22 research outputs found

    Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields In The Home

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    Attention has recently focused on the low frequency electromagnetic fields in homes. Public are interested in knowing the domestic EMF fields to help determine whether exposure to these fields causes ill health and, in particular, to provide measure of the EMF environment for an epidemiological survey. Information on the sources of home electromagnetic fields and their characteristics will be needed in order to assess longterm or past exposure to such fields and to evaluate effective methods for modifying the levels of fields should that become necessary. Residential measurement consist of a series of spot readings recorded inside frequently occupied rooms. Each spot measurement consists of a single maximum magnetic flux reading recorded by a direct reading instrument at a fixed location and time. Magnetic field recordings in different locations and current readings in different conductors associated with each residence over a one day time period is successfully done. Residential magnetic field sources are identified: nearby transmission and distribution lines, residential grounding system currents, and unusual wiring configurations. Appliance, as magnetic field sources, were also measured. The purpose of this paper is to put into perspective the dominant magnetic fields to which people are exposed at home. The extensive data presented are useful for understanding variations of field levels that can be encountered in various places and for estimating possible residential exposure levels

    Power-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields In The Home

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    Attention has recently focused on the low frequency electromagnetic fields in homes. Public are interested in knowing the domestic EMF fields to help determine whether exposure to these fields causes ill health and, in particular, to provide measure of the EMF environment for an epidemiological survey. Information on the sources of home electromagnetic fields and their characteristics will be needed in order to assess longterm or past exposure to such fields and to evaluate effective methods for modifying the levels of fields should that become necessary. Residential measurement consist of a series of spot readings recorded inside frequently occupied rooms. Each spot measurement consists of a single maximum magnetic flux reading recorded by a direct reading instrument at a fixed location and time. Magnetic field recordings in different locations and current readings in different conductors associated with each residence over a one day time period is successfully done. Residential magnetic field sources are identified: nearby transmission and distribution lines, residential grounding system currents, and unusual wiring configurations. Appliance, as magnetic field sources, were also measured. The purpose of this paper is to put into perspective the dominant magnetic fields to which people are exposed at home. The extensive data presented are useful for understanding variations of field levels that can be encountered in various places and for estimating possible residential exposure levels

    Plant growth-promoting microorganisms as biocontrol agents of plant diseases: Mechanisms, challenges and future perspectives

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    Plant diseases and pests are risk factors that threaten global food security. Excessive chemical pesticide applications are commonly used to reduce the effects of plant diseases caused by bacterial and fungal pathogens. A major concern, as we strive toward more sustainable agriculture, is to increase crop yields for the increasing population. Microbial biological control agents (MBCAs) have proved their efficacy to be a green strategy to manage plant diseases, stimulate plant growth and performance, and increase yield. Besides their role in growth enhancement, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria/fungi (PGPR/PGPF) could suppress plant diseases by producing inhibitory chemicals and inducing immune responses in plants against phytopathogens. As biofertilizers and biopesticides, PGPR and PGPF are considered as feasible, attractive economic approach for sustainable agriculture; thus, resulting in a “win-win” situation. Several PGPR and PGPF strains have been identified as effective BCAs under environmentally controlled conditions. In general, any MBCA must overcome certain challenges before it can be registered or widely utilized to control diseases/pests. Successful MBCAs offer a practical solution to improve greenhouse crop performance with reduced fertilizer inputs and chemical pesticide applications. This current review aims to fill the gap in the current knowledge of plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM), provide attention about the scientific basis for policy development, and recommend further research related to the applications of PGPM used for commercial purposes