101 research outputs found

    Association between sleep-disordered breathing and breast cancer aggressiveness

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    Background Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) has been associated with cancer aggressiveness, but studies focused on specific tumors are lacking. In this pilot study we investigated whether SDB is associated with breast cancer (BC) aggressiveness. Methods 83 consecutive women <65 years diagnosed with primary BC underwent a home respiratory polygraphy. Markers of SDB severity included the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and the 4% oxygen desaturation index (ODI4). The Ki67 proliferation index, lack of hormone receptors (HR-), Nottingham Histological Grade (NHG), and tumor stage were used as markers of BC aggressiveness. The association between SDB and molecular subtypes of BC was also assessed. Results The mean (SD) age was 48.8 (8.8) years and body mass index was 27.4 (5.4) Kg/m2. 42 women (50.6%) were post-menopausal. The median (IQR) AHI was 5.1 (2–9.4), and ODI4 was 1.5 (0.5–5.8). The median (IQR) AHI did not differ between the groups with Ki67>28% and Ki6728% and Ki67<29% (51.2% vs 52.3%, p = 0.90), HR- and HR+ (58.3% vs 49.1%, p = 0.47), NHG categories (p = 0.89), different tumor stages (p = 0.71), or molecular subtypes (p = 0.73). These results did not change when the ODI4 was used instead of the AHI. Conclusion Our results do not support an association between the presence or severity of SDB and BC aggressiveness.Asociación de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica del Sur (NEUMOSUR) 1/201


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    Lists of vascular plant species were compiled in 1991 and 1998 within Guadalentín salt steppe fragments (Region of Murcia, SE Spain), where human disturbance during the last 25 years has been substantial, leading to considerable changes in island sizes. Our aim was to determine whether equilibrium hypothesis explains the species-area relationship found in the study site and to elucidate the main factors determining colonization and extinction rates. Colonization and extinction rates between 1991 and 1998 were calculated in islands which have suffered less disturbance and related to area, percentage of change in the area of each patch and distance to the nearest potential sources of species. In the considered period, a differential extinction process associated with human disturbance has resulted in reductions in species number within each patch. Equilibrium theory must be taken into consideration to explain the species-area relations as there is a strong inverse correlation between extinction rates and area. Colonization rates are not related to island sizes but to the percentage of change in the area of islands that explains losses and increases in species number higher than those expected taking into consideration species-area relationships. Distance has no effect on colonization rates, as the fragments are isolated in a functional sense.En el presente trabajo se analiza la información correspondiente a dos inventarios de plantas vasculares (1991 y 1998) realizados en los saladares del Guadalentín (Murcia, SE España), donde la perturbación humana ha conducido a cambios drásticos en el tamaño de los fragmentos de vegetación de saladar. El estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar si la hipótesis del equilibrio explica las relaciones especies-área observadas. Para ello se calcularon las tasas de colonización y extinción entre 1991 y 1998, y se relacionaron con el área, el porcentaje de cambio del área y la distancia a la fuente potencial de especies más cercana. En el periodo considerado, un proceso de extinción diferencial asociado a la perturbación humana condujo a la reducción del número de especies por fragmento. La hipótesis del equilibrio debe ser considerada para explicar las relaciones especies-área en la zona de estudio, ya que se observó una fuerte correlación inversa entre las tasas de extinción y el área. Las tasas de colonización no se relacionaron con el tamaño de los fragmentos, sino con el porcentaje de cambio en el área. La distancia a las fuentes de especies no explica la variación de las tasas de colonización, lo que sugiere que las manchas de saladar se encuentran separadas por distancias similares y que la mayoría de los fragmentos se encuentran aislados funcionalmente


