245 research outputs found

    A model of case implementation and an experience of unsuccessful case adoption

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    Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) is a revolutionary technology that seeks to automate the software development process. Current literature reports on many successes of CASE adoption Despite of such successes, many organisations are experiencing difficulties in implementing CASE technology . Even many powerful CASE tools have become 'shelfware'. It is argued that the benefits of CASE are unlikely to be realised, unless it is introduced based on a sound implementation plan This article presents a conceptual model to introduce CASE technology within a MIS department Such a plan faciliiaus change in software culture and management practice and enables management to deal with confusion and skepticism prior to its occurrence. Furthermore, a case study is described that focuses on a CASE implementation that failed to achieve its purpose The reasons for the failure are critically examined and explained in the light of the model

    Mobile agent routing for query retrieval using genetic algorithm

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    Mobile agents often have a task to collect data from several predefined sites.This should be done in an efficient way by minimizing the elapsed time.Usually these agents only know the list of sites but not the distances between them.This paper proposes a method to minimize a network routing time taken by the mobile agents to collect information from different sites using genetic algorithm (GA).The mobile agents repeat travelling over short routes and avoid longer ones.Mobile agents for query retrieval have used the GA to select the best routes that minimize the query retrieval time.The result shows that the proposed method provides good time minimization in retrieving the query results by the mobile agents based on different GA parameters

    Effect of extraction methods on yield, oxidative value, phytosterols and antioxidant content of cocoa butter

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    Cocoa beans are rich in numbers of beneficial bioactive compounds such as phenolics and phytosterols, which benefits to human being. The suitable extraction method is needed to produce high quality and quantity of cocoa butter and other bioactive compounds. There are many extraction method to extract these compounds such as Soxhlet extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, ultrasound extraction method and others. The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the different extraction methods producing high yields of cocoa butter, lower oxidative value, stable phytosterols and antioxidant content. The cocoa beans were subjected to different extraction methods such as Soxhlet extraction (SE), Ultrasonic extraction method (USE), Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) and Supercritical carbon dioxide with co-solvent (SCO2-Ethanol). Cocoa butter extracted using SCO2-Ethanol has significantly (p<0.05) obtained highest cocoa butter yield (37.05%) and phytosterols content (6441 μg/g of extract) compared to SE (28.87% and 4960 μg/g of extract), SCO2 (31.32% and 5492 μg/g of extract) and USE (34.81% and 5106 μg/g of extract). Meanwhile, the oxidative value of SCO2-Ethanol was significantly (p<0.05) obtained lowest value compared to other extraction methods. Extraction method are crucial in cocoa industry to minimise the cost during processing, obtain maximum extraction yield and preserve the bioactive compounds thus will improve the value of cocoa butter improve the value of cocoa butter

    Effects of meat preheating and wrapping on the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in charcoal-grilled meat.

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    The contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs by thermally treated high-protein foods, such as charcoal-grilled meat products, is due to the generation by direct pyrolysis of food nutrients and the direct deposition of PAHs from smoke produced through incomplete combustion of the thermal agents. This study investigated the effects on the PAH (BaP, BbFln and Fln) contents by using two different types of treatments, preheating (steam and microwave) and wrapping (aluminium and banana leaf) of the meat samples prior to charcoal grilling. PAHs were extracted through tandem solid-phase extraction. The results showed that the applied preheating and wrapping treatments on the samples strongly affect the PAHs levels in the charcoal-grilled meat. No carcinogenic PAHs (BaP and BbFln) were detected in the samples after steam and microwave preheating or aluminium wrapping treatments. Significant reductions of Fln content, of up to 46% and 81% in beef and chicken samples, respectively, were observed in the study

    Improved crowd psychological model and control

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    The behavior of human crowd is an interesting phenomenon in which individuals are set as a collection that comprises of a highly dynamic social group. The crowd behaviors have been investigated by researchers over the years. Recent works include the study in modeling and controlling of the dynamic psychological behavior of crowds such as students’ behavior in a classroom or people’s behavior in a one-dimensional queue. In this paper, an improved version of the psychological crowd model has been proposed, where the social interaction between two individuals in a crowd is represented by a weightage, called the weight of social interaction. It has been shown that the inclusion of the social interaction weight has allowed social interactions between individuals to be included and results in a more accurate representation of the crowd’s psychological factors propagations. Since the psychological dynamics of crowd is naturally unstable, this paper also discusses the application of two nonlinear control approaches to stabilise the crowd to make it calm. Results show that for a crowd of n number of agents, the single-agent controller gives similar performance with the n-agent controller but with much less resources. The simulation results also show that it takes less amount of time to stabilise a crowd when the crowd model includes social interaction weights

