15 research outputs found

    Komputerowe przetwarzanie i analiza obraz贸w w ocenie zjawisk zachodz膮cych w kom贸rkach i tkankach ro艣lin

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    Katedra Informatyki Stosowanej Politechniki 艁贸dzkiej wsp贸艂pracuje z biologami z dw贸ch jednostek Uniwersytetu 艁贸dzkiego, kt贸re zajmuj膮 si臋 badaniami proces贸w fizjologicznych i zak艂贸ceniami rozwoju ro艣lin powodowanymi r贸偶norodnymi czynnikami zewn臋trznymi. Celem wsp贸艂pracy jest opracowanie metod automatycznego pomiaru wybranych objaw贸w reakcji ro艣lin na stres przy zastosowaniu technik przetwarzania i analizy obrazu. Rozwa偶ano obrazy barwne przedstawiaj膮ce wybrane reakcje zar贸wno na poziomie kom贸rkowym, np. w postaci anomalii mitozy i uszkodze艅 chromosom贸w, jak i na poziomie tkankowym jako przebarwienia oraz jako zmiany topologii i morfologii r贸偶nych cz臋艣ci ro艣lin. W pracy zaprezentowano przegl膮d metod segmentacji i rozpoznawania obraz贸w opracowanych przez autor贸w w celu automatyzacji pomiar贸w tych reakcji obserwowanych u ro艣lin w skali mikro- i makroskopowej

    Koncepcja i rozw贸j studi贸w podyplomowych w Katedrze Informatyki Stosowanej

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    Publikacja przedstawia ewolucj臋 kierunk贸w kszta艂cenia podyplomowego w ofercie Katedry Informatyki Stosowanej Politechniki 艁贸dzkiej w latach 1998-2010. Zakres tematyki studi贸w skutecznie nad膮偶a艂 za zmianami potrzeb rynku pracy i rozwojem narz臋dzi informatycznych. Do pierwszych studi贸w dotycz膮cych efektywnego wykorzystania zasob贸w informatycznych do艂膮czy艂y studia informatyczne kierowane do nauczycieli r贸偶nych specjalno艣ci, w zwi膮zku z konieczno艣ci膮 uzyskiwania przez nich odpowiednich uprawnie艅. Kilka lat p贸藕niej, ze wzgl臋du na rozw贸j technologii sieci komputerowych, otwarto studia w tej dziedzinie. W ostatnim czasie najbardziej efektywne i popularne okazuj膮 si臋 jednak studia a zakresu grafiki komputerowej i animacji z uwagi na wszechstronno艣膰 zastosowa艅 narz臋dzi graficznych w r贸偶nych obszarach aktywno艣ci cz艂owieka. Rozwini臋ciem idei studi贸w z grafiki komputerowej jest rozpoczynaj膮ce si臋 obecnie nauczanie programowania gier komputerowych i aplikacji mobilnych.In the article, the evolution of postgraduate education in offer of Computer Engineering Department, Technical University of 艁贸d藕, from 1998 to 2010, is presented. The studies content has effectively followed the labor market`s changes and informatics technologies evolution. The first course concerned on effective usage of informatics resources comes the computer science studies offered for teachers of different specialties due the needs of new skills training. A few years later, because of computer networks evolution, the networking course was organized. Lastly, the most effective and popular are computer graphics and animation courses due the versatility of graphics tools usage in different aspects of human being. Following the computer graphics course concept is currently starting course of computer games and mobile applications programming

    Alleviation of nickel toxicity in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings by selenium supplementation