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    Six vegetation groups (A-F) had been defined in the salt steppes of the Guadalentín (Murcia) by means of multivariate methods. Each of them is characterized by the dominance of certain halophytic or subhalophytic species. In the present paper, ordination techniques (correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis) are used to compare four of these groups (A-D) with syntaxa –associations or subassociations described in Southeastern Spain or, more generally, in the Mediterranean region. The affinities and disagreements between each group and supposedly related syntaxa are shown and discussed. In general terms, there is not a good correspondence between vegetation groups and syntaxa, specially in the cases of group B (characterized by dominance ofFrankenia corymbosa or Limonium caesium) and group D (characterized by dominance of Halocnemum strobilaceum). The differences can be attributed to the particular conditions of the salt steppes of the Guadalentín, also to vegetation changes that are taking place in them or the presence of certain species which are scarce or absent in other mediterranean salt marshes and salt steppes. Sometimes a vegetation group can be related to an association but, within its range of variation, the group represents certain form linked to local or particular circumstances. This shows that the variation which exists within an association (or subassociation) can be very outstanding ecologically, and that there are difficulties to extrapolate environmental parameters from one representation of an association to another.En los saladares del Guadalentín (Murcia) se definieron, mediante métodos multivariantes, seis grupos de vegetación (A-F), cada uno de ellos caracterizado por la dominancia de determinadas especies halófilas o subhalófilas. En el presente trabajo, se utilizan técnicas de ordenación (análisis de correspondencias y análisis de correspondencias canónicas) para comparar cuatro de estos grupos (A-D) con sintáxones: asociaciones o subasociaciones descritas para el sureste ibérico o para la región mediterránea en general. Se exponen y se discuten las afinidades y discrepancias de cada grupo con los sintáxones supuestamente relacionados. En términos generales, la correspondencia entre grupos de vegetación y sintáxones no es buena, especialmente en el caso de los grupos B (caracterizado por la dominancia de Frankenia corymbosa o Limonium caesium) y D (caracterizado por la dominancia de Halocnemum strobilaceum). Las diferencias se pueden atribuir a las condiciones específicas de los saladares del Guadalentín, a los cambios de vegetación que tienen lugar en ellos o a la presencia de determinadas especies ausentes o escasas en otros saladares mediterráneos. En ocasiones, un grupo de vegetación se puede vincular a una asociación, pero, dentro del rango de variación de la misma, representa una determinada forma, asociada a circunstancias locales o particulares. Esto pone de manifiesto que la variación que se da dentro de las asociaciones o subasociaciones puede ser muy relevante ecológicamente, y que existen dificultades para extrapolar valores de parámetros ambientales entre distintas representaciones de una misma asociación


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    The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the number of plant species in Guadalentín salt steppe fragments and their area, in order to obtain the model describing this relation, to offer an explanation of species-area relationship by means of the main ecological theories and to apply the results to achieve conservation strategies for the study site. Power function and exponential models describe accurately the species-area relationship in Guadalentín salt steppes. Path analysis confirms that contribution of fragment size to species number is approximately twice that of habitats, although both Equilibrium Hypothesis and Habitat Diversity Hypothesis should be considered. The study of species-area relation constitutes a framework to obtain conservation strategies. So, fragments with positive residual values in the species-area curves could have more interest of conservation than those with negative residual values because of their greater species richness. Comparing the species-area curve with curves obtained with data for series of 2, 3 and 4 islands randomly selected, we conclude that SLOSS (single large or several small reserves) effect is not present in the study site. So, conservating two small fragments would be better than conservating a single large one of the same total area.En el presente trabajo se analiza la relación existente entre el número de especies vegetales en los fragmentos de los saladares del Guadalentín (SE Ibérico) y el área de los mismos, con objeto de obtener el modelo que describa dicha relación, explicarla en función de las teorías ecológicas propuestas y aplicar los resultados obtenidos a la consecución de criterios de conservación para la zona de estudio. Los modelos potencial y exponencial proporcionan ajustes satisfactorios a la hora de explicar la relación especies-área encontrada en los saladares del Guadalentín. El path análisis confirma que la contribución relativa del área sobre el número de especies se aproxima al doble de la correspondiente al hábitat, aunque en la explicación de la relación especies-área deberían ser consideradas tanto la Hipótesis del Equilibrio como la Hipótesis de Diversidad de Hábitats. El estudio de la relación especies-área resulta útil para la consecución de criterios de conservación. Así, los fragmentos a los que corresponden residuos positivos en la curva especies-área presentan un mayor interés de conservación, en relación con su mayor riqueza de especies, que los que poseen residuos negativos. Asimismo, la comparación de la curva especies- área con series de curvas obtenidas para agrupaciones de fragmentos realizadas al azar indica que en la zona de estudio no se produce efecto SLOSS (single large or several small reserves), por lo que resulta conveniente priorizar, frente a la conservación de un fragmento de área extensa, la correspondiente a un grupo de manchas de superficie más reducida que sumen la misma área total

    Untargeted Gut Metabolomics to Delve the Interplay between Selenium Supplementation and Gut Microbiota

