36 research outputs found
A checklist of scale insects of Slovenia
Η τελευταία φορά που παρουσιάστηκε ένας κατάλογος κοκκοειδών εντόμων που απαντώνται στη Σλοβενία ήταν από τον Franc Janežič (1954) και περιελάμβανε 44 είδη. Με βάση τα στοι- χεία που συλλέχθηκαν από τη βιβλιογραφία και από δικές μας έρευνες, παρουσιάζεται ένας νέος ενημερωμένος κατάλογος κοκκοειδών εντόμων που απαντώνται στην Σλοβενία. Συνολικά 101 είδη από 9 οικογένειες παρουσιάζονται στον νέο κατάλογο: Ortheziidae (1 είδος), Margarodidae (1 είδος), Pseudococcidae (18 είδη), Eriococcidae (8 είδη), Asterolecaniidae (2 είδη), Coccidae (26 είδη), Kermesidae (1 είδος), Cerococcidae (1 είδος) and Diaspididae (43 είδη). Δεκαοχτώ είδη είναι νέα για την εντομολογική πανίδα της Σλοβενίας.The last list of scale insects of Slovenia was compiled by Franc Janežič (1954) and included 44 species. On the basis of data gathered from the literature and from our own faunistic researches, a new list of scale insects recorded from or found in the territory of Slovenia is presented. Altogether 101 species from 9 families are listed here: Ortheziidae (1 species), Margarodidae (1 species), Pseudococcidae (18 species), Eriococcidae (8 species), Asterolecaniidae (2 species), Coccidae (26 species), Kermesidae (1 species), Cerococcidae (1 species) and Diaspididae (43 species). Eighteen are new to the fauna of Slovenia
Preimaginal stages and biology of Bactericera lyrata (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae)
The egg and fifth instar immature of the jumping plant-louse Bactericera lyrata Seljak, Malenovský & Lauterer, 2008 (Hemiptera: Psylloidea: Triozidae) are described and illustrated for the first time based on material collected in Slovenia and reared on Potentilla reptans (Rosaceae) which is confirmed as a host plant. The morphology of the fifth instar immature is compared with closely related species and a key for the identification of the fifth instar immatures of west Palaearctic species of Bactericera Puton, 1876 associated with Rosaceae is provided. Bactericera lyrata has three generations per year in Slovenia with adults overwintering. It is unknown whether they migrate to conifers. The colour dimorphism of adults of the summer and overwintering generations is illustrated and briefly discussed
Migration of Scaphoideus titanus Ball from the surrounding vineyards into the nursery
A one-year study of the mobility of leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus Ball (ST), vector of Flavescence dorée phytoplasma, was conducted in 2009 and included three Slovenian nurseries in the Primorska winegrowing region, as well as two Italian and one Swiss nursery, and was aiming at evaluating the risk of spreading ST with vine propagating material. The presence of ST was monitored by the means of yellow sticky traps that were placed at three distances in the nurseries and the nearby vineyards on three parallel lines (replicates). The traps were equidistantly placed from the nurseries and vineyards borders in order to determine the possible distance gradient. The monitoring started in the latest nymphal stages (middle of June) and terminated in the first decade of October. Insecticide treatments with deltamethrin (Decis 2.5 EC) were applied in nurseries, according to the instructions for use and recommendations for suppression of ST. On all Slovenian plots in the vineyards, the population level of ST was high (1796 adults in average / vineyard or 18 adults per trap / week), which indicated a great migration potential of the vector towards the nurseries. Catches were very low (54 adults in average / nursery or 0.4 adults / trap / week) on two nurseries plots (Lože and Slap), although high numbers of ST adults were caught in the adjacent untreated vineyards. On the Poreče nursery plot, insecticide treatments were not sufficient to avoid high