8 research outputs found


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    Posyandu is a form of community participation in the health sector which is managed by cadres with the target of all members of the community. According to Siswanto (2010), one of the reasons for the lack of visits by toddlers to Posyandu is the lack of trust of mothers in the performance of Posyandu cadres. The aim of the study was to determine the level of satisfaction of mothers with toddlers regarding cadre services at Posyandu Melati, Magekapa Village, the working area of ​​the Maukaro Ende Health Center. The type of research used is descriptive with a survey research design. The population is all mothers under five who were recorded at the beginning of 2020, namely 42 people. The sampling technique is the total population by reason of the limited number of samples. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. The data were then analyzed and reported descriptively. The results showed that 23 people (54.76%) were dissatisfied with pre-activity services by cadres at Posyandu Melati, 27 people (64.29%) were dissatisfied with services during activities by cadres at Posyandu Melati and 25 people (59.52) %) were dissatisfied with post-activity services by cadres at Posyandu Melati. The results of the study concluded that the majority of respondents were dissatisfied with the services of cadres at Posyandu Melati, namely as many as 30 people (71.43%) and the rest were satisfied, namely as many as 12 people (28.57%). Therefore, the Puskesmas is advised to provide training to cadres so that cadres are able to provide optimal service and with a friendly approach to the communit


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    HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B infections are infectious diseases that are still a health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The incidence of mother-to-child transmission ranks 5th highest in Asia. HIV transmission from mother to child is 20-45%, Syphilis transmission from mother to child is 69-80% and Hepatitis B transmission from pregnant women to children is 90-95% (Kemenkes RI, 2014). Only 50% of pregnant women are willing to do an examination or test at the initial Antenatal visit while more pregnant women are known to be positive for viral infections in the final trimester which affects the implementation of treatment (Kesga Division of the Ende District Health Office, 2019). The Objectives to analyse the perception of pregnant women about the role of midwives in the success of the PMTCT-HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B program for pregnant women at the Ende Regency Health Center. Methods: using a quantitative design method with a correlational analytic approach. The technique for determining respondents used purposive sampling method. The research sample was first trimester pregnant women who checked themselves at the Ende City Health Center from June to August 2021. The sampling technique used the Slovin formula which amounted to 50 respondents. Data were collected from pregnant women's examination cards, MCH books and interviews with respondents. Data processing used the Spearman Rank correlation test with the help of the SPSS for windows 19.00 program. The results of the Spearman Rank variable test of the role of midwives as communicators, motivators, facilitators and counsellors do not have a significant relationship to the success of the PMTCT-HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B Program with a value (p-value <0.05), namely 0.656 for the p-value of the role variable as a counsellor, 0.629 for the p-value of the role variable as a motivator, 0.580 p-value for the role variable as a communicator and 0.445 for the p-value of the midwife's role variable as a facilitator. As for the direction of the relationship between the four variables, it has a unidirectional nature according to the positive value of the Corelation Coefficient, and for the level of relationship between the four variables, namely the variable role of midwives as counsellors and motivators has a strong level of relationship (0.656) and (0629), the variable role of midwives as communicators and facilitators has a moderate level of relationship (0.580) and (0.445). Conclusion is necessary to maximize the success of the PMTCT program, including counsellor training for all health workers, especially midwives, the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support activities and counselling efforts in a sustainable, integrated and integrated manner supported by the ability of midwives to manage health programs to improve knowledge and health behaviour in pregnant women