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    El selenio (Se) es un oligoelemento con funciones importantes para la salud debido a las propiedades antioxidantes de las selenoproteínas. Para analizar la interacción entre Se y la microbiota intestinal, se determinaron los perfiles metabolómicos intestinales en ratones convencionales (C) y con microbiota empobrecida (Abx) después de la suplementación con Se (Abx-Se) mediante metabolómica no dirigida, utilizando una multiplataforma analítica basada en GC-MS y UHPLC-QTOF-MS (MassIVE ID MSV000087829). El perfil de la microbiota intestinal se realizó mediante la secuenciación del amplicón del gen 16S rRNA. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en los niveles de aproximadamente el 70 % de los metabolitos intestinales determinados, incluidos los acilos grasos, los glicerolípidos, los glicerofosfolípidos y los esteroides, en Abx-Se en comparación con Abx, y solo el 30 % fue diferente entre Abx-Se y C, lo que sugiere un efecto importante de la suplementación con Se en el metabolismo de los ratones Abx. A nivel de género, el análisis de correlación mostró fuertes asociaciones entre los metabolitos y los perfiles bacterianos intestinales. Asimismo, una mayor abundancia de Lactobacillus spp., un género potencialmente beneficioso enriquecido tras la suplementación con Se, se asoció con niveles más altos de lípidos de prenol, fosfatidilgliceroles (C-Se), esteroides y diterpenoides (Abx-Se), y también con niveles más bajos de ácidos grasos (Abx-Se). Por lo tanto, observamos una interacción crucial entre la ingesta de Se-microbiota-metabolitos, aunque se necesitan más estudios para aclarar los mecanismos específicos. Este es el primer estudio sobre la metabolómica intestinal no dirigida después del agotamiento de la microbiota y la suplementación con Se.Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element with important health roles due to the antioxidant properties of selenoproteins. To analyze the interplay between Se and gut microbiota, gut metabolomic profiles were determined in conventional (C) and microbiota depleted mice (Abx) after Se-supplementation (Abx-Se) by untargeted metabolomics, using an analytical multiplatform based on GC-MS and UHPLC-QTOF-MS (MassIVE ID MSV000087829). Gut microbiota profiling was performed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Significant differences in the levels of about 70% of the gut metabolites determined, including fatty acyls, glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids, and steroids, were found in Abx-Se compared to Abx, and only 30% were different between Abx-Se and C, suggesting an important effect of Se-supplementation on Abx mice metabolism. At genus level, the correlation analysis showed strong associations between metabolites and gut bacterial profiles. Likewise, higher abundance of Lactobacillus spp., a potentially beneficial genus enriched after Se-supplementation, was associated with higher levels of prenol lipids, phosphatidylglycerols (C-Se), steroids and diterpenoids (Abx-Se), and also with lower levels of fatty acids (Abx-Se). Thus, we observed a crucial interaction between Se intake–microbiota–metabolites, although further studies to clarify the specific mechanisms are needed. This is the first study about untargeted gut metabolomics after microbiota depletion and Se-supplementation.This work was supported by the projects PG2018-096608-B-C21 f from the Spanish Ministry of Science and innovation (MCIN). Generación del Conocimiento. MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa” and UHU-1256905 from the FEDER Andalusian Operative Program 2014–2020 (Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and Universities, Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain). Authors would like to acknowledge the support from The Ramón Areces Foundation (ref CIVP19A5918). Authors are grateful to FEDER (European Community) for financial support, Grant UNHU13-1X10-1611. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBU

    Wound Healing Modulation through the Local Application of Powder Collagen-Derived Treatments in an Excisional Cutaneous Murine Model

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    15 p.Wound healing includes dynamic processes grouped into three overlapping phases: inflammatory, proliferative, and maturation/remodeling. Collagen is a critical component of a healing wound and, due to its properties, is of great interest in regenerative medicine. This preclinical study was designed to compare the effects of a new collagen-based hydrolysate powder on wound repair to a commercial non-hydrolysate product, in a murine model of cutaneous healing. Circular excisional defects were created on the dorsal skin of Wistar rats (n = 36). Three study groups were established according to the treatment administered. Animals were euthanized after 7 and 18 days. Morphometric and morphological studies were performed to evaluate the healing process. The new collagen treatment led to the smallest open wound area throughout most of the study. After seven days, wound morphometry, contraction, and epithelialization were similar in all groups. Treated animals showed reduced granulation tissue formation and fewer inflammatory cells, and induction of vasculature with respect to untreated animals. After 18 days, animals treated with the new collagen treatment showed accelerated wound closure, significantly increased epithelialization, and more organized repair tissue. Our findings suggest that the new collagen treatment, compared to the untreated control group, produces significantly faster wound closure and, at the same time, promotes a slight progression of the reparative process compared with the rest of the groups.CIBER-BBNViscofan S.A