numbers of ST catches (in total 481 adults or 3 adults / trap / week). This could be related to the sub-optimal timing of the first insecticide treatment and/or migration of adults from two nearby untreated vineyards located at a distance of 70 and 150 m. The distance between the nurseries and vineyards did not affect ST catches in the nurseries.Z namenom preučitve nevarnosti širjenja prenašalca zlate trsne rumenice z razmnoževalnim materialom vinske trte smo v letu 2009 izvedli raziskavo mobilnosti ameriškega škržatka (Scaphoideus titanus Ball) (ST) v treh trsnicah v vinorodni deželi Primorska. V manjšem obsegu je bil poskus izveden tudi pri partnerskih institucijah v Italiji in Švici. Zastopanost in nalet ST smo ugotavljali z rumenimi lepljivimi ploščami, ki so bile postavljene na treh različnih razdaljah od roba trsnice in vinogradov v 3 vzporednih ponovitvah. S postavitvijo lepljivih plošč v enakomernih razmakih od roba trsnice in vinogradov v globino smo želeli ugotoviti morebitni gradient naleta. Z monitoringom naleta smo začeli, ko je bil škodljivec v 5. stadiju ličinke (sredi junija) in ga zaključili v prvi dekadi oktobra. Tretiranje z deltametrinom (Decis 2.5 EC) je bilo izvedeno v trsnici, skladno z navodili za uporabo insekticida in s priporočili za zatiranje ST. Populacija ST v vinogradih je bila na vseh treh lokacija v Sloveniji visoka (v povprečju 1796 odraslih osebkov / vinograd oziroma 18 osebkov / ploščo / teden), kar je predstavljalo velik migracijski potencial prenašalca proti trsnicam. Kljub visoki populaciji ST v bližnjih vinogradih je bilo število ujetih ST v trsnicah na lokaciji Slap in Lože nizko (v povprečju 54 osebkov / trsnico oziroma 0,4 osebka / ploščo / teden). Število ujetih odraslih osebkov na lokaciji Poreče je bilo kljub tretiranju z insekticidom visoko (skupno 481 osebkov ali 3 osebki / ploščo / teden). Vzrok za to gre iskati v neustreznem času prvega tretiranja z insekticidom ali v dodatnem naletu ST iz bližnjih vinogradov, ki so bili oddaljeni 70 in 150 m. Razdalja med trsnico in vinogradom ni vplivala na število ujetih ST v trsnici
Prvi nalaz strane vrste Chymomyza amoena [Diptera: Drosophilidae] u Hrvatskoj
The alien species Chymomyza amoena (Loew 1862) is recorded in Croatia for the first time. This phytophagous drosophilid native to North America was first discovered in Europe in 1975 in the former Czechoslovakia. C. amoena breeds in parasitized fruits and nuts damaged from primary pest attack. It is considered to be the principal drosophilid with this kind of developmental habits in both North America and Europe. The currently known host plants, species morphology and biology, the location of the first finding and possible ways of expanding in the territory of Croatia are briefly reviewed. This work provides new insights into distribution of C. amoena in Europe.Strana vrsta Chymomyza amoena (Loew 1862) zabilježena je prvi puta u Hrvatskoj. Ova fitofagna vrsta octene muhe porijeklom iz Sjeverne Amerike otkrivena je u Europi 1975. godine na području nekadašnje Čehoslovačke, a već 1980. godine zabilježena u dvije nama susjedne države (Mađarskoj i Srbiji). Smatra se da se C. amoena proširila uvozom jabuke iz Amerike u Europu, a velik broj dostupnih biljaka domaćina (domaće jabuke, engleski hrast te europski kesten) zaslužan je za široku rasprostranjenost vrste u Europi. U radu se navode biljke domaćini, morfologija i biologija vrste, lokalitet prvog pronalaska, te se prognozira širenje vrste na području Hrvatske. C. amoena razvija se u različitim vrstama orašastih, jezgričavih i koštićavih plodova oštećenim od primarnih štetnika, te se smatra jedinom vrstom octene muhe s ovakvim razvojnim navikama u Sjevernoj Americi i Europi. Poznati domaćini u Europi su šumske vrste (kesten i hrast crnika) te voćne vrste (jabuka, divlja trešnja i šljiva). C. amoena ne pričinjava primarne