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    Hydroponically grown wheat seedlings were treated with 50 渭M N i and/or 15 渭M Se. After a 7-day culture period, their growth parameters, N i, Se, F e, and M g contents, electrolyte leakage, photosynthetic pigment concentrations, and photochemical activity of photosystem II were determined. Exposure of wheat seedlings to N i alone resulted in reduction in the total shoot and root lengths, by 22% and 50%, respectively. Addition of Se to the N i-containing medium significantly improved the growth of these organs, compared to the seedlings subjected to N i alone. Application of Se decreased the accumulation of N i in shoots and roots and partially alleviated the N i-induced decrease in F e and M g concentations in shoots. Electrolyte leakage increased in response to N i stress, but in shoots it was diminished by Se supplementation. Exposure to N i led to a decrease in chlorophyll a and b contents and enhancement of chlorophyll a/b ratio, but did not influence the concentration of carotenoids. Enrichment of the N i-containing medium with Se significantly increased chlorophyll b content, compared to the seedlings treated with N i alone. Photochemical activity, estimated in terms of the maximum quantum yield of photosystem II, decreased in response to N i treatment but was significantly improved by simultaneous addition of Se. Results of our study suggest that alleviation of N i toxicity in wheat seedlings by Se supplementation may be related to limitation of N i uptake

    Algorytm segmentacji mikroskopowych obraz贸w okrzemek w preparatach z zanieczyszczeniami osadowymi

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliografia s.985-986.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.ABSTRACT: In the paper a new, robust to artefacts, method of microscopic diatom image segmentation has been presented. Images are acquired in grey-levels using bright field microscopy from specimens with impurities such as dust specks, debris or sand crystals. The method assumes superposition of images from different focal planes including diatom surface ornamentation and boundaries. Diatom object contours are detected using Canny filtering and their background regions are extracted independently applying bottom hat filtering and morphological reconstruction. Contour gaps are filled by linking of all contour ends inside of individual diatom background regions. To distinguish regularly shaped objects of diatoms from artefacts, contour curvatures, symmetry axes and centres are verified for each segmented object. Directional ornamentation of diatom frastules (if present) is detected by histogram analysis of phase images inside of individual region masks. STRESZCZENIE: W artykule zaprezentowano now膮, odporn膮 na artefakty, metod臋 segmentacji obraz贸w mikroskopowych okrzemek. Obrazy te pobiera si臋 w skali szaro艣ci, w jasnym polu widzenia mikroskopu, z preparat贸w zawieraj膮cych zanieczyszczenia takie jak drobinki kurzu, okruchy skorupek lub kryszta艂y piasku. Metoda ta zak艂ada sk艂adanie obraz贸w pochodz膮cych z r贸偶nych p艂aszczyzn ostro艣ci, zawieraj膮cych odpowiednio ornamentacj臋 powierzchni i kontury okrzemek. Kraw臋dzie obiekt贸w okrzemek wykrywa si臋 przy pomocy filtracji Canny'ego, a ich obszary s膮 wydobywane niezale偶nie przy zastosowaniu transformaty "czarnego cylindra" i rekonstrukcji morfologicznych. Przerwania kontur贸w podlegaj膮 uzupe艂nieniu poprzez po艂膮czenie ich ko艅c贸w wewn膮trz poszczeg贸lnych obszar贸w okrzemek. Aby rozr贸偶ni膰 obiekty skorupek o regularnych kszta艂tach od artefakt贸w sprawdza si臋 krzywizny kontur贸w, osie i 艣rodki symetrii. Kierunkowo艣膰 ornamentacji skorupek okrzemek, je艣li wyst臋puje, jest rozpoznawana poprzez analiz臋 histogram贸w obraz贸w fazowych wewn膮trz masek poszczeg贸lnych obiekt贸w. KEYWORDS: diatoms, segmentation, region boundaries, morphological reconstruction, boundary curvature, ornamentation. S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: okrzemki, segmentacja, kraw臋dzie obszar贸w, rekonstrukcja morfologiczna, krzywizna kontur贸w, ornamentacja

    An image analysis method for the automatic measurement of selected morphological features of wheat shoots