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    Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan di mana adanya peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal. Penyakit hipertensi merupakan peningkatan tekanan darah yang memberi gejala yang berlanjut untuk suatu target organ, seperti stroke, penyakit jantung koroner dan bahkan kematian. Penderita hipertensi harus segera ditangani dengan segera sehingga tidak menyebabkan kematian. Penyakit ini telah menjadi masalah utama dalam kesehatan masyarakat yang ada di Indonesia maupun di beberapa negara yang ada di dunia. Rancangan/desain yang digunakan dalam studi kasus ini yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan September 2020 dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini yaitu analisa deskriptif yang digunakan untuk mengetahui frekuensi dari masing–masing responden. Tempat/lokasi yang dilakukan studi kasus adalah di wilayah Kabupaten Ende. Hasil penelitian  diketahui bahwa sebagian besar responden berperan kurang sebagai kader posyandu lansia sebanyak 75%, cukup sebanyak 25% dan baik sebanyak 0%.. Kader sebagai pengerak masyarakat di kabupaten Ende masih belum optimal dalam melaksanakan perannya sehingga perlu pendampingan dari tenaga Puskesmas berupa pemberian informasi dan pelatihan demi pengendalian hipertensi pada lansia. Oleh karena itu diharapkan agar para kader tetap semangat dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai kader dengan terus meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khususnya tentang penanganan dan pengobatan  hipertensi sehingga dapat mencegah kejadian komplikasi hipertens

    Senam pinggul dan kualitas hidup ibu menopause

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    Introduction: Menopause is very complex for women because they will experience changes in physical health that affect their psychological health. The purpose of the study was to determine the contribution of hip exercise to improving the quality of life of postmenopausal women in Ende district. Methods: The type of research is experimental, observational design. The number of samples was 48 menopausal women who had complaints with total sampling technique. The study was conducted in July and August 2019. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Results: The results showed that there was a change in passion for life through complaints in menopausal women before and after giving hip exercises in Ende district as indicated by the -value for vasomotor, psychological, physical and somatic complaints. Asymp. Sig (2-tailed): 0.000 where value < 0.05. Conclusion: Hip exercise can increase the passion of menopausal women. Therefore, it is hoped that postmenopausal women need to increase their physical activity through gymnastics, especially pelvic floor exercises which can reduce complaints during the menopausal period


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    Gastritis is a non-communicable disease which is still a global health problem. The level of awareness of the Indonesian people to maintain stomach health, especially gastritis is still low, so because of low public awareness, it is often left alone without treatment. The aim of the study was to identify the effect of knowledge and consumption of NSAIDs on the incidence of gastritis in Ende district. The design used was analytic observation using a case control design. Data was collected in August 2017 using a questionnaire. Data were analysed multivariately using logistic regression. The place/location where the case study was conducted was in Ende district. The results showed that cases and controls were comparable in terms of gender (p=0.224), age (p=0.360), education (p=0.001) and occupation (p=0.430). The results of the multivariate test showed that the habit of consuming NSAIDs (OR 5.159; p = 0.003), and knowledge about gastritis (OR 7.945; p = 0.000). It can be concluded that knowledge and consumption habits of NSAIDs are one of the factors causing gastritis in Ende Regency. Therefore, promotive efforts are needed in the form of counselling about Gastritis and the habit of not taking NSAIDs without a doctor's prescription

    Hubungan Faktor Predisposisi dengan Kepatuhan Pengobatan bagi Penderita Hipertensi

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    Abstract: Introduction: Hypertension is a condition where blood pressure increases above normal so that it needs to be treated immediately so that it does not cause death. The aim of this study was to analyze the predisposing factors that affected the regularity  of  treatment  in  hypertensive patients  at  the Rukun Lima Ende Health Center. Methods: The design used was quantitative with cross sectional method and was carried out on August 5-30 2019 using a structured interview questionnaire on 71 respondents who had met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression test. Results: The results showed that most of the respondents were female 51%, aged between 55-60 years were 58%, 34% had junior high school education and 44% worked as IRT. The bivariate analysis showed that the variables related to patient compliance in carrying out treatment were behavior (p 0.024), long suffering from hypertension (p 0.002) and family support (p = 0.03). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the variables that significantly affected the regularity of treatment for hypertensive patients were the duration of hypertension with p = 0.03 and OR 2, 20; 95% CI = 1.07-4.54. Conclusion: There needs to be an increase in counseling and conscious movement of taking hypertension medication and monitoring the regularity of patients in seeking treatment and behaving in a healthy manner so that there is no increase in cases and complications of hypertension.   Abstrak: Pendahuluan:   Hipertensi adalah suatu keadaan peningkatan tekanan darah diatas normal sehingga perlu segera ditangani agar  tidak menyebabkan kematian. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis faktor predisposisi yang mempengaruhi keteraturan pengobatan pada penderita hipertensi di Puskemas Rukun Lima Ende. Metode:  Desain yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5-30 Agustus 2019 dengan menggunakan kuesioner wawancara terstruktur pada 71 responden yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Analisa data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden berjenis  kelamin  perempuan  51%,  berumur  antara  55-60 tahun sebanyak 58%, berpendidikan SMP sebanyak 34% dan bekerja sebagai IRT sebanyak 44%. Analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan penderita dalam menjalankan pengobatan adalah perilaku   (p 0,024), lama menderita hipertensi (p 0,002) dan dukungan keluarga (p= 0,03). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan variabel yang sangat signifikan mempengaruhi keteraturan berobat penderita hipertensi adalah lama menderita hipertensi dengan nilai p= 0,03 dan nilai OR 2, 20; 95% CI  = 1,07-4.54. Kesimpulan: Perlu  adanya peningkatan penyuluhan dan gerakan sadar minum obat hipertensi dan pemantauan keteraturan penderita dalam berobat dan berperilaku  sehat  sehingga  tidak  terjadi  peningkatan  kasus dan komplikasi hipertensi