štete u uzgoju, stoga se ne smatra štetnikom u poljoprivredi i šumarstvu. Dva primjerka vrste pronađena su tijekom 2016. godine u vinogradu na području Međimurske županije okruženim šumom i zapuštenim voćnjakom jabuke. S obzirom da je Međimurska županija poznata voćarska regija, a u relativnoj blizini u okolici Medvednice, Hrvatskom zagorju i Samoborskom gorju nalaze se i kestenove sastojine, pretpostavlja se da bi vrsta mogla biti proširena na području Sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, te na drugim sastojinama pitomog kestena u Hrvatskoj. Rad predstavlja prvi nalaz vrste C. amoena na području Hrvatske, te pruža nove uvide o rasprostranjenosti vrste u Europi
Aponychus corpuzae Rimando 1966 (Acari: Tetranychidae) a new noneuropean species of spider mite on bamboo in Croatia
Aponychus corpuzae Rimando 1966 orijentalna je i istočno-palearktička vrsta grinje nađena prvi put u Hrvatskoj u kolovozu 2015. na biljkama bambusa (Phyllostachys sp.) u Poreču. Na bambusu nisu uočeni simptomi napada, ali pregledom listova s pomoću lupe nađene su na naličju neobične narančaste grinje, plosnatoga tijela s vrlo dugim nogama. Laboratorijskom analizom u uzorku listova determinirana je neeuropska vrsta A. corpuzae. To je umjereno polifagna vrsta koja iskazuje preferenciju prema različitim vrstama bambusa. Na području Zapadnog Palearktika, A. corpuzae zabilježena je samo u Sloveniji i
Italiji.Aponychus corpuzae Rimando 1966 is an Oriental and East-Palearctic spider mite species. In Croatia it was first recorded on bamboo (Phyllostachys sp.) in August 2015 in Poreč. No damage was observed on bamboo plants, but orange mites with unusual flat appearance and very long legs were detected by visual inspection of leaves using the magnifying lens. An alien species A. corpuzae was identified by the laboratory analysis of collected leaf samples. It is moderately polyphagous species that prefers different bamboos as host plants. So far, A. corpuzae was recorded in the West-Palearctic region only in Slovenia and Italy
Crape myrtle aphid Sarucallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy 1906) and tulip-tree aphid Illinoia liriodendri (Monell 1879) – pests in urban areas
U sklopu faunističkih istraživanja na ukrasnom bilju u 2014. zabilježene su u urbanim sredinama dvije nove vrste lisnih uši u Hrvatskoj: lisna uš lagerstremije Sarucallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy 1906) i lisna uš liriodendrona Illinoia liriodendri (Monell 1879) (Masten Milek et al., 2015; Pintar et al., 2015). Daljnjim istraživanjima lisna uš lagerstremije tijekom 2014. i 2015. zabilježena je na ovim lokacijama: Poreč, Rovinj, Šibenik, Dubrovnik, Turanj, Sakarun - Dugi otok, Dubrava-Šibenik i Vela Luka - Korčula. Lisna uš lagerstremije napada primarno biljke iz roda Lagerstroemia (L.), no može se naći i na biljkama iz roda Lawsonia (L.). Vrsta je podrijetlom iz jugoistočne Azije. Danas je široko rasprostranjena u svijetu. Lisna uš liriodendrona hrani se na biljci liriodendrona (Liriodendron tulipifera (L.)). Vrsta potječe iz Sjeverne Amerike. Također je široko rasprostranjena u svijetu. Tu lisnu uš za sada nismo zabilježili na novim lokacijama. Lisna uš lagerstremije i lisna uš liriodendrona strane su vrste za Europu (DAISIE, 2009).Within the fanunistic investigation on ornamental plants in 2014, two new aphids were recorded in Croatia: crape myrtle aphid Sarucallis kahawaluokalani (Kirkaldy 1906) and tulip -tree aphid Illinoia liriodendri (Monell 1879) (Masten Milek et al., 2015; Pintar et al., 2015). In further investigation, during 2014 and 2015, crape myrtle aphid was found in Poreč, Rovinj, Šibenik, Dubrovnik, Turanj, Sakarun - Dugi Otok, Dubrava-Šibenik and Vela Luka - Kor čula. It feeds on ornamental plants from Lagerstroemia (L.) and Lawsonia (L.) genera. Aphid originates from Southeast Asia but has spread throughout the world. Tulip-tree aphid feeds on Liriodendron tulipifera (L.). It originates from North America. Aphid has been spreading across Europe and Asia. Till now, in Croatia it has been recorded only in Poreč. Crape myrtle aphid and tulip-tree aphid are alien to Europe (DAISIE, 2009)
