30 research outputs found

    Porous layers of titanium dioxide

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou, vlastnostmi a metodami charakterizace porézních vrstev oxidu titaničitého připravených sol-gelovým postupem. V teoretické části je zpracován rešeršní přehled o způsobech přípravy a využití porézních tenkých vrstev oxidu titaničitého ve fotokatalýze. Praktická část zahrnuje přípravu solu vhodného pro tisk porézních vrstev, jeho vlastnosti a charakterizaci těchto vrstev.This thesis deals with the preparation, properties and methods of characterization of porous titanium oxide layers prepared by sol-gel process. The theoretical part contains a summary of the search methods of preparation and use of porous thin films of titanium dioxide photocatalysis. The practical part involves the preparation of sol suitable for printing of porous layers, the properties and characterization of these layers.

    Photocatalytic properties of hybrid titania-silica layers

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá přípravou hybridních vrstev oxidu titaničitého a křemičitého materiálovým tiskem. pro přípravu vzorků byl použit tetraisopropoxid titaničitý jako prekurzor TiO2 a tetraethyl orthosilikát a Levasil jako prekurzory SiO2. Byly připraveny vzorky o různém počtu hybridních vrstev. Dále byla práce zaměřena na studium reologických vlastností solu TiO2-SiO2 a na charakterizaci připravených vrstev metodou XRD, SEM, elipsometrií, AFM, pencil hardnes test, optickou mikroskopií a UV-VIS spektrometrií. Byla také stanovena šířka zakázaného pásu a pro důkaz funkčnosti těchto vrstev byla proměřena i fotokatalytická aktivita degradací kyseliny stearové.This diploma thesis is focused on the preparation of hybrid titania-silica layers. Titanium tetraisopropoxide and tetraethyl orthosilicate with Levasil were used as the precursors for TiO2 and SiO2 synthesis, respectively. The layers were deposited on substrates by material printing. Furthermore, this work is focused on the study of the rheological properties of TiO2-SiO2 sol and characterization of prepared films by XRD, SEM, ellipsometry, AFM, pencil hardnes test, optical microscopy. Optical properties were also characterized by transmitance and reflectance measurement and the functionality of these layers was demonstrated by a stearic acid degradation experiment.

    Tender Procedure and the Tender Risks of Projects from ESF

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    Cílem diplomová práce je posoudit způsoby financování vzdělávání vlastních zaměstnanců společnosti Best Buy Investments a.s. se zaměřením na možnosti financování projektu z fondů Evropské unie. V teoretické části jsou charakterizovány jednotlivé formy financování ze zdrojů EU a prakticky zaměřená část práce se věnuje samotné společnosti a možnostem čerpání z fondů EU. Na základě SWOT analýzy se identifikuje projekt a způsoby jeho realizace, přičemž se uvažuje financování formou dotace z fondů EU.The goal of the thesis is to consider various ways how to finance education of personal staff of company Best Buy Investments a.s. with the focus on possibilities of financing project from the European Union funds. In the theoretical part are characterized individual forms of financing from source of the European Union and the practical part is attended to the company and possibility of financing from the EU. On the grounds of SWOT analyses are identified the project and the ways of its implementation considering financing from the European Union funds.

    Employment of people with disabilities

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    katedra: KPE; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 79 s.This diploma thesis deals with issues and problems concerning employing handicapped people. Firstly a handicapped worker is defined. Then the legislation of employing handicapped people is also considered. A detailed description of the terms ?employee walfare? and ?employee health care? is provided. A situation on the Czech labour market, Mladá Boleslav region with more detailed focus, is analysed with a special concern on handicapped people. The largest part of the diploma is focused on Škoda Auto company and its approach to employing handicapped people. Based on working experience findings, collective agreement and Labour Code, Škoda Auto position and approach to handicapped workers is described in detail.Tato diplomová práce má za úkol seznámit čtenáře s problematikou zaměstnanosti osob se zdravotním postižením. Popisuje definici pracovníka se zdravotním postižením. Zabývá se rovněž legislativní úpravou zaměstnávání těchto zaměstnanců. Týká se podrobného popisu pojmů ?péče o zaměstnance? a ?péče o zdraví pracovníků?. Analyzuje situaci na trhu práce v České republice s přihlédnutím k osobám se zdravotním postižením a s podrobnějším zaměřením na okres Mladá Boleslav. Největší část je věnovaná firmě Škoda Auto a jejímu přístupu k zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením. Na základě poznatků z praxe, kolektivní smlouvy a zákoníku práce je zde vykreslena pozice firmy Škoda Auto, kterou zaujímá k osobám se zdravotním postižením

    Analysis and optimization of the production system using computer simulation

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na simulaci a optimalizaci výrobních systémů. Cílem je vysvětlení základních pojmů týkajících se nejen simulace a optimalizace,ale i obecně výroby. Rovněž je objasněna tvorba simulačního modelu v simulačním softwaru Factor/AIM. V úvodní části jsou popsány základní pojmy týkající se výroby. Dále pak vysvětlení procesu tvorby simulačního modelu, rozdělení simulačních nástrojů i výčpoty průbžné doby výroby a výrobku. V poslední kapitole je popsána tvorba konkrétního simulačního modelu v simulačním softwaru Factor/AIM. Simulována byla jednoduchá výroba ohýbaných háčků. Poté byla navržena alternativa tohoto výrobního procesu a byla provedena analýza vyvážení zdrojů za účelem detekce a odstranění úzkých míst.This thesis is focused on simulation and optimization of manufacturing systems. The aim is to explain basic concepts relating not only to the simulation and optimization but also generally to the production. The creation of the simulation model is shown by using simulation software Factor/AIM. The basic concepts related to the production are described in the introductory section. The next part explains the development of simulation model, simulation tools or lead time calculation of production and product. Last chapter describes the creation of a specific simulation model in the simulation software Factor/AIM. Simple production of bent metal hooks is simulated. Afterwards an alternative manufacturing process is proposed and analysis of original and new manufacturing process is done.

