1,204 research outputs found

    Accurate Estimation of the Trilinear Gauge Couplings Using Optimal Observables Including Detector Effects

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    This paper describes the definition of maximum likelihood equivalent estimators of the Trilinear Gauge Couplings which include detector effects. The asymptotic properties of these estimators as well as their unbiasedness and efficiency when dealing with finite statistical samples are demonstrated by Monte Carlo experimentation, using simulated events corresponding to the production of q qbar lepton neutrino in e+ e- collisions at 172 GeV. Emphasis is given to the determination of the expected efficiencies in extracting the aWphi, aW and aBphi couplings from LEPII data, which in this particular case found to be close to the maximum possible.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, Late

    Implementing a business process into an ERP solution

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    Ausgangspunkt dieser Diplomarbeit ist meine Erfahrung bei der Durchführung eines international verteilten Software Implementierungsprojektes. Die Aufgabenstellung besteht darin, den Prozessablauf des Vertriebes zu beschleunigen, und die Qualität der Daten zur Ermittlung der Kennzahlen zu verbessern. Zusätzliche sollten weitere Daten gesammelt werden, die zukünftige Auswertungen über den Prozessdurchlauf ermöglichen. In jedem der beteiligten Unternehmen ist die Standard ERP Software Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Navision, im Einsatz. Innerhalb dieser bestehenden ERP Systeme, wird im Rahmen des Projektes ein zusätzliches Modul entwickelt, das den gesamten Vertriebsprozess vom ersten Kontakt des Kunden bis zur erfolgreichen Lieferung und Fakturierung unterstütz, sowie die Datenübertragung zwischen den beteiligten Systemen ermöglicht. Durch die einheitliche Entwicklung des zusätzlichen Moduls soll sichergestellt werden, dass der Prozess in allen Systemen nach den gleichen Regeln abläuft und die die Sammlung der Daten für das Reporting konsistent in den verschiedenen lokalen Installationen erfolgt. Im Rahmen der Diplomarbeit soll untersucht werden, wie der Prozess der Anforderungsanalyse verbessert werden kann. Als Vorgehensmodell wird das Software Capability Maturity Model herangezogen. Es soll geklärt werden, durch welche Maßnahmen die Qualität der Softwareentwicklung zu verbessern ist. Als Schwerpunkt wird die Überarbeitung der Anforderungen überprüft, ob diese in UML zu einem besseren Verständnis der Aufgabenstellung führen. Weiters soll untersucht werden, ob diese Darstellung den Wissenstransfer zu den Implementierungspartnern erleichtert. Im Detail wird dabei speziell auf die Erstellung eines erweiterten Use Case Templates eingegangen, sowie die genaue Ausformulierung einiger wichtiger Use Cases analysiert. Das Ergebnis dieser Diplomarbeit richtet sich an Software Entwickler im Bereich der Anpassung von Standard Software.Many Multinational enterprises do not use a central single instance of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), instead they are utilizing local instance of the same ERP software. As the information used in managing a multinational enterprise originates in different locations, it is fragmented between these instances. With such an environment in place, it can be difficult to get a global distributed process mapped into the ERP systems. Starting point of this Diploma thesis was my personal experience during such an international distributed software implementation project. The task of this implementation project was the extension of existing standard ERP software to support the sales process to increase efficiency on the operational side, and to ensure consistent and comparable data for the sales reporting on the analytic side. Beside that, additional data for the monitoring of the process flow should be collected. The existing support of the process by IT systems has been found incomplete, especially concerning sales cases that transcend organizational units and are therefore represented in different ERP installations. Each of the involved companies uses the Standard ERP Software Microsoft Business Solutions Dynamics NAV, Navision. During this project an additional granule was developed, which supports the complete sale process, starting from the first inquiry from the customer until the final delivery and invoicing. Because of the central development of this granule, the implementation of this business process is based on the same rule set and the collection of the reporting data will be consistent in all systems. This thesis wants to analyze the possibilities for improvements on the requirements engineering for similar projects, which are implementing a business process into an existing ERP solution. The evaluation for the requirements is based on the Capability Maturity Model. The investigation wants to clarify, which practices are necessary to implement and will improve the quality of the software development process. The focus of this work is the verification of the rework on the existing documentation, if the use of the Unified Modeling Language is able to improve the understanding of the goals and tasks. It will also be investigated, if this representation in an UML model, in connection to the written requirements is able to improve the knowledge transfer to the international implementation partners. The focus will be the development of an extended use case Template, where some high important use case will be analyzed in detail. The target audiences for this thesis are software developers, who are involved in the field of customizing standard software

