13 research outputs found

    Influence of electrical stimulation on regeneration of the radial nerve in dogs

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    The effects of biphasic electric fields on nerve regeneration that follows injury to the left radial nerve were studied in dogs by electromyography (EMG). Left and right radial nerves were crushed with a serrated haemostat. Stimulating electrodes were positioned proximally and distally to the site of the injury. The left nerves received rectangular, biphasic and current pulses (30 µA, 0.5 Hz) through the injury for two months. The right radial nerves were treated as controls and regenerated without electrical stimulation. EMG activities were recorded intramuscularly from the left and right musculus extensor digitalis communis (MEDC). Results obtained at the end of the two-month stimulation period showed a significant difference in EMG activity between the left (stimulated) and the right (non-stimulated) MEDC, suggesting that electrical treatment enhanced nerve regeneration

    Phytosociological analysis of European larch forests in the Southeastern Alps

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    Using the (unweighted) average linkage clustering (UPGMA) method we classified 458 phytosociological relevés of Larix decidua forests in the Southeastern Alps into 25 clusters. Based on their analysis we described the following new subassociations: Rhodothamno-Laricetum deciduae geetosum rivalis, sorbetosum chamaemespili, piceetosum abietis, adoxetosum moschatellinae, cystopteridetosum fragilis, cyclaminetosum purpurascentis, dryadetosum octopetalae and sorbetosum ariae. The selected method proved adequate in identifying the differences between larch stands on potential subalpine spruce and beech sites, and larch forests on the upper forest line, as well as the differences between initial larch stages on the upper forest line and more stable development stages on better developed soils on promontories and ledges above the upper beech forest line. Larch forests occur mainly in the altitudinal belt between (1,500) 1,600 and 1,800 (1,900) m, on shady aspects and slopes that are steeper than 30°. They are some of the best preserved forest types in the Southeastern Alps, on smaller surface areas (Macesnje above the Beli Potok valley in the Julian Alps) even virgin forests, and their role as biotopes is exceptional

    Habitat monitoring in Europe: a description of current practices

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    Monitoring of biodiversity at the level of habitats is becoming increasingly common. Here we describe current practices in habitat monitoring based on 150 schemes in Europe. Most schemes were initiated after 1990 in response to EU nature directives or habitat management/restoration actions, with funding mostly from European or national sources. Schemes usually monitor both the spatial distribution and the quality of the habitats, and they frequently collect data on environmental parameters and potential causes of changes. Many schemes are local or regional rather than national or international in scope, and sampling effort varies greatly across spatial and temporal scales. Experimental design is used in half of the schemes, however, data are rarely analysed by advanced statistics. Most schemes require two months or less per year in manpower and are typically run by professionals rather than by volunteers. Estimated salaries plus equipment costs average 650,000 Euro per year per scheme, and add up to 80 million Euros annually. Costs are particularly high for schemes based on European or international law and for schemes funded by European or national sources. Costs are also high in schemes in which sampling sites are selected subjectively rather than based on sampling theory, and in schemes that do not use field mapping or remote sensing to document spatial variation in habitats. Our survey demonstrates promising developments in European habitat monitoring but also underlines the need for better spatial coverage, documentation of spatial variaton, improved sampling design and advanced data analysis. Such improvements are essential if we are to judge progress towards the 2010 biodiversity targets

    Aquatic and Wetland Vegetation Along the Sava River

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    Diverse hydrological, climate, and soil conditions along the Sava River caused significant diversification of vegetation. Therefore, the objective of this chapter is to integrate and present all the available data on variability of the aquatic and riparian plant communities along the Sava River and its main tributaries as well as to identify the environmental factors, which are related to the distribution of different vegetation types. Special attention has been also paid on the detection of threats for rare and endangered plant species and fragile wetland ecosystems along the Sava River. Based on data review, syntaxonomic revision of aquatic and riparian vegetation based on common, pan-European databank is required. Ecological studies that involve inventory, monitoring, modeling, and prediction of changes in populations, ecological communities, and ecosystems require both georeferenced databases and computational tools for application of statistical methods.Milačič R, Ščančar J, Paunović M, editors. The Sava River. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 2015. p. 249-316