    Mixed Oxides as Successful Sorption Materials for Some Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

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    Mixed oxides based on Mg-Al, Mg-Fe, Zn-Al, and Ni-Mg-Al were prepared, characterized and used as sorption materials for different types of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs)– nicotinic acid, salicylic acid, ibuprofen, paracetamol and ascorbic acid. Immobilization of APIs on solid supports was confirmed using X-Ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. Overall, the best sorption material for mentioned substances showed to be mixed Mg-Al oxides (>80 % of immobilized substance after 4 h except ascorbic acid). On the other hand, Mg-Fe and Mg-Ni-Al materials did not possess high sorption capacity (max. 59 % after 4 h). From studied substances, the immobilization amount was the lowest in the case of ascorbic acid (max. 44 % immobilized after 4 h), the highest amount was immobilized in the case of salicylic and nicotinic acids (>95 %, 4 h). The discussion regarding the structure of substances and properties of sorption materials is also offered. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Employee care

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    The aim of this Bachelor's Thesis is to analyze the level of applied system of employee care in the company Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace (SčVK), identify any deficiencies and try to suggest improvements. The theoretical part describes each area of employee care and connections to labour law. The practical part of this work is comparison of the theoretical findings with the actual situation in company SčVK. Collective bargaining agreement, internal regulation, interviews with employees and own field research were the sources of the analysis of employee care. In conclusion is a summary of the discovered facts and recommendations which could help to make the system more efficient

    Therapeutic applications of monoclonal antibodies.

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    Therapeutic applications of monoclonal antibodies (in oncologic indications) Background Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) are one of the possible means of treating oncological diseases. This thesis aims to summarize basic information about them and provide an overview of all antitumour monoclonal antibodies registered in the Czech Republic, whose stage III studies had been concluded before December 31, 2008. Main findings An overview of concluded stage three studies of all registered indications for seven tumour antibodies have been created including alemtuzumab, bevacizumab, cetuximab, ibritumomab tiuxetan, panitumumab, rituximab and trastuzumab. Considering the brief use of Mab in the medical practice, many of the studies have not been finished or their results are still to be published. Judging from the overview, the scope of indication of some monoclonal antibodies rises depending on the duration of their use. At the beginnings of therapeutic use, mainly for ethical reasons, monoclonal antibodies were applied to patients with later stages of the disease. The increasing amount of information on effectiveness and safety of the treatment as part of the research has enabled the use of biological treatment in earlier stages of tumour diseases and also in the adjuvant therapy. In comparison with the..

    Direct Presidential Election in the Czech Republic in 2013 and 2018

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    The aim of the thesis is to present the first two direct presidential elections in the Czech Republic. The first part deals with the position of presidents in particular political systems. It is followed by introducing the way of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic between 1993-2008 and a brief description of the elections in that period. The third part focuses on introducing the direct election itself and its legislative specification. I have described some disputes and situations which preceded introducing the new presidential election. Two main parts of the thesis present the candidates, pre-election debates, campaigns, pre-election surveys and the results of the presidential elections in 2013 and 2018. Further, I have evaluated the impacts of the direct presidential elections. The last part pays particular attention to prospects for the 2023 elections

    Emigration - asset or loss?

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    Téma emigrace je zpracováváno různými badateli z různých hledisek, ať už jako celek rozdělený do několika emigračních vln, se zaměřením na jednotlivá období, nebo ze specifických odborných hledisek. Práce Hany Sekerové se bude zabývat emigrací (vystěhovalectvím) z více úhlů pohledu: z pohledu jednotlivce, který opustil svou zemi, ať už z osobních, politických nebo ekonomických důvodů, dále také z pohledu hostitelské země a země původní. Bude se zabývat skutečnostmi, které jednotlivce k emigraci vedly, pracovat se statistikou, literaturou a zejména pak s osobními zkušenostmi jednotlivců, kteří emigrovali. Celkově by pak práce měla zhodnotit míru přínosu emigrace pro jednotlivce a pro společnost v kontextu historických událostí.The topic of emigration has been elaborated on by various researchers from different points of view, either as a whole divided into several emigration waves, with a focus on individual periods, or from specific professional points of view. Hana Sekerova's work concerns emigration looked at from several points of view: the view of the individuals who left their country, whether for personal, political or economic reasons; the views of the host country and the country of origin are also elaborated on. The work deals with the facts that had led individuals to emigrate working with statistics, literature and especially with the personal experiences of individuals who emigrated. As a whole the work evaluates the degree of benefits of emigration for individuals and for society in the context of historical events.