    Studying trilinear gauge couplings at LEP2 using optimal observables

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    We study the sensitivity of the processes `e+ e- -> lepton (l) neutrino (v) quark (u) antiquark (d)' at LEP2 energies on the non-standard trilinear gauge couplings (TGC), using the optimal observables method. All relevant leading logarithmic corrections to the tree-order cross section, as well as experimental resolution effects have been studied. Taking into account correlations among the different TGC parameters we show that the limits on the TGC can reach the level of 0.15~(1sd) at 161 GeV with 100 pb1^{-1}, a challenge for the first LEP2 phase. At higher energies this can be improved drastically, reaching the level of 0.02~(1sd).Comment: 14 pages, latex, minor typos correcte

    Report of the working group on the measurement of triple gauge boson couplings

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    The working group discussed several aspects of triple gauge coupling analysis viewed in the light of experiences with the first high energy data recorded at energies above the W pair threshold. Some analysis methods were reviewed briefly, and consideration given to better ways of characterising the data. The measurement of CP violating parameters was discussed. Results were prepared to further quantify the precision attainable on anaomalous couplings in the four-quark channel using jet-charge methods, and finally the trade off between maximum LEP energy-vs-luminosity was quantified.The working group discussed several aspects of triple gauge coupling analysis viewed in the light of experiences with the first high energy data recorded at energies above the W pair threshold. Some analysis methods were reviewed briefly, and consideration given to better ways of characterising the data. The measurement of CP violating parameters was discussed. Results were prepared to further quantify the precision attainable on anaomalous couplings in the four-quark channel using jet-charge methods, and finally the trade off between maximum LEP energy-vs-luminosity was quantified

    Anomalous four-fermion processes in electron-positron collisions

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    This paper studies the electroweak production of all possible four-fermion states in e+ee^+e^- collisions with non-standard triple gauge boson couplings. All CPCP conserving couplings are considered. It is an extension of the methods and strategy, which were recently used for the Standard Model electroweak production of four-fermion final states. Since the fermions are taken to be massless the matrix elements can be evaluated efficiently, but certain phase space cuts have to be imposed to avoid singularities. Experimental cuts are of a similar nature. With the help of the constructed event generator a number of illustrative results is obtained for WW-pair production. These show on one hand the distortions of the Standard Model angular distributions caused by either off-shell effects or initial state radiation. On the other hand, also the modifications of distributions due to anomalous couplings are presented, considering either signal diagrams or all diagrams.Comment: 27 pages, Postscript, compress-ed and uuencode-

    Role of beam polarization in the determination of WWγWW\gamma and WWZWWZ couplings from e+eW+We^+e^-\to W^+W^-

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    We evaluate the constraints on anomalous trilinear gauge-boson couplings that can be obtained from the study of electron-positron annihilation into WW pairs at a facility with either the electron beam longitudinally polarized or both electron and positron beams transversely polarized. The energy ranges considered in the analysis are the ones relevant to the next-linear collider and to LEP~200. We discuss the possibilities of a model independent analysis of the general CPCP conserving anomalous effective Lagrangian, as well as its restriction to some specific models with reduced number of independent couplings. The combination of observables with initial and final state polarizations allows to separately constrain the different couplings and to improve the corresponding numerical bounds.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, 9 figures (available on request from the authors

    Angular distributions in hard exclusive production of pion pairs

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    Using the leading order amplitudes of hard exclusive electroproduction of pion pairs we have analyzed the angular distribution of the two produced particles. At leading twist a pion pair can be produced only in an isovector or an isoscalar state. We show that certain components of the angular distribution only get contributions from the interference of the I=1 and the (much smaller) I=0 amplitude. Therefore our predictions prove to be a good probe of isospin zero pion pair production. We predict effects of a measurable size that could be observed at experiments like HERMES. We also discuss how hard exclusive pion pair production can provide us with new information on the effective chiral Lagrangian.Comment: 17 pages, version to appear in Phys. Rev.