The Drosophilid Fauna (Diptera, Drosophilidae) of IPM Vineyards in Croatia
The drosophilid fauna was studied in two integrated production vineyards in the northern part of Croatia (Međimurje County). The flies were sampled using apple vinegar trap during the autumn of 2016. A total of 317 drosophilid individuals belonging to eight species and two genera were collected. Seven species come from the genus Drosophila Fallen 1823, while only one came from the genus Chymomyza Czerny 1903. The most abundant species, with 69% of the total catch, was Drosophila suzukii (Matsamura, 1931) followed by Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, 1919 (19%) and Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830 (6%). Four species were characterized as alien to Europe (Chymomyza amoena (Loew 1862); Drosophila immigrans Sturtevant, 1921; Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila suzukii). Invasive alien species, D. suzukii, first recorded in Croatia in 2010, has become the dominant species in the investigated area. Results from this research represent the first faunistic insights of the family Drosophilidae in Croatian agroecosystems
Contribution to the Auchenorrhyncha fauna of the Pálava Protected Landscape Area (Czech Republic): (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha et Cicadomorpha)
Ein Beitrag zur Zikadenfauna des Landschaftsschutzgebiets Pálava (Tschechische Republik). – Es wird eine Liste der Zikadenarten präsentiert, die im Rahmen der Exkursionen zur 17. Mitteleuropäischen Zikadentagung in Mikulov, Süd-Mähren, Tschechische Republik im August 2010 gesammelt wurden. Insgesamt konnten 133 Arten an den 4 Untersuchungsstandorten nachgewiesen werden. Eine Art, Macrosteles spinosus Kwon, 2013, wurde zum ersten Mal in der Tschechischen Republik nachgewiesen, 34 Arten sind neu für die Fauna des Landschaftsschutzgebiets Pálava und das Biosphärenreservat Dolní Morava. Naturschutzfachlich wertvoll ist das Gebiet aufgrund des Vorkommens vieler seltener, stenotoper Zikadenarten, insbesondere von Besiedlern der Trockenrasen, der offenen, trocken-warmen Buschvegetation und der letzten Binnensalzstellen.A list of Auchenorrhyncha species collected from field excursions during the 17th Central-European Auchenorrhyncha Meeting held in Mikulov, South Moravia, Czech Republic in August 2010 is given. A total of 133 species was recorded at four sites. One species, Macrosteles spinosus Kwon, 2013, is recorded for the first time for the Czech Republic and 34 species are new records for the fauna of the Pálava Protected Landscape Area and the Dolní Morava Biosphere Reserve. The area is valuable from a nature conservation viewpoint for the occurrence of many rare stenotopic Auchenorrhyncha species associated particularly with dry grassland vegetation, open xerothermic woodland and remnants of inland saltmarshes
Check list of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on host plants of genus Quercus L. in Croatia, with emphasis on the first record of kermes berry – Kermes vermilio Planchon, 1864
