41 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengungkapan Pada Perusahaan Textile Dan Garment Go-public Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine whether a variable is the cost of debt, profit, percentage change in earnings, shareholders' equity and company size may affect disclosure in financial statements of the textile and clothing companies listed on the BEI. Disclosure of financial statements to attract attention in this study and used as the dependent variable because of the disclosure of financial statements is a means of public accountability and achievement levels of the venture capital market efficiency. Although the variable cost of debt, profit, percentage change in profit, shareholders' equity, and the company size used as independent variables, these variables are part of the sustainability of the company, which can be known through the financial disclosure statements. Use multiple linear regression and t-test analysis with 33 textile and garment companies listed on the BEI as a sample, the results indicate that only shareholders' equity that affect the disclosure of financial statements

    Social Representation of City in Rural Poor Communities

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    Indonesia is a developing country which has focused on development. The development and acceleration of economic growth that occurred in Indonesia has not been evenly distributed in every province. This gives rise to a phenomenon of population movement (migration) occurring in rural communities who migrate to urban areas which eventually give rise to a phenomenon of urban poverty. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of poor communities urban areas and to identify social representations about the city in poor communities in urban areas. The characteristics of poor communities are generally aged between under 25 to more than 54 years old, the majority of respondents are women, and generally work in the informal sector. The level of education of respondents are elementary school level (SD) or equivalent to high school level (high school) or equivalent. The income that can be obtained by poor communities were Rp. 100.000.00 up to Rp.1.500.000.00 per month. Overall poor communities did rural-urban migration between 1970 until 2010. The reason was to find a job, looking for experience, come to join her parents and husband, and generally they spent a time in a location was between 1 to 30 years. The frequency of returning home is zero to more than 4 times in the past year. Most of them do not choose the location as the first residence in the city. There are 4 kinds of type of social representations about the city and the poor. The dominant type of social representations about city is type a place to earn money. Beside that, the dominant type of social representations about the poor is underprivileged person

    Motivation of Pregnant Woman to Implement the Pregnancy Gymnastic

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    Pregnancy gymnastics is not something new in Indonesia, but many pregnant women who are lack of knowledge or even do not know about pregnancy gymnastics. One of the impacts caused if the mother does not perform pregnancy gymnastic is a complaint that will be felt more than the mother who exercises pregnancy exercise. This research aimed to determine the motivation of pregnant women to implement pregnancy exercise in BPM Titi Ekawati STR, Keb Tampung Rejo Kecamatan Puri Mojokerto regency. The research design was descriptive. The population in this research was trimester II and III pregnant women in BPM Titi Ekawati STR, Keb Tampung Rejo Kecamatan Puri Mojokerto regency in 2016 which amounted to 16 people. The sampling technique used total sampling. The variable of research was the motivation of pregnant mother to carry out pregnancy exercise. Measuring tools using questionnaires. The result showed that respondents had high motivation as much as 1 respondent (6.2%), 13 respondents (81.2%) had moderate motivation, and 2 respondents (12,5%) had low motivation. Data analysis used is frequency distribution and percentage. Medium motivation is owned by pregnant women because mothers only do pregnancy exercises if there is something to be desired, namely the presence of blood tests during pregnancy exercise classes. Pregnant women should be more motivated to do pregnancy gymnastic because it has benefits for pregnancy and before childbirth. Mothers can do pregnancy gymnastic that is held every 1 month or done in each home. Keywords: motivation, pregnancy gymnasti

    Pengaruh Waktu Reaksi dan Rasio Molar terhadap Asam Oleat dengan Butanol pada Sintesa Plastisizer Butil Oleat

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    The amount of palm oil feedstock in Indonesia, encourages the development of palm oil industry product diversification. One alternative for providing value-added palm oil by esterification of oleic acid is contained in palm oil became known as butyl oleate plasticizers. Plasticizer is an additive compound added to polymer to improve flexibility and workabilitas. Step of this research is the preparation of H-zeolite catalysts and synthesis of the plasticizer butyl oleate esterification using natural zeolite catalysts are activated to H-zeolites with varying reaction time (6, 9 and 12 hours) and the molar ratio of oleic acid and butanol (1: 6 , 1: 9 and 1:12) with the permanent variable stirring speed of 200 rpm, temperature of 108-112 ° C and catalyst-based as much as 15% oleic acid. From the test results showed that the reaction time and the molar ratio of the plasticizer effect on the synthesis of butyl oleate. Obtained value of 0.862 specific gravity and viscosity of 8.39 mPa by showing that the specific gravity and viscosity plasticizer produced meets the standards of commercial plasitisizer namely 0.862 to 0.928 and from 8.2 to 9.4. The highest achievement in this research was 76.73% with a molar ratio of 1:12 for 12 hours process

