55 research outputs found

    Relationship between three-dimensional velocity of filament eruptions and CME association

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    AbstractIt is widely recognised that filament disappearances or eruptions are frequently associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs). Since CMEs are a major source of disturbances of the space environment surrounding the Earth, it is important to investigate these associations in detail for the better prediction of CME occurrence. However, the proportion of filament disappearances associated with CMEs is under debate. The estimates range from \sim ∼  10 to \sim ∼  90% and could be affected by the manners to select the events. In this study, we aim to reveal what parameters control the association between filament eruptions and CMEs. We analysed the relationships between CME associations and the physical parameters of filaments including their length, maximum ascending velocity, and direction of eruptions using 28 events of filament eruptions observed in Hα\alpha α . We found that the product of the maximum radial velocity and the filament length is well correlated with the CME occurrence. If the product is larger than 8.0×1068.0 \times 10^{6} 8.0 × 10 6 km2\text {km}^{2} km 2 s1\text {s}^{-1} s - 1 , the filament will become a CME with a probability of 93%, and if the product is smaller than this value, it will not become a CME with a probability of 100%. We suggest a kinetic-energy threshold above which filament eruptions are associated with CMEs. Our findings also suggest the importance of measuring the velocity vector of filament eruption in three-dimensional space for the better prediction of CME occurrence.</jats:p

    BPG4 regulates chloroplast development and homeostasis by suppressing GLK transcription factors and involving light and brassinosteroid signaling

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    葉緑体の発達を適正に制御する新しい因子を発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2024-01-23.Chloroplast development adapts to the environment for performing suitable photosynthesis. Brassinosteroids (BRs), plant steroid hormones, have crucial effects on not only plant growth but also chloroplast development. However, the detailed molecular mechanisms of BR signaling in chloroplast development remain unclear. Here, we identify a regulator of chloroplast development, BPG4, involved in light and BR signaling. BPG4 interacts with GOLDEN2-LIKE (GLK) transcription factors that promote the expression of photosynthesis-associated nuclear genes (PhANGs), and suppresses their activities, thereby causing a decrease in the amounts of chlorophylls and the size of light-harvesting complexes. BPG4 expression is induced by BR deficiency and light, and is regulated by the circadian rhythm. BPG4 deficiency causes increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and damage to photosynthetic activity under excessive high-light conditions. Our findings suggest that BPG4 acts as a chloroplast homeostasis factor by fine-tuning the expression of PhANGs, optimizing chloroplast development, and avoiding ROS generation

    Nanometre imaging of Fe 3 GeTe 2 ferromagnetic domain walls

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    From IOP Publishing via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2020-11-18, rev-recd 2020-12-23, accepted 2021-02-04, epub 2021-02-23, ppub 2021-05-14, open-access 2021-08-26Publication status: PublishedFunder: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001691Funder: Japan Science and Technology Corporation; doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100001695; Grant(s): JP-MJSN14A1Funder: H2020 European Research Council; doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100010663; Grant(s): EvoluTEM 715502Funder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council; doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100000266; Grant(s): EP/L01548X/1Abstract: Fe3GeTe2 is a layered crystal which has recently been shown to maintain its itinerant ferromagnetic properties even when atomically thin. Here, differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy is used to investigate the domain structure in a Fe3GeTe2 cross-sectional lamella at temperatures ranging from 95 to 250 K and at nanometre spatial resolution. Below the experimentally determined Curie temperature (T C) of 191 K, stripe domains magnetised along 〈0001〉, bounded with 180◦ Bloch type domain walls, are observed, transitioning to mixed Bloch−Néel type where the cross-sectional thickness is reduced below 50 nm. When warming towards T C, these domains undergo slight restructuring towards uniform size, before abruptly fading at T C. Localised loss of ferromagnetic order is seen over time, hypothesised to be a frustration of ferromagnetic order from ambient oxidation and basal cracking, which could enable selective modification of the magnetic properties for device applications

    Optimized protocol for the extraction of RNA and DNA from frozen whole blood sample stored in a single EDTA tube

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    Cryopreservation of whole blood is useful for DNA collection, and clinical and basic research. Blood samples in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA) tubes stored at − 80 °C are suitable for DNA extraction, but not for high-quality RNA extraction. Herein, a new methodology for high-quality RNA extraction from human blood samples is described. Quickly thawing frozen whole blood on aluminum blocks at room temperature could minimize RNA degradation, and improve RNA yield and quality compared with thawing the samples in a 37 °C water bath. Furthermore, the use of the NucleoSpin RNA kit increased RNA yield by fivefold compared with the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit. Thawing blood samples on aluminum blocks significantly increased the DNA yield by ~ 20% compared with thawing in a 37 °C water bath or on ice. Moreover, by thawing on aluminum blocks and using the NucleoSpin RNA and QIAamp DNA Blood kits, the extraction of RNA and DNA of sufficient quality and quantity was achieved from frozen EDTA whole blood samples that were stored for up to 8.5 years. Thus, extracting RNA from frozen whole blood in EDTA tubes after long-term storage is feasible. These findings may help advance gene expression analysis, as well as biomarker research for various diseases

