26 research outputs found

    STAT3 gene mutations and their association with pure red cell aplasia in large granular lymphocyte leukemia

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    Large granular lymphocyte leukemia (LGLL) has been morphologically characterized as a group of lymphoproliferative diseases that include T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia (T-LGLL) and chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of natural killer cells (CLPD-NK). We investigated mutations in the Src homology 2 (SH2) domain of the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) gene in Asian cohorts of T-LGLL and CLPD-NK (n=42 and 11, respectively). Two mutations, Y640F and D661Y, were identified using direct sequencing or allele-specific (AS) PCR. Y640F and D661Y mutations were found in seven and 18 patients, respectively. Two patients were positive for both mutations. Frequencies of STAT3 mutations in T-LGLL and CLPD-NK were 47.6% and 27.2%, respectively. Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) was associated with the mutations (P=0.005). The mutations were persistently found at stable levels in some patients after more than 5years using AS-quantitative PCR. The results of the present study indicate that the SH2 domain of the STAT3 gene is frequently mutated in Asian T-LGLL and CLPD-NK, and that PRCA is closely correlated with the mutations. SH2 domain of the STAT3 gene is frequently mutated in Asian T cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia and chronic lymphoproliferative disorders of NK cells. Pure red cell aplasia is closely associated with the mutations.ArticleCANCER SCIENCE. 105(3):342-346 (2014)journal articl

    A Case of Unresectable Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma with Prolonged Survival by Chemotherapy

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    Pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma is a rare malignant tumor. Due to its low prevalence, little is known about efficacious systemic chemotherapies in cases where the tumors are unresectable or metastatic. In addition, the location of the disease can contribute to poor survival regardless of the response to therapy, as the tumor’s position can cause pulmonary artery hypertension either rapidly or chronically. We encountered a case of unresectable pulmonary artery intimal sarcoma with lung metastases. Treatment with several cytotoxic agents resulted in prolonged survival of 14.2 months. Here, we report the clinical course of this case and present a review of the relevant literature

    Aggressive natural killer-cell leukemia mutational landscape and drug profiling highlight JAK-STAT signaling as therapeutic target

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    Aggressive natural killer-cell (NK-cell) leukemia (ANKL) is an extremely aggressive malig- nancy with dismal prognosis and lack of targeted therapies. Here, we elucidate the molecular pathogenesis of ANKL using a combination of genomic and drug sensitivity profiling. We study 14 ANKL patients using whole-exome sequencing (WES) and identify mutations in STAT3 (21%) and RAS-MAPK pathway genes (21%) as well as in DDX3X (29%) and epi- genetic modifiers (50%). Additional alterations include JAK-STAT copy gains and tyrosine phosphatase mutations, which we show recurrent also in extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type (NKTCL) through integration of public genomic data. Drug sensitivity profiling further demonstrates the role of the JAK-STAT pathway in the pathogenesis of NK-cell malignancies, identifying NK cells to be highly sensitive to JAK and BCL2 inhibition compared to other hematopoietic cell lineages. Our results provide insight into ANKL genetics and a framework for application of targeted therapies in NK-cell malignancies.Aggressiivinen NK-soluleukemia (ANKL) on elimistön luonnolliseen puolustusjärjestelmään kuuluvien luonnollisten tappajasolujen eli natural killer (NK) –solujen verisyöpä eli leukemia. ANKL:aan sairastuneet potilaat säilyvät käytössä olevilla solunsalpaaja- ja kantasolusiirtohoidoilla elossa keskimäärin vain joitakin kuukausia. Erityisesti aasialaisväestössä esiintyvän ANKL:n lisäksi NK-soluisiin syöpiin kuuluu Suomessakin harvinaisina tavattavia NK/T-soluisia lymfoomia. ANKL:n taustalla olevia hankittuja geenimuutoksia eli mutaatioita ei ole aiemmin selvitetty laajamittaisesti. Tutkimuksessa selvitimme ANKL:n tautimekanismeja kartoittamalla 14 potilaan syöpäsolujen geenimuutokset perimän proteiineja koodaavien geenien osalta ja tutkimalla pahanlaatuisten NK-solujen herkkyyttä yli 400 lääkeaineelle. Löysimme ANKL-potilaiden soluista geenimuutoksia etenkin STAT3- ja DDX3X-geeneissä, joita kumpiakin oli yli viidenneksellä potilaista. STAT3-mutaatioita on aiemmin todettu suurten granulaaristen lymfosyyttien (LGL) leukemiassa, sekä useissa muissakin T- ja NK-soluista lähtöisin olevissa syövissä. STAT3-mutaatiot ANKL:ssa viittaavat osin yhteisiin tautimekanismeihin näiden sukulaistautien kanssa. Kun yhdistimme ANKL-potilaiden geenitietoa aiemmin julkaistujen NK//T-solulymfoomapotilaista tuotettujen aineistojen kanssa, havaitsimme NK-soluisille syöville yhteisiä JAK-STAT-signalointigeenien monistumia. Etsimme myös potentiaalisia lääkeaineita NK-soluisten syöpien hoitoon testaamalla pahanlaatuisten NK-solujen herkkyyttä yli 400 lääkeaineelle. Havaitsimme NK-solujen olevan poikkeuksellisen herkkiä JAK-tyrosiinikinaasin ja BCL-perheen solukuolemaa säätelevien proteiinien estäjille. JAK-estäjillä pyritään hiljentämään samaa JAK-STAT-signalointireittiä, josta löysimme geneettisiä muutoksia ANKL-potilailla. Myeloproliferatiivisten sairauksien ja nivelreuman hoidossa käytettävillä JAK-estäjillä voitaisiin mahdollisesti tehostaa NK-soluisten syöpien hoitoa hyödyntämällä kyseisen solutyypin voimakasta riippuvuutta JAK-STAT-signaloinnin aktiivisuudesta. Tutkimuksemme valottaa geenitason muutoksia aiemmin tautimekanismeiltaan tuntemattomassa ANKL:ssa. Lääkeherkkyysseulonnan avulla pystyimme tunnistamaan potentiaalisia lääkeaineita ajatellen hoitokokeiluja harvinaisessa ANKL:ssa, jossa kliinisiä lääketutkimuksia pystytään harvoin toteuttamaan

