840 research outputs found

    Local Magnetization in the Boundary Ising Chain at Finite Temperature

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    We study the local magnetization in the 2-D Ising model at its critical temperature on a semi-infinite cylinder geometry, and with a nonzero magnetic field hh applied at the circular boundary of circumference β\beta. This model is equivalent to the semi-infinite quantum critical 1-D transverse field Ising model at temperature Tβ1T \propto \beta^{-1}, with a symmetry-breaking field h\propto h applied at the point boundary. Using conformal field theory methods we obtain the full scaling function for the local magnetization analytically in the continuum limit, thereby refining the previous results of Leclair, Lesage and Saleur in Ref. \onlinecite{Leclair}. The validity of our result as the continuum limit of the 1-D lattice model is confirmed numerically, exploiting a modified Jordan-Wigner representation. Applications of the result are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure


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    Kabupaten Minahasa adalah salah satu kabupaten yang berada di provinsi Sulawesi utara dimana wilayah tersebut memiliki topografi dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng diatas 40%. Bencana tanah longsor adalah salah satu bencana alam yang cukup sering terjadi di kabupaten Minahasa, namun sering kali ditemukan di lapangan permukiman-permukiman warga yang berada pada tingkat kemiringan lereng diatas 40% selalin itu pada kondisi lahan tersebut juga sering dijadikan sebagai lahan pertanian. Maka dari itu dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi wilayah berpotensi longsor di kabupaten Minahasa serta menentukan seberapa besar tingkat risio bencanan tanah longsor di kabupaten Minahasa. Untuk mencapai hasil dari penelitian ini maka metode yang akan digunakan adalah metode analisis spasial yang dipadukan dengan analisis skoring sesuai dengan Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana nomor 12 tahun 2012 tentang Pengkajian Risiko Bencana. Pada hasil penelitian yang didapat maka sudah dapat dilihat wilayah-wilayah yang memiliki tingkat risiko terjadinya bencana tanah longsor yaitu kecamatan Kakas Barat, kecamatan Kombi, kecamatan Tombulu, dan kecamatan Tondanao Utara yang dimana sebagian besar wilayah dengan tingkat kemiringan lereng diatas 40% selain menjadi lokasi permukiman juga diganakan sebagai lahan pertanianHal yang dapat disimpulkan dalam penelitian ini adalah wilayah-wilayah yang berisiko tinggi mengalamin bencana tanah longsor adalah wilayah-wilayah yang memiliki lahan produktif yang cukup luas di antaranya kecamatan Tombulu, kecamatan Kombi, kecamatan Kakas Baran dan kecamatan Pineleng.Kata Kunci : Risiko, Bencana, Tanah Longso

    Anomalous decay of a prepared state due to non-Ohmic coupling to the continuum

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    We study the decay of a prepared state E0E_0 into a continuum {E_k} in the case of non-Ohmic models. This means that the coupling is Vk,0EkE0s1|V_{k,0}| \propto |E_k-E_0|^{s-1} with s1s \ne 1. We find that irrespective of model details there is a universal generalized Wigner time t0t_0 that characterizes the evolution of the survival probability P0(t)P_0(t). The generic decay behavior which is implied by rate equation phenomenology is a slowing down stretched exponential, reflecting the gradual resolution of the bandprofile. But depending on non-universal features of the model a power-law decay might take over: it is only for an Ohmic coupling to the continuum that we get a robust exponential decay that is insensitive to the nature of the intra-continuum couplings. The analysis highlights the co-existence of perturbative and non-perturbative features in the dynamics. It turns out that there are special circumstances in which t0t_0 is reflected in the spreading process and not only in the survival probability, contrary to the naive linear response theory expectation.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The interaction between colloids in polar mixtures above Tc