    Immobilisation of cocoa aspartic endoprotease

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    Karakterisasi 3d Substrat Bentik Perairan Karang Pulau Bonetambung Makassar

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    The objective of this study is to characterize benthic substrate of Bonetambung reef area using worldview 2 highresolution satellite imagery. About 14.273 depth spot were deploy to build bathimetric model of the study area. The correlation of pixel radiance value from satellite imagery and depth value from field measurement werebecame the basis to classify geomorphologic zone of shallow water area up to 7 meter depth. Between threeinterpolator tested, the natural neighbor interpolator has produced the best bathymetric model with root meansquare error 0.3 meter and benthic substrate coverage model with thematic accuracy 62%. These approach beable to recognize four substrate type in general, such as sand, seagrass, rubble and coral. Geomorphicsegmentation based on bathymetric profile and radiance value of worldview 2 imagery may also maps the reefflat, reef slope and lagoon area hence may support the benthic substrate modeling. This study showed us apotential technic to develop a modelling for juvenile fish transport at Bonetambung coral waters

    Carbon-Polyol Coating Using Carbon Produced From Palm Kernel Cake (PKC)

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    In our quest to create awareness in using renewable, sustainable natural resources and efficient waste management, palm kernel cake (PKC) which is the waste from the palm industries was used in preparation of Carbon-polyol coating. PKC was subjected to pyrolisis process and the carbon residue obtained was used as a black pigment. In this work modified Polyol was used as the binder for its ideal properties as vehicle to produce good opacity of paint. Various carbon-polyol dispersant with different weight compositions (wt%) of carbon prepared and tested against its respective rheological properties in order to determine ideal paint/ink system. Two different types of paper material (Brown paper B and white paper W) were chosen as a substrate and characterised. Each of the paper was then proofed with Carbon-polyol using palm kernel carbon (PKC) and commercial carbon (PURE_C). Lightfastness test was carried out on the paper specimens and the results on the total colour difference (dE) are obtained. It was found that the total colour change (dE) in specimens using brown paper (B) coated with Carbon polyol coating using carbon derived from palm kernel carbon (PKC_B) and the commercial carbon (PURE_C_B) is within 10%. The other two specimens, using white paper (PKC_W and PURE_C_W), the total colour change (dE) is 17%. It is expected that the coating system has the potential application in paint or ink. Key words: Carbon-Polyol; Palm Kernal Cake (PKC); Colourant; Lightfast; Coatin


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    Kanker serviks merupakan masalah kesehatan yang menyerang wanita dan angka kematian masih tinggi. Angka kejadian kanker serviks dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, setidaknya ada 15.000 kasus wanita yang terinfeksi kanker serviks di Indonesia. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus kontrol. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah wanita usia 35 tahun yang tercatat di poli obstetri ginekologi rumah sakit umum pusat dr kariadi. Teknik sampling menggunakan consecutive sampling berjumlah 41 kasus dan 41 kontrol. Analisa data menggunakan Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan riwayat melahirkan merupakan faktor risiko kejadian kanker serviks (p value 0,008 OR 3,733 95%CI 1,496-9,318) dan riwayat merokok bukan merupakan faktor risiko kejadian kanker serviks (p value 0,356 OR 4,324 95%CI 0,462-40,476). Hasil analisis secara keseluruhan menunjukkan bahwa riwayat mmelahirkan ≥3 kali merupakan faktor risiko kejadian kanker serviks pada wanita usia 35 tahun. Kata Kunci : Kanker serviks, Riwayat Melahirkan, Meroko

    Effect of organic acid ingredients in marinades containing different types of sugar on the formation of heterocyclic amines in grilled chicken

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    The aim of the study was to determine the use of alternative organic acids in formulating marinade ingredients to reduce heterocyclic amines (HCA) in grilled chicken (satay). Samples were marinated with table sugar, brown sugar, and honey with the addition of tamarind, lemon, lime, and calamansi for 24 h at 4 °C. The pH readings before and after marinating were measured. HCA concentrations before and after grilling were quantified. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the combined HCAs among the control and marinated grilled chickens. Using lemon in marinades containing table sugar, concentrations of DiMeIQx were significantly reduced (p < 0.006) from 16.5 ng/g (low) to 8.30 ng/g for (high) concentrations of organic acid ingredients. The mean pH of the treated samples was significantly lower (p<0.05) than in the control samples. Calamansi was found to reduce HCAs in marinades containing table sugar and brown sugar, whereas tamarind in marinades containing honey