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. 257.W artykule przedstawiono algorytm przetwarzania i analizy obrazu, kt贸ry umo偶liwia automatyczny pomiar wybranych cech morfologicznych m艂odych p臋d贸w pszenicy. Ro艣liny te by艂y poddawane oddzia艂ywaniu zar贸wno metali ci臋偶kich, jak i korzystnemu dzia艂aniu selenu, tak 偶e ich potencjalny wzrost mo偶e r贸偶ni膰 si臋 od grupy kontrolnej. Proponowany system pomiarowy wykorzystuje zeskanowane obrazy li艣ci, kt贸re nast臋pnie s膮 przetwarzane w 艣rodowisku MATLAB, aby wyznaczy膰 d艂ugo艣ci i pola powierzchni li艣ci. Po wykonaniu segmentacji wyznaczane s膮 binarne obrazy szkielet贸w p臋d贸w, nast臋pnie zamieniane w form臋 grafu i korygowane w celu wyznaczenia linii 艣rodkowych 艂odygi i li艣ci. Linie te podlegaj膮 pomiarom d艂ugo艣ci po ich wyg艂adzeniu za pomoc膮 funkcji sklejanych 3. stopnia. Wyb贸r punkt贸w odga艂臋zienia li艣ci i ich najbli偶ej po艂o偶onych odpowiednik贸w z drugiej strony li艣cia pozwala na odci臋cie poszczeg贸lnych li艣ci i pomiar ich pola powierzchni. Przedstawiono wykonane pomiary d艂ugo艣ci wybranej populacji p臋d贸w i por贸wnano je z wynikami metody manualnej i uproszczonej. Do艂膮czono tak偶e przyk艂adowe pomiary pola powierzchni li艣ci ro艣lin wzrastaj膮cych pod wp艂ywem korzystnego dzia艂ania selenu i bez niego.In the paper an image processing and analysis algorithm has been presented, which provides the automatic measurement of selected morphological features of young wheat shoots. The plants were subject of heavy metals treatment experiments as well as beneficial selenium influence, so they growth potential can differ from the control group. The proposed measurement system uses scanned leaf images, that are processed in MATLAB environment to get leaves lengths and areas. After the segmentation stage binary image skeletons are determined, then changed to the graph forms and corrected to obtain the medial axes of a stem and leaves. These axes are measured in length, after their smoothing with the cubic splines method. The selection of leaf branching pixels and their closest counterparts on the other edge of each leaf enables cutting single leaves and the measurement of their areas. The length measurements for the selected population of shoots have been presented and compared with the results of manual and simplified methods. The example measurements of leaf areas with and without selenium influence have been included as well.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: p臋dy pszenicy, segmentacja obrazu, szkielet obrazu, eliptyczne deskryptory fouriera, przycinanie szkieletu, funkcje sklejane 3. stopnia. KEYWORDS: wheat shoots, image segmentation, image skeleton, elliptical fourier descriptor, skeleton pruning, cubic splines

    An automatic segmentation method for scanned images of wheat root systems with dark discolourations

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    The analysis of plant root system images plays an important role in the diagnosis of plant health state, the detection of possible diseases and growth distortions. This paper describes an initial stage of automatic analysis鈥攖he segmentation method for scanned images of Ni-treated wheat roots from hydroponic culture. The main roots of a wheat fibrous system are placed separately in the scanner view area on a high chroma background (blue or red). The first stage of the method includes the transformation of a scanned RGB image into the HCI (Hue-Chroma-Intensity) colour space and then local thresholding of the chroma component to extract a binary root image. Possible chromatic discolourations, different from background colour, are added to the roots from blue or red chroma subcomponent images after thresholding. At the second stage, dark discolourations are extracted by local fuzzy c-means clustering of an HCI intensity image within the binary root mask. Fuzzy clustering is applied in local windows around the series of sample points on roots medial axes (skeleton). The performance of the proposed method is compared with hand-labelled segmentation for a series of several root systems