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    We calculate the interaction potential between two colloids immersed in an aqueous mixture containing salt near or above the critical temperature. We find an attractive interaction far from the coexistence curve due to the combination of preferential solvent adsorption at the colloids' surface and preferential ion solvation. We show that the ion-specific interaction strongly depends on the amount of salt added as well as on the mixture composition. Our results are in accord with recent experiments. For a highly antagonistic salt of hydrophilic anions and hydrophobic cations, a repulsive interaction at an intermediate inter-colloid distance is predicted even though both the electrostatic and adsorption forces alone are attractive.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    On the algorithmic construction of classifying spaces and the isomorphism problem for biautomatic groups

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    We show that the isomorphism problem is solvable in the class of central extensions of word-hyperbolic groups, and that the isomorphism problem for biautomatic groups reduces to that for biautomatic groups with finite centre. We describe an algorithm that, given an arbitrary finite presentation of an automatic group Γ\Gamma, will construct explicit finite models for the skeleta of K(Γ,1)K(\Gamma,1) and hence compute the integral homology and cohomology of Γ\Gamma.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages

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    © World Scientific Publishing Company. We show that, given an equation over a finitely generated free group, the set of all solutions in reduced words forms an effectively constructible EDT0L language. In particular, the set of all solutions in reduced words is an indexed language in the sense of Aho. The language characterization we give, as well as further questions about the existence or finiteness of solutions, follow from our explicit construction of a finite directed graph which encodes all the solutions. Our result incorporates the recently invented recompression technique of Jez, and a new way to integrate solutions of linear Diophantine equations into the process. As a byproduct of our techniques, we improve the complexity from quadratic nondeterministic space in previous works to NSPACE(n log n) here

    Counting statistics in multiple path geometries and the fluctuations of the integrated current in a quantum stirring device

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    The amount QQ of particles that are transported via a path of motion is characterized by its expectation value and by its variance Var(Q)Var(Q). We analyze what happens if a particle has two optional paths available to get from one site to another site, and in particular what is Var(Q)Var(Q) for the current which is induced in a quantum stirring device. It turns out that coherent splitting and the stirring effect are intimately related and cannot be understood within the framework of the prevailing probabilistic theory.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, published version, Latex Eq# correcte

    Quantum decay into a non-flat continuum

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    We study the decay of a prepared state into non-flat continuum. We find that the survival probability P(t)P(t) might exhibit either stretched-exponential or power-law decay, depending on non-universal features of the model. Still there is a universal characteristic time t0t_0 that does not depend on the functional form. It is only for a flat continuum that we get a robust exponential decay that is insensitive to the nature of the intra-continuum couplings. The analysis highlights the co-existence of perturbative and non-perturbative features in the local density of states, and the non-linear dependence of 1/t01/t_0 on the strength of the coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Top-transmon: hybrid superconducting qubit for parity-protected quantum computation

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    Qubits constructed from uncoupled Majorana fermions are protected from decoherence, but to perform a quantum computation this topological protection needs to be broken. Parity-protected quantum computation breaks the protection in a minimally invasive way, by coupling directly to the fermion parity of the system --- irrespective of any quasiparticle excitations. Here we propose to use a superconducting charge qubit in a transmission line resonator (a socalled transmon) to perform parity-protected rotations and read-out of a topological (top) qubit. The advantage over an earlier proposal using a flux qubit is that the coupling can be switched on and off with exponential accuracy, promising a reduced sensitivity to charge noise.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Velocity correlations in granular materials

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    A system of inelastic hard disks in a thin pipe capped by hot walls is studied with the aim of investigating velocity correlations between particles. Two effects lead to such correlations: inelastic collisions help to build localized correlations, while momentum conservation and diffusion produce long ranged correlations. In the quasi-elastic limit, the velocity correlation is weak, but it is still important since it is of the same order as the deviation from uniformity. For system with stronger inelasticity, the pipe contains a clump of particles in highly correlated motion. A theory with empirical parameters is developed. This theory is composed of equations similar to the usual hydrodynamic laws of conservation of particles, energy, and momentum. Numerical results show that the theory describes the dynamics satisfactorily in the quasi-elastic limit, however only qualitatively for stronger inelasticity.Comment: 12 pages (REVTeX), 15 figures (Postscript). submitted to Phys. Rev.