    Hubungan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Dan Kritis Dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Matakuliah Konsep Sains II Prodi Pgsd IKIP PGRI Madiun

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    Critical thinking in education has been widely practiced following the awareness that it helps a lot the students specifically in science subjects. In accordance with critical thinking ability in science, students who show ability on critical thinking will successfully cope with problems they encounter. Such ability hopefully works in their learning achievement. The objective of this research is to investigate the influence of creative and critical thinking on the achievement of the students of the Department of Primary Education IKIP PGRI Madiun in the class of Science Concepts II. The current study makes use of the descriptive correlational. As many as 191students enrolled the class of science concepts II in the academic year 2012/2013, out of 366 populations, serve as the sample through the proportional random sampling technique. Tests were administered to collect the data analyzed by applying descriptive analysis of double regression to assess the hypothesis in which SPSS PASW Statistics 18 was applied. Results show that there is significant correlation on the variables of creative and critical thinking on their achievement. The creative thinking contributes 20.13% while the critical thinking contribution is 21.53%. Other variables beyond this research contribute 58.34%


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    Kehidupan perekonomian merupakan suatu hal yang penting bagi negara. Oleh karenanya, ekonomi harus didasari dengan etika bisnis yang keberadaannya sesuai dengan porsi masing-masing baik pelaku usaha maupun konsumen. Memasuki era digital, timbul berbagai bentuk kejahatan baru yang mengancam perlindungan privasi konsumen berupa data-data pribadi yang seringkali dicuri dan diperjualbelikan. Untuk melindungi hak asasi konsumen, maka Indonesia meregulasikan perlindungan tentang privasi konsumen dan perlindungan data di dalam UU ITE dan PP 71/2019. Namun keberadaan regulasi saja tampaknya belum cukup, dimana masih banyak kasus kebocoran data di Indonesia yang mengancam konsumen. Oleh karena itu, sepatutnya kita bercermin kepada negara Singapura dan Amerika Serikat sebagai negara yang memiliki keamanan siber yang baik

    Soil Chemical Characteristics of Organic and Conventional Agriculture

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    Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on intensive land of both lowland and upland food crops have been shown to increase agricultural productivity significantly. Research aimed to study soil chemical characteristics and soil pesticide residues at some crops of organic and conventional farms. The research was carried out in  Laboratory of Soil Chemistry, Indonesian Soil Research Institute and in Laboratory of Agrochemical Residue, Indonesian Agricultural Environment Research Institute, Bogor from February to July 2015. Soil samples at 0-10 cm depth were taken compositely from broccoli (Brassica oleracea), carrots (Daucus carota), maize (Zea mays), and tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) farms in Bogor Regency as well as from rice field in Tasikmalaya Regency at both organic and conventional farms. Soil chemical characteristics were analyzed include: soil organic-C (Walkey and Black), total-N (Kjeldahl), potential-P (HCl 25%), available-P (Olsen), potential-K (HCl 25%), available-K (NH4OAc 1 N pH 7), CEC (NH4OAc 1 N pH 7), and pH (soil : water = 1: 5), while pesticide residues included levels of organochlorine (lindane, aldrin, heptaklor, dieldrin, DDT, endosulfan); organophosphates (diazinon, fenitrotin, metidation, paration, profenofos); and carbamates (carbofuran, MIPC, BPMC) in the soil by using Gas Chromatography method. Results showed that levels of soil organic-C, total-N, potential and available-P, potential and available-K, CEC, pH  at organic farms were higher than those at conventional farms. Some pesticide residues compound (organochlorines, organophosphates, and carbamates) were detected at conventional farm, while those at organic farm were not detected (trace).Keywords: Conventional farm, organic farm, pesticide residues, soil properties. [How to Cite: Muhammad AA, F Hazra, S Salma and D Nursyamsi. 2016. Soil Chemical Characteristics of Organic and Conventional Agriculture. J Trop Soils 21: 19-25. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2016.21.1.19][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2016.21.1.19]&nbsp