40 research outputs found

    Realistic assumptions about spatial locations and clustering of premises matter for models of foot-and-mouth disease spread in the United States

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    Spatially explicit livestock disease models require demographic data for individual farms or premises. In the U.S., demographic data are only available aggregated at county or coarser scales, so disease models must rely on assumptions about how individual premises are distributed within counties. Here, we addressed the importance of realistic assumptions for this purpose. We compared modeling of foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreaks using simple randomization of locations to premises configurations predicted by the Farm Location and Agricultural Production Simulator (FLAPS), which infers location based on features such as topography, land-cover, climate, and roads. We focused on three premises-level Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed models available from the literature, all using the same kernel approach but with different parameterizations and functional forms. By computing the basic reproductive number of the infection (R0) for both FLAPS and randomized configurations, we investigated how spatial locations and clustering of premises affects outbreak predictions. Further, we performed stochastic simulations to evaluate if identified differences were consistent for later stages of an outbreak. Using Ripley's K to quantify clustering, we found that FLAPS configurations were substantially more clustered at the scales relevant for the implemented models, leading to a higher frequency of nearby premises compared to randomized configurations. As a result, R0 was typically higher in FLAPS configurations, and the simulation study corroborated the pattern for later stages of outbreaks. Further, both R0 and simulations exhibited substantial spatial heterogeneity in terms of differences between configurations. Thus, using realistic assumptions when de-aggregating locations based on available data can have a pronounced effect on epidemiological predictions, affecting if, where, and to what extent FMD may invade the population. We conclude that methods such as FLAPS should be preferred over randomization approaches

    Effects of regional differences and demography in modelling foot-and-mouth disease in cattle at the national scale

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a fast-spreading viral infection that can produce large and costly outbreaks in livestock populations. Transmission occurs at multiple spatial scales, as can the actions used to control outbreaks. The US cattle industry is spatially expansive, with heterogeneous distributions of animals and infrastructure. We have developed a model that incorporates the effects of scale for both disease transmission and control actions, applied here in simulating FMD outbreaks in US cattle. We simulated infection initiating in each of the 3049 counties in the contiguous US, 100 times per county. When initial infection was located in specific regions, large outbreaks were more likely to occur, driven by infrastructure and other demographic attributes such as premises clustering and number of cattle on premises. Sensitivity analyses suggest these attributes had more impact on outbreak metrics than the ranges of estimated disease parameter values. Additionally, although shipping accounted for a small percentage of overall transmission, areas receiving the most animal shipments tended to have other attributes that increase the probability of large outbreaks. The importance of including spatial and demographic heterogeneity in modelling outbreak trajectories and control actions is illustrated by specific regions consistently producing larger outbreaks than others

    The importance of livestock demography and infrastructure in driving Foot and Mouth disease dynamics

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    Transboundary animal diseases, such as foot and mouth disease (FMD) pose a significant and ongoing threat to global food security. Such diseases can produce large, spatially complex outbreaks. Mathematical models are often used to understand the spatio-temporal dynamics and create response plans for possible disease introductions. Model assumptions regarding transmission behavior of premises and movement patterns of livestock directly impact our understanding of the ecological drivers of outbreaks and how to best control them. Here, we investigate the impact that these assumptions have on model predictions of FMD outbreaks in the U.S. using models of livestock shipment networks and disease spread. We explore the impact of changing assumptions about premises transmission behavior, both by including within-herd dynamics, and by accounting for premises type and increasing the accuracy of shipment predictions. We find that the impact these assumptions have on outbreak predictions is less than the impact of the underlying livestock demography, but that they are important for investigating some response objectives, such as the impact on trade. These results suggest that demography is a key ecological driver of outbreaks and is critical for making robust predictions but that understanding management objectives is also important when making choices about model assumptions

    A Dominant-Negative Approach That Prevents Diphthamide Formation Confers Resistance to Pseudomonas Exotoxin A and Diphtheria Toxin

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    Diphtheria toxin (DT), Pseudomonas aeruginosa Exotoxin A (ETA) and cholix toxin from Vibrio cholerae share the same mechanism of toxicity; these enzymes ADP-rybosylate elongation factor-2 (EF-2) on a modified histidine residue called diphthamide, leading to a block in protein synthesis. Mutant Chinese hamster ovary cells that are defective in the formation of diphthamide have no distinct phenotype except their resistance to DT and ETA. These observations led us to predict that a strategy that prevents the formation of diphthamide to confer DT and ETA resistance is likely to be safe. It is well documented that Dph1 and Dph2 are involved in the first biochemical step of diphthamide formation and that these two proteins interact with each other. We hypothesized that we could block diphthamide formation with a dominant negative mutant of either Dph1 or Dph2. We report in this study the first cellular-targeted strategy that protects against DT and ETA toxicity. We have generated Dph2(C-), a dominant-negative mutant of Dph2, that could block very efficiently the formation of diphthamide. Cells expressing Dph2(C-) were 1000-fold more resistant to DT than parental cells, and a similar protection against Pseudomonas exotoxin A was also obtained. The targeting of a cellular component with this approach should have a reduced risk of generating resistance as it is commonly seen with antibiotic treatments