    赤芽球癆を合併したT-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia の一例

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    T-cell large granular lymphocyte leukemia は長期(6か月以上)にわたる末梢血中の著明な大顆粒リンパ球(large granular lymphocyte;以下,LGL)のモノクローナルな増加によって特徴づけられる疾患で,しばしば赤芽球癆を伴うことが知られている.今回,我々はHCV陽性肝硬変患者に赤芽球癆を合併したT-LGLの1例を経験した.末梢血および骨髄塗抹標本では細胞質内に微細なアズール顆粒を有し,核異型を示すリンパ球の増加がみられ,末梢血および骨髄のフローサイトメトリーおよび骨髄吸引クロット標本の免疫組織化学で,CD3,CD8,CD57陽性リンパ球の増加が確認された.骨髄細胞のPCRではTCRβの再構成を認めず,TCRγおよびTCRδの再構成がみられた.またプレドニゾロン治療にてCD57陽性リンパ球の減少および赤芽球造血の回復が確認されたことから,赤芽球癆を合併したγδT-LGLと診断した.最近,T-LGLにはSTAT3あるいはSTAT5bのSHドメインの遺伝子変異が高頻度にみられることが報告されているが,本症例においては,これらの遺伝子変異は確認できなかった.T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukemia (T-LGL) is characterized by marked increase of monoclonal large granular lymphocytes (LGL) in the peripheral blood over the long term (6 months or more). It has been reported about 20% cases of T-LGL cases are associated with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). Here, we describe a case of T-LGL associated with PRCA. This case was characterized by increase in the number of CD3+,CD8+,CD57+, and granzyme B-positive lymphocytes with fine azurophilic cytoplasmic granules and nuclear atypia in peripheral blood and bone marrow. The patient was diagnosed havingγδT-LGL because T-cell receptor (TCR)γ and TCRδ gene but not TCRβ gene rearrangement was detected by the PCR of the bone marrow cells. Prednisolone administration decreased in number of the LGL cells, accompanying recover of erythropoiesis. Although somatic mutations in the Src homology 2 domain of STAT3 or STAT5b gene are reported in 70% percent of the T-LGL with PRCA, such STAT mutations could not be detected in this case

    Fluorine‐18‐fluorodeoxyglucose‐positron emission tomography evaluation in metastatic bone lesions in lung cancer: Possible prediction of pain and skeletal‐related events

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    Background Fluorine‐18‐fluorodeoxyglucose‐positron emission tomography (FDG‐PET) uptake in primary lesions has been well studied, but little information is available about metastatic bone lesions in patients with lung cancer. The present study was performed to evaluate the relationships between metastatic bone FDG uptake and clinical parameters in patients with lung cancer. Methods FDG uptake was evaluated as the maximum standardized uptake (SUVmax) value of each targeted bone lesion, and the bone to primary lesion ratio of SUVmax (B/P ratio) was calculated. Forty‐nine patients (27 men and 22 women) with a diagnosis of lung cancer (small cell lung cancer [SCLC], n = 7; non‐small cell lung cancer [NSCLC], n = 42) with bone metastasis, and a total of 185 bone metastatic lesions were evaluated. Results The SUVmax in bone and the B/P ratio were significantly higher in patients with pain and subsequent development of skeletal‐related events than in those without pain or skeletal‐related events, respectively. In addition, the SUVmax in metastatic bone lesions and the B/P ratio in SCLC were significantly lower than those in NSCLC, despite similar FDG uptake in the primary tumor. Conclusion Our findings suggest that FDG‐PET evaluation in metastatic bone lesions could be useful to predict initial pain and subsequent clinical outcomes of local bone status in initially diagnosed lung cancer patients with bone metastasis. In addition, our results suggest that there could be histological differences in the biological activity of bone metastatic lesions in lung cancer, especially between SCLC and NSCLC