SažetakPopis štitastih uši na domaćinima iz roda Quercus L. sastavljen je od svih dostupnih literaturnih podataka faunističkih istraživanja štitastih uši u Hrvatskoj i podataka faunističkih istraživanja koja su trajala od 2005. do 2014. Prema literaturnim podacima u Hrvatskoj registrirano je 15 vrsta štitastih uši na hrastu. Istraživanjima je utvrđeno 12 vrsta štitastih uši, od kojih je u odnosu na vrste iz literaturnih podataka registrirano šest novih. U ovom trenutku popis štitastih uši na hrastovima obuhvaća 21 vrstu iz četiri porodice kako slijedi: porodica Asterolecanidae: Asterodiaspis ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti 1888), A. quercicola (Bouche 1851), A. variolosa (Ratzeburg 1870), porodica Coccidae: Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus 1758, Eulecanium tiliae (Linnaeus 1758), Parthenolecanium rufulum Cockerell 1903, Pulvinaria sericea (Fourcroy 1785), porodica Diaspididae: Chionaspis etrusca Leonardi 1908, C. lepineyi Balachowsky 1928, C. salicis (Linnaeus 1758), Diaspidiotus alni (Marchal 1909), D. bavaricus (Lindinger 1912), D. ostreaeformis (Curtis 1843), D. zonatus (Frauenfeld 1868), Gonaspidiotus minimus (Leonardi in: Berlese & Leonardi 1896), Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman 1869), L. ulmi (Linnaeus 1758), Targionia vitis (Signoret 1876) i porodica Kermesidae: Kermes quercus (Linnaeus 1758), K. roboris (Fourcroy 1785) i K. vermilio Planchon 1864.U srpnju 2014. godine, zamijećeno je propadanje hrasta crnike u Poreču. Nakon što je obavljen vizualni pregled, uzeti su uzorci. Dijagnostička analiza, koja je obavljena u Laboratoriju za zoologiju Zavoda za zaštitu bilja, pokazala je da se radi o štitastoj uši crnike K. vermilio. Budući da je ovo prvi nalaz K. vermilio u Hrvatskoj, vrstu možemo smatrati novim članom hrvatske entomofaune. Ova štitasta uš napada zimzelene domaćine iz roda Quercus, ponajprije Quercus ilex L. Široko je rasprostranjena u zemljama Mediteranskog bazena. U prošlosti, štitasta uš K. vermilio imala je značajnu gospodarsku važnost kao izvor crvene boje za tkaninu, no danas ima status invazivnog gospodarski značajnog štetnika.Check-list of scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) on host plants of genus Quercus L. comprises all available literature data on faunistic research of scale insects in Croatia, as well as data from the research conducted from 2005 to 2014. Published data on former faunistic research from the following authors have been used: Balachowsky (1950), Kovačević (1961), Kozár (1983), Langhoffer (1927, 1929), Lindinger (1912), Schmidt (1956, 1973) and Žak-Ogaza (1967). Each listed species was matched with a corresponding name, according to current systematics (Ben Dov et al., 2014). Following materials and methods were used in conducted research: visual inspections, collecting of plant material, storing and preservation of samples, analysis of samples under stereomicroscope, preparation of microscopic slides and identification of species. Samples were collected according to the method by Gill (1993). Analysis of collected samples was done under ZEISS Discovery V12 stereomicroscope with appurtenant AxioCam ERc5s digital camera. 70% ethyl alcohol, potassium hydroxide, lactic acid, fuchsine acid, lignin pink, acetic acid and clove oil were used in processing of scale insects’ samples. Permanent microscopic slides (photo 2) were prepared using clove oil, accordingly to Kosztarab & Kozár, 1988 and Gill, 1993. Identification of scale insect species was conducted using identification keys by Balachowsky, 1950, Borchsenius, 1960, Gill, 1993 and Pellizzari et al., 2012, compound microscope OLYMPUS BX 51 (with 4x, 10x, 20x, 40x and 100x magnification lens and 10x magnification ocular) and OLYMPUS DP25 digital camera. Based on literature data, 15 species of scale insects have been registered on oak trees (table 1). Faunistic investigation of scale insects in period from 2005 to 2014 established 12 species of scale insects. When compared to literature data, 6 new species have been registered (table 2). Currently, the check-list of scale insects on oak trees in Croatia comprises 21 species belonging to 4 families: family Asterolecanidae: Asterodiaspis ilicicola (Targioni Tozzetti 1888), A. quercicola (Bouche 1851), A. variolosa (Ratzeburg 1870), family Coccidae: Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus 