452 research outputs found

    Magnetism of rare-earth–transition-metal nanoscale multilayers. I. Experiments on Dy/Co, Dy/Fe, and Tb/Fe

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    Experimental investigations of magnetic and structural properties for rare-earth–transition-metal (RE-TM) compositionally modulated films (CMF) are presented in this paper. In particular, ARE/BTM including ARE=Dy and Tb and BTM=Fe, Co, and Ni, are studied. The layer thickness and temperature dependence of magnetic properties, which can be interpreted in terms of the antiferromagnetic coupling of RE and TM moments and their atomic distributions, are reported. These ARE/BTM CMF with nanoscale layer thicknesses exhibit perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) and the range of the layer thickness required for PMA is determined. The origin of PMA is also discussed

    Exchange-coupling behavior in nanostructured FePt/Fe bilayer films

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    Different thicknesses of FePt/Fe bilayer films are deposited on (001) MgO substrates by sputtering Fe and Pt targets with in-situheating at 830°C. X-ray diffraction indicates a complete alignment of the FePt [001] axis with MgO [001] axis. The nucleation field Hn is estimated from hysteresis loops measured using a SQUID magnetometer. A FePt/Fe bilayer model is proposed to calculate the nucleation field Hn and compared with the experimental data. The model can explain experimental trends and gives useful predictions for nanostructure synthesis and further experiment


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    Disclosed is a modulated grain-composition magnetic recording material with up to terabit areal density recording capacity which, preferably, is produced by Sequential Vacuum deposition and Subsequent annealing procedures that allow Selective fabrication of magnetic material with desired grain size and coercivity, and with desired longitudinal or perpendicular magnetic particle “c-axis\u27 orientation. The preferred magnetic recording material has multiple layers of FePt/BO and/or Fe/Pt/BO, with minimum grain Size of approximately ten (10) nanometers, with perpendicularly oriented “c-axis”, and with coercivity (Hc) of up to twelve (12) K-Oe. The preferred fabrication procedure involves sequential sputter deposition of FePt and B2O3 layers, followed by an anneal step

    Structure and magnetic properties of nanostructured Dy/transition-metal multilayered films

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    We report the results of magnetic and microstructural studies for T/Dy (T=Fe, Co, Ni) compositionally modulated films prepared in a multiple-gun sputtering system. The perpendicular anisotropy and magnetization were measured systematically for X-Ă… Fe/Y-Ă… Dy and X-Ă… Co/Y-Ă… Dy films. The layer-thickness dependence of the magnetization for Co/Dy and Fe/Dy was interpreted in terms of the antiparallel coupling between transition-metal and Dy magnetic moments. For Co/Dy films the ranges of X and Y required for perpendicular anisotropy were determined. A comparision of the structural and magnetic properties of Ni/Dy, Co/Dy, and Fe/Dy is given and the origin of the perpendicular anisotropy is discussed. Journal of Applied Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics

    Magnetic properties and structure of Fe/Pt thin films

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    The structural transfqmation from fcc to fct and relevant magnetic properties of initially multilayered Fe/Pt films were studied. When the as-deposited FePt films were annealed at the temperature of 300°C and up, the fct-phase was formed. Rather square hysteresis loops and large coercivities were measured from the annealed films. The films annealed at 300°C retain a layered structure

    Nonadiabatic Berry phase in nanocrystalline magnets

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    It is investigated how a Berry phase is created in polycrystalline nanomagnets and how the phase translates into an emergent magnetic field and into a topological Hall-effect contribution. The analysis starts directly from the spin of the conduction electrons and does not involve any adiabatic Hamiltonian. Completely random spin alignment in the nanocrystallites does not lead to a nonzero emergent field, but a modulation of the local magnetization does. As an explicit example, we consider a wire with a modulated cone angle

    Magnetically dilute metallic glasses. II. 4\u3ci\u3ef\u3c/i\u3e moments

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    Magnetic-susceptibility and high-field magnetization measurements are presented for amorphous Zr40Cu600-xMx (M denoting Gd and Tb), with x ranging from zero to ten. Effective moments of magnetic solutes were determined by fitting susceptibility data to the Curie-Weiss expression. The moments of Gd and Tb are very close to those expected for trivalent ions and the paramagnetic Weiss temperatures are positive. Saturation did not occur in any of the samples, even at 80 kOe and 1.3 K; however, the alloys containing Gd approached normalized magnetization values of unity. High-field hysteresis loops were used to obtain the temperature dependence of the coercive fields Hc and to determine ordering temperatures, defined as those temperatures for which Hc vanishes. The zero-field susceptibility for both the Gd and Tb alloys shows sharp peaks at low temperatures. The magnetically ordered state of the Gd alloys is characterized as spin-glass-like; that is, the spins are frozen in random directions and there are both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, with the former dominant. The Tb alloys also have low-temperature magnetic states characterized as spin-glass-like in this sense. However, in the Tb alloys, the presence of local random anisotropy affects the high-field magnetization considerably. Attempts to fit the high-field magnetization of the Tb alloys to the local-random-anisotropy theory of Harris et al. are described

    Curie temperature of multiphase nanostructures

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    The Curie temperature and the local spontaneous magnetization of ferromagnetic nanocomposites are investigated. The macroscopic character of the critical fluctuations responsible for the onset of ferromagnetic order means that there is only one Curie temperature, independent of the number of magnetic phases present. The Curie temperature increases with the grain size and is, in general, larger than predicted from the volume averages of the exchange constants. However, the Curie-temperature enhancement is accompanied by a relative reduction of the spontaneous magnetization. Due to the quadratic dependence of the permanent-magnet energy product on the spontaneous magnetization, this amounts to a deterioration of the magnets performance. The length scale on which an effective intergranular exchange coupling is realized (coupling length) depends on the Curie-temperature difference between the phases and on the spacial distribution of the local interatomic exchange. As a rule, it is of the order of a few interatomic distances; for much bigger grain sizes the structures mimic an interaction-free ensemble of different ferromagnetic materials. This must be compared to the magnetic-anisotropy coupling length, which is of the order of 10 nm. The difference is explained by the nonrelativistic character of the Curie-temperature problem

    Magnetic transitions and scaling behavior in Gd-rich glasses

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    The magnetic properties of amorphous alloys with composition GdxLa72-xGa18B10 have been investigated using ac-susceptibilty and dc-magnetization techniques in the temperature range 4.2–300 K. This system shows double-transition behavior for x≳67 and paramagnetic–spin-glass transition behavior for x\u3c67. Time-dependent magnetization effects are present in the spin-glass phase and these effects vanish in finite fields, in qualitative agreement with mean-field theory. The magnetic isotherms around both the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic–spin-glass transitions scale according to the scaling hypothesis, and these results are discussed in some detail. A magnetic phase diagram for this system is obtained from the transition temperatures determined from scaling

    Magnetic transitions and scaling behavior in Gd-rich glasses

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    The magnetic properties of amorphous alloys with composition GdxLa72-xGa18B10 have been investigated using ac-susceptibilty and dc-magnetization techniques in the temperature range 4.2–300 K. This system shows double-transition behavior for x≳67 and paramagnetic–spin-glass transition behavior for x\u3c67. Time-dependent magnetization effects are present in the spin-glass phase and these effects vanish in finite fields, in qualitative agreement with mean-field theory. The magnetic isotherms around both the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic and ferromagnetic–spin-glass transitions scale according to the scaling hypothesis, and these results are discussed in some detail. A magnetic phase diagram for this system is obtained from the transition temperatures determined from scaling
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