    Ecologically viable population sizes: Determining factors

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    The minimum ecologically viable population size (MEVP) of a species describes the minimum size at which the species itself or another species in the same ecosystem goes extinct as a result of the loss of inter-specific interactions. The MEVP shows a good potential for use as a tool for exploring the mechanisms behind species extinctions, but presently only a small amount of research has been done that takes advantage of this. In this study the MEVP is used to investigate what properties of species can be used as good indicators of ecological importance. 100 large computer generated food webs were created with an assembly model and the reduction in density that was necessary to induce an extinction event in the web was subsequently determined for each species within the webs. This change in density was then correlated with 28 different properties, measured for each species. The results show that properties that measure how well connected a species is, as well as measures of the species role as a prey item in the web are the ones with the greatest potential to find species with high MEVP. Further, the results put emphasis on the importance of regarding the web as a whole when working with species extinctions, while also highlighting the usefulness of the MEVP concept

    Ecologically viable population sizes: Determining factors

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    The minimum ecologically viable population size (MEVP) of a species describes the minimum size at which the species itself or another species in the same ecosystem goes extinct as a result of the loss of inter-specific interactions. The MEVP shows a good potential for use as a tool for exploring the mechanisms behind species extinctions, but presently only a small amount of research has been done that takes advantage of this. In this study the MEVP is used to investigate what properties of species can be used as good indicators of ecological importance. 100 large computer generated food webs were created with an assembly model and the reduction in density that was necessary to induce an extinction event in the web was subsequently determined for each species within the webs. This change in density was then correlated with 28 different properties, measured for each species. The results show that properties that measure how well connected a species is, as well as measures of the species role as a prey item in the web are the ones with the greatest potential to find species with high MEVP. Further, the results put emphasis on the importance of regarding the web as a whole when working with species extinctions, while also highlighting the usefulness of the MEVP concept