    Guided weekly reflection papers: a strategy for Achieving academic goals

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    Rapid changes in innovative teaching need multidisciplinary efforts to accomplish a variety of goals through a collaborative tool which inspires and stimulates the students to learn and use the knowledge in a more a critical way. In this context, our team of lecturers concerned by educational innovation had carried out during three academic years a learning tool based on “Weekly Reflection Papers” (WRP). With the experience gained in this process we have implemented an essential modification in the procedure in order to improve the teaching-learning process. The goal of this communication is to show the development of the initial tool and how it has been changed until the actual proposal called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers” (GWRP)

    Improving learning environment at different academic Levels throughout guided weekly reflection papers

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    A group of lecturers from different teaching areas at Alcalá University concern by Innovative Education had implemented during four academic years a learning tool based on “reflective weekly papers”. With the experience gained in this process we have carried out an essential modification in the procedure which provides the students the possibility of a more active and participative learning called Guided Weekly Reflective Papers. In this communication we present the adaptation of this educational method for the first time as a valuable strategy for improving the learning environment in secondary schools, as an extension of its implementation at the University level and as a contribution to the integral formation and meaningful learning of the secondary level students

    An information literacy approach within the "Guided weekly reflection papers"

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    INTED 2015, 9 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 2 nd-4 th, 2015-Madrid, SpainA group of lecturers from diverse areas of knowledge of the University of Alcalá have implemented an experience of teaching innovation based on “reflective diaries”. The students hand in to the lecturer every week their “Weekly Reflection Papers” (WRP), in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes of the previous week. They must include their reflections about the aspects they found especially interesting. After having applied this tool for some academic years we introduced a modification called “Guided Weekly Reflection Papers” (GWRP), where the professors suggest a series of questions on which the students must apply the most significant concepts studied each week. This modification enhances student’s motivation, encourages them to achieve more significant and reflective knowledge and generates interest in emergent topics. However, we often detect that the information management needed to solve the proposed questions in the GWRP is not the most suitable one. Therefore our present work is aimed at helping students develop the necessary skills and acquire a searching criterion in the framework of the information literacy. The strategy was focussed on some important items for the acquisition of information competencies. In this communication we analyze the progress of the GWRP tool and we explore the response of students to the information literacy approach


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    The aim of the study is to investigate, at local scale, the relationship between the distribution of Tetraclinis articulate and differents environmental factors: physical as elevation, orientation, solar rays incidence, drainage, slope; and biological as the competition with Pinus halepensis. Generalized linear models were used to describe this relation, offering its explanation by means of the major ecological theories. The study corroborates that the Tetraclinis articulate distribution limits are in the area, where the limiting factor is the water availability stated by the orientation. Tetraclinis articulate also presents a differential behaviour depending on the orientation: its physiological optimum is in the shaded one (north-east) but its ecological optimum is in the east becauseof competition with Pinus halepensis. The shaded orientation is taken up by a pinewood with some big size Tetraclinis articulate trees, the sunny-spot (south-south-east) is under control of a tetraclinar opened of high density of small size trees while the east is organized as a mosaic of Tetraclinis articulate patchs and Pinus halepensis patchs where there is a balanced competition between both.En el presente trabajo se analizan los efectos en la distribución a escala local de Tetraclinis articulata de los diferentes factores ambientales, tanto de índole física (altitud, orientación, iluminación solar, drenaje y pendiente), como de índole biológica (competencia con Pinus halepensis). Se han utilizado modelos lineales generalizados con objeto de describir dicha relación. El análisis confirma que, en la zona de estudio (Peña del Águila, Cartagena-Sureste de España), Tetraclinis articulata se encuentra en el límite de su distribución, siendo el factor limitante la disponibilidad hídrica, expresada fundamentalmente en función de la orientación. Tetraclinis articulata presenta un comportamiento diferencial en función de dicha orientación, con su óptimo fisiológico en orientaciones umbría (nordeste), y su óptimo ecológico en las orientaciones sur de componente este debido, probablemente, a la competencia con Pinus halepensis. La umbría está ocupada por un pinar con baja presencia de Tetraclinis articulata pero con individuos de gran porte. Por el contrario, la solana (sur-sureste) está dominada por un sabinar de mayor densidad, pero con individuos de porte medio menor. En el Este se instala un mosaico a base de manchas de Tetraclinis articulata y de Pinus halepensis fruto aparentemente de una competencia más equilibrada entre ambos