektedir. Anlamın retorik yönleri olarak görsel haz, bakış, görme pratiklerinin yanı sıra semiotik bileşenleri olan gösterge, temsil ve anlatı gibi birimler incelenmiş, anlamı oluşturan farklı katmanlar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma, özellikle anlamın var olma koşulu olan öznellik ve anlatısallık üzerinde odaklanarak farklı görme pratiklerine göre şekillenen öznellikler açısından anlamın ortaya çıkma koşullarını araştırmıştır. Günümüzde baskın olan postmodern alımlama estetiği içinde kültürel endüstrinin popüler ürünlerinin anlamlarının, bu anlamların üretildiği güvenilir iletişim ortamlarına rağmen göreceli ve değişken olduğu kabul edilir. Anlamın istikrarsızlığının, ifadelerin çoksesliliğinin ve semiosisin sınırsızlığının keşfi temelde anlam ve okuma üzerinde hiçbir kısıtlama olmadığının düşünülmesine yol açar. Ancak tüm bu eleştiri söylemlerinde asıl vurgulanmak istenen metinlerin zenginliği ve anlamın çok katmanlı yapısıdır. "İmgelerde ve Belgesel Sinemada Anlam" pozitivist modernizmin, kuşkuculuğun karakterize ettiği postmodernizmin ve yaklaşan sanal teknolojilerin ışığında görselin değişen ontolojisini mercek altına alarak anlamın ortaya çıktığı ve bastırıldığı koşulları tespit etmeye çalışır. Anahtar sözcükler: görsel retorik, semiotik, anlam, temsil, öznellik, belgesel sinema ABSTRACTIn today's world marked with the mass dissemination of images as a means for cultural production, the epistemology and the meaning of the image has become an independent field of study. This body of work aims to raise the problem of meaning in images within an ecological framework that takes into account the semiotic, rhetorical, epistemological, ontological, psychoanalytical aspects. Aside from issues like visual pleasure, the gaze, surveillance and practises of looking as rhetorical dimensions of the visual meaning, the semiotic concerns over the visual meaning regarding signification, representation and narrativity are brought up in order to determine the various factors that play an important role in the production of meaning. The work focuses specifically on subjectivity and narrativity, which are the major constituents of meaning, to investigate the necessary conditions for its appearance through different subject positions created under various practises of looking. Within the prevailing postmodern aesthetics of reception of the current times, it is taken for granted that the meaning of the popular products of cultural industry are unstable and shifting. The discovery of the instability of the meaning, the pluralism of expression and the endlessness of semiosis provides ground for the common conception that there is no limitation on meaning and interpretation. However, what these critical discourses try to stress is the richness of texts and the multi-layered texture of meaning. "Meaning in Images and Documentary Film" studies the changing ontology of the image in the light of positivist modernism, sceptical postmodernism and the approaching new technologies to find out the conditions for the production and repression of meaning in modern society. Keywords: visual rhetorics, semiotics, meaning, representation, subjectivity, documentary fil