    Spatial referencing of chlorophyll fluorescence images for quantitative assessment of infection propagation in leaves demonstrated on the ice plant: Botrytis cinerea pathosystem

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    Abstract Background Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is one of the non-invasive techniques widely used to detect and quantify the stress-induced changes in the photosynthetic apparatus. Quantitative information is obtained as a series of images and the specific fluorescence parameters are evaluated inside the regions of interest outlined separately on each leaf image. As the performance of photosynthesis is highly heterogeneous over a leaf surface, the areas of interest selected for generating numeric data are crucial for a reliable analysis. The differences in intact leaf physio-morphological characters and in the structural effects of stress between leaves increase the risk of artefacts. Results The authors propose a new enhanced method for precise assessment of stress-induced spatiotemporal changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence exemplified in the leaves of common ice plants infected with a fungal pathogen. The chl a fluorescence leaf image series obtained with Imaging-PAM fluorometer are aligned both by affine and nonlinear spline transforms based on the set of control points defined interactively. The successive readings were taken on the same leaf and this image sequence registration allows to capture quantitative changes of fluorescence parameters in time and along selected directions on the leaf surface. The time series fluorescence images of attached leaf, aligned according to the proposed method, provide a specific disease signature for an individual leaf. The results for C3 and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plants have been compared with respect to the type of photosynthetic metabolism and the image alignment accuracy has also been discussed. Conclusions The image alignment applied to the series of fluorescence images allows to evaluate the dynamics of biotic stress propagation in individual plant leaves with better accuracy than previous methods. An important use of this method is the ability to map the fluorescence signal horizontally in one leaf during disease development and to accurately compare the results between leaves which differ in morphology or in the structural effects of stress. This approach in analysing chlorophyll fluorescence changes can be used to receive spatial and temporal information over a sample area in leaves infected by different pathogenic fungi and bacteria

    Method of Biomass Discrimination for Fast Assessment of Calorific Value

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    Crop byproducts are alternatives to nonrenewable energy resources. Burning biomass results in lower emission of undesirable nitrogen and sulfur oxides and contributes no significant greenhouse effect. There is a diverse range of energy-useful biomass, including in terms of calorific value. This article presents a new method of discriminating biomass, and of determining its calorific value. The method involves extracting the selected texture features on the surface of a briquette from a microscopic image and then classifying them using supervised classification methods. The fractal dimension, local binary pattern (LBP), and Haralick features are computed and then classified by linear discrimination analysis (LDA). The discrimination results are compared with the results obtained by random forest (RF) and deep neural network (DNN) type classifiers. This approach is superior in terms of complexity and operating time to other methods such as, for instance, the calorimetric method or analysis of the chemical composition of elements in a sample. In the normal operation mode, our method identifies the calorific value in the time of about 100 s, i.e., 90 times faster than traditional combustion of material samples. In predicting from a single sample image, the overall average accuracy of 95% was achieved for all tested classifiers. The authors’ idea to use ten input images of the same material and then majority voting after classification increases the discrimination system accuracy above 99%

    Extraction of the Polyurethane Layer in Textile Composites for Textronics Applications Using Optical Coherence Tomography

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    This article presents a new method for the extraction and measurement of the polyurethane layer of Cordura textile composites using optical coherence tomography. The knowledge of coating layer properties in these composites is very important, as it affects mechanical parameters such as stiffness and bending rigidity. Unlike microscopic measurements, which require cross-section samples of the material, the proposed approach is non-invasive. The method is based on detecting the top and bottom boundaries of the polyurethane layer in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images using image processing methods, namely edge enhancement filtering, thresholding and spline smoothing. The cover layer measurement results obtained from a three-dimensional OCT image of the composite fabric are presented as the thickness maps. The average values of the layer thicknesses measured with the OCT method for four types of Cordura showed a high correlation with the results obtained from microscopic measurements (Pearson correlation coefficient r = 0.9844 ), which confirms the accuracy of the OCT method