1,372 research outputs found

    Analysis of Prescribing Pattern and the Availability of Medicines at General Hospitals in Indonesia

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    Objective: The study aim to provide description analyses of prescribing pattern and the availability of medicines ingeneral hospital as access components to medicines. Methods: This is non-intervention analysis using data from national health facilities research 2011. Samples: 40 items of essential medicines were surveyed at all general hospitals that belong to government in all districts in Indonesia. Bivariate and descriptive analyses intent to analyses the availability of medicines in hospital in Indonesia and pattern of drug prescription. Results: The availability of drugs in the government\u27s hospital is quite good, except fixed dose combination for tuberculosis, vitamin A and vaccines. Those are program\u27s medicines of health ministries. The results also show that the prescription using generic medicines for adults and childrenin the hospital were 62.1% and 62.6%. The prescription using essential medicines for adults and children were 32.6% and 35.2%. Conclusion: Drug prescription pattern have not been rational. Recommendation: Based on the results, the use of rational medicines should be keep promoting by the government. In line with this the incentive should be provided to thedoctors and pharmacist who serve the patient with the rational use medicines

    Analisis Penetapan Struktur Modal Yang Optimal Guna Meningkatkan Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada PT. Seemount Garden Sejahtera, Jiwan, Kabupaten Madiun Periode 2011-2013)

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    This research aims to know the management policy in determining the capital structure on a PT Seemount Garden Sejahtera in 2011-2013 and to determining a capital structure that can increase the firm value in 2014. The results of analysis showed that the management policy in determining the capital structure in 2011 until 2013 is more use thier own capital despite,the debt increased. Although the use of debt increases, but weighted average cost of capital decreased and firm value of the company increases. Optimal capital structure from 2011 to 2013 is in 2013, when the cost of capital is the weighted average cost of capital minimum and firm value maximum. Based on the results of the projection of the balance sheet and income statment projections 2014, it is known that the optimal capital structure composition is on the composition of 21,43% long-term debt and their own capital 78,57%. In these composition the weighted average cost of capital to be 26,148% and the firm value to be Rp. 12.775.818.943,-The firm value is calculated by dividing the weighted average cost of capital and net income, multiplied by (1-T)

    Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation and Leptogenesis with exclusively low-energy CP Violation

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    We study the implications of a successful leptogenesis within the framework of Minimal Lepton Flavour Violation combined with radiative resonant leptogenesis and the PMNS matrix being the only source of CP violation, which can be obtained provided flavour effects are taken into account. We find that the right amount of the baryon asymmetry of the universe can be generated under the conditions of a normal hierarchy of the light neutrino masses, a non-vanishing Majorana phase, sin(theta_{13})>0.13 and m_{nu,lightest}<0.04 eV. If this is fulfilled, we find strong correlations among ratios of charged LFV processes.Comment: published in JHEP, small change

    Tres Muertes

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    Se publicó por primera vez en 1859, en el primer número de la revista Biblioteca de lectura. Según cuenta Tolstói en su diario, comenzó a escribir el relato el 15 de enero de 1858 y trabajó intensamente en él unos cuantos días hasta tenerlo terminado el 24 de enero. Sus contemporáneos, incluido Turguéniev, no comprendieron la muerte del árbol. Pese a las críticas, Tolstói decidió dejar el árbol como parte final de su relato. Para la traducción, ha sido utilizado el texto de la edición soviética de las obras de Tolstói en 22 volúmenes: Moscú, Judózhestvennaia literatura, 1979

    Politics and War in Historical and Theoretical Perspective. With EU Case Study

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    The aim of this paper is to shed light on the dominant theoretical paradigms and show their sustainability in the last 150 years, following the historical context of the interrelationship between politics and war. Starting from Clausewitz’s thesis on war as a continuation of politics by other, violent means, the paper thematizes the dominant wars in the twentieth century, World War I and II, their causes and connection with politics, which proves to be an essential element of every war. Namely, war has always been the consequence of political decisions and as such a significant political tool for achieving a certain goal. In this context, the Cold War period unequivocally confirms Clausewitz’s realist thesis, showing that war is not necessarily an armed conflict, but that it is nonetheless a political matter. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, realism and liberalism regained prominence and emerged as significant theories on war and security. Both theories have their roots in the twentieth century, and therefore their paradigm becomes insufficient to answer the new questions posed by the nature of interdependent world. Nevertheless, these theories, especially liberalism, show their practical application and stand at the core of the ideological basis for the formation of the European Union. In this sense, Europe, after centuries of wars fought on its soil, displays the possibility of successful cooperation. As a result, war appears not only as a continuation of politics by violent means, but as a constituent element of systems and states in the modern world.El objetivo de este trabajo es arrojar luz sobre los paradigmas teóricos dominantes y mostrar su sostenibilidad en los últimos 150 años, siguiendo el contexto histórico de la interrelación entre política y guerra. Partiendo de la tesis de Clausewitz sobre la guerra como continuación de la política por otros medios violentos, este artículo analiza las guerras dominantes en el siglo xx, la Primera y la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sus causas y su conexión con la política, que resulta ser un elemento esencial de toda guerra. En concreto, la guerra siempre ha sido la consecuencia de decisiones políticas y, como tal, una importante herramienta política para conseguir un determinado objetivo. En este contexto, el periodo de la Guerra Fría confirma inequívocamente la tesis realista de Clausewitz, demostrando que la guerra no es necesariamente un conflicto armado, pero que no deja de ser una cuestión política. Tras el colapso de la Unión Soviética y el fin de la Guerra Fría, el realismo y el liberalismo recuperaron protagonismo y surgieron como teorías significativas sobre la guerra y la seguridad. Ambas teorías hunden sus raíces en el siglo xx, por lo que su paradigma resulta insuficiente para responder a las nuevas cuestiones que plantea la naturaleza del mundo interdependiente. Sin embargo, estas teorías, especialmente el liberalismo, muestran su aplicación práctica y se sitúan en el núcleo de la base ideológica para la formación de la Unión Europea. En este sentido, Europa, tras siglos de guerras libradas en su territorio, muestra la posibilidad de una cooperación exitosa. En consecuencia, la guerra aparece no sólo como una continuación de la política por medios violentos, sino como un elemento constitutivo de los sistemas y estados del mundo moderno

    An electron hole doping and soft x-ray spectroscopy study on La1-xSrxFe0.75Ni0.25O3-{\delta}

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    The conductivity of the electron hole and polaron conductor La1-xSrxFe0.75Ni0.25O3-{\delta}, a potential cathode material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, was studied for 0 <x < 1 and for temperatures 300 K <T < 1250 K. In LaSrFe-oxide, an ABO3 type perovskite, A-site substitu-tion of the trivalent La3+ by the divalent Sr2+ causes oxidation of Fe3+ towards Fe4+, which forms conducting electron holes. Here we have in addition a B-site substitution by Ni. The compound for x = 0.5 is identified as the one with the highest conductivity ({\sigma} ~ 678 S/cm) and lowest activation energy for polaron conductivity (Ep = 39 meV). The evolution of the electronic structure was monitored by soft x-ray Fe and oxygen K-edge spectroscopy. Homogeneous trend for the oxida-tion state of the Fe was observed. The variation of the ambient temperature conductivity and activation energy with relative Sr content (x) shows a correlation with the ratio of (eg/eg+t2g) in Fe L3 edge up to x=0.5. The hole doping process is reflected by an almost linear trend by the variation of the pre-peaks of the oxygen K-edge soft x-ray absorption spectra