1758, Eulecanium tiliae (Linnaeus 1758), Parthenolecanium rufulum Cockerell 1903, Pulvinaria sericea (Fourcroy 1785), family Diaspididae: Chionaspis etrusca Leonardi 1908, C. lepineyi Balachowsky 1928, C. salicis (Linnaeus 1758), Diaspidiotus alni (Marchal 1909), D. bavaricus (Lindinger 1912), D. ostreaeformis (Curtis 1843), D. zonatus (Frauenfeld 1868), Gonaspidiotus minimus (Leonardi in: Berlese & Leonardi 1896), Lepidosaphes beckii (Newman 1869), L. ulmi (Linnaeus 1758), Targionia vitis (Signoret 1876) and family Kermesidae: Kermes quercus (Linnaeus 1758), K. roboris (Fourcroy 1785) and K. vermilio Planchon 1864 (table 3). A. ilicicola had the highest number of appearing, followed by P. rufulum (graph 1). On host species from the genus Quercus, species from the family Diaspidide were dominant, followed by Asterolecanidae, Coccidae and Kermesidae (graph 2). In July 2014 mass occurrence of scale insect K. vermilio and symptoms of its infestation were registered on evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) in the town of Poreč (photo 2). Visual inspections were conducted and samples were collected. Diagnostic analysis based on morphological characteristics was carried out and it resulted in identification of scale insect K. vermilio (photo 1). K. vermilio is a new member of Croatian entomofauna, whose host plants are evergreen species belonging to the genus Quercus, primarily evergreen oak
Biological control of invasive Dryocosmus kuriphilus with introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis in Croatia, Slovenia and Hungary
Background and purpose: Dryocosmus kuriphilus is considered as one of the major pests of sweet chestnut and the effective method of controlling its populations and damage is the biological control with its introduced parasitoid Torymus sinensis. T. sinensis is a univoltine, host specific parasitoid, phenologically synchronized and morphologically adapted to D. kuriphilus. It has a good dispersal ability, it builds up populations quickly and it effectively controls the pest already few years after the release. In this paper we describe the first results of the introduction and release of T. sinensis for controlling the populations of invasive D. kuriphilus in sweet chestnut forests and orchards in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia.
Materials and methods: Withered D. kuriphilus galls with T. sinensis larvae were collected in Torino vicinities, Italy, in March 2014 and March 2015. After emergence, males and females were put together, kept at 14°C and fed with liquid honey until the release. To confirm the establishment of the population of T. sinensis on release site from 2014 in Croatia morphological and DNA identification were used. Fresh galls from the release site of Pazin, Croatia were collected in spring 2015 and parasitism rates of T. sinensis were calculated.
Results and conclusions: In total 10,590 females and 5,295 males of T. sinensis were released in sweet chestnut forests in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia in 2014 and 2015. The minimum release number of T. sinensis was 100 females/50 males and the maximum was 1,200 females per site. Subsequent releases with a larger number of females (1,200 and 800 in two years) resulted in a rapid establishment of the population of T. sinensis and parasitism rates of 76% only one year after the first release was done. The establishment of the population of T. sinensis was confirmed with molecular analyses and morphological identification. Obtained haplotype sequences of T. sinensis have shown similarities with Torymus beneficus. Prior to the release of T. sinensis, all advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of this alien biocontrol species into natural stands in Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia have been considered