    The Correlation Between Health Beliefs and Family Support on the Elderly's Participation in the Elderly Health Service (Posyandu Lansia)

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    Background: Longer life expectancy in Indonesia is a sign for the government to intensively improve various programs for the elderly for better welfare and quality of life. Elderly Health Service (or Posyandu Lansia) that is well-conducted will provide convenience for the elderly in accessing basic health services to maintain and optimize their quality of life. Objective: This research aimed to analyze the relationship between beliefs on health and family support toward the participation of the elderly in Posyandu Lansia. Methods: This correlational research was performed using a cross-sectional approach on 30 elderly selected purposively. The Health Belief Model (HBM) was used as a framework in this study. Data were collected using validated questionnaires and analyzed using univariate statistics, Chi-square, and logistic regression. Results: The results indicated the presence of a correlation between health beliefs, especially perceived vulnerability (p = 0.048) and perceived benefits (p = 0.030), and family support in the elderly's participation in Posyandu Lansia. Conclusion: It is essential for the public health centers to monitor and approach the families of elderlies who rarely attend Posyandu Lansia to improve their health and quality of life

    Peningkatan Partisifasi Masyarakat dalam Melaksanakan Protokol Kesehatan Covid 19 melalui Kegiatan Edukasi dan Pembagian Masker

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    Latar Belakang : Penularan COVID 19 yang tidak terkendali dengan baik akan menjadi ancaman nyata kesehatan, keselamatan dan keberlangsungan perekonomian masyarakat. Masih belum maksimalnya kesadaran kolektif masyarakat untuk melaksanakan prorokol kesehatan dan minimnya alat prookol kesehatan seperti masker yang sesuai stadar menjadi salah satu penyebab utama masifnya penularan COVID 19 di berbagai klaster. Tujuan kegiatan ini untuk meningkatkan partisipasi seluruh elemen masyarakat dalam melaksanakan prorokol kesehatan COVID 19 berupa menggunakan masker dengan tepat dan sesuai standar nasional. Metode : Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di beberapa lokasi di dalam kota Kabupaten Ende provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Metode kegiatan pegabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap yakni merencanakan kegiatan, melakukan observasi dan analisis situasi, mengidentifikasi dan menetapkan masalah, melakukan koordinasi, merencanakan, menetapkan kegiatan, melaksanakan kegiatan dan melakukan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil: Program Studi Keperawatan Ende Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Kupang melakukan edukasi dan  membagikan 1000 buah masker gratis kepada masyarakat sebagai bentuk dukungan terhadap program nasional pengendalian penyebaran kasus COVID 19. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tersebut dilaksanakan pada Rabu 02 September tahun 2020 yang dilakukan dipusat aktivitas masyarakat Kota Ende seperti pangkalan ojek, jalan dan pasar yang dilakukan oleh tim pengabdian untuk memudahkan pembagian masker kepada masyaraka