    Interferon signaling and hypercytokinemia-related gene expression in the blood of antidepressant non-responders

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    Only 50% of patients with depression respond to the first antidepressant drug administered. Thus, biomarkers for prediction of antidepressant responses are needed, as predicting which patients will not respond to antidepressants can optimize selection of alternative therapies. We aimed to identify biomarkers that could predict antidepressant responsiveness using a novel data-driven approach based on statistical pattern recognition. We retrospectively divided patients with major depressive disorder into antidepressant responder and non-responder groups. Comprehensive gene expression analysis was performed using peripheral blood without narrowing the genes. We designed a classifier according to our own discrete Bayes decision rule that can handle categorical data. Nineteen genes showed differential expression in the antidepressant non-responder group (n = 15) compared to the antidepressant responder group (n = 15). In the training sample of 30 individuals, eight candidate genes had significantly altered expression according to quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. The expression of these genes was examined in an independent test sample of antidepressant responders (n = 22) and non-responders (n = 12). Using the discrete Bayes classifier with the HERC5, IFI6, and IFI44 genes identified in the training set yielded 85% discrimination accuracy for antidepressant responsiveness in the 34 test samples. Pathway analysis of the RNA sequencing data for antidepressant responsiveness identified that hypercytokinemia- and interferon-related genes were increased in non-responders. Disease and biofunction analysis identified changes in genes related to inflammatory and infectious diseases, including coronavirus disease. These results strongly suggest an association between antidepressant responsiveness and inflammation, which may be useful for future treatment strategies for depression

    The CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex controls Atg7-dependent cell death and heart function

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    Shortening and removal of the polyadenylate [poly(A)] tail of mRNA, a process called deadenylation, is a key step in mRNA decay that is mediated through the CCR4-NOT (carbon catabolite repression 4-negative on TATA-less) complex. In our investigation of the regulation of mRNA deadenylation in the heart, we found that this complex was required to prevent cell death. Conditional deletion of the CCR4-NOT complex components Cnot1 or Cnot3 resulted in the formation of autophagic vacuoles and cardiomyocyte death, leading to lethal heart failure accompanied by long QT intervals. Cnot3 bound to and shortened the poly(A) tail of the mRNA encoding the key autophagy regulator Atg7. In Cnot3-depleted hearts, Atg7 expression was posttranscriptionally increased. Genetic ablation of Atg7, but not Atg5, increased survival and partially restored cardiac function of Cnot1 or Cnot3 knockout mice. We further showed that in Cnot3-depleted hearts, Atg7 interacted with p53 and modulated p53 activity to induce the expression of genes encoding cell death-promoting factors in cardiomyocytes, indicating that defects in deadenylation in the heart aberrantly activated Atg7 and p53 to promote cell death. Thus, mRNA deadenylation mediated by the CCR4-NOT complex is crucial to prevent Atg7-induced cell death and heart failure, suggesting a role for mRNA deadenylation in targeting autophagy genes to maintain normal cardiac homeostasis

    Investigation of a relationship between a discrepancy between ideal and real peer friendship and a self-esteem in early adolescence

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    青年期は友人関係の重要さが増してくる時期である。特に青年期初期は心理的に不安定な時期であり,これを解消するために友人関係が重要になる。友人関係の種類によっては本人が思い描く友人関係の理想と現実にズレが生じている可能性があり,それらのズレのいくつかは自尊感情と関連することが考えられた。そこで,本研究では青年期初期における友人関係の理想と現実およびそのズレを検討するとともに,友人関係の理想と現実およびそのズレと自尊感情の関連を明らかにすること目的に, 名の中学1年生を対象に質問紙調査を行った。調査の結果,友人関係の5つの因子のうち3つでズレがあることがわかった。さらに,自尊感情尺度得点を従属変数,友人関係の理想と現実のズレが有意であった因子得点を独立変数として重回帰分析を行ったところ,ズレのうち心理的安定化につながると考えられる「自己開示・信頼」因子において負の関連を示すことがわかった。以上のことから,青年期初期には友人関係のいくつかの因子において理想と現実の間にズレが生じており,あるズレは自尊感情と関連することが示唆された。In early adolescence, peer friendships become more important than the parent-child relationship as the adolescent undergoes various psychological imbalance brought about by puberty, such as anxiety and emotional instability. There are many qualitative varieties of peer friendship at this age. Adolescents may have a variety of real peer friendships as well as beliefs about ideal friendships, and there may be a discrepancy between the two. This discrepancy may be associated with an adolescent’s self-esteem. However, it is still unclear which significant discrepancies occur in which types of friendships. It is also still unclear which discrepancies are associated with self-esteem. To examine these issues, we conducted a survey and analysis using a questionnaire. Twenty-four first grade junior high school students (thirteen males and eleven females) participated in the present study and completed the following questionnaire: Self-esteem and Peer Friendship. As a result, we found significant discrepancies between the ideal and real peer friendship in three of five friendship types. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis demonstrated that one of the discrepancies between ideal and real peer friendship was significantly negatively associated with self-esteem. Thus, in early adolescence, in certain friendships,discrepancies arise between ideal and real peer friendships and this may be associated with selfesteem