    Quantifying Risk in Epidemiological and Ecological Contexts

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    The rates of globalization and growth of the human population puts ever increasing pressure on the agricultural sector to intensify and grow more complex, and with this intensification comes an increased risk of outbreaks of infectious livestock diseases. At the same time, and for the same reasons, the detrimental effect that humans have on other species with which we share the environment has never been more apparent, as the current rates of species loss from ecological communities rival those of ancient mass extinction events. In order to find ways to lessen the effects of and eventually solve such problems we need ways to quantify the risks involved, something that can be difficult when for instance the sheer size or sensitivity of the systems makes practical experimentation unsuitable. For these situations mathematical models have become invaluable tools due to their flexibility and noninvasiveness. This thesis presents four works involving the quantification of risk in livestock epidemic and ecological contexts using mathematical models. Two of them deal with extinctions of species within model ecological communities, and how species interactions play a role in the identity of the lost species following perturbations to specific species (Papers I and II). The other two regard how the spatial layout of the underlying population of livestock premises affect the risk of foot and mouth disease outbreaks among farms in the USA, and how models of such outbreaks can be optimized to improve their usefulness (Papers III and IV). Ecological communities consist of species and the often intricate pattern of interactions between them. These interspecies connections can propagate effects caused by disturbances in one end of the network, through the community via the links, to other parts of the network. In some cases, a reduction in the abundance of one species can cause the extinction of a second species before the first species disappears, something called functional extinction. Despite this, many conservation efforts revolve around simply keeping populations of single species at a high enough level for their own survival. In a model setting, the study of Paper I explores and attempts to quantify how common such functional extinctions are in relation to the alternative outcome that a perturbed species itself becomes extinct. This is done by first constructing stable model food webs describing predator-prey interactions of up to 50 species, parameterized through allometric relationships between metabolic processes and body size. Then the smallest amount of extra mortality that can be applied to each and every species in the web before any species become extinct is determined. The study shows that in these model communities, more often than not (>80%) another species, rather than the species that is subjected to the additional mortality will be the one to become extinct first. The approach of Paper I is taken further in Paper II by applying the same methodology to ecological networks that include mixtures of both antagonistic (predator-prey) and mutualistic (e.g. pollination and seed dispersal) interactions. The results further reinforce the findings of Paper I, and show that ecological networks containing a mixture of antagonistic and mutualistic interactions are more sensitive to functional extinctions than purely antagonistic or purely mutualistic ones, an important finding considering the diversity of interaction types in natural systems. Furthermore, the type of species found to have the lowest threshold before becoming functionally extinct were those with a mixture of interaction types, such as pollinating insects. Both Paper I and II consolidate the notion that when doing conservation work it is important to have the entire community in mind by considering the population sizes that are viable from a multi-species perspective, rather than just focusing on the minimum population sizes that are viable for the individual species. In Papers III and IV the focus changes somewhat, from models of ecological systems to models of how infectious livestock disease spread between farms in spatially explicit contexts. For this kind of model, information about the spatial distribution of the hosts is of course crucial, but not always readily available. In the USA, the only available information about livestock premises demography is aggregated at the county scale, meaning that the spatial distribution of the premises within each county is unknown. However, a method exists to simulate realistic stochastic spatial configurations of premises using a set of predictor variables, such as topology, climate and roads. An alternative approach that have been used previously is to assume a uniformly random spatial distribution of premises within each county. But to what extent does the choice between these two methods affect the model’s evaluation of the risk of disease outbreaks? In Paper III, this is analyzed specifically for foot and mouth disease. Through simulated outbreaks and by looking at the reproductive ratio of the disease, the outbreak dynamics within the two different spatial configurations of premises are compared. The results show that there is a clear difference in the risk of outbreaks between them, with the non-uniform distributions showing a general pattern of higher outbreak risk. However this difference is dependent on the size and geographic location of the county that the outbreak start in with larger counties in the west of the US showing a stronger effect. When running numerical simulations with large scale models such as the one used in Paper III, a considerable amount of replication is usually necessary in order to account for the high degree of stochasticity inherent to the problem. Even further replication is required when performing sensitivity analyses of model parameters or when exploring different scenarios, for instance when trying to determine the optimal control strategy for a disease. For this reason, the amount and quality of results that can be produced by such studies can quickly become limited by the availability of computational resources. Finding ways to optimize the computations involved with regard to simulation time is therefore of great value as it can be directly related to the robustness of the results. In Paper IV, an efficient optimization method for the kind of kernel-based local disease spread model used in paper III is presented. The method revolves around constructing a grid structure that is overlaid on top of the farm landscape and dividing the infection process into two steps, first evaluating if any farms within one of the grid squares can become infected given an over-estimation of the probability of infection, and then only if so, evaluate actual infection of a subset of the farms within the receiving square. The method is compared to similar published methods and is shown to be more efficient in most cases, while also being easy to implement and understand. Furthermore, while other methods often involve approximations of the transmission process in order to improve computational speed, the method of Paper IV is shown to be exact. This is a major advantage, since with an approximative method the extent to which the results are affected by the simplification is unknown unless the effect of the approximation is explicitly quantified. In most cases, such quantification would require extensive simulations with the unsimplified approach, something which of course may not be feasible

    Elastoplastic behavior of anisotropic, physically crosslinked hydrogel networks comprising stiff, charged fibrils in an electrolyte

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    Fibrillar hydrogels are remarkably stiff, low-density networks that can hold vast amounts of water. These hydrogels can easily be made anisotropic by orienting the fibrils using different methods. Unlike the detailed and established descriptions of polymer gels, there is no coherent theoretical framework describing the elastoplastic behavior of fibrillar gels, especially concerning anisotropy. In this work, the swelling pressures of anisotropic fibrillar hydrogels made from cellulose nanofibrils were measured in the direction perpendicular to the fibril alignment. This experimental data was used to develop a model comprising three mechanical elements representing the network and the osmotic pressure due to non-ionic and ionic surface groups on the fibrils. At low solidity, the stiffness of the hydrogels was dominated by the ionic swelling pressure governed by the osmotic ingress of water. Fibrils with different functionality show the influence of aspect ratio, chemical functionality, and the remaining amount of hemicelluloses. This general model describes physically crosslinked hydrogels comprising fibrils with high flexural rigidity - that is, with a persistence length larger than the mesh size. The experimental technique is a framework to study and understand the importance of fibrillar networks for the evolution of multicellular organisms, like plants, and the influence of different components in plant cell walls.The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation are acknowledged for funding through the Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) and an individual fellowship for Tobias Benselfelt (KAW 2019.0564). Stefan B. Lindstroem works within the Neopulp research profile financed by the Knowledge Foundation